Gathering Resources for Mr. Kyle

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Sep 26, 2007
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Let's capitalize on the attention and see if we can push to get him a temporary ID card and some SSI benefits...scattered throughout the threads are people who have mentioned that they have ideas on how to do this or whom to contact-can we put them here and see if we can finally get this done for him?
Benjaman Kyle needs an advocate.
That person could help him through the many layers of getting a new ssn, considering his unique set of circumstances.
That person could help him in finding a job or receiving SSI, if that is what he wants.
Social security number must come first.

Congressman office could do that for him.
Dr Phil show could step up and do that also.
Bk must have met many people who are willing to guide him
through the systems and be his advocate.

He is in Georgia. I am in Oregon or I would volunteer. I worked for the State of Oregon for over 20 years and know my way around state and federal agencies.

Do you any updated news about this situation?
How to get new ssn:

Get an advocate.

Call local social security office for an interview for benefits.

Contact local social security office. Call ahead of time to get assigned to someone who is the lead worker or in management. His case will need the approval of local manager or social security main office.

Bring many newspaper articles, the short police report, paramedics report, hospital reports, copies of medical tests done. Bring the video from Dr Phil show and other tv interviews.

Bring FBI agent with you. If not, make sure he is contacted by social
security office.
He can verify the steps FBI has taken to find BK identity and failed.

There had been talk of his not having the $800.00 needed for copies of his medical records. I would think the Dr Phil show or Congressman's office could pay this.
Write out an outline of what happened when.
Be prepared. Be organized. Be determined. Be focused.

Once ssn received, can apply for a job, can apply for food stamps, medical, housing, or transitional housing.
Once has income, working or SSI, can open a bank account, get a driver's license, passport.
I have to say I am surprised that a hospital social service case worker did not take his case and be his advocate.
Or a church did not take up his cause and be an advocate.
I have to say I am surprised that a hospital social service case worker did not take his case and be his advocate.
Or a church did not take up his cause and be an advocate.

I am also surprised that someone or someones more "powerful" and able to cut thru red tape has not stepped in the ring with a heavy foot for Benjaman. I know there are alot of people in his corner and several of them have made good impacts but it seems oddly not to be making real headway. At least not in the area of helping the man be able to legally work. I know on the Dr. Phil show Benjaman mentioned something about having to say he's not a citizen (paraphrase) in order to attempt gaining a SSN. I don't know the path that was taken in that attempt to arrive at that spot on the issue but sheesh, that sounds like asking a man to give up his birthright, he's already without a true identity and they want his dignity too?!

In my opinion, regarding the SSN, it's only as complex as the agency wants to make it. They recycle SSN's now, people who we know outright should not have one sometimes do, it's not as if the SS system is a shining, working system... the man wants to put something in and pay some taxes... and they have a problem with that?! :bang:

Does anyone know if Georgia's congresspeople, representatives, etc. have been contacted regarding this issue for Benjaman?
He absolutely has to have one-any locals know anyone-Please, begging here. He needs someone to be a professional voice for him...You can pm me whatever.
Didnt he have a congressman working with him awhile ago? I thought I'd read that or perhaps saw it on the dr Phil show...
Is Benjaman still in the same area in which he was found?
Benjaman Kyle is now working with Ga. U.S. Rep. Jack Kingston office. since Aug. 07.
But even they had not been able to get medical records released, as of Dr Phil show time.
I still find it strange that no one, not Ga. Rep. Jack Kingston, or the FBI agent in charge, or friends, or the church reverend where BK volunteered, no one has been able to actually guide this man through the system and find a small bit of information.
Besides the fact, that BK appears to be an intelligent person, who has done his own research online, gone and talked to motel and restaurant owners near Richmond Hill Burger King, tried to track down abandoned rental cars or personal cars in Aug./Sept. 2004, with no success. He has undergone hypnosis and had no results.

I hate to say it, because I want to help as much as the next person, but
I spent over 20 years as a case manager, and something does not feel right to me.

Has BK regained some of his memory and it isn't nice? But then why would he go on Dr Phil show?
Has he remembered that he is gay and does not want others to know or doesn't think it is anyone else's business. And it isn't, of course.
Has he remembered he left a wife and kids and just took off because he was tired of the whole thing?
But wouldn't the wife report him missing?
Has he remembered that his job was somewhat shady?
But why is he not listed anywhere in the missing persons files that so many people have scoured trying to find his identity?
Maybe he has had amnesia before or a fugue state before?
But wouldn't his prints be on file, by some social service agency or police department, so others would know this has been a prior problem?
Hmm. I do not know. But
I know something feels 'off.'
He absolutely has to have one-any locals know anyone-Please, begging here. He needs someone to be a professional voice for him...You can pm me whatever.
BK was working with Georgia Legal Aid. What happened with them?
Hi dreamweaver, thanks for the response. I went ahead this afternoon and emailed off a few letters to a senator, a congressman, and a couple of people with a GA non-profit legal program for his area. The senator's came back right away with an auto-response that provided a personal email (in case it was important - I considered it so, lol) so I remailed it there. I'll post what, if any, result I get from those.

