2008.07.22 Joyce and Bailey Dickens Interview

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Feb 3, 2009
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Hello WS :)

Since so many people said they had not seen/heard this interview and it was suggested it have it own thread, I decided to start one.

This interview is with Joyce and Bailey Dickens who are neighbors of the Anthonys.

July22, 2008
(Seven days after Caylee was reported missing)

LE: Present in the room with me is Joyce Dickens and her husband Bailey Dickens and this is in reference to the Caylee Anthony case. Ah, Miss Dickens can you go ahead and tell me if you have any knowledge or what you know(inaudable), what you told me?
JD: I, I, about two, three days ago one of the girls in the neighborhood, her names Keo.
BD: Saturday.
JD: Saturday.
LE: Inaudable
JD: Anyway, she stopped by here and she was askin questions and we just started talking and she told me that uh, she herself had talked to Casey, Casey had called her.
LE: Okay. When you say Casey I'm going to show you this photograph.
JD: Yes
LE: That's Casey Anthony the person you're referencing?
(crosstalk: BD&JD in agreement) Yes.
JD: She said that Casey had called her, ah, I think...
BD: Two weeks.
JD: Almost two weeks ago which would have been about July 9th and she was talkin' to her. She told me that she could hear a baby in the background going "mommy, mommy, look, look, look" and mommy was going "shhh, shhh, I'm on the phone." So she said that um, she um...
BD: Wanted to borrow two hundred...
JD: No, no, no that was another time, another time though earlier she had called Keo, Casey had called Keo and wanted to borrow some money and she was calling from a pay phone. And Keo says tell me where you are, I'll bring it to you and, uh, Casey said, "No, no, I'll call you back and she never called her back until, I guess July the 9th about, you know, talkin' with her again. But she wasn't...
BD: This girl her name is Keo.
JD: Keo
BD: Torres. K-E-O T-O-R-R-E-S
JD: Yes
BD: Torres, now her dad lives down the street here Rafael, three houses down on the left, she used to live here, she came by to see her dad and her step-mom, step-sister and then she came down to see us, gave us all a hug, she's told me she's engaged to her boyfriend she said he weighs 400lbs, and ah, and she travels. She works for a, like a travel agency thing for Irish people, ah, she used to work at Universal Studios with her, and Casey worked there together.
LE: Right, okay. So, this would have been Saturday...
JD: Yes
LE: Which, this past Saturday so they...
BD: (Interrupting) Saturday evening she came by here because we went to the vigils Sunday night down there...
JD: Yes
BD: ...the prayer thing.
LE: Alright, so Keo comes here and she tells you that on July 9th she was talking to Casey?
JD: Yes
LE: And she could hear a child in the background and Casey was responding to that child?
JD: Yes
LE: Okay. Um, did she tell you anything else?
JD: Well she went on talkin' about how Keo and Casey and Julie, another girl...
BD: (Interrupting) Jessica
JD: Jessica was, ah, best friends, I said if there's any place you know where, maybe, you know,um Casey'd hung out at, please let the cops know and everything.
LE: Okay.
JD: And she told me about, there's a little school right over here, Hidden Oaks...
BD: Elementary school.
JD: Elementary school.
BD: And the road that goes down, if you take our street Hopespring down there, if you turn right you go down and it dead(door opens and person comes into room BD speaks to this person saying: "Baby, ah, we got a police officer here get dressed.") you, you go down, you turn right on Suburban Drive and it dead ends into a fence, the elementary school is called Hidden Oak its on the left, that's where my son went when he was one year ahead of her in school, ah, one year behind her in school, he knew her the whole time. Ah, the, the, there was a bunch of fires purposely set up behind that school a couple of years ago so they built a big fence up all around there, so you can't get back in there anymore. I went down there to check it, the fence is locked, all ya gotta do is just do what, she could drive right down the road and go back to the field. Keo told us she thinks if the babys buried it probably buried back there. I, when she told me that, Keo told me this she was sitting right in that chair, I said to her, you have got to give this information to the detectives, you have to do this. Well, I don't know what to do, I said just a minute. So I called Brian Burner down there, he gave me (Happy's?)num...,detective Wells name and number and, and that was like on Saturday and I'm thinkin' Keo's a young girl, she's like twenty-two, she's scared that was her friend, I don't want to step over her bounds or nothin' but, I don't know if Keo came forward and I know you can't tell me if she did, I'm not askin' you that. I just want to make damn sure you got this information.
LE: Well, i can guarantee you it'll be delivered.
JD: Yeah, yeah but she said they just hung out and talked, you know, though out their middle school and high school...days.
BD: And I said did you smoke pot and drink beer, ya know, she said no we just hung out as friends that's what she, Keo said it and I believe her.
LE: Why, wonder what would lead her to believe that if the baby was buried, eh you know, if it would be buried there, if it was dead?
BD: And her mother, Keo's mother told, has been tellin' Keo for the last week that, the ba-, babys buried around Hidden Oaks elementary school. And they, they...
LE: (Interrupting) Do you have Keo's phone number by chance?
JD: No, I'm shoul...
BD: (Interrupting) We can get it from her father.
