ME ME - Ayla Reynolds, 20 mnths, Waterville, 17 December 2011 - # 9

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In my experiences and from what I understand LE lets slip out exactly what they want slipped out-- it leads to info and conversations and meetings that LE can monitor through taps and surveillance. the blood info released on vigil day was so very calculated and planned.
It probably is a different situation, but I can't find anything that states blood was all in one place by LE spokesman, or how much blood was found - only a vague statement saying only some blood found was Ayla's? The other statement about "more than a cut" came per TR supposedly from investigators per articles I've been able to find. I'd love to read more on this but keep finding same articles everywhere.

Do I think TR made Ayla disappear - no, but I do prefer an official statement from LE. I couldn't find anything, and this is what I'm basing my thinking on. My example above was just to illustrate kids do bleed more than a little smidgen.(I had a literal puddle in my house, but I should have just kept my experience to myself and asked how much is too much blood). Not trying to be argumentative at all. :)

I was wondering if there are any guidelines or formulas on how much is too much per LE - meaning, is it a particular size of visible area found via luminol(?) say on carpet or flooring, or is it size of blood sample found compared to size of victim. How are amounts categorized, or is it a random subjective thing?

Also curious - if there was a lot of blood found, wouldn't they come out and say she's possibly/probably deceased per the amount of blood loss? Wouldn't LE admit there was a large amt of blood instead of being so vague to begin with by not giving any indication at all? Or just manipulation by LE?

*Meaning, is this blood mention possibly a red herring?


There simply may not be enough blood to know for certain. But I think you are missing an important piece when we don't know WHERE that blood was found. . or HOW it was formed. There may not be a huge amount of blood to be able to say it caused death, BUT, say, there may be splatter on the ceiling or walls. In that case it would be quite safe to assume it was no accidental cut. We don't know, but LE does.
In my experiences and from what I understand LE lets slip out exactly what they want slipped out-- it leads to info and conversations and meetings that LE can monitor through taps and surveillance. the blood info released on vigil day was so very calculated and planned.

So, do you think LE purposely let it slip out that they believe Ayla is deceased? Or was that a true leak?

Pine Street store robbed twice in January...

It may not be related or significant, but makes me wonder if the third "person of interest" who was with JD on 12/15 is being sought for involvement in either of the two incidents...
Do we know where PD was that night? Do we know if she stayed out for the night on a regular basis (at a boyfriends for example)?

If this staying out all night was a one off for her..then that raises a huge red flag!...if she stayed out often or at least a few times before..then its not as suspicious,

Iam sure LE will have all that info even if we dont/
The significance I see in mentioning that the blood had been cleaned up would be that the adults in the home had no solid explanation for the blood being there. The person who cleaned it up should definitely remember how it got there and when it happened. Instead, one of them comes up with a possibility that Ayla hurt her foot but no one thought to mention this to police until after the significant amount of blood was found.

Let's missing, broken arm, other suspicious injuries, custody dispute, cops searching home for signs of foul play. If there had been an innocent foot injury which produced blood stains and you had cleaned it up, wouldn't you mention that to the investigators before they had to bring out the luminol, or would you cross your fingers and hope they didn't find it? After all, the baby had only lived there for a couple of months, it's not like the injury could have happened so long ago that you might forget.
Of if one of them told the police that Ayla cut her foot and another said she had a nosebleed and the third said she cut her lip when she got into a fight with the bad kids in the ball pit that doesn't exist.
The significance I see in mentioning that the blood had been cleaned up would be that the adults in the home had no solid explanation for the blood being there. The person who cleaned it up should definitely remember how it got there and when it happened. Instead, one of them comes up with a possibility that Ayla hurt her foot but no one thought to mention this to police until after the significant amount of blood was found.

Let's missing, broken arm, other suspicious injuries, custody dispute, cops searching home for signs of foul play. If there had been an innocent foot injury which produced blood stains and you had cleaned it up, wouldn't you mention that to the investigators before they had to bring out the luminol, or would you cross your fingers and hope they didn't find it? After all, the baby had only lived there for a couple of months, it's not like the injury could have happened so long ago that you might forget.

