Found Deceased - Michaela "Mickey" Schunick, 21, 7 August, 2012

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that's what I was going to ask. The sleuther in me is out! lol

You did mean TUESDAY, right, quueenie? Or was your friend at the cemetery the day before the discovery?

LOL, I meant Tuesday! Sorry its' been 12 hour work days lately.... He was there in an official capacity and took several pics. I didn't see any of the others, so I can't tell you what they were of, or not of, all I do know, is this is one that he took.
As you rode your bike home after a night out Mickey, I ask myself did you feel unsafe? Did you have the "gut instincts" that something was not quiet right? What was going through your mind as you rode home? Was it that you were too exhausted to think? Or were you thinking about how good your life was? 6 months of college left, a celebration for your younger brothers graduation in the next 12 hours, your sister was in town, your coming birthday? You had a lot to look forward to. We are yet to find out the finer details, we want to believe that you fought hard, you didn't just let this coward get off easy. One moment can change people's lives forever, Mickey you brought a community together, you will always be remembered. What We have done for ourselves dies with us, What you have done for others and the world is and remains immortal. And I truly believe this is you, Mickey.

I think yes. She did sense something. She felt bad all evening. Only to never make it home. I think she knew somehow. Very sad. Sometimes gut feelings are true.
Such a heavy heart tonight. After 82 days, what was thought to be, still came unexpected. Your beautiful face became the face of someones daughter, sister, and friend. Although, I never experienced a lost like that, in a way tonight I did. For 82 days you were my daughter, my sister and my friend. May you rest in peace, Mickey....

I can say nothing that has not already been said, and better. Anything I say now will be cold comfort.
Isabelle, no puedo is not the natural order of life, to have your child taken before you. Lo siento mucho, hija.

What is left for us to do, Bessie? Fight the good fight, finish the race, keep the faith. This must unite people, galvanize them to action. How, when, where, I don't know. I only know it must happen. I hope Lisa Pate's family can find some measure of solace. I hope we can be the vindicators for their lives. To stand in the gap for them.

Requiescat en pace.

I just keep reading this post over and over. It is so very poignent for this moment and so many others... I often wonder why I keep logging in day after day, reading pages and pages, trying to keep up. Miles and miles away from Mickey, Isabelle, Baby Gabriel, and countless others... But I keep looking.

Stand in the gap. Thank you, Donamena.
Thank-you Jarabie for expressing much of what I have been thinking and feeling. I'd also like to say 'thank-you' to all the kind people from other areas who welcomed a gang of folks from Acadiana to this website. Their support, determination, knowledge & humor at times have been a welcome respite to this heartrenching situation. As a mom of 3 & gramma of 7 who lives close to St Landry & Artmosphere I have walked and ridden my bike in the evening on these streets, watchful,at peace and unafraid. The thought that there was a murderer in our midsts was nerve wracking. But in all
of this I have learned several things. 1.The community-Lafayette- I live in is the place that I thought it was. It embraced faith, hope and courage and ran with gusto after a goal.2. One bad apple don't spoil the whole bunch! 3. Even in a works with much chaos, commotion, evil & cruelty there are caring, kind and compassionate people out there. I found a number of them here.

I drove to the cemetary and just peered in. The gorgeous pines enclosing it made it feel serene. I was comforted knowing this was a better resting place for Mickey than WB. As the evening progressed and I continued about my busy day, often thinking of Mickey my thoughts brought this song to
my mind and I can just imagine Mickey, with her wamth, her love and enthusiasm singing it to all of us. May each and everyone of you find some comfort and peace in the days

[ame=""]SWYW - YouTube[/ame]

I didn't know Micky, but somehow she represented all of us, our youth, our hope, our vulnerability, our enthusiam about life. I feel like I have been punched in the stomach.

I am a 60 year old male who is terribly saddened by the tragic events that have made us acknowledge that even without our friends and families we have been exposed to the fact that we are at the mercy of our friends, our families and our neighbors. I see so many people have been brought together because of Micky and our pain has been joined in a huge black cloud hanging over our dear South Louisiana.

The families of Micky and Lisa have been through much, but so have the families of all the girls missing in our area. I know they must live with the questions today of "Is my daughter among his victims?" BSL is charged with having committed the act of murder, such a dirty word to me. How can anyone live with themselves after that. I know some of BSL's family and they are in tremendous pain as well. They must now live with the whispers and rumors and the guilt.