I know what you mean about something feeling "off". That feeling wafts in and out for me ... mostly because I keep getting to the point where I'm screaming inside "why is no one looking for him!" I really want him to have his medical records, I'm so hopeful that something is within them to make a push forward.

Wow, I didn't know Salvation Army did anything like that! Good to know. That'll definitely be in mind when I start hearing bells and seeing kettles soon!
Just wanted to post regarding a reply from the Denver Chamber of Commerce - basically the person looked thru info they had available to them and could find nothing regarding Arthur Treacher's Fish & Chips (I included all of Benjaman's restaurant memories but in an effort to not inundate someone I narrowed my questioning down to the restaurant that had grabbed my attention, in hope that it would make it easier for the person to want to help me and reply.)

She did, however, point me in the direction of the Colorado Secretary of State - which I had not thought of the other day! I sent out an email to their businesses division this afternoon. Again, I included all of the restaurant memories in case someone over there felt encouraged to go further for information. I will post again regarding any replies with whatever I hear back.

On the point of legal advocates, senators, congresspeople... in my enthusiasm the other day I apparently sent an email to a senator that actually is not for Benjaman's district. So far, would you believe it, that senator is the only one to have replied! (To let me know I was a) likely in error in emailing him, b) that he was on his way out of office but if still needed he could put me in touch with who will be taking his place.) It dawned on me after I had sent the round of emails that this was probably the *wrongest* time of year for this but....

So, that's where I'm at with this.
Hi, guys-in the continuing quest to obtain legal ID for Mr. Kyle, I sent off a letter to some Senators that represent Savannah:

"Dear Senators,

I volunteer for an organization that advocates for the families of the missing, as well as for unidentified individuals across the country. I have worked closely with the xxxx as well as the xxxxx office just to give you a sense of my credentials in your area.

For the last sixteen months, I have been working on behalf of Mr. Benjaman Kyle, an amnesia victim who was discovered beaten and unconscious behind the old Burger King in Richmond Hill, GA in 2004. When Mr. Kyle recovered consciousness, he was blind and unable to recall his name or his home. He felt certain that the name Benjaman had meaning for him and he picked Kyle in reference to the "BK" where he was found. First responders to the scene assumed that Mr. Kyle was a homeless bum who had been rolled, so there was no formal investigation done by Richmond Hill to see if the dumpster contained any possessions, if nearby hotels were missing any guests, or if there were any abandoned vehicles near by. Eight months after he was discovered, Mr. Kyle's sight was restored by doctors kind enough to donate their services to him-his first thought when he looked at himself in the mirror was that he had lost 20 years.

Fast forward to 2008-Mr. Kyle has been the subject of a number of stories in the media; most recently he was a guest on the Dr. Phil Show. His case is being handled by Bill Kirkconnell of the FBI-his fingerprints have been run through civilian and military databases, his DNA is in CODIS and the MtDNA data bases and it seems clear that he is not public enemy number one. He languishes, however, on your very doorstep, without a means to obtain gainful employment, a driver's license, or even to obtain proper medical care. xxxxxxxxxxxx. This man is otherwise healthy, extremely intelligent but totally dependent in this post 9-11 world simply because he does not have an SSN or proper ID.

This is where I am hoping the two of you can come into play-it may be years before Mr. Kyle's memory is restored. In the meantime it is essential that he be able to do for himself-he has stacks of documents proving the veracity of his story and his situation. He has been offered the opportunity to renounce his citizenship and become an illegal alien so he can collect benefits-2 minutes with him will demonstrate to you why this proud American refuses to do so. He is not malingering. He needs legal identification-the laws contain loopholes that provide for the issuance of a social security number using medical documentation when birth certificates are unavailable-although this is more commonly used for children, there is no reason that this cannot be done for Mr. Kyle.

Mr. Kyle needs and deserves an advocate to negotiate a means of obtaining a temporary number so he can work and give back to those who have given him so much. It is well within your powers to make this happen for him, and it is the right thing to do. I will include links to media as well as contact information for Bill Kirkconnell of the FBI-I look forward to receiving a response!!!

Resources: DoeNetwork number 1007UMGA October 16, 2008 airdate, titled "Who Am I?"

You can reach Bill Kirkconnell at: 912-232-3716

Thank you for your time and attention.