Your post articulates my perspective regarding Ayla's blood being found in the DiPietro home exactly. Law enforcement had control of the house for how long--almost two weeks? How convenient to come up with the story after the fact that Ayla had cut her foot. But, of course we are all expected to believe that what comes out of Justin DiPietro's mouth is the gospel truth--right? The same guy who claimed that he slipped on steps and on Ayla breaking her arm on a rainy night that wasn't rainy, he didn't take Ayla to the emergency room right away because he had class the next day although class wasn't scheduled, and somehow his baby sustained bruises on her face from playing in a Chuck E. Cheese ballpit that doesn't exist. Right, and the moon is really made of cheese too....

Yours is a very interesting, thought provoking post!

I've had a very long, very busy day so I'm not at my best, but two possibilities sprang to mind as I read your post:

1. Perhaps PD is totally calling the shots here because she's the only one who has any money to speak of, and she is using the control this position affords her to impose silence on ED, JD, and CR.

2. Perhaps there is someone else lurking in the background whose identity is unknown to any of us here who is, or has been, owed something substantial by ED, JD, and/or CR, and this person is dictating silence; put another way, none of them is going to "bite the hand that is feeding her/him."

If the $30,000. reward hasn't brought any meaningful information to assist in locating Ayla, then this amount is not worth enough to have any of them break her/his silence. Perhaps if the amount of the reward were to be increased to an amount that would buy the services of a top notch criminal defense attorney (and then some), we may see a breakthrough.....

I'm not sure any of them would have to hire a huge hot-shot attorney...I think any of them would come crawling to the case for the notoriety, free...just like Baez did with CA in Florida.

What happened to Ayla tho, I believe may not have been in anyway PREMEDITATED.. But it was however in no way accidental.. It was done out of anger, or jealousy, or spite but mark my words IT WAS NO ACCIDENT!!

Sorry for my long windedness!!

I agree 100%
It probably is a different situation, but I can't find anything that states blood was all in one place by LE spokesman, or how much blood was found - only a vague statement saying only some blood found was Ayla's? The other statement about "more than a cut" came per TR supposedly from investigators per articles I've been able to find. I'd love to read more on this but keep finding same articles everywhere.

Do I think TR made Ayla disappear - no, but I do prefer an official statement from LE. I couldn't find anything, and this is what I'm basing my thinking on. My example above was just to illustrate kids do bleed more than a little smidgen.(I had a literal puddle in my house, but I should have just kept my experience to myself and asked how much is too much blood). Not trying to be argumentative at all. :)

I was wondering if there are any guidelines or formulas on how much is too much per LE - meaning, is it a particular size of visible area found via luminol(?) say on carpet or flooring, or is it size of blood sample found compared to size of victim. How are amounts categorized, or is it a random subjective thing?

Also curious - if there was a lot of blood found, wouldn't they come out and say she's possibly/probably deceased per the amount of blood loss? Wouldn't LE admit there was a large amt of blood instead of being so vague to begin with by not giving any indication at all? Or just manipulation by LE?

*Meaning, is this blood mention possibly a red herring?


There is a lot that has not been made public regarding their findings at the house and most specifically, the blood. Why? Because the quality and integrity of bloodstain evidence can be a crucial factor in determining a verdict. So they are not going to divulge that information.
In response to the bolded statements above:
(These are just my thoughts, MOHO, etc.)

1) The person whose comments you responded to knows things about this case that the majority of the public doesn't. I believe that she has been vetted by the Websleuth administrators as a victim's advocate, and she is working directly with the Reynold's family. I suppose that it is possible that Ayla's mother could deliberately give false information on her website, but what would be the purpose of that? The website is a collaboration of family members, and absolutely none of the information has been disputed by law enforcement. It is also very possible that LE is encouraging the information that has been put out there by the Reynolds/Hansen family. Law enforcement must be very careful what and how they say things to the public to avoid the possibility of jeopardizing the case if and/or when it is ever brought to trial.

2) I really didn't and wouldn't expect law enforcement to make an official statement regarding where and how much blood was really found, (other than what they have already said), at this point in the investigation. However, it was stated that the blood found was "troubling". If I remember correctly, LE confirmed that the blood found was Ayla's only after it was disclosed on the family website.

3) My understanding is, (but I could be totally wrong), that law enforcement has the means and specialists at their disposal to form a fairly accurate picture of the possible crime by determination of the size of blood droplets, location, the patterns of possible splatter, (if indeed in this case they found splatter), the process of cleanup, and etc. It has been officially stated that some of the blood was visible and some was microscopic.

