Sidebar Discussion

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Sorry about my post. It didn't seem right for the mood of thread at the moment. A drawback of seeing one hundred posts per page is that I didn't realize the mood had become more somber. So sorry about that.

I am glad golf delayed the Anthony BS for one more day. Thank God Sept. 11th can't be ruined by the A's. I would have totally lost it if their interview was the same day. Thankfully, it's now two days later. And I am not even going to think about the A's tomorrow. They will not overshadow such an important and tragic day in US history.
Sorry about my post. It didn't seem right for the mood of thread at the moment. A drawback of seeing one hundred posts per page is that I didn't realize the mood had become more somber. So sorry about that.

I am glad golf delayed the Anthony BS for one more day. Thank God Sept. 11th can't be ruined by the A's. I would have totally lost it if their interview was the same day. Thankfully, it's now two days later. And I am not even going to think about the A's tomorrow. They will not overshadow such an important and tragic day in US history.

No apologies needed Aedrys. I think the thread is headed in that direction because of the threats that are being watched right now. We usually don't hear until after something has happened so I think Homeland Security wants everyone to be on guard just in case. jmo

Please feel assured, btw, that you have the thoughts of this household and many others we know here Downunder.

Many of you may not be aware that our own Prime Minister was in Washington on that day, and we experienced it 'live' just as you did. To us, it may as well have been happening here.

Having fought alongside you guys in WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq 1 and 2, and now losing our boys girls in Afghanistan alongside your own, we like to lay claim that although small in number we are one of your closest and most familiar allies.

Again, our thoughts are with those who died, lost loved ones or suffered at hand of the Devil on that day.
A sad, sad day in history ... and one which changed the way we go about our daily lives .... but DID NOT defeat us.

Thanks Well Done. And thanks for the reminder that Australia has sacrificed their own to fight for freedom and democracy around the world.It's good to have good friends.
Sorry about my post. It didn't seem right for the mood of thread at the moment. A drawback of seeing one hundred posts per page is that I didn't realize the mood had become more somber. So sorry about that.

I am glad golf delayed the Anthony BS for one more day. Thank God Sept. 11th can't be ruined by the A's. I would have totally lost it if their interview was the same day. Thankfully, it's now two days later. And I am not even going to think about the A's tomorrow. They will not overshadow such an important and tragic day in US history.

LOL That's ok Aedrys. You're forgiven.
(pronounce it 'paarrsties) More discussion on this tomorrow!
Where were you?

[ame=""]When the World Stopped Turning: A 9/11 tribute - YouTube[/ame]

I was in Winter Haven, FL where I had lived for 30 years. A little over a month earlier, I had been blessed with the birth of my first granddaughter. My kids lived in Tampa 50 miles away. After hearing about the first plane, I burned the roads up getting to them as quickly as possible.

For most of the next 24 hours, I held my baby. I changed her diapers, fed her, bathed her, and stayed with her watching this horror unfold. That day I made the decision to sell my house and move closer to the kids in order to be a daily part of her life.

That day changed my life. There would not likely have been a Concerned Papa at WS without it. It's all part of what I accepted that day as my responsibility.
Where were you?


I was in Winter Haven, FL where I had lived for 30 years. A little over a month earlier, I had been blessed with the birth of my first granddaughter. My kids lived in Tampa 50 miles away. After hearing about the first plane, I burned the roads up getting to them as quickly as possible.

For most of the next 24 hours, I held my baby. I changed her diapers, fed her, bathed her, and stayed with her watching this horror unfold. That day I made the decision to sell my house and move closer to the kids in order to be a daily part of her life.

That day changed my life. There would not likely have been a Concerned Papa at WS without it. It's all part of what I accepted that day as my responsibility.

Your story is a perfect example of how something positive and good can result from something that is devastating and terribly evil. Your family and grandchild are very fortunate. Blessings to you all

And of course, I am also glad we have "Concerned Pappa" here at WS. Your humor and gentle spirit show through daily and are appreciated.
Where were you?

