Detective Melich flying to CA to meet with the Padilla's. Confirmed!!!

I am glad he is going out there. Remeber how you felt after reading that 400+ pages of testimony about the monetary crimes. Imagine how detective Melich feels after living in the middle of the murder investigation every day for 2 months. I hope he gets his info and some r+r. He has earned it.
Maybe realize they shouldn't trust everybody in FL, but who, so taking it to CA. They probably don't know how many slept with her and could be getting information to her or lawyer.

Yea, half the force....ugh! I hope that this is it! I am so waiting for an indictment!
That's exactly what I was thinking.

Hats off to kwmred for alerting me to this rumor which has now been confirmed.
I wonder if the detective could also be meeting with the Marine in California that Casey wanted to go visit. Maybe they want to talk to him, too.

My guess would be that Padilla has already talked to the Marine, shared it with LE and Melich is going to take an official statement from him.
Is he there yet?? (nope, I'm not anxious).
I wonder if the detective could also be meeting with the Marine in California that Casey wanted to go visit. Maybe they want to talk to him, too.
hmmm.. that's another avenue. But, why would they need Padilla's for that? And why fly out, anyway?
Just thought of something! Remember Padilla said that he would give anyone who called him with the location of Caylee's body he would give $50,000 to? Maybe someone called and Detective Melich is flying to meet him to talk about it instead of calling on the phone. Don't know though
Thanks, Tricia!
This is good news! Yuri does not mince words and neither do the Padilla's! It is good to know that they can and will work together. Now I feel that there is more hope of charges!!!


Hey LaLaw... What do you think they're discussing? Hmm...
okay how about now?

Instead of just sitting around waiting....
I think we should just get on a plane and go, too.

In fact, I'm wondering why we weren't asked to go. :confused:
I bet he's just interviewing LP and company about what they observed in casey's demeanor and conversations at home on release and possibly getting signed witness statements. That would be relevant to me, if I was the prosecutor. One would think, however, that LE could do interviews over the phone and then send out witness statements to be signed. I really don' know how it works. Anyone out there familiar with LE detective work know how it goes?
Thank you for the information, Tricia. I think all 3 of these guys are terrific and I'm very confident something good will come from this meeting.

Excellent news! I think The Padilla's have a lot more info than we know about.
It seems every time Leonard and Tony have been on TV they have been dropping little bombs - like the refused lie detector tests and the new story with the script at Blanchard Park.
I might throw a party when the 'mother of the year' goes down.
Tricia you are the best for confirming this for us... well you are the best anyway, lol.... they may have had to travel to California if it is a deposition of some kind. That would need to be done officially and not over the phone. I am feeling better all the time that this will be charged before too long.
Ouch! I'm biting my nails. Is he there yet??? Is he there yet??? No I'm NOT anxious..:crazy:

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