LE: Well, well I'll definitely be headin' over there to, soon as I leave here.
JD: Yeah.
LE: You know their address?
BD: Its the pink house on the left.
JD: Ah, a few other things she said...
BD: (Interrupting) Its straight out the front door.
JD: ..too is that, Casey really did like to party.
LE: She did or did not?
JD: She did.
BD: She did like to party.
JD: (Inaudible)
BD: She would see her in clubs.
JD: Yeah.
BD: She, she told her, this was very important, she, she tell ya how brilliant this Casey is, she was seven months pregnant before she even knew she was pregnant and she thinks she, its too late for an abortion, she wanted to put the baby up for adoption and her mother, if there was a vote taken on the street she would be the *****from hell on the street if you understand what I am saying, that mother is, is, shes acting all wonderful and nice now, she is evil and she can, very controlling person, control Casey and, ah, Keo said she would be down at the house in the afternoon when the mother came home from work, and if the dad was there, fine George but if the mother came she'd throw everybody out of the house immediately and see Keo said to me she threw me out because I was Puerto Rican. I don't want to get into all that but she said that her mother just didn't like those people. And then she said Casey would date Prerto Rican boys just to upset her mother because that was a love, hate relationship there, the mother is pretty domineering.
JD: And I think she said...
LE: This is, this is Keo telling you though?
JD: Yes, oh yes.
BD: Yes (both agree at same time)
LE: Didn't hear any of this directly from Casey?
JD: No, no we have not. But another thing she said about Casey was, Casey apparently told Keo that her mother had been in a psycho ward for a week. I don't know if that's true or not, 'cause we're finding out , ya know, she's such a liar, we don't know if that's true.
BD: About three, three to four years ago, right after that baby was born, the mother threw the husband out the house, she had a boyfriend they were gonna get a divorce and then about six, eight months later George showed back up at the house, she brought him back in. She's the one that makes all the money, he can't keep a job, she is very domineering, a compete control freak...
LE: (Interrupting) This is Casey's mom?
BD: Casey's mom.
JD: Yeah.
BD: And she, neighbor, Brian's wife that live right beside her, she said I've lived here three years and she hasn't said seven words to me. Tha, that mother, I am tellin' ya, she is very controlling and she's evil but...what Keo said, ah, she Keo also said that she didn't, she did want to get rid of the baby but the mother wouldn't let her. The mother made her keep the baby and have the baby. And, and, I think the baby was cramping that girls style. As far as working, and, and money, I don't know of anything she ever did.
LE: Where does, where did Keo say she lived now?
JD: She lives here in Orlando but she travels a lot.
BD: She flies all over the country and stuff, Keos like twenty-two, Keo Torres, is that correct?(someone in background saying: "Torres, yes.") But Keo is, i would believe anything she says she's credible, we have known her since she was a little girl.
LE: Okay well I'll definitely go down there, if you wouldn't mind(inaudible) I'd appreciate that, now, let me ask you this, take you back, um, all of this was relayed to you on Saturday by Keo.
JD: Keo, herself.
BD: Yes
LE: And, so, you said prior to this call between Keo and Casey that, which she believes was on July9th.
JD: Right
LE: That she called, Casey called Keo prior to that, sometime we don't know when...
JD: Right
LE: And asked for two hundred dollars?
BD: Two hundred dollars, and then she called from a pay phone at that time...
JD: Yup, yup
BD: And she said well where are you, I'll give you the money, she said well I'll call you back and she never called back. I think that's because she got that seven hundred from that other girl, you know that was in the news.
LE: Yeah(affirmative). Alright, um you said something about when she was pregnant, supposedly Keo also told you she wanted to give the baby up for adoption?
JD: She did and Keo was kind of leaning toward adopting the baby but the mother world not let it happen.
LE: Which mother? Keo's Mother?
JD&BD: (together) No, no, no...
JD: Cindy
BD: Cindy
JD: Casey's mother, (inaudible)
BD: She made her have that baby.
JD: Yeah(affirmative)
BD: And, and they ruined that baby. Whenever they were having a garage sale down there, they probably have two thousand dollars worth of old baby clothes for sale down there, they spoil that baby, out of this world...
JD: They love that baby, I mean George and Cindy love that baby.
BD: Oh yeah, they would push the, the baby up and down the street in the stroller and never saw the mother do it even one time.
JD: They definitely, you know Keo said she's definitely a party girl. She wanted to be out clubbing and doing things, um...
BD: (Interrupting) The string of boyfriends that come by here could line up from Toledo Ohio and back...
JD: (Interrupting) Um, huh(affirmative)
BD: ...she had um, let me tell ya'.
LE: Okay. Can you both do me a favor? Can you both raise your right hand...can you swear and affirm what you told me today is true to the best of your knowledge?
JD: Yes
BD: Yes
LE: We're gonna go ahead and end this interview at (time).
Audio :woohoo:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSBGyYFwtTk"]YouTube- Joyce Bailey Dickens 7/22/08 (Anthony's Neighbor)[/ame]
Thanks so much Chiquita! I loved this interview and have listened several times...It was from here that we learned that Cindy was thought of as the neighborhood "B_ _ _ H from H_ _L" and how much they "spoiled" Caylee...