4) I would personally be very surprised if at this point in the investigation, (even before law enforcement has named an official person of interest(s) or suspect(s)), law enforcement would come out and make a statement that Ayla is possibly deceased. Until Ayla is found, there is always the slightest possibility--no matter how remote the probability that Ayla is still alive somewhere. I believe that law enforcement is keeping this investigation very close to the vest, and they are still hoping that one of the individuals who has spent time in the DiPietro home will start talking. In the meantime, they are, (in my opinion), likely quietly building their case.

5) I personally don't believe that the blood is a red herring at all. I don't believe that law enforcement would lie to the mother of a missing child like that and put her through that kind of emotional and psychological agony, and it was quite obvious to me from Trista's reactions to the blood evidence that she is extremely distraught. Just my own perspective though.

1. I was unaware OP was working with family. Thanks. I am very aware LE is cautious about what information is released.

3. I was never second-guessing LE about their abilities or their determination of how much blood evidence. Just curious if there was a scientific formula to follow. I think I didn't quite get my point across. I am not a detective or whoever does things like that and was just wondering. I never read about the visible and microscopic. As I stated, I would love to read more official statements, but keep coming up with the same exact article time after time.

4. The only reason I mentioned amount of blood in relation to possible death was because I was thinking of other cases where someone was declared deceased due to amount of blood evidence found. What I meant was don't you think they'd tell us she could possibly be deceased based on amt of blood, not that I expected them to. (I was trying to be hopeful) This was based on LE statements I read also, which were very vague. I too hope they're quietly building their case.

5. I also don't think LE would put family through unnecessary agony by lying to them, and I don't think that's inferred anywhere in my statements. If it seemed that way, it was absolutely unintentional. It's my opinion though that family (and maybe friends?) could be releasing info per LE to aid in making their case. Not necessarily incorrect information but carefully worded.
Just MHO. Couldn't information shared on public websites also jeopardize the case if not given prior approval?

I think I made it very clear in my post that I based my opinions on official LE information. I think it's appropriate to want official info, along with the info from a distraught mother who might possibly have misunderstood or misinterpreted parts of what she was told. (which is quite possible IMHO) I, like all of us am anxious for something official to be done in this case and wish that Ayla was safely home with her family, that's all.

All the above just my :twocents:
that occ theory thing--- Justin was not home. the sister accidentally killed Ayla and grandma told Justin how the cards would be played.... my 2 cents.

BBM: I agree with your "occ theory" ... it is similar to one of my "several theories" ... lol ...

Here's my :twocents: fwiw :

Justin's sister ED has been on my "radar" for a while -- more so than Justin's GF ... I can't "pinpoint" exactly why - but there is "something" ... I know that many have had Justin's GF CR on their "radar" and I understand that ... but ED much more so than CR ...

But JMO but I do NOT believe the DiPietro's would "cover" for JD's GF IF she did "something" to Ayla ... however, I do believe the DiP's WOULD cover for a family member if they did something to Ayla ... KWIM ?

Now, I do think that CR knows something -- but I just don't see the rest of the DiPietro family covering for her -- unless :silenced: ... I better not go there :innocent: ...

MOO ...
It's hard to watch and wait for news. I'm afraid that it could be a long time before we hear any official statements from LE. They do not have an easy job, and there are reasons for not disclosing all the evidence they have collected so far. They aren't going to I am sure that those case-hardened officers get a sick feeling in their tummy just as we do when trying to piece together what really happened to this baby girl. The one person who wants this little sweetie pie found more than anybody must be feeling so emotionally and physically drained as she waits for news about her baby. She is the one who is suffering the most right now, and I feel so very sorry for her. I don't believe JD's claim about an abduction, so the only other most plausible theory I see is that someone in that household removed and disposed of Ayla. That means, heaven help me for saying this, that if Ayla is eventually found and brought home, she will not be in a huggable condition.
I am so sorry for TR and her family who loved truly loved and cherished Ayla.
1. I was unaware OP was working with family. Thanks. I am very aware LE is cautious about what information is released.

3. I was never second-guessing LE about their abilities or their determination of how much blood evidence. Just curious if there was a scientific formula to follow. I think I didn't quite get my point across. I am not a detective or whoever does things like that and was just wondering. I never read about the visible and microscopic. As I stated, I would love to read more official statements, but keep coming up with the same exact article time after time.

4. The only reason I mentioned amount of blood in relation to possible death was because I was thinking of other cases where someone was declared deceased due to amount of blood evidence found. What I meant was don't you think they'd tell us she could possibly be deceased based on amt of blood, not that I expected them to. (I was trying to be hopeful) This was based on LE statements I read also, which were very vague. I too hope they're quietly building their case.

