Connie Lawless

Regarding Sandra, Connie says that she was at their home to play with their great-grand-daughter "almost everyday". If that is true it is odd that the little girl wasn't at Sandra's house more often. I wonder if Connie ever saw Sandra and her great-grand-d playing or how MH interacted with Sandra. You'd think with visits that frequent Connie would have noticed something odd about MH's behavior around Sandra.

She seems to me to be genuine in her comments. When the reporters started asking her about being asking the couple if they are co-operating with investigators Connie's answer is, "Of course..." but Pastor Lawless looks down. I may be reading too much into it, but I saw that as being deceptive and it is that point in the interview he seems to shut down.

Something else I could be reading too much into occurred at the beginning of the video when she is questioned about LE's searching the mh and church. She says that investigators took "the usual" stuff from their home. I can't imagine that she knows what LE usually takes when search warrants are served. I sounds like she is repeating something that her husband or MH told her to explain why LE was searching the areas if they were not guilty.
1. Raw Video: Pastor's Wife Talks About Sandra (4/10/09)

My computer acts weird with some videos, with this one I had a hard time with the audio. What stuck out to me was that Connie mentioned her husband and her great-grand-daughter, but she made no mention of MH. MH wasn't mentioned in the clip of the Lawless's answering the media questions from their car either.

She also mentioned that Sandra's sister would come over to the mobile home as well. Do we have a verified source regarding this? I remember hearing that she babysat for MH's little girl the day of the murder, but I don't know if that has been confirmed. I hope that she was never harmed by MH! :praying:
I was really believing Connie until they talked about her frustration with false reports that the suitcase could be connected with the case. I find it difficult to believe her when she says that it is not connected to the church. She was either lying or deeply in denial.

2. Tracy Pastor, Wife Speak About Sandra Cantu
Tracy pastor and his wife who talk to KSBW about their relationship with slain 8-year-old Sandra Cantu.

This is the longer, entire video as shown on TV:

I was really believing Connie until they talked about her frustration with false reports that the suitcase could be connected with the case. I find it difficult to believe her when she says that it is not connected to the church. She was either lying or deeply in denial. :no:

Great idea for a thread, I'm surprised that there wasn't already one going! :aktion033:
I've only watched the first video posted and what stuck out to me was when the reporter asked Mr. Lawless if he had anything to do with Sandra's disappearance, he said, "Me? No."
Then Connie pipes up right behind him saying, no, no, no one we know

That is an odd statement. I think at this point they both knew MH was involved.

With his, Me? No.
Like, no not me, but someone else in my home, type answer. Especially when he repeated part of the question, Me? That is a stall tactic.
And with Connie throwing in, no one we know. They didn't ask that, they simply asked if the pastor had anything to do with it.
What do we know were her activities on March 27, 2009?

Yes where were Connie & Lane............
They seem protective of MH.
Could they also be involved in a cover up?
LE went straight to church first. Lawless was
the first POI also...........
I still feel someone close was involved some how.........IMO
Does anyone know if Connie has backed up MH's detailed story to the press about leaving the suitcase on the driveway?
As I recall, MH said she couldn't find her car keys and cell phone, then took the spare car key and forgot about taking the suitcase. She then said Connie called her at the church to let her know she found her keys and phone, and when asked by MH about the suitcase, said it wasn't out there on the driveway.

I would assume if Connie testifies this conversation never took place, that's serious trouble for MH. "Smoking gun" material in a trial, even.
Connie's initial statements to LE will be most interesting.

She does hold the key to many questions surrounding Melissa and how things transpired with Sandra. She knows the truth of Melissa's story about the suitcase (also where it was stored), the keys, and phone. She knows if Sandra was seen earlier at their house. She knows how Melissa acted before she left and after she returned. She also knows if Melissa looked different in any way.

Connie will know about the church, too. Did Melissa tell her she was going there? Did Melissa have her own key? How long was she really gone that day? How much time did Melissa spend at the church (LE said an extraordinary amount of time)? What reasons did Melissa give for so much time spent there? Were things out of place after Sandra went missing? Did she notice recent cleaning had been done in specific areas?