I have thought about it many times, looking at what was lavished on Caylee and NOT on Casey (I mean it is OBVIOUS that a HUGE difference was being made in the two) and wondered if THAT is what lead Casey to become to jealous of her own daughter? I mean, her room and belongings looked like a barron wasteland compared with Caylees and I can see where that may have contributed to some jealousies...We also have this interview telling us they would have yard sales and "thousands" of dollars of baby clothes for sale...which of course, had to have been bought for Caylee...Maybe there was a worse tug of war going on than we are aware of?
Hello WS :)

Well, I think this interview confirms the marital issues between George and Cindy. Both SP and in this interview it is said that George moved out of the house but moved back in. It is also confirmed(for me)that Casey and the Anthony's knew Casey was pregnant or else why would Keo know and be offering to adopt the baby?

I also found my transcript of Richard Grund's interview with LE and I did a thread search and do not see one, so I will start a thread. There is some pretty interesting comments in that one, in light of what has been said lately. RG's interview also goes a long way in confirming that Cindy is/was the one calling all the shots during the search for Caylee. It will take a few to type it up.

DEEPEST thanks! Did you transcribe that yourself? I was tempted. It seems(ed) odd to me that of all the stuff, including minutiae of this case @ so many sources, this one never surfaced, at least for me. That included Docstoc, WESH page, Candy Rise, etc. Anyhow, great job and thanks again. Enjoy your Saturday. I hope that I never cut off anyone, let alone me missus, the way Bailey does Joyce. Just imagine what she could of remembered had he allowed her to actually compleat two or three sentences in a row?
DEEPEST thanks! Did you transcribe that yourself? I was tempted. It seems(ed) odd to me that of all the stuff, including minutiae of this case @ so many sources, this one never surfaced, at least for me. That included Docstoc, WESH page, Candy Rise, etc. Anyhow, great job and thanks again. Enjoy your Saturday. I hope that I never cut off anyone, let alone me missus, the way Bailey does Joyce. Just imagine what she could of remembered had he allowed her to actually compleat two or three sentences in a row?

I don't think the official transcript has been released yet? That tape was recorded by the Dickens.
I don't think the official transcript has been released yet? That tape was recorded by the Dickens.
Ahhhhh. That makes a great deal of sense to me, now. I was sorely tempted to transcribe but me girl thinks I am already WAYYYYY too into the case. Is anyone going to post it to their Docstoc account? It will get tossed around (in a positive manner) big time, IMHO.
DEEPEST thanks! Did you transcribe that yourself? I was tempted. It seems(ed) odd to me that of all the stuff, including minutiae of this case @ so many sources, this one never surfaced, at least for me. That included Docstoc, WESH page, Candy Rise, etc. Anyhow, great job and thanks again. Enjoy your Saturday. I hope that I never cut off anyone, let alone me missus, the way Bailey does Joyce. Just imagine what she could of remembered had he allowed her to actually compleat two or three sentences in a row?

Kiomarie Cruz interview with LE.

Excellent Chiquita,
Does anyone know if this couple is on the state's witness list?
Now we know why no friends , family or neighbors came forward for the A"s......They had nothing nice to say about them , or reference their character( at least in a helpful way)
I learned a couple things today. I guess That means I donna have to learn anything tomorrow. :innocent: Thanks!

oh nooo, that's cheating! Every day.. at least one thing!!

O/T- love your siggie link, looks like we have a bit in common. :blowkiss:
Excellent Chiquita,
Does anyone know if this couple is on the state's witness list?
Now we know why no friends , family or neighbors came forward for the A"s......They had nothing nice to say about them , or reference their character( at least in a helpful way)

We already knew that! LOL
Thanks so much Chiquita! I loved this interview and have listened several times...It was from here that we learned that Cindy was thought of as the neighborhood "B_ _ _ H from H_ _L" and how much they "spoiled" Caylee...