I was in Winter Haven, FL where I had lived for 30 years. A little over a month earlier, I had been blessed with the birth of my first granddaughter. My kids lived in Tampa 50 miles away. After hearing about the first plane, I burned the roads up getting to them as quickly as possible.

For most of the next 24 hours, I held my baby. I changed her diapers, fed her, bathed her, and stayed with her watching this horror unfold. That day I made the decision to sell my house and move closer to the kids in order to be a daily part of her life.

That day changed my life. There would not likely have been a Concerned Papa at WS without it. It's all part of what I accepted that day as my responsibility.
Wonderful post Concerned Papa.
If I may respond to your question?
I had just finished work that night and arrived home at just before midnight (our time) 9/11 to see the catastrophe unfolding. But I didn't believe it was real.
I spent twenty years in the military myself but, to me, the absolute courage of the responders who we saw stand their ground in the face of terror itself was the most inspiring thing I have ever seen in my life.
It was almost as though one could feel what those poor people escaping the carnage were feeling ... we were all in a way there ourselves.
Needless to say, we spent a completely sleepless night and I will never forget the way I felt at that moment or the tears rolling down my wife's cheek.

Please feel assured, btw, that you have the thoughts of this household and many others we know here Downunder.

Many of you may not be aware that our own Prime Minister was in Washington on that day, and we experienced it 'live' just as you did. To us, it may as well have been happening here.

Having fought alongside you guys in WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq 1 and 2, and now losing our boys girls in Afghanistan alongside your own, we like to lay claim that although small in number we are one of your closest and most familiar allies.

Again, our thoughts are with those who died, lost loved ones or suffered at hand of the Devil on that day.
A sad, sad day in history ... and one which changed the way we go about our daily lives .... but DID NOT defeat us.

Thank you so much. Your post really touched me. I have always wanted to go downunder, it's my dream trip. I think those attacks affected most of the world. I cannot imagine life in war torn countries, and all the little kids who have to deal with it. It's senseless.
Wonderful post Concerned Papa.
If I may respond to your question?
I had just finished work that night and arrived home at just before midnight (our time) 9/11 to see the catastrophe unfolding. But I didn't believe it was real.
I spent twenty years in the military myself but, to me, the absolute courage of the responders who we saw stand their ground in the face of terror itself was the most inspiring thing I have ever seen in my life.
It was almost as though one could feel what those poor people escaping the carnage were feeling ... we were all in a way there ourselves.
Needless to say, we spent a completely sleepless night and I will never forget the way I felt at that moment or the tear rolling down my wife's cheek.

BBM ULBM. Thank you for your protection for twenty years. I wish I had a more eloquent way of saying it, but thank you.
I, for one, would like to be able to use our Sidebar thread for the next 24 hours in remembrance of September 11, 2001.

Somehow, I feel more compelled to talk with my friends about that day than Casey Anthony or her family.

I had dropped my then four year old off at daycare and had a doctor appt in Philly. On the Schuykill Expressway I turned Howard Stern on and of course thought they were spoofing around..they kept talking about (a denigrating name for a Middle Eastern regarding headwear). By the time I got to Philly both towers had been hit. I rememberI kept looking upward...I was afraid they would come for Philly but having been in chronic pain for 9 months and had waited 6 weeks to be seen I was damned if I was turning around. Made it to the hospital and about peed when I heard the helicopter landing on the roof. In the waiting room they had it on the tv and were hurrying people through. The first tower must have fallen while I was walking in...the second when I was being seen because I had no idea they had fallen. I remember people saying something about a plane in western PA and the bridges were being closed to NJ. It took my 2 hours to go 6 blocks to get out of Philly that day...and I went straight back to my daughters daycare and got her.

My uncle worked on Wall Street..he had to walk home to Staten Island. My cousin worked in Newark and could see every thing across the river. She worked with someone whose son worked in the towers and was standing in front of the TV footage screaming.