So many questions...
I've only watched the first video posted and what stuck out to me was when the reporter asked Mr. Lawless if he had anything to do with Sandra's disappearance, he said, "Me? No."
Then Connie pipes up right behind him saying, no, no, no one we know

That is an odd statement. I think at this point they both knew MH was involved.

With his, Me? No.
Like, no not me, but someone else in my home, type answer. Especially when he repeated part of the question, Me? That is a stall tactic.
And with Connie throwing in, no one we know. They didn't ask that, they simply asked if the pastor had anything to do with it.

Very interesting thoughts from a blogger on just this issue:
Very interesting thoughts from a blogger on just this issue:

Very interesting site. Thanks.
I didn't mention Pastor Lawless's demeanor in my last post. But I thought he looked like a man who has been beat. (not in the physical sense) This could be because he is aware of some wrong doing by MH or it could be because he was just questioned for 3 hours by LE (in the video I watched). He just seemed very sad, or worn down. Whereas Connie was quickly giving information, added information, kind of like MH giving info.
Like if I give all this info maybe they'll stop looking my way.
It will be interesting to see what comes out from these two. I really don't think they were involved but I do think they hold a lot of answers to many of our questions.
Connie's initial statements to LE will be most interesting.

She does hold the key to many questions surrounding Melissa and how things transpired with Sandra. She knows the truth of Melissa's story about the suitcase (also where it was stored), the keys, and phone. She knows if Sandra was seen earlier at their house. She knows how Melissa acted before she left and after she returned. She also knows if Melissa looked different in any way.

Connie will know about the church, too. Did Melissa tell her she was going there? Did Melissa have her own key? How long was she really gone that day? How much time did Melissa spend at the church (LE said an extraordinary amount of time)? What reasons did Melissa give for so much time spent there? Were things out of place after Sandra went missing? Did she notice recent cleaning had been done in specific areas?

So many questions...

SS yes these will be very IMPORTANT questions that need answered.
Hope Connie is HONEST and does NOT COVER UP for MH.
bolded by me...........
Connie's initial statements to LE will be most interesting.

She does hold the key to many questions surrounding Melissa and how things transpired with Sandra. She knows the truth of Melissa's story about the suitcase (also where it was stored), the keys, and phone. She knows if Sandra was seen earlier at their house. She knows how Melissa acted before she left and after she returned. She also knows if Melissa looked different in any way.

Connie will know about the church, too. Did Melissa tell her she was going there? Did Melissa have her own key? How long was she really gone that day? How much time did Melissa spend at the church (LE said an extraordinary amount of time)? What reasons did Melissa give for so much time spent there? Were things out of place after Sandra went missing? Did she notice recent cleaning had been done in specific areas?

So many questions...

I cant remember where I read it now, SS but I thought Connie said Melissa went to the church for about an hour and returned. I think she said Melissa didn't act any different when she came back but I am not sure about that.

Very interesting site. Thanks.
I didn't mention Pastor Lawless's demeanor in my last post. But I thought he looked like a man who has been beat. (not in the physical sense) This could be because he is aware of some wrong doing by MH or it could be because he was just questioned for 3 hours by LE (in the video I watched). He just seemed very sad, or worn down. Whereas Connie was quickly giving information, added information, kind of like MH giving info.
Like if I give all this info maybe they'll stop looking my way.
It will be interesting to see what comes out from these two. I really don't think they were involved but I do think they hold a lot of answers to many of our questions.

I don't think either of them were involved in any manner, either.

I think when all of this comes out they too have been victimized by their very own granddaughter. They opened their home and hearts to her and M. I feel sorry for them. I am sure neither one of them wants to believe MH is capable of this.

Well, I can say that Connie must be a Republican. I belong to a women's Republican group in my area. I received an email from them about an upcoming event. The email lists the 100 plus members names & emails and Connie Lawless' contact information was there.
I never paid attention to that before as I had never heard of her before this tragedy.

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