aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #3

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I'm waiting for the moment during the mitigation phase when JA takes the time to tell the jury to their faces how she prayed for each of them and to God and understands that this was what was meant to happen, that God works in mysterious ways and he put them on the jury for a reason. They came into her life for a reason and she will continue to pray for them every night, no matter what they decide, thereby passive aggressively telling them if you send me to death row, it's all your fault if I die and I will still be above you, spiritually speaking, because I am capable of forgiveness, unlike you.
I think the only person she might listen to now would be Maria De Larosa. In fact in that "headline" photo of her out there, I believe she's looking at De Larosa, not her mother (her eyes would be angled to the RIGHT to see her family at all and they were looking toward the LEFT).

De Larosa is her mitigation specialist and this is her entire job. And Jodi may not even listen to her advice.

IMO, there is no advice De Larosa could give at this point that will save Arias from the DP. Not even if she apologized to the jury for lying, told the real truth about Travis' murder, and apologized to the Alexander family ...
She'll apologize indirectly, "I'm so sad Travis is gone. I'm sorry things escalated like they did. I wish I had walked away from the relationship sooner."

If she goes anywhere near an apology, I think it will be backhanded. Like, "it's very unfortunate that Travis' behavior resulted in my having to defend myself which has now caused this tragedy and ruined my life."

I can easily see someone wanting the death penalty rather than decades in prison pending appeal. I'm a mother, so I'd fight because of my children. But if I didn't have them I'm pretty sure I would rather die than be subjected to prison and the drama of appeals. I'm not afraid to die and never have been. I'd just see it as closing the book. No problem.

I heard somewhere...and I think this was in AZ...where a convict decided they wanted death row, no appeals...signed the waiver etc and he was executed in three years instead of the usual 12-15
:lol: At least you admit it!

I can admit that I am fascinated by her, I have never in my life (I know it is way shorter than yours :)) seen anything like her. I thought Drew Peterson was a nut. :nuts: I followed his case very closely and still do, But he really has nothing on her... she is in a league of her own.

As the trial went on, and she took the stand, I realized I was staring/listening to my dad........which just reinforced why I cut him out of my life about 20 years ago. (OK, "cut" is NOT the right word, but you get the idea). It's been strange, to say the least.
Weeks back, there were comments about JA saying "we drove", "we stopped", we, we, we,.........when she was really alone. GAWD! My dad did the exact same thing, changing "I" to "we/us", in a way to avoid responsibility, or to make you feel like his situations involved all of us in the family, urgh! :banghead:
I hadn't been to the house I grew up in Scottsdale for 10 years, and went down there just to see it be demo'd......I just sat outside and cried for about an hour, so much pain, heartache. Dad had pulled a fast one and had the property "quit claimed" 4 times in an hour to deny any inheritance my siblings and I had in it (it was left to us by my gramps). Whatever, another "dad moment".
Got to tell you though, watching it demo'd was a coup! We had all discussed dynamiting it, but I don't think the city would have cleared it, even with 1 1/2 acres around it, too close to downtown. A developer had bought the property and contacted us all a few days before he tore it all down.
It was very "freeing".
Being raised by someone with BPD and ASPD is very...difficult, I don't know what other words to use.
I don't hate him, I just don't regard him as a human being or someone worth wasting my time on. Somehow, that has brought me peace. I am an orphan by choice! :rockon:
IMO, there is no advice De Larosa could give at this point that will save Arias from the DP. Not even if she apologized to the jury for lying, told the real truth about Travis' murder, and apologized to the Alexander family ...

What people don't get is at this stage the sentence is pretty formulaic.

Martinez will successfully argue how the cruelty definition fits this crime (and it does). Then they will deliberate and agree.

This is the box they are in now.

For the jury to come OUT of the DP box, they have to find something stronger in mitigation that outweighs it. And they won't. Because there is nothing. If JA was a mother, if she'd done anything, even one thing productive with her miserable life, maybe.

Even her mother arguing for her is tainted as Jodi has already admitted being cruel (and testimony about abusing) her own mother.

SHe will be sentenced to death.
I seriously doubt she will ever commit suicide. In her "freaky" world of the weird I suspect she will live the rest of her life convinced she will one day be freed.

And garner "supporters" from her cell 23 hours per day and adapt to it more quickly than anyone here could ever imagine.

I found it so odd she said she didn't want to "live in one place" the rest of her life. Not incarcerated, just "not in the one place". She does like to travel after all. smh

Sure hope Death Row was on JA's bucket list......

Carried over from previous thread:

Let us look at the RUMORED evidence and what does this tell us?

-Dr. Horn says "Something happened in the courtroom"
-JA Mom says "I hope the jury did not see that"
-TA family has to be escorted by LE when leaving

I dont think it was the bomb threat because why would only TA family be escorted and not JA family then.
Also, JA mom would not care if it was unrelated to her case and she was worried specifically about her jury for JA.
The more I think about it, i do think JA caused some disturbance that directly threatened TA family.

If so, shackle her from this point on and duct tape her mouth. IMO of course.