I am not a religious man at all. But I do believe that each person has somehow benefited from knowing and joining in the fact that we are all victims tonight and we have shared in something much bigger than ourselves.

May God Bless all of you. You have given me much. You have made me seen again that people do care. May you all be blessed and find it in your heart to continue on and try to heal. Do not let Micky's death be for nothing. Remember the good in her. And remember that she has brought out the best in you. You are caring, loving, supportive people and I am proud to be from this area. I know that BSL will get whatever it is he deserves. None of us ever escapes that.

I feel like I have been punched in the stomach. RIP Micky and Lisa
Aussie girl, thanks for bringing that up. I know for a fact that you are not disparaging anyone and certainly not the memory of Micky. But I have had the same question as to why. We should rally around all of our people but some resonate with us more than others. Micky was a beautiful, wholesome girl just minding her own business. She was from an upper middle class family.

Unfortunately, and I'm not pointing fingers here, some of the missing have been involved in activities that put them in harms way. Some, NOT ALL, we expect it from and not really surprised when we hear of it. I think you know what I mean. A life is a life and all should be seen in the same way. We are not perfect in any way but we still hold different values for different people.
Keiosha Marie Felix is still missing and people barely know her name. Smacks of classicism and racism to me.

One day, when we are all healed, we won't have to worry about any of it. I appreciate your comments and concern. That tells me you are a compassionate person. I hope that never changes for you. It is a quality that I admire greatly.

Just MY thoughts on the matter.

Thank you, and I believe everyone here shares these great qualities. And you are exactly right everyone is a person, we are all the same we bleed through similar veins (lol quoted by tupac). Here is Australia we only here about 20 missing cases a year through media, I think this needs to be changed. Everyone deserves this hope, care, love and compassion. It doesn't matter about your socio-economic class, location, race,weight, get my jist. I believe we all deserve the right to media coverage, and LE attention. Not sure if you heard of this case but it happened in 1999 Melbourne Australia when Rachel barber disappeared, she was found to be murdered by a girl who babysat her in her younger years, she was only 15, she died from jealousy, the murdered who I refused to refer to took her life because she was beautiful and she considered herself fat and ugly. This murder is due for release soon and the family has made pleas to not allow it. Why I'm talking about this case is because Rachel's mother elizabeth south hall wrote a book called perfect victim, it is about Rachel's disappearance and her families fight with the LE to help them. It is an amazing book that I have read many times, and I suggest it to you all. Everyone deserves a chance.
I want to say a few things if y'all don't mind. First, it always amazes me whenever I realize what a small world we live in. I did not know of Mickey or her family before any of this. Now I know that she was a teacher to my best friends niece, and a friend to my pharmacist. I know that even though she was young, she lived a full life overflowing with love and happiness. This is one of those rare cases when you can actually see what a persons purpose was on this earth. Mickeys was to bring a community together, help someone else's family to get answers, and stop a killer. Please, don't dwell on her death. Celebrate her life. There is not one photo of her that looks like she didn't love every minute of it.
If only we could get the same outpouring of love and concern in every missing persons case, we could get the same outcome: closure in some form. Because every person has a purpose, and loved ones who deserve to know what happened. From the beautiful college coed, to the drug addicted prostitute. EVERY LIFE IS IMPORTANT. I know that I am preaching to the choir,but thank you for listening anyway. The people in this forum have shown me that there are good people left in this world. I am so glad to have become a part of this place, though I wish it were in better circumstances. Thank you all for being selfless in a selfish world.

May God hold the Shunicks and Lisa Pate's family ever so tightly. And to quote one of Mickeys favorite songs, all you need is love. :mickey: :justice:
Following this case since day one, I thought it'd get easier to feel less sad, the more clues that were found that told her story. But yet with every clue of her found, I felt more heart broken and more close to her.

To think us, complete strangers to her are feeling empty, I can only image the pain her family and friends are feeling. The love those had for Mickey put a serial killer behind bars.

To take a life and person as beautiful as Mickey is unfathomable.
Following this case since day one, I thought it'd get easier to feel less sad, the more clues that were found that told her story. But yet with every clue of her found, I felt more heart broken and more close to her.

