Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #14

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The media does seem remarkably restrained for the last four weeks, barring the mistress story last week.

... so many other intimate murders have had so much coverage, both investigative and analytical, the ordinary punter like me finds a depressively familiar pattern in the circumstances of Allison's relationship, her own tendency for silence, and the eventual discovery of her body in an unlikely suicide location.

Depressingly 'familiar' was her tendency to silence about the alleged years of Domestic Abuse she suffered within her 'bad' marriage; she was found murdered and discarded like trash in a creek. Given that it was allegedly known in the local community that "he laid his heavy hands on her" we need to ask was there family 'collusion' with the DV? Surely they would have known something about it especially that Allison is alleged to have suffered a broken leg at one time.We need to ask was there family 'collusion' with her murder?
The precursors to her murder were that she was disrespected (physical and emotional abuse) and degraded (social abuse) for a long time before she was eventually murdered, found discarded like trash. To then encourage the family, the 3 girls, to carry on with life as 'normal' is IMO significant. Someone had obliterated Allison and also wanted to obliterate her memory and place in the lives of others. Was there a sense of triumph? MOO.
Anyone else notice that the BCs are hugging in front of what appears to be a white Suzuki SUV of some kind - cant link as i have lost functionality for some reason.

Poof.....finish.......gone....... Seems simple for CBC to do lately. Vanish.........story of his life........Romance......well not sure if it is finished also. These things would not help it.....Soon there will be only him to himself.
A report in today's Courier Mail/Sunday Mail of a very well known Aussie, which shows the types of things that happen in a violent drunken rage....could GBC have been drunk as a skunky when Allison returned from hairdresser?? GBC's business was on the ropes...constant arguments about the he takes to the old bottle...

The damning images show one side of an interior door completely ripped apart, ******* beloved black grand piano overturned, plastered walls punctured with large holes and dents from punches, equipment including a TV and stereo thrown on the ground, a glass table, candlestick holders and picture frames smashed and bottles of alcoholic spirits littered across the floor.

Will need to confirm with mods about posting the link as this contains the name of the Aussie.
Continuing that on "if GBC was drunk as a skunky"...can hardly drive in that condition??...calls for help to have Allison's body moved from the house...or if he did drive one of the cars it could be fairly erratic driving police were checking out on CCTV roundabout ??
The media does seem remarkably restrained for the last four weeks, barring the mistress story last week.
In the past I've witnessed generosity from people towards those who are involved in high-profile cases, and I would think the media has helped tremendously to promote a cause.

From the very beginning of this case when Allison first disappeared, I simply watched the still photographs of GBC, and tried the read between the lines of the news stories, focussing on what was not said. I really believed, in those early days, that the journalists were trying to tell us who was responsible. When the "Pie Face" photo appeared in the CM I could only gasp at the implied message: this man pictured is a liar.
I am not saying that they swayed me to think a certain way. But when so many other intimate murders have had so much coverage, both investigative and analytical, the ordinary punter like me finds a depressively familiar pattern in the circumstances of Allison's relationship, her own tendency for silence, and the eventual discovery of her body in an unlikely suicide location.

And in the "leafy suburb of Brookfield," the quiet withdrawal of financial dealings from the most obvious suspect is the gentile equivalent of pitchforks and torches in the night. Just as devastating too, bless their hearts.

Beautifully written Ooohm.
Who owns the gold Suzuki that was in the last hugging photo, it's the same one the hypocrite was driving in earlier media videos......does it belong to the sister and hypocrite?
"According to friends, Mr Baden-Clay was left with no salespeople and the business has only office and rental staff who have been assisted by his parents, Nigel and Elaine."

Interesting??? A loyal employee would stay around and help during this really tough time. Seems to me the only people willing(in more ways than one) to help are his parents.

Century 21 owner Charles Tarbey said he was waiting to learn the fate of the Westside franchise but Mr Baden-Clay was yet to seek required approvals to move.

Can anyone elaborate on what this would entail???

IMO Next week's Sunday mail will have the biggest news report of the year???

Mr Baden-Clay removed a trailer full of goods from the business yesterday.
Hehe not even going there but at least we now know in some way there was a trailer involved ; )

I think people may be reading too much into the closing of his office. From all accounts it has been on a downward sprial for some time. And business is not going to miracly improve in light of recent events, in fact the opposite.
Rent in that office would be approx $12,000 per month. Why pay that when you have no business to keep going. An office is only necessary when you ACTUALLY have a business. Nobody in their right mind is going to list their house with this agency anytime soon.
I think its fair to say that the business is not relocating either!
As for the hug, I kiss and say goodbye to my mother evvery time I see her and that is 3-4 times per week.
Under the circumstances I don't expect saying goodbye and giving your old man a hug is that weird also.
Century 21 owner Charles Tarbey said he was waiting to learn the fate of the Westside franchise but Mr Baden-Clay was yet to seek required approvals to move.