5. I also don't think LE would put family through unnecessary agony by lying to them, and I don't think that's inferred anywhere in my statements. If it seemed that way, it was absolutely unintentional. It's my opinion though that family (and maybe friends?) could be releasing info per LE to aid in making their case. Not necessarily incorrect information but carefully worded.
Just MHO. Couldn't information shared on public websites also jeopardize the case if not given prior approval?

I think I made it very clear in my post that I based my opinions on official LE information. I think it's appropriate to want official info, along with the info from a distraught mother who might possibly have misunderstood or misinterpreted parts of what she was told. (which is quite possible IMHO) I, like all of us am anxious for something official to be done in this case and wish that Ayla was safely home with her family, that's all.

All the above just my :twocents:

1) You're welcome!

3) Askfornina posts a timeline of events and information regarding articles on every Ayla thread. I will look for other articles mentioning the blood found for you.

4) There was one media article that came out with the news that law enforcement believed Ayla to be deceased, but it was retracted after LE made a statement. I believe that they could very well believe at this point that Ayla is no longer with us, but they don't want to release that information at this stage in the investigation.

5) Perhaps I misunderstood your "red herring" comment? I apologize.

If you are referring to the the Reynolds/Hansen family website, I believe, (but I could be mistaken), that they have the approval of law enforcement to post whatever information has been released on there.

MOHO: I believe that it is very possible that law enforcement is working directly with Trista Reynolds and her family regarding the information released on the website, and in Trista's public statements about the DiPietros. By the way, I didn't take any offense at your comments. I know that you want Ayla to be found and justice served for her.
Totally unrelated article:

But this little girl managed to get out of her home without waking her parents or siblings and walk a mile to the store! Thank God for a miracle in her case, she was found unharmed.

Anything is possible...:twocents:

ETA: She got out undetected, and I don't think she would have been trying to quiet her movements...
1. I was unaware OP was working with family. Thanks. I am very aware LE is cautious about what information is released.

3. I was never second-guessing LE about their abilities or their determination of how much blood evidence. Just curious if there was a scientific formula to follow. I think I didn't quite get my point across. I am not a detective or whoever does things like that and was just wondering. I never read about the visible and microscopic. As I stated, I would love to read more official statements, but keep coming up with the same exact article time after time.

4. The only reason I mentioned amount of blood in relation to possible death was because I was thinking of other cases where someone was declared deceased due to amount of blood evidence found. What I meant was don't you think they'd tell us she could possibly be deceased based on amt of blood, not that I expected them to. (I was trying to be hopeful) This was based on LE statements I read also, which were very vague. I too hope they're quietly building their case.

5. I also don't think LE would put family through unnecessary agony by lying to them, and I don't think that's inferred anywhere in my statements. If it seemed that way, it was absolutely unintentional. It's my opinion though that family (and maybe friends?) could be releasing info per LE to aid in making their case. Not necessarily incorrect information but carefully worded.
Just MHO. Couldn't information shared on public websites also jeopardize the case if not given prior approval?

I think I made it very clear in my post that I based my opinions on official LE information. I think it's appropriate to want official info, along with the info from a distraught mother who might possibly have misunderstood or misinterpreted parts of what she was told. (which is quite possible IMHO) I, like all of us am anxious for something official to be done in this case and wish that Ayla was safely home with her family, that's all.

All the above just my :twocents:
BBM: I agree with your "occ theory" ... it is similar to one of my "several theories" ... lol ...

Here's my :twocents: fwiw :

Justin's sister ED has been on my "radar" for a while -- more so than Justin's GF ... I can't "pinpoint" exactly why - but there is "something" ... I know that many have had Justin's GF CR on their "radar" and I understand that ... but ED much more so than CR ...

But JMO but I do NOT believe the DiPietro's would "cover" for JD's GF IF she did "something" to Ayla ... however, I do believe the DiP's WOULD cover for a family member if they did something to Ayla ... KWIM ?

Now, I do think that CR knows something -- but I just don't see the rest of the DiPietro family covering for her -- unless :silenced: ... I better not go there :innocent: ...

MOO ...

Originally posted by dog.gone.cute.:smile:

I feel that your theory certainly has merit .... probably accidental and too late for medical treatment. It would also be easier for the family to cover it up and maintain their silence if it is one of their own.
:tears: MOO
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