To think us, complete strangers to her are feeling empty, I can only image the pain her family and friends are feeling. The love those had for Mickey put a serial killer behind bars.

To take a life and person as beautiful as Mickey is unfathomable.

I agree, when I came across Mickey I looked into her eyes, and I couldn't let this case go, I became obsessed almost. There was just something I couldn't pinpoint, and I still can't
Before the sting of the broad brush is felt by any locals, we should remember that the Felix case is a lot more complicated - family members lying to police, etc., and so it's been murky and slow to develop.

Mickey's disappearance was simple and easy to understand.

There on camera one moment, and then :ufo:

Mickey's family immediately began asking the community for help. Her friends took the initiative to post flyers everywhere and get the ball rolling. You couldn't avoid seeing them. I am not being critical of the Felix family here - just stating a fact, that I never saw any Felix flyers, though the family could have done just what Mickey's did. The Felix case and the Shunick case are very different.

Your point is well taken. This is the first time I have ever seen this outpouring of love and concern from the community. Yes, those cases are very different. There were some before Micky that didn't get the same attention.
Should LE treat them differently because the families act differently? Will the next one, should their be one, touch our hearts so much? I'm not sure. Missing girls need all the help they can get. Even when they come from homes that don't place such emphasis on family, even when they are drug addicted prostitutes. Obviously the Shunick family is the type of family many people would love to have. They reached out and many, many were theret to help. They just seem to love Micky so much and they hung in together. They also were very appreciative of the support they were given.

Since the family has issued a statement that they wish to grieve privately, do you know if there are other memorials planned. I'm sure others would like to attend. Some just need some closure, to be with others who care and can support each other. Each person holding a candle that from a distance high above can be seen as a huge symbol of what Micky has meant to so many people.

Do you know if the Schunicks attended any of the memorials? I just can't imagine the pain they must feel. I pray that one day they will get a good nights rest again, without having to wake up to the nightmare they've lived.
ITA...I have only been posting a couple of months, and I guess you retain your newbie status until a mod slaps you with your first Time out. So anyone who wants to see me jump immediately from WS newbie to WS veteran, just make a snarky comment. I think we are all entitled to see some beauty in the photo, bc God knows we have had to see far too much ugliness in this case. JMO.

Oh, thanks for this, SteveP!

(Now -- just to ask one favor -- since you are not completely a newbie any more -- would you consider getting a new avatar? I very much like to read your posts, but ... it's getting where every time you post, my head starts to hurt ...from thinking about you banging your head on the computer!! LOL)
Thank you, and I believe everyone here shares these great qualities. And you are exactly right everyone is a person, we are all the same we bleed through similar veins (lol quoted by tupac). Here is Australia we only here about 20 missing cases a year through media, I think this needs to be changed. Everyone deserves this hope, care, love and compassion. It doesn't matter about your socio-economic class, location, race,weight, get my jist. I believe we all deserve the right to media coverage, and LE attention. Not sure if you heard of this case but it happened in 1999 Melbourne Australia when Rachel barber disappeared, she was found to be murdered by a girl who babysat her in her younger years, she was only 15, she died from jealousy, the murdered who I refused to refer to took her life because she was beautiful and she considered herself fat and ugly. This murder is due for release soon and the family has made pleas to not allow it. Why I'm talking about this case is because Rachel's mother elizabeth south hall wrote a book called perfect victim, it is about Rachel's disappearance and her families fight with the LE to help them. It is an amazing book that I have read many times, and I suggest it to you all. Everyone deserves a chance.

Thanks for the recommendation, I will certainly read that book.

If I were to go around killing all the beautiful people in this area because they are beautiful, I would be a very busy man. People here are naturally physically beautiful. It must be the crawfish they eat. J/K

But most of all, their hearts have outshone their faces. I'm indeed lucky to be a Cajun.
Your point is well taken. This is the first time I have ever seen this outpouring of love and concern from the community. Yes, those cases are very different. There were some before Micky that didn't get the same attention.
Should LE treat them differently because the families act differently? Will the next one, should their be one, touch our hearts so much? I'm not sure. Missing girls need all the help they can get. Even when they come from homes that don't place such emphasis on family, even when they are drug addicted prostitutes. Obviously the Shunick family is the type of family many people would love to have. They reached out and many, many were theret to help. They just seem to love Micky so much and they hung in together. They also were very appreciative of the support they were given.