Can anyone elaborate on what this would entail???
:blowkiss: Hey babe, good to see you back!

Charles Tarbey is the Ray Kroc of Century 21. I dare say... He'll be wondering if he's going to see any more franchisee fees from GBC. :panic:
Someone had obliterated Allison and also wanted to obliterate her memory and place in the lives of others. MOO.

This is so true, and I was most upset to see the Clan had removed the tributes from the front fence of the GBC House, it made me feel so sad for Allisons' girls. Thankfully there are a lot of floral tributes etc at Kholo Creek.
Anyone else notice that the BCs are hugging in front of what appears to be a white Suzuki SUV of some kind - cant link as i have lost functionality for some reason.

That's the same car from the infamous channel 9 video. "I helped the police all I can, yadda, yadda, yadda. As seen with the "Can Do!" sticker on the back.

Originally Posted by Bobbie Elliott
Generally, you need to be a loyal employer to get loyal employees.

IMO - Not surprising that GBC lists himself as a director of a Real Estate Employment Agency which prides itself in the fact that:

"The personnel [the agency provides] are exempt from the Workplace Relations Act ... None of the other onerous issues imposed by the Workplace Relations Act apply".
Yes, well, the LNP are well known on their ideas about workplace relations. :thewhip:

Mr Tarbey was critical of speculation online about how Mrs Baden-Clay may have died. One website, he said, had published thousands of comments, including unsubstantiated and possibly defamatory posts.

Not to harp on the point, but you can only assume they are talking about this site or aussiecriminals site, so be careful of what you say about other people or businesses directly. If it isn't true, don't say it.
It would sound like Mr C21 is taking note of them, and possibly recording them for a potential law suit. Looks like he will be loosing a franchise very soon (if it hasn't already stopped trading) so they will probably look at recouping those fees some other way.
I'm probably going over old ground here, but if someone in your family went for a walk around the local block and didn't return, you'd be ringing their mobile first (over and over and over) then getting in the car and driving around looking for them, asking people if they'd seen them out walking, wouldn't you? A person could be laying in a ditch on the side of the road with a broken leg etc.

GBC may have done so and it just hasn't been publicly reported (or I just haven't read it). If however, all he did was call Allison's parents & police, then his behaviour is going to look really suspicious from the start.

It "appears" from the info available that he didn't do any of the normal things a husband would in such circumstances. Maybe that's why the QPS sprang into action so quickly. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.

The lawyer isn't doing much to convince anyone otherwise either. You'd think that if a man's wife had been murdered and the public were pointing fingers in his innocent direction - you'd come out to quell the rumours and give the poor bloke a break. But nah, nada, nuffin.

If he did do it, he's holding up really well (for himself) isn't he.
I have preciously submitted a post indicating that I thought GBC may not have gone out and hired a lawyer, but instead may have originally been just speaking to his business lawyer who he uses for his sales contracts, and so the business connection became 'live' for this case. I am withdrawing that comment. The front web page of his lawyer's website states :

" Jacobson Mahony Lawyers is a specialised criminal and quasi-criminal defence firm practising predominately throughout Queensland and New South Wales".

Now I'm totally sus. A criminal lawyer !
Night "off", Fight with husband, run a bath to escape, chill out, & keep the hairdo dry. Forgot to lock the bathroom door, fight escalates... If someone was lying limp in a bath, I imagine the easiest thing to dress them in would be their loose-fitting workout gear. pull on sweats and a t shirt, () I guess if your dad was coming over.. IMO
That's the same car from the infamous channel 9 video. "I helped the police all I can, yadda, yadda, yadda. As seen with the "Can Do!" sticker on the back.

Yes, well, the LNP are well known on their ideas about workplace relations. :thewhip:

Let's leave politics out of this site !
marlywings - great thought about GBC being over the limit and having to get another driver
Maybe she was having a bath at the time, which is bad enough, but if he somehow subdued or bound her and then ran a bath and forced her into it, even more horrific.

If that was the case, then the forensic examination will show that. The water in her lungs will be different to that in the creek.
marlywings - great thought about GBC being over the limit and having to get another driver

strange moral standards...its ok to kill your wife, but don't drink and'd be a bloody idiot!!
I feel that the broadcast of the funeral and the subsequent quietness of the media has provoked us to speculate.
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