WA WA - Joseph Pichler, 18, Bremerton, 5 Jan 2006 - Child Actor - #2

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I put this on the theories post, but I want to be sure dalerainmaker see it...
dalerainmaker, you are one smart cookie. I bow to some great minds at work here at this forum. I am sort of stumped myself at this point, so it is great to see some new and caring people step in. Hi believe09, this guy is a keeper...
Great point Sherry- This is why I think something bad happened to Joe- even IF he DID run away, he would need money by now, and these funds arent accessible to anyone! Joe met with peril that night and we need to bring him home to his family-
Any word on TE and their possible help? Is WA allowing them to search yet? This may have been posted already- I was out of the loop for a week. :crazy: Thanks

also, IIRC Joe had many paychecks which were found in his apartment, not cashed and not stolen.
Did anyone research the "Magic The Gathering" forum closely? I posted the link, but it is a huge massive place to wade through. I did see an area that mentions buying, selling, and trading of the "Magic The Gathering" cards, along with an area for E-Bay trading.

It seems it should still be looked into as Joe's last phone referenced these cards, as reported by the last person to alledgedly see Joe before he went missing.

Also, the family has reported that he was robbed of some of the cards, although it has been difficult to pinpoint exactly which ones, and the exact value. If nothing else, they have absolutely stated the cards were strewn about his apartment and car, where normally he kept them carefully organized and in special binders. Why the dissarray?

I sorta stopped by the website, but you are right, its MASSIVE and since I don't understand the whole card game thing anyway, I really didn't check it out in detail. The only reason for disarray that I can think of would be that they were looking for specific cards, but again, why throw the rest about when you could just take the targeted cards out of their binders or whatever?
I tried to send the letters out via email that you guys had posted previously, I have been trying for three days now, but for some reason, they are not being sent! I guess because I just cut and pasted the list of email addresses and put them all in one mail, which should work but isn't! Grrrrr......
I tried to send the letters out via email that you guys had posted previously, I have been trying for three days now, but for some reason, they are not being sent! I guess because I just cut and pasted the list of email addresses and put them all in one mail, which should work but isn't! Grrrrr......

Not sure if this is the reason OR what email program you're using. But I know with some, if you're sending out a "mass" email (all addresses in one email) And just ONE addy isn't correct or is no longer in service it will cause your server (the one you're using for email) to reject the entire outgoing message. Does it say anything when it rejects it being sent? Or while you're inputting addresses?
Did anyone research the "Magic The Gathering" forum closely? I posted the link, but it is a huge massive place to wade through. I did see an area that mentions buying, selling, and trading of the "Magic The Gathering" cards, along with an area for E-Bay trading.

It seems it should still be looked into as Joe's last phone referenced these cards, as reported by the last person to alledgedly see Joe before he went missing.

Also, the family has reported that he was robbed of some of the cards, although it has been difficult to pinpoint exactly which ones, and the exact value. If nothing else, they have absolutely stated the cards were strewn about his apartment and car, where normally he kept them carefully organized and in special binders. Why the dissarray?

I sorta stopped by the website, but you are right, its MASSIVE and since I don't understand the whole card game thing anyway, I really didn't check it out in detail. The only reason for disarray that I can think of would be that they were looking for specific cards, but again, why throw the rest about when you could just take the targeted cards out of their binders or whatever?

The easiest way to understand the game - is to look for the posts/threads that have something in their title line about being a "guide" or a "walk through". It gives the background on the game, as well as a quickie tutorial. From there, you can usually pick out the posts that make sense compared to the ones that are fluff or flames (insults, smack talk etc) (and yes, just like anywhere else, it exists in the gaming world LOL)

HTH a bit....
I should have saved the letter to send to the media too. I sent the emails once...should I continue to email them?

It was suggested/asked by Joes family that we send these letters out as often as possible- I personally send mine out twice a week, but go for it!! Im hoping that one day, one of our multiple emails will attract someone's attention and get this kid and his family some media attention and get BPD on the right track! From the sounds of things, people are staring to hear our ROAR!! :crazy: Keep up the great letters WS'ers! If you need help, or would like the form letter that Sharon did in the past, let me know- I can help you with one or re-post the latter.
I am a new person here. Thank you moderator for helping get through registration.

I was reading some questions from end_user Starviego<sp>. Very good questions I must admit. Also , some very interesting theories and presentations of the facts of this case.