Since the family has issued a statement that they wish to grieve privately, do you know if there are other memorials planned. I'm sure others would like to attend. Some just need some closure, to be with others who care and can support each other. Each person holding a candle that from a distance high above can be seen as a huge symbol of what Micky has meant to so many people.

Do you know if the Schunicks attended any of the memorials? I just can't imagine the pain they must feel. I pray that one day they will get a good nights rest again, without having to wake up to the nightmare they've lived.

I don't know if there is anything planned. Someone asked upthread if the funeral would be public. My instinct is that the family will want a private service, and do a separate public memorial. They are aware how hard people have tried to find her, and so would like to pay their respects.

As it is said that she will not return to her family for two weeks, I wouldn't be surprised to see a public memorial sometime in the next week or so, probably in a park, like the vigil that was held early on. I am hoping that I hear about it, as I am not a Facebook member.

I am sure that I am not alone among her friends in wanting to call Charlie with my condolences.... but also definitely not wanting to intrude. So I will write her a handwritten letter instead. The nice thing about letters, that most people have forgotten, is that they can be read at the recipient's convenience.

They have said that the search center will still be open, and so that will be a great source of info. Several posters mentioned where they think it is now - after having moved several times, I lost its location after the last move. I may drop by to ask about a memorial.
Hi All:

I am so sorry for the outcome of this case and all the friends and relatives of Mickey's who have to endure this pain.

I don't post very often but the bloodied pictures really made me think. I am wondering if perhaps the pictures are of injuries that Mickey inflicted on BSL. The same injuries that required him to go to the hospital and get treatment. What do you think?
Your point is well taken. This is the first time I have ever seen this outpouring of love and concern from the community. Yes, those cases are very different. There were some before Micky that didn't get the same attention.
Should LE treat them differently because the families act differently? Will the next one, should their be one, touch our hearts so much? I'm not sure. Missing girls need all the help they can get. Even when they come from homes that don't place such emphasis on family, even when they are drug addicted prostitutes. Obviously the Shunick family is the type of family many people would love to have. They reached out and many, many were theret to help. They just seem to love Micky so much and they hung in together. They also were very appreciative of the support they were given.

Since the family has issued a statement that they wish to grieve privately, do you know if there are other memorials planned. I'm sure others would like to attend. Some just need some closure, to be with others who care and can support each other. Each person holding a candle that from a distance high above can be seen as a huge symbol of what Micky has meant to so many people.

Do you know if the Schunicks attended any of the memorials? I just can't imagine the pain they must feel. I pray that one day they will get a good nights rest again, without having to wake up to the nightmare they've lived.

The Shunicks did attend some so the fundraisers. As far as future memorials, it will be awhile. The news said her body will be in Baton Rouge for a few weeks, and then Lafayette parish coroners will get her. So at least a month before there is a funeral, for sure.
Thanks for the recommendation, I will certainly read that book.

If I were to go around killing all the beautiful people in this area because they are beautiful, I would be a very busy man. People here are naturally physically beautiful. It must be the crawfish they eat. J/K

But most of all, their hearts have outshone their faces. I'm indeed lucky to be a Cajun.

You are correct. I've been a lot of places, and have never yet found a town, including L.A. or New York, with a higher per-capita rate of beautiful women than Lafayette, Louisiana.

This is a fact, jack.
The Shunicks did attend some so the fundraisers. As far as future memorials, it will be awhile. The news said her body will be in Baton Rouge for a few weeks, and then Lafayette parish coroners will get her. So at least a month before there is a funeral, for sure.

News has been reporting two weeks. My thinking is that with the outpouring of emotion, and the gap, the family likely will acknowledge the community's effort with a weekend memorial in a city park, possibly next weekend, so that then the decks are clear for them to mourn Mickey privately, as they deserve, when she comes home.

IDK, but every time I scroll through the main forum page and see "body found" bolded because of the ongoing posting here, I don't feel right. Maybe the thread heading could say something like "Mickey Shunick-Located Deceased" or something like that...JMO
This is my personal favorite "mourning" song

[ame=""]The Crow and the Butterfly - Shinedown + Lyrics - YouTube[/ame]
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