They did arrest someone for a bomb threat. But it seems to me throughout the trial the defense has tried to buy extra time.
In the blogosphere, I am a long time lurker and first time poster so please be kind!

I have enjoyed the multiple threads and conversations and decided to come out of lurking to introduce myself and offer food for thought.

I think we all believe that Jodi is deviant and extraordinary in her absolute ability to manipulate and twist facts and fiction into a story that encompasses nothing but her narcissistic personality with hopeful gain to see her as she sees herself as as an abused woman.

After reading blogs, transcripts, and viewing countless videos and interviews, I am appalled and embarrassed by her claims of abuse and ongoing pathetic attempts to gain attention.

Being an abuse victim, Jodi sends me to orbit and beyond with her thinly-veiled coverups and claims of abuse and I cannot muster one ounce of sympathy for what she caused, much less what she claims.

I came out of hiding upon finding Websleuths and realized I am not alone and that Jodi is the exception and not the rule. I've lived through domestic abuse, sexual abuse and never ever recoiled to harm anyone. We as 'the abused' are forced to be silent but I wrote about it in my journal, gave it to a friend for safe keeping, and I left hints (big hints) to friends and family in the event that something terrible would happen to me.

I was scared beyond belief not only my life, but that of my child too. I faked a life of 'normal' but lived in fear for years.

This woman, Jodi, is nothing but a pathological liar and one who knows nothing about true physical and sexual abuse. NOTHING.

She wouldn't know the truth if the directions were written in print and colored in crayola pictures and plastered on the inside of her own journals. Her schemes, lying, manipulation and faux tears are lost on me as well as other abuse victims.

I am appalled at Alyce and Samuels with their hired and paid for testimony as they do not represent true victims.

I am leveled to a place of previous fear and pure hatred for what she has done to abuse victims who have little or no voice and for those who truly do deserve truth and justice.

I thank you, all of you for being the voices of truth and reason.

My hope and passion is for justice. True justice to the end.

Thanks. Just needed to get this off my chest and say thank you to all who see the bigger picture and see Travis and family in a true light despite the hideous and horrendous malicious psychopathic actions of one who cannot find truth if it slapped her on the a$$ with a wooden spoon.
All I can say is you might, if it were your loved one.

Which is why victim impact statements aren't evidence. They're expressions of the emotions of loved ones and inherently not indicative of whether a crime satisfies dp standards. The State is not supposed to be emotionally invested in the outcome of a trial and does not represent the interests of the victim's family. And that's as it should be, imo.
During her decades of appeals, we might seriously see an attempt for an insanity defense (that got abandoned unfairly for her). It won't work. But still we will likely see it.

ITA. We will see (or those that stick around to even "care" about JA after she is sentenced) all sorts of chit from her/appellate attorneys. Par for the course. Oh well. JA will be :behindbar:
In the blogosphere, I am a long time lurker and first time poster so please be kind!

I have enjoyed the multiple threads and conversations and decided to come out of lurking to introduce myself and offer food for thought.

I think we all believe that Jodi is deviant and extraordinary in her absolute ability to manipulate and twist facts and fiction into a story that encompasses nothing but her narcissistic personality with hopeful gain to see her as she sees herself as as an abused woman.

After reading blogs, transcripts, and viewing countless videos and interviews, I am appalled and embarrassed by her claims of abuse and ongoing pathetic attempts to gain attention.

Being an abuse victim, Jodi sends me to orbit and beyond with her thinly-veiled coverups and claims of abuse and I cannot muster one ounce of sympathy for what she caused, much less what she claims.

I came out of hiding upon finding Websleuths and realized I am not alone and that Jodi is the exception and not the rule. I've lived through domestic abuse, sexual abuse and never ever recoiled to harm anyone. We as 'the abused' are forced to be silent but I wrote about it in my journal, gave it to a friend for safe keeping, and I left hints (big hints) to friends and family in the event that something terrible would happen to me.

I was scared beyond belief not only my life, but that of my child too. I faked a life of 'normal' but lived in fear for years.

This woman, Jodi, is nothing but a pathological liar and one who knows nothing about true physical and sexual abuse. NOTHING.

She wouldn't know the truth if the directions were written in print and colored in crayola pictures and plastered on the inside of her own journals. Her schemes, lying, manipulation and faux tears are lost on me as well as other abuse victims.

I am appalled at Alyce and Samuels with their hired and paid for testimony as they do not represent true victims.

I am leveled to a place of previous fear and pure hatred for what she has done to abuse victims who have little or no voice and for those who truly do deserve truth and justice.

I thank you, all of you for being the voices of truth and reason.

My hope and passion is for justice. True justice to the end.

Thanks. Just needed to get this off my chest and say thank you to all who see the bigger picture and see Travis and family in a true light despite the hideous and horrendous malicious psychopathic actions of one who cannot find truth if it slapped her on the a$$ with a wooden spoon.

:welcome::welcome3::welcome5::Welcome1::fireworks::fireworks2: Great first post! Watch out for Softail.
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