Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #5

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24hrs until the funeral. I don't know about u but I'm hoping they make an arrest (or two) before then!
I think some of the comments regarding appropriateness of posts have been very timely. Google searches will bring up posts on this site, and some of the stuff posted on this forum has been dodgy and unjustified (hence mods stepping in). Just because this is a sleuthing site, there are rules, and none of us can hide behind the amateur sleuther tag to go free-for-all on members of the public. Noone deserves to be linked to a murder case unless there is a justified reason (not random hypothesising). The mods are very busy, and in a forum like this, they count on other members been involved in educating other members (particularly new ones) on this. I don't see a problem.
Good morning.

So this latest article is very interesting. It's obvious that they want to get TM's name out there without mentioning it directly.

At least we can be sure who woman #1 is now, and that the two other unfortunate ex-employees that were named in these threads have nothing to do with any of this.

Who has confirmed that TM is actually the other POI?
You cracked it!! Good job!

From the Daily Telegraph

It is understood a former colleague of Mr Baden-Clay's also hired a lawyer after being interviewed by police three times. The woman, a fellow real estate agent, worked closely with Mr Baden-Clay at his Century 21 office and the pair were listed as the joint selling agents on various properties.

The woman's professional profile said she "wouldn't have worked for just anyone" and that she brought to the business "empathy, understanding, a talent for solving problems and above all, a true love of property".

From C21 Website Meet the Team

Toni McHugh

“I wouldn’t have worked for just anyone,” Toni says. “Century 21 Westside were ethically strong, results-driven and very much team players. I bring to this position empathy, understanding, a talent for solving problems and, above all, a true love of property

I thought you guys might be interested. This was posted really late last night about 12.20am there was also another post from a new poster (second post) detailing the person. I lot was discussed in the early hours of the morning?
daily telegraph treading a fine line - hope they got their information correct!
She was on his F/B with his picture.

Cool Cat, this was the lady you were talking about?? why were people being so defensive of this lady?? Geez, could have saved a lot of time if we'd known this earlier.

Brissiechick, hoping you can post that pic!!!!

I didn't mention her name at the time just where she had come from according to her profile......I did howeven mention someone else's name and every one got confused and Melodramatic so I just gave up and let sleeping dogs lie.

She used to be a teacher around here.......!
Quite a few days back, in a previous thread, another member suggested the phone could be on the roof or guttering of the Baden-Clay house. I suggested, considering that area is on septic tanks, it may have been dropped into their septic tank. Another member had a great idea & called Crimestoppers to suggest these could be possible locations.

My question is, a phone would probably short out very quickly if it had been thrown into a septic tank but could it still emit signals??

If not then I'm going with the suggestion the phone is on the roof/guttering of the house.

The police have thoroughly searched the gutters and roof of all of the surrounding houses and the bc's. Plus many septic tanks and rainwater tanks in the area.
Does anyone know anything about the canoeist? Were they a scout? Did they canoe there often? Where they launched from? Were they SES or had helped with search? Prob. Not related to whodunnit but I have always been curious....

Maybe the Police are investigating if someone was seen with/transferring a canoe at the roundabout during 11.30pm and 4am.
From earlier posts here, there skid marks spotted at the site where Allison's body was found.
Some questions -

1. Why (if this is what happened) would you let your wife go walking in an area which is semi-rural (not much street lighting etc) in the middle of the night? If someone I loved said they were going to do this I would say "NO - it is dangerous - DO NOT GO"

2. If he went to bed and left her watching tv then why report her missing at 7.30 am? Why not go looking for her and then report her missing when he couldn't find her?

3. The police triangulated her phone between Brookfield, Bellbowrie and Pullenvale - have a look at the map - Pullenvale is close to the bridge where Allison was found. Why are they not looking in Pullenvale or Bellbowrie which are not close to the BC home.

4. GBC had scratches on his face - I think (supposition) that he grew a beard in the days following Allison['s disappearance to hide those scratches. He also had bruises in the should area which he told police were because of mosquite bites - too cuious.

5. I don't understand why the police are focusing on the roundabout - there is a back road to the Pullenvale area - surely this is the route which would be taken to dispose of Allison's body.

and finally an observation -

If you have ever driven in the small hours of the morning or any time late at night you are never on the road alone - it always astounds me that whereever you are going, whatever time there are other road users, although, that said the roads in that area are not "main drag".

Maybe the accomplice report this morning is a red herring or at best the accomplice was an accomlice after the criminal act? I do think this is a domestic dispute which got out of hand.

My thoughts only!

Hopefully there will be a resolution soon

Still thinking about what this poor girl's final moments on this earth were like. RIP.
The Honda car that GBC crashed do we know who that belongs to. A close friend or family member perhaps. I still think that crash was deliberate and was done to hide evidence on the vehicle or to buy some time.
Maybe it will show up on street veiw somewhere in the area up someones driveway.
The Honda car that GBC crashed do we know who that belongs to. A close friend or family member perhaps. I still think that crash was deliberate and was done to hide evidence on the vehicle or to buy some time.
Maybe it will show up on street veiw somewhere in the area up someones driveway.

I asked that question previously.

I note the yellow car seen in media videos after the parents home was raided, could it be a rental car?
Yellow isn't a very popular choice of car to buy

..on closer look it seems to be a VW with sunroof... rather pricey

in this other vid you can see the sunroof is open [ame=""]Missing Mother - YouTube[/ame] 0:50sec
I was thinking that the first person GBC would have been calling in the event of her not being at home would be ABC and phone records would show this. I know its been said that he called family etc, however the first person I would be calling relentlessly, especially if it was ringing out would be my missing partner. Its my understanding the phone was active after the missing person call. If GBC wasn't calling her then it would be a mistake on his part and didn't think of it to cover the crime :) (if he committed the crime) He would have known no one was going to answer it and thus didn't bother to call.

I know I would also be worried about her missing, but not to a point where it would affect me in a way like something really bad happened. I would be curious about what she got up too and be upset with her that she hasn't come home with the normal routine. I think it would be a cross between anger, fear. Especially if her phone was ringing out. Like answer the damm phone :) Who are you with, did you leave me for greener pastures. Then the latter feelings like maybe something happened. (like when do bad things ever happen - not often, more likely with another man)
I doubt he would say anything positive about GBC as GBC filed a law suit against Flight Centre in 2000. He was suing for damages - unsure of outcome, but he must have left flight centre on bad terms.

All public info from the Queensland Ecourts website.

That could well have been ABC that filed the claim?

I notice it went to District Court...So it was being battled out for sometime.
IMO that is TM. Good sleuthing kailee.:what:

Thanks for that Im not sure similar but mmm. Watching the report again was interesting though

Sister " we just want her to be "returned" to us ? was she taken?

Police " this is a missing person case" ?

There IMO was possibly illegal business practices and some person was going to fall from a great height. Its amazing the people you meet when buying and selling property? I think its been made to look like a domestic?
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