I have a question about 2805 Wheaton Way. My questions are based on a little different theory into this matter. At the time of the dissappearance and where Joe's car was found, there was a phone booth in front of that restaraunt. From what I understand, Joe's cell phone was turned off when it was discovered.

I also understand from very reliable source that the pay-phone that used to be in front of the restaraunt was removed 6 months (or so) after Joe's disappearance.

I also know for a fact that there are 4 pay-phone numbers at 2825 Wheaton Way which is called the Black Angus Steak house (or to this effect).

What I tried to do was to retirieve any information I could to see if there was a 911 call placed from that payphone at 2805 Wheaton Way, on or about the time of Joe's disappearance. On the current list , the adress is not listed on the Bremerton, Washington payphone Locations list.

(you can google "bremerton, washington payphone locations" and find that list right away. I also know that Qwest handles most of the admin for the payphones, but , the brick wall is the WUTC in Bremerton which has so many several documents , that I cannot parse through.

So , my question is , does anybody know if there is *specifically* a record kept for 911 calls and if there was in fact a 911 call (or any other phone call) from that specific payphone?

thank you and sincere regards.

Welcome to WS dalerainmaker- I know that Joe's family appreciates your support,as well as I do! Great idea and train of thought- i havent heard this brought up before- Unfortunately, I think that his car was driven there to be "hidden". There were clean clothes that his mom washed/folded for him that were still in the passenger seat. IIRC, his last call was made from his cell phone. Great sleuthing, as someone BESIDES Joe could have made a phone call from that location-
Welcome to WS dalerainmaker- I know that Joe's family appreciates your support,as wellas I do! Great idea and train of thought- i havent heard this brought up before- Unfortunately, I think that his car was driven there to be "hidden". There were clean clothes that his mom washed/folded for him that were still in the passenger seat. IIRC, his last call was made from his cell phone. Great sleuthing, as someone BESIDES Joe could have made a phone call from that location-

My only question about that theory though, is WHY leave the car in the open at a place that served his favorite type of food etc? That's what Keeps popping back into my head? Also, since there's been no confirmation for sure that cards were stolen, only that they were missing - could it have been intentionally to make it look like it was ransacked?
I tried to send the letters out via email that you guys had posted previously, I have been trying for three days now, but for some reason, they are not being sent! I guess because I just cut and pasted the list of email addresses and put them all in one mail, which should work but isn't! Grrrrr......

Hi Beavis Mom-
I use Yahoo and Outlook both, and havent had any problems- If you are still having the same problem Beavis Mom, I will re-send you the links with ONLY the ones that are correct- I know this sounds dumb, but there are 3 on there that arent correct, and after you send your doc., and you get an error message stating which were invalid- I will correct and re-post Thursday after I send my letter again! If you are still having problems, PM me and I will see what my DH says- he is the computer genius! :)
My only question about that theory though, is WHY leave the car in the open at a place that served his favorite type of food etc? That's what Keeps popping back into my head? Also, since there's been no confirmation for sure that cards were stolen, only that they were missing - could it have been intentionally to make it look like it was ransacked?

Yes, this is why I think his car was planted there- There are too many inconsistancies with him driving it and fleeing from there-
1- He was supposed to be giving his gf and another poss pasenger a ride home after an evening at his home
2- the clothes were left folded neatly on the seat- They would have been messed upa lil IMO if the kids were ALL in the car
3- Odd that his fave food is Mexican and his car was found there-
4- One of the girls knew exactly where the car was before went to look- One female told Mrs. Pichler they wanted to remove "embarassing" (dont know what??) evidence before the police found it-
5- I think in their own attempt to cover up the crime, the perps thought it would look more "natural" if the car was found somewhere where he frequented-
6- Who commits suicide at their fave spot? Just doesnt make sense!

There are too many weird/strange reasons for this car to be here and not just left randomly as if he was in peril- I believe it was parked there by one of his assailants!
Here's another question I've been thinking about. I have no clue how to look these things up.

