Found Deceased MI - Venus Stewart, 32, Colon, 28 April 2010 - # 3 *D. Stewart guilty*

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Looks like Doug left to avoid this:

Newport News police are not involved in the investigation, other than helping Michigan investigators to obtain and serve search warrants. Lou Thurston, spokesman for Newport News police, said if charges are filed against Douglas Stewart while he is living here, local police would arrest him on a fugitive warrant and arrange extradition to Michigan.,0,618410.story
IF he left his home, he can't take either of his vehicles, because those are impounded by Newport News PD.

I wonder how he's traveling, or if LE even know where he is!

Again, the sentence from the newspaper:

Police also believe Stewart may have left his home in Newport News, Virginia and may be headed to Michigan.

They don't KNOW if he's left his home? Has he been under surveillance? I surely hope so!

I believe LE releasing that he may have left and may be headed to MI. Means they know exactly where he is and they want him to know they know it.
IF he left his home, he can't take either of his vehicles, because those are impounded by Newport News PD.

I wonder how he's traveling, or if LE even know where he is!

Again, the sentence from the newspaper:

Police also believe Stewart may have left his home in Newport News, Virginia and may be headed to Michigan.

They don't KNOW if he's left his home? Has he been under surveillance? I surely hope so!

Puff - do we know for sure LE took both vehicles? The warrants listed what LE took from each vehicle but not that they were towed in. TIA
Puff - do we know for sure LE took both vehicles? The warrants listed what LE took from each vehicle but not that they were towed in. TIA

In an earlier article, I read that Newport News police seized both vehicles, so I assume that they're impounded.

THIS ARTICLE says that Newport News police seized the vehicles on Wednesday, May 5.
All I have to say is that I hope the protections in place for the children are solid, well organized, and that they can be moved quickly and quietly if need be.

If Doug is guilty, he has to feel the net closing in and that makes me worry for everyone else involved in this case. The most dangerous thing in the world is someone with nothing left to lose.
from his apt to Busch would really be only about 20 minutes.. if that... its a straight shot up 64 west basically.

Actually... I JUST saw his address on the search warrant.. so..he lives in another highrise which is quite a bit farther away from where I thought... so, 40 minutes is probably about right.

very odd they would have moved to this place... its not a good area..
All I have to say is that I hope the protections in place for the children are solid, well organized, and that they can be moved quickly and quietly if need be.

If Doug is guilty, he has to feel the net closing in and that makes me worry for everyone else involved in this case. The most dangerous thing in the world is someone with nothing left to lose.

ITA with you completely. They better have LE standing outside whatever building/house/place those kids are at so that he can't get anywhere near them. I have been afraid ever since I heard about this case that he'd go for the kids next.
It seems like every case we follow these days is affected by poor reporting...:( so who knows...
It seems like every case we follow these days is affected by poor reporting...:( so who knows...

They're all trying to outdo each other getting stories out fast, instead of checking their facts, interviewing carefully, asking good questions, listening carefully, or even proofreading their articles. It's very frustrating when what you're looking for is accuracy. I'd rather wait for a good, carefully researched and thoughtfully written article.
So, which one can it be? DS has been in VA all this time or DS has been working in South Detroit this time?
This whole thing is all over the place now.
The cops could not stop him from leaving Virginia if they don't have a warrant for his arrest. But that doesn't mean they aren't following his every move, which I am sure they are, if he is in Michigan, then obviously, there are plenty of MSP troopers they can assign to keep tabs on him at all times, and that's a good thing. What's troubling is that they have not arrested him yet.
The cops could not stop him from leaving Virginia if they don't have a warrant for his arrest. But that doesn't mean they aren't following his every move, which I am sure they are, if he is in Michigan, then obviously, there are plenty of MSP troopers they can assign to keep tabs on him at all times, and that's a good thing. What's troubling is that they have not arrested him yet.
If he is arrested within the hour, I wil roll my eyes.
wow, lots of news since I was last able to check in. :( all bad news in respect to poor Venus and not looking good for her at all. But at least it sounds like lots of evidence .....I hope the children are well hidden if he is in fact headed back here.
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