If this letter has any value to any of you for your own correspondence, feel free to use all or parts of it.
Hi, guys-in the continuing quest to obtain legal ID for Mr. Kyle, I sent off a letter to some Senators that represent Savannah:

"Dear Senators,

I volunteer for an organization that advocates for the families of the missing, as well as for unidentified individuals across the country. I have worked closely with the xxxx as well as the xxxxx office just to give you a sense of my credentials in your area.

For the last sixteen months, I have been working on behalf of Mr. Benjaman Kyle, an amnesia victim who was discovered beaten and unconscious behind the old Burger King in Richmond Hill, GA in 2004. When Mr. Kyle recovered consciousness, he was blind and unable to recall his name or his home. He felt certain that the name Benjaman had meaning for him and he picked Kyle in reference to the "BK" where he was found. First responders to the scene assumed that Mr. Kyle was a homeless bum who had been rolled, so there was no formal investigation done by Richmond Hill to see if the dumpster contained any possessions, if nearby hotels were missing any guests, or if there were any abandoned vehicles near by. Eight months after he was discovered, Mr. Kyle's sight was restored by doctors kind enough to donate their services to him-his first thought when he looked at himself in the mirror was that he had lost 20 years.

Fast forward to 2008-Mr. Kyle has been the subject of a number of stories in the media; most recently he was a guest on the Dr. Phil Show. His case is being handled by Bill Kirkconnell of the FBI-his fingerprints have been run through civilian and military databases, his DNA is in CODIS and the MtDNA data bases and it seems clear that he is not public enemy number one. He languishes, however, on your very doorstep, without a means to obtain gainful employment, a driver's license, or even to obtain proper medical care. xxxxxxxxxxxx. This man is otherwise healthy, extremely intelligent but totally dependent in this post 9-11 world simply because he does not have an SSN or proper ID.

This is where I am hoping the two of you can come into play-it may be years before Mr. Kyle's memory is restored. In the meantime it is essential that he be able to do for himself-he has stacks of documents proving the veracity of his story and his situation. He has been offered the opportunity to renounce his citizenship and become an illegal alien so he can collect benefits-2 minutes with him will demonstrate to you why this proud American refuses to do so. He is not malingering. He needs legal identification-the laws contain loopholes that provide for the issuance of a social security number using medical documentation when birth certificates are unavailable-although this is more commonly used for children, there is no reason that this cannot be done for Mr. Kyle.

Mr. Kyle needs and deserves an advocate to negotiate a means of obtaining a temporary number so he can work and give back to those who have given him so much. It is well within your powers to make this happen for him, and it is the right thing to do. I will include links to media as well as contact information for Bill Kirkconnell of the FBI-I look forward to receiving a response!!!

Resources: DoeNetwork number 1007UMGA October 16, 2008 airdate, titled "Who Am I?"

You can reach Bill Kirkconnell at: 912-232-3716

Thank you for your time and attention.



If this letter has any value to any of you for your own correspondence, feel free to use all or parts of it.
Way to go! Thank you, believe09.
I have to say I am surprised that a hospital social service case worker did not take his case and be his advocate.
Or a church did not take up his cause and be an advocate.
Hospital "social workers" have one function in life. That purpose is to get non-paying patients out of the hospital anyway they can. They will tell all sorts of lies to do so.
Just wanted to post regarding a reply from the Denver Chamber of Commerce - basically the person looked thru info they had available to them and could find nothing regarding Arthur Treacher's Fish & Chips (I included all of Benjaman's restaurant memories but in an effort to not inundate someone I narrowed my questioning down to the restaurant that had grabbed my attention, in hope that it would make it easier for the person to want to help me and reply.)

She did, however, point me in the direction of the Colorado Secretary of State - which I had not thought of the other day! I sent out an email to their businesses division this afternoon. Again, I included all of the restaurant memories in case someone over there felt encouraged to go further for information. I will post again regarding any replies with whatever I hear back.

On the point of legal advocates, senators, congresspeople... in my enthusiasm the other day I apparently sent an email to a senator that actually is not for Benjaman's district. So far, would you believe it, that senator is the only one to have replied! (To let me know I was a) likely in error in emailing him, b) that he was on his way out of office but if still needed he could put me in touch with who will be taking his place.) It dawned on me after I had sent the round of emails that this was probably the *wrongest* time of year for this but....

So, that's where I'm at with this.
Arther Treachers in Denver(metro area) were bought out and renamed "Beef Bowl" which was started by a Japanese corp. and then sold. Both chains were great but went downhill very fast after being bought out. I remember two(there were others) Arther Treachers in Denver, one near East High School and the other on West Colfax near the "new" Safeway (lol) new thirty years ago.
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