France France - Antoine Brugerolle, 6, Issoire, Puy-de-Dôme, 6 Sept 2008

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Tony Bennett

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Feb 9, 2008
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Just been to France for a week, where the main story is about the 'disappearance' of 6-year-old Antoine B from his home in Clermont-Ferrand. Well, that and 'le credit crunch'.

On returning to England, it's hard to find anything in English about the case; for those who can read French, I've Googled: 'Antoine' 'Clermont' 'Ferrand' and the current listing is below.

I found just one English reference on the Net, which I'll reproduce below also.

The main facts are that Antoine B was reported missing by the mother and her new partner.

They claimed that Antoine was abducted whilst they were eating out at a nearby restaurant [what could have given them that idea?! - T.B.]. The mother also claimed that Antoine had 'run away from home with a ruck-sack and a packet of biscuits'.

The police forensic team found two tiny spots of Antione's blood on a sheet that had just been thoroughly cleaned.

And on Thursday the mother was arrested for questioning.

And that's about all I know about the case:




In Clermont-Ferrand, the mother of a little boy missing since 11 September, has been arrested, along with her partner and 6 other people. The 23-year-old mother reported her son missing, saying he had run away from home with a ruck sack and a packet of biscuits. Antoine, aged 6, was last seen on 6 September.



L'Express Disparition d'Antoine: suspension des recherches

AFP - Sep 27, 2008
Parallèlement, la mère d'Antoine, Alexandrine, 23 ans, placée en garde à vue mercredi à Clermont-Ferrand puis remise en liberté jeudi soir sans charge ...
Antoine : "toutes les hypothèses sont d’actualité" Europe1
L’enquête sur la disparition du petit Antoine sera «longue»

Antoine : recherches suspendues
LaDépê -
all 442 news articles »

AFP L'enquête sur la disparition d'Antoine n'écarte toujours pas la ...

AFP - Sep 26, 2008
La mère d'Antoine, Alexandrine, une serveuse de restaurant de 23 ans, placée en garde à vue mercredi à Clermont-Ferrand, a été remise en liberté jeudi soir. ...

Continental News La mère d'Antoine brise le silence
Continental News, France - Sep 27, 2008
L'enquête devrait durer "des mois, voire des années", selon le procureur de la République de Clermont-Ferrand. Les enquêteurs ont fait tout ce qu'ils ...

La mère du petit Antoine «ulcérée» et «excédée» Le Figaro
La mère d'Antoine se confie Le journal du dimanche en ligne
all 14 news articles »

TF1 Antoine : un nouveau témoignage pris en compte
Europe1, France - Sep 18, 2008
... d'Antoine avait rapporté ces propos à son concubin, qui lui a demandé de la faire venir", a raconté le procureur de la République de Clermont-Ferrand. ...

Disparition d'Antoine: le témoignage d'une jeune fille "n'apporte ... France Info
L'enquête sur la disparition d'Antoine, 6 ans, piétine à Issoire AFP
Le parquet abandonne la thèse de la fugue du petit Antoine Le Point
France Info - Europe1

all 372 news articles » Disparition d'Antoine: les prélèvements n'ont rien donné
AFP - Sep 22, 2008

CLERMONT-FERRAND (AFP) — Les prélèvements effectués à divers endroits fréquentés par Antoine, 6 ans et demi, signalé disparu le 11 septembre à Issoire ...

Antoine : les traces de sang inexploitables Libération
Des gouttes de sang dans la chambre d'Antoine TF1
Disparition d'Antoine: de nouvelles investigations lundi dans l ...

Le Figaro - Le journal du dimanche en ligne
all 29 news articles »
Was the child seen at the restaurant with the mother and her partner, or are the police suspecting he's been dead for awhile? It kind of reminds me of a case in the States. A woman claimed her child (or niece?) had been abducted from a store like a Wal-Mart (can't remember the exact store), but the security video showed the woman entering the store alone. After that, she started changing her story. Consequently, the police think the child has probably been murdered.
Was the child seen at the restaurant with the mother and her partner...?

REPLY: As I understand it, No. They say they had gone to the restaurant, like Dr Gerry McCann and Dr Kate McCann in the Madeleine McCann case, leaving Antoine on his own.

They seem to have added the detail about Antoine's sports bag going missing along with the biscuits to lend credence to the idea that Antoine had wandered off.

There are said to be blood spots on a sheet that had recently been thoroughly washed.

So...Dead. Murdered by mother and/or new partner.

I would like to know if there were any Children's Aid investigations prior to this incident.

I would speculate and say that the partner who is new in the life of the mother and child somehow harmed the child and the mother either was told after the fact or had some hand in the after fact.

But who knows....
I would like to know if there were any Children's Aid investigations prior to this incident.

I would speculate and say that the partner who is new in the life of the mother and child somehow harmed the child and the mother either was told after the fact or had some hand in the after fact.

But who knows....

This is a good question. I wonder if we could find that out someway.
Thank you for re-finding this case, FigTree!
What a handsome little boy he was. Sadly, I am sure the past tense is the right one to use.


