GUILTY PA - Marcia Poston, 10 mos, fatally injured at Pittsburgh day care, 6 June 2008

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"7-year-old says she threw child to floor

Saturday, June 07, 2008
By Steve Twedt, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Marcia Poston

City police are investigating the apparent traumatic death of a 10-month-old girl at a Garfield day care center yesterday.
Marcia Poston was pronounced dead at Children's Hospital shortly before 1 p.m. after being transported from Bray's Family Day Care at 5113 Dearborn St. An autopsy is planned for this morning.
Police said a 7-year-old girl -- the granddaughter of the day care operator -- had taken Marcia from her baby seat and threw her on the carpeted cement basement floor at least twice.
At the time of the incident, a 20-year-old day care provider in charge was upstairs changing the diaper of one of the other children, briefly leaving four children alone. The children ranged in age from 10 months to 7 years old.
The day care provider told police she heard a noise while upstairs and went to check on the children. When she got to the basement, she noticed Marcia had been moved from her baby seat to a love seat. She called 911 once she noticed that Marcia was unresponsive and had blood near her ears.
Police say the unidentified 7-year-old acknowledged throwing Marcia to the floor during an interview conducted by a Children's Hospital advocate. It has not been determined whether the 7-year-old will return home or be placed in a facility monitored by Children, Youth and Families.
"I've never come across a situation like this where a 7-year-old is the focus of our investigation," said Lt. Daniel Herrmann of the city's major crimes division.
"What do you do with a 7-year-old? You don't throw them in jail. You don't arrest them."
Late last night, the child and her grandmother were still at police headquarters, with staff from Children, Youth and Families and Children's Hospital.
"The child shows no impact of what she did, but will it come to her in the middle of the night?" Lt. Herrmann wondered.
Bray's is a registered family child day care home, licensed by the state Department of Public Welfare, to provide day care for up to six children, infant to 12 years of age. The property is owned by Bloomfield-Garfield Corp. and leased to Loretta Bray, according to police.
Ms. Bray could not be reached for comment."
I'd say they just caught a future murder earliy.:eek:
What a tragic accident that could have been prevented had there been another provider to watch over the others while the one went upstairs to change a diaper. I question how you could get licensed if the changing table is upstairs and children are left unattended. As for the 7 yr old, I would have to know more. Did this child throw the baby out of anger or just to quiet the baby? What is the history of this child? What a shame for this to happen. That baby was just precious looking.
Ok thats just sad. My 7 year old knows what would happen if you did that to a baby so I think that this child may have been disturbed. Its a sad case for both families.
how awful, what a beautiful little girl she was. I too have to wonder what the history is with the 7 yr old. There must have been some signs this could possibly happen.
How horrible!!
A 7 year old doing this is very alarming, I could easier understand it if it was a 3 year old, but with a 7 year old I'd say there is much more to the story. It wasn't just 1 time either, they say she threw the baby twice. :(

OMG! I worked in a daycare center and the biggest rule of thumb is you NEVER leave the children unattended ever not for anything! There is no excuse for that. I thank God everyday that I never had to leave my children in daycare yes we had to sacrifice alot of 'material' things due to being a one-income family of 6 but my childrens life are worth it! What a beautiful adorable little baby girl she was..all my prayers to her family.
Heartbreaking. My prayers for everyone involved. I hope the 7-year-old can get some help and counseling. I have a 7 year old and know many more. This is not "normal" 7 year old behavior, though I surely don't think a child this age should be charged with anything or have a full human understanding of what she did. I would like to know more about what happened.
How horrible!!
A 7 year old doing this is very alarming, I could easier understand it if it was a 3 year old, but with a 7 year old I'd say there is much more to the story. It wasn't just 1 time either, they say she threw the baby twice. :(


You are right about the 3 yr old. When my son was a few months shy of 3 we were visiting friends who had a 6 weeker around. I didn't for more than 2-3 seconds take my eyes off my son when he was near the baby having never been around a newbonr himself. Good thing I didn't because he took a pillow and put it over the baby's face. Gently, but he still did it. I have no idea why, as the baby was quiet, but my son was going through a breif stage doing that for some reason to everyone. TG the stage didn't last long and he was reprimanded immediately for the behavior.