Could there be a possibility that the missing cards may have been sold on Ebay? Is there a way to do a history search and see if any have been sold since Joe's missing date? I am a complete Ebay dunce or I'd try to search myself.
Yes, this is why I think his car was planted there- There are too many inconsistancies with him driving it and fleeing from there-
1- He was supposed to be giving his gf and another poss pasenger a ride home after an evening at his home
2- the clothes were left folded neatly on the seat- They would have been messed upa lil IMO if the kids were ALL in the car
3- Odd that his fave food is Mexican and his car was found there-
4- One of the girls knew exactly where the car was before went to look- One female told Mrs. Pichler they wanted to remove "embarassing" (dont know what??) evidence before the police found it-
5- I think in their own attempt to cover up the crime, the perps thought it would look more "natural" if the car was found somewhere where he frequented-
6- Who commits suicide at their fave spot? Just doesnt make sense!

There are too many weird/strange reasons for this car to be here and not just left randomly as if he was in peril- I believe it was parked there by one of his assailants!

My thoughts - Clothes folded neatly on the seat still - if someone is "messed up" -And i'm going off of what was posted that there was a gathering and the fact that people were experimenting w/ different things as "most" teens do - That back seat can look mighty inviting when the room is spinning.

Suicide is odd - I work w/ suicidal people, my father committed suicide, my mother's case was originally ruled a suicide etc. There's no rhyme or reason behind it. Some do have a "plan" some just do it when the frame of mind hits them. BUT imo - he didn't commit suicide.

The girl who knew where the car was - I'm confused, were they still dating or were they broken up at this point?
Here's another question I've been thinking about. I have no clue how to look these things up.

Could there be a possibility that the missing cards may have been sold on Ebay? Is there a way to do a history search and see if any have been sold since Joe's missing date? I am a complete Ebay dunce or I'd try to search myself.

FLmom- Im pretty sure that the family has checked this angle, but Im not 100%- I know we discussed it earlier with Sharon- good thinking!
My thoughts - Clothes folded neatly on the seat still - if someone is "messed up" -And i'm going off of what was posted that there was a gathering and the fact that people were experimenting w/ different things as "most" teens do - That back seat can look mighty inviting when the room is spinning.

Suicide is odd - I work w/ suicidal people, my father committed suicide, my mother's case was originally ruled a suicide etc. There's no rhyme or reason behind it. Some do have a "plan" some just do it when the frame of mind hits them. BUT imo - he didn't commit suicide.

The girl who knew where the car was - I'm confused, were they still dating or were they broken up at this point?

Im not sure if they were still together- IIRC, they were broken up,and Joe was trying to find a way to "distance" himself from this crowd- They were "mocking" him and this "gf" made up a fake MS with his image- I do not believe they were still together when he disappeared. :confused:
FLmom- Im pretty sure that the family has checked this angle, but Im not 100%- I know we discussed it earlier with Sharon- good thinking!

It was posted on the original thread, I believe, that a card similar to one that Joe allegedly had was sold in 2006 on ebay either by or to someone in Bremerton.

That is all I can recall about it....The card theory jumps the shark for me because 1.) they could have been traded or sold by Joe himself for ready money and 2.) There were many more things of value around...the car, his apartment was open and he had a new TV, a computer etc...

I almost feel like the cards were a blind or an after thought, or were never important at all. JMO.

I would like to know the purpose of the gathering at Joe's house; was it to play MTG? I would love to know what he was wearing and why it hasn't been released with all of the other information...I am not implying anything...more that I am skeptical that no one knew what he had on? how about the coat he might have been wearing? I would love to know if LE has done a check of the docks and ferrys and the like....sorry to sound like a broken record.
Here's another question I've been thinking about. I have no clue how to look these things up.

Could there be a possibility that the missing cards may have been sold on Ebay? Is there a way to do a history search and see if any have been sold since Joe's missing date? I am a complete Ebay dunce or I'd try to search myself.

I don't know if it's been checked out 100% but they could have been sold on

Through a gaming shop
Through local networks
Through any magic the gathering event
my ex used to purchase them at flea markets back in the early 90's from people that were getting out of the game etc.

The card thing throws me though - IF this crowd was bad, and into some questionable behaviors, why not take the car, and have it chopped and shopped? Much more valuable then the cards (The reason I say that is because it would take a "special" buyer..IE someone who WANTS the cards, not just the average/everyday person...even with chop and shop of cars, there's an open market, parts, body work, after market parts, scrap the frame etc..)

The checks..Not sure about bremerton, but I know in Detroit, you can go into places w/ no ID and cash just about any type of check, again, you may have to know someone but if it was the type of crowd that had those connections, someone could have lifted the checks and probably had a nice chunk of change etc.

IMO the cards are maybe just a smoke screen...

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