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Missing Child: Antoine Brugerolle
Date Missing: Thursday, September 11 2008
Age (at time of disappearance): 6 years old
Age 2013: 11 years old
Location missing from: Issoire, Puy-de-Dôme FRANCE

Mother: Alexandrine Brugerolle
Boyfriend: Sébastien Ribière

Update: 12th December 2012
BING Translation of Article from France Bleu -
The custody of Sébastien Ribière, the companion of the mother of the little Antoine, was lifted Wednesday morning in the Puy de Dome. This 38-year-old man was questioned by the police occupying the folder since the disappearance of the child at Issoire in 2008.

The disappearance of the small in 2008 Antoine at Issoire in the Puy de dome is still not solved. The police working on the file interviewed in custody Sébastien Ribière, the companion of the mother of the child, on his use of the time in the days preceding the reporting of the disappearance but apparently without results. The mother Alexandrine Brugerolle of Strawberry Shortcake has also been heard but as a witness. The couple had been extracted Monday from the Marseille prison where he is currently detained for a murder alleged on a Marseille.


Update: 3rd June 2013
le Nouvel Observateur. Read French Article...
BING Translated Article:

Nearly five years after the disappearance of little Antoine, 6, Issoire in the Puy-de-Dome, excavations will resume in the area of ​​Vernet-la-Varenne and a new appeal for witnesses was launched Monday, June 3 by investigators. Isabelle Monnin had followed the case in 2008 for "Le Nouvel Observateur".

During the summer holidays, many things changed in the life of Antoine. His mother separated from Stephane. She had met Sebastian. He was 29, a criminal record and two dogs. Alexandrine was very fond. Antoine less. Sebastian, who thought the kid was in his way, had decided to take control.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008, Antoine took his first steps to high school. But it is not more like the CP as kindergarten. To his mother, he made comedy and did not return the following Thursday. Or other days, gastroenteritis allowing it to extend the leave. But Thursday, September 11, Alexandrine told him that the next morning he returned to class, whether he likes it or not.

Then she invited him to go fast dinner at the Chinese restaurant close with Sebastian. Antoine refused. His mother left him alone with two dogs and before the DVD "Ratatouille," the story of a small sewer rat that good parenting tips for living his life as a leader. When flushed by storm plummeted that night, adults returned, there was more than the dogs in the apartment. Antoine was not there or in the street.

The police knocked on 4000 doors

At 9:17 p.m., the police were informed. At 23 hours, the prosecutor was called: a child had disappeared. The whole town was searched, cellars underground canals, ponds were surveyed and explored caves, the police knocked on 4,000 doors and asking if we had seen the boy, with his description of the leaflets were distributed in each mailbox , dogs were brought to the overpowering scent, helicopters and also to a hundred men fought in the surrounding woods, the press invests shocked city. Antoine was all over the windows, Antoine was not there.

Update: 3rd June 2013

Le Nouvel Observeur - Read French Article...Call for Witnesses
Extracts - BING translation...

...a new call for witnesses launched Monday 3 June by investigators, while excavations will resume in the sector of Vernet-la-Varenne, announced the police.
"Between 1 and September 11, 2008, at Issoire, you might have noted, see, hear, or have knowledge of an element which may seem like a detail, but which could help find that little boy," details the call to witness launched by the gendarmerie of the Auvergne region.

According to statements from his mother, the little Antoine had disappeared on the evening of September 11, 2008 in the family apartment, while the young woman was out to dinner at the restaurant with his partner.

However, many grey areas remain in his statements and his use of the time. And including the fact that the boy was absent from school for more than a week before the announcement of his death.
The mother of Antoine, Alexandrine Brugerolle of Tarak, 27 years old, and his companion, Sébastien Ribière, all two addicts, 38 years had been placed in custody for twenty-eight hours, end of September 2008, as part of a judicial investigation for "kidnapping and sequestration".
Both were also detained in may 2012 in Marseille following their indictment for murder in another case. They are in fact believed to be directly involved in the murder of a Marseillaise of 37 years in June 2011. Only the young woman has been recently released.

A freephone number (0800 87024 49) been set up attached to the 'Disappearing 63' investigation cell, strong four investigators.


Antoine did not attend school for a week before he disappeared.

Mother Alexandrine Brugerolle and her boyfriend Sebastian Ribiere were/are both drug addicts.

This is hauntingly similar circumstances to little Fiona Chafoulais' disappearance.

Amazingly so similar!
And to add that Antoines disappearance is dated from the 1st of September to the 11th of September 2008. His mother said he was sick with gastro problems and he didn't attend school for a week.
This sounds like the Medical Certificate for Fiona that her mother requested from the doctor for Fiona.

I hope this case didn't set a precedent for the wild stories that Fiona's mother and her boyfriend thought they could use: Say she was kidnapped - No body - No charges laid.

Is this why Little Petite Chou (Fiona Chafoulais) cant be found?

I hope they find Antoine.

Maybe this case might be more appropriate in the Missing Persons forum?
I'll ask a mod ...

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