I wonder why the 7 yr old did this and why the daycare provider didn't just change the child right there with the others.
I agree this is not typical behavior for a 7 year old!
This is not normal behavior for a 7 year old at all! The child has some deep seated psychological problems, and I hope the family will seek appropriate help.
Something terribly scarey is brewing on the inside of this 7 year old child.

So tragic. The baby girl was so adorable. This is very sad.
My prayers for all who are involved here and suffering.
I can't believe the 20 year old who was responsible for ALL these kids is facing nothing. And the owner? Look to the adults for the answers to how this happened, not a 1st/2nd grade child! I'm pretty sickened all the blame is on her.

Who thinks a 7 year old stuck in a basement with a group of crying babies is good for her? Obviously it wasn't. She should have been playing ouside with kids her own age (on what was a beautiful day in Pittsburgh), not being a mini-babysitter herself.
I have a seven year old son, he has been around babies most of his life and he knows for the most part, it's best if he just keeps his hands off of them. Since I have taught him how to handle babies, how to be gentle, how to be careful, would I leave him alone with a baby? No, never.

That is the thing I find most alarming. Not that a seven year old committed a crime, but that the seven year old was left alone long enough with the baby TO commit the crime. At the least the Daycare Center itself should be reviewed.

Why wasn't this child with her own age group?

Without further information about this child's background and history, I have a hard time condemning them to the likes of an actual murderer. Yes, for a seven year old to throw another child is extreme behavior but it isn't unheard of for children this age to still not understand the consequences of life and death.

My son has never been to a funeral, never seen a dead person, never experienced loss. When you tell him to say, 'get down off that dog house because it might fall over and you could crack your head open'. He will say, 'then you will have to take me to the hospital and get me fixed up right?' It just doesn't register with him (no matter how much you explain) that there is something harsher then the hospital after you hurt yourself.

I can't believe so many people are jumping to judge this child so quickly. It is entirely possible the kid knew what they were doing was wrong but not understand just how wrong it was. Now if you show me a string of similarly aggressive behavior in the past, I might have to agree, this child needs some serious mental help, but at this point, the only mental help this child needs is help understanding and dealing with the grief they will feel as they come to understand just exactly what they have done.
This woman is 20 yrs old and is watching 5 children between 10 mos to 7 yrs? :eek: I'm thinking she didn't realize that you just can't leave little babies with older kids like that. I remember having to keep telling my older son to be gentle with his younger sisters because he just didn't realize his strength. This child sounds like she needed some attention and was angry because the others were getting it and the baby was probably crying. (Just my thoughts.)

Who would leave their children in that situation willingly? Were any of the children hers?
My son was perfectly capable of spending a few minutes alone with a baby.

IMO there is something wrong with a 7 year old that isn't.
"What do you do with a 7-year-old? You don't throw them in jail. You don't arrest them."

Umm, yes you do. You throw her in jail along with the "caregiver". Then you close the daycare down.

This was not an accident, she did it on purpose.
She took the baby out of her chair and threw her on the floor TWICE.
The kid is a monster. Give her therapy and love in a secure facility until she is 18.
What a tragic accident that could have been prevented had there been another provider to watch over the others while the one went upstairs to change a diaper......

The 20 yr old should have changed the other child downstairs. The children should have never been left alone. Actually if the day care center had enough employees, this most likely would never have happened.:mad:
I didn't read the article, but my first thoughts were if the sitter had any thing to do with it, and not the seven year old?

The child admitted it when questioned. I asked my seven year old daughter what would happen if you threw a baby on the ground and she said "Momma, I wouldnt do that, that baby would be hurt and cry"! And then I told her what happened and that it was wrong.
Umm, yes you do. You throw her in jail along with the "caregiver". Then you close the daycare down.

This was not an accident, she did it on purpose.
She took the baby out of her chair and threw her on the floor TWICE.
The kid is a monster. Give her therapy and love in a secure facility until she is 18.

I was also thinking "what do you do with a 7yo that's killed a baby"?
I know a lot of 7 year olds and they are not all the same. Some are still sweet innocent babes and a couple are going on 30.
I also think that daycare should be shut down stat!
Just to get in the mind of someone that age I just asked my son who just turned 8yrs old what would happen if he threw a baby on the floor..he looked at me a little confused and said ''it would die, duh'' I said would you ever do that and he said no mom why are you asking me that? So I told him the story & said the devil was in that kids brain. Sooo I truely believe that 7 year old knew exactly what he/she was doing. :mad:

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