I'll never forget that time....never.
BBM ULBM. Thank you for your protection for twenty years. I wish I had a more eloquent way of saying it, but thank you.
No thanks necessary bayouland. I've never done anything as brave as those guys on 9/11.
As is Concerned Papa, I'm looking forward to hearing the accounts and memories of other WS'ers. It will certainly be interesting to know what we were all doing 'together' on that day.
Reading these posts brings memories rushing back to me. I'll try to connect my post to the topic at hand in an effort to stay OT.

On 9/11/01 I had a child that had been born 9 weeks early in the NICU of our hospital. I just went back and found my journal entries for that day and the next.... I thought I would share with you.

9/11/01 Weight 3# 5 oz
Mommy rushed to get here for your 8:30 AM feeding. I was able to watch your nurse Becky take your vitals and I got to change your diaper. i held you and rocked you in my arms until you fell asleep. When you are able to take 1700 cc's they will be able to move you our of your incubator.

This morning we got a call from your Doctor. You are not doing well and have some sort of infection. We have spent all day with you and hope to know what is going on soon. You are having a hard time breathing and the nurse said you may have to get some help with a respirator.

The doctors have you on heavy antibiotics. they have given you morphine to make you more comfortable. You are septic and have called in a specialist to identify what is making you so sick.

The events of 9/11/01 impacted us greatly......I recall asking the NICU staff to explain their evacuation plan in case of an act of terrorism. I could not imagine life without our child.

I wonder if KC ever had those feelings?
Sept 11....
Went to work at the office. (At that time I was a nurse for 15 group homes for the mentally retarded). I was in my office and my DH called and wanted to know if I had my tv on. I told him I didn't and he told me to turn it on and started telling me about an airplane that hit the one of the twin towers. I was turning the tv on and about that time, the 2nd airplane hit. For a few moments I thought air traffic controllers were sending them the wrong way...dumbfounded is what I was feeling.

We had to have a meeting at one of the homes with about 15 other people and when we arrived at the house we turned the tv on to find out what was going on and that is when the 1st tower fell. We couldn't finish the meeting. Reports of other airplanes hijacked and now I am scared, shocked and fearful. I don't really remember the rest of that day. I went into nurse mode, trying to prepare for any and everything. At that time, we didn't know what to expect or what was going to happen next.
I can't talk about 9/11 so sorry to chg the subject but I want to confess that I think I might actually watch the Dr Phil interview....I have to find it on youtube or something tho so I don't give Dr Phil any ratings but this teaser has done its job and has me interested...

I don't want to give him any ratings I am just going to sit here and read the great comments about it..we have some real funny people here at WS!
It should be good!!
I can't talk about 9/11 so sorry to chg the subject but I want to confess that I think I might actually watch the Dr Phil interview....I have to find it on youtube or something tho so I don't give Dr Phil any ratings but this teaser has done its job and has me interested...

That's OK Pickle. I can't watch any of the shows that are on about it though I want to get up and watch the memorial...I'm sure there are people here who were directly affected by it on a personal level and I won't intrude but :grouphug:
I don't want to give him any ratings I am just going to sit here and read the great comments about it..we have some real funny people here at WS!
It should be good!!

i finally got to see the clip. every single day of the past 3 years all of the adult anthony's stories have changed. they blink their eyes and its a new day and another story.
I was working for a law firm in Connecticut. At first I thought it was a small plane that hit and we were told to keep working. The TV was on in the conference room and many of the attorneys were in there when the second plane hit. Half the staff ended up going home. I stayed which I know now was probably the best for me because I was able to work my anxiety off. After work I do not remember much except I was glued to the TV. My husband worked for an insurance company and one of his co-worker's wife was on the plane that hit the Pentagon. A few days later we found out that my husband's cousin worked for Cantor Fitzgerald and his wife was 7 months pregnant with their first child. Every anniversary is sad but this one is the hardest for many of us.

Everyone keep safe. There are a lot of civil servants out there tonight who will not be sleeping.
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