I have thought about it many times, looking at what was lavished on Caylee and NOT on Casey (I mean it is OBVIOUS that a HUGE difference was being made in the two) and wondered if THAT is what lead Casey to become to jealous of her own daughter? I mean, her room and belongings looked like a barron wasteland compared with Caylees and I can see where that may have contributed to some jealousies...We also have this interview telling us they would have yard sales and "thousands" of dollars of baby clothes for sale...which of course, had to have been bought for Caylee...Maybe there was a worse tug of war going on than we are aware of?

The neighbors certainly have been spot on in their character assessment of Cindy and George, and particularly Cindy........domineering and controlling! It's amazing that so early in the case, the neighbors suspected that Caylee was buried somewhere around Hidden Oaks School, even though Caylee wasn't buried...........just tossed into the woods like garbage......they were right in regards to where Caylee was eventually found.

Interesting too that just a week after it was first reported that Caylee was "missing" the neighbors weren't buying it - they thought she was dead. I think the neighbors had/have a better handle on what was going on in the Anthony household.
I listened to the interview and think it is kind of sad really. Neighbors who are so eager to pin something on someone else based on another young woman's talk/gossip. Something really bugs me about all of these quick to judgement people. Especially Kio claiming she would know exactly what KC would do with Caylee if she were dead.:waitasec: Remember these interviews were before we all knew what we know now.

I don't care so much about their opinions on CA being bossy and all that - we know that's true - but the fact that they believe Kio blindly bothers me. Is Kio clairvoyant?

Just chiming in to state how listening to that interview made me feel. I'm surprised I hadn't heard it earlier.
Wonder what else I've missed.:crazy:
Do the phone calls show up on the phone records?
I listened to the interview and think it is kind of sad really. Neighbors who are so eager to pin something on someone else based on another young woman's talk/gossip. Something really bugs me about all of these quick to judgement people. Especially Kio claiming she would know exactly what KC would do with Caylee if she were dead.:waitasec: Remember these interviews were before we all knew what we know now.

I don't care so much about their opinions on CA being bossy and all that - we know that's true - but the fact that they believe Kio blindly bothers me. Is Kio clairvoyant?

Just chiming in to state how listening to that interview made me feel. I'm surprised I hadn't heard it earlier.
Wonder what else I've missed.:crazy:

I thought the husband sounded pretty astute and the wife hesitant.
They knew Kio from the time she was a young child, so I think they could judge her character pretty well. They obviously knew a lot about the Anthonys- and since this interview takes place on 7/22 they were of a mind that Casey was lying and hiding something and probably guilty of killing Caylee- just like the rest of us who had been watching this saga develop. Kio wasn't clairvoyant, but she was right about where Casey would dump a body...
I listened to the interview and think it is kind of sad really. Neighbors who are so eager to pin something on someone else based on another young woman's talk/gossip. Something really bugs me about all of these quick to judgement people. Especially Kio claiming she would know exactly what KC would do with Caylee if she were dead.:waitasec: Remember these interviews were before we all knew what we know now.

I don't care so much about their opinions on CA being bossy and all that - we know that's true - but the fact that they believe Kio blindly bothers me. Is Kio clairvoyant?

Just chiming in to state how listening to that interview made me feel. I'm surprised I hadn't heard it earlier.
Wonder what else I've missed.:crazy:

I don't think LE trusted everything they said either. To me? What shows they we not being completely honest was because of their comment at the end of the interview where they say "The string of boyfriends that come by here could line up from Toledo Ohio and back.." When we know that is not truthful- none of her "boyfriends" had been to her parents house, not since Jesse and the creation of "Jeffery". I think they just got caught up in the limelight.
Do the phone calls show up on the phone records?

Do you mean phone calls between Kio and KC? I don't think Kio ever ended up giving her records to LE. She was interviewed again by OCSO and she stated that it wasn't casey anthony who called and asked to borrow money, but it was actually another friend of hers named Casey W, and it was her child Kio heard in the background.

I don't believe any calls between KC and Kio showed up on KC's phone records, either.
I have to say Kio was very quick to start talking and selling her story. I also thought it strange she forgot which friend called to borrow $200.

But the interview is refreshing because you just know what these neighbors are saying must be more true than the Anthonys kool-aide version of their life.

I didn't believe them either though when they said all those guys were coming by to see Casey. It never sounded like she had her guys over. It must've been what they gathered from Kio that Casey was promiscuous. Kio was a friend?
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