Halloween Candy Recall


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2004
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I got this forwarded to me in an email, but after checking into it, it's true. Be careful!

There is a new warning put out by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency....
Sherwood brand Pirate's Gold Milk Chocolate coins are being recalled due to the fact that they contain Melamine, the ingredient in milk product that has caused many infant deaths in China.
These candies are sold at Costco, as well as many bulk and dollar stores.
please make sure to check your childrens'halloween candy and DO NOT LET THEM EAT THE PIRATE COINS (you know the ones wrapped in the shiny gold
foil) and please let other parent s know about this!
Just to be on the safe side, I have already told my kids there will no chocolate for Halloween or any other time for a while.
Oh, Good Gravy-I have been waiting for this and not to gloat, let me tell you...thank you for the link.
Thank you for this!
I just posted this in the Jury Room - here's a review by Mike Mozart of JeepersMedia - it's a YouTube video that tells of the dangers of the "milk powder" that's in some of the candies. Please watch this video and forward it to your friends and families.
This all is part of the huge milk crisis in China where melamine-tainted milk made thousands of children ill. Any candy company who imported milk products from China now faces the same risks with its chocolate. If you purchased US-made, name-brand candy you should be okay because the two top candy makers, Hershey and Nestle, don't import milk products.
I am grateful that my son is older now and thinks he is too "cool" to go trick or treating so I don't have to worry about this stuff anymore.
I am grateful that my son is older now and thinks he is too "cool" to go trick or treating so I don't have to worry about this stuff anymore.

How old is your son? My dd is 18 and still trick or treats. All her friends do too.
Hallo All,

I don't know about anyone else, but I have already told my family that I am going to begin working very hard to not buy any products from China OR those with parts from China. The lead in toys, the flip flops that burned the feet of skin, the melamine in milk, I've had enough...

The other day I read how there were washing machine gaskets growing mold and mildew, making people sick, and I wondered, "Were those gaskets made in China?" The washing machines have been subject to a class action lawsuit. I don't know where those gaskets were made, I'm very curious now.

Everytime I receive a new product, it says "Made in China." Dr. Scholls leather shoes, made in China. A new Hamilton Beach crockpot, made in China. A computer, made in China. If I have to quit buying anything because the only thing I can get is made in China, I may just stop buying all together. Further, I am going to tell every company and manufacturer that I do business with that if they can not TELL me that the product I'm buying is made in the US or a country that I can trust to not poison me or my children and grandchildren, that I will stop shopping there.

I'm just about ready to head through my house and throw away EVERYTHING in it that is made in China, I have lost my trust.

Wrinkles - call me paranoid, but I wish a whole lot more of us that were would start a riot and write our congress people about this. It has to stop NOW!
I am grateful that my son is older now and thinks he is too "cool" to go trick or treating so I don't have to worry about this stuff anymore.

I had two adults trick or treating with a kid tonight :eek:, costumes, bags the whole deal. I didn't mind ~ but now I'm almost out of candy and scared the BIG kids will show up and get mad. Maybe kick my pumpkin to the curb or something....
I had a mom too!!!! :eek: I thought I was the only one. I actually asked her if she was carrying a bag for her daughter in case the daughter got too much candy... the little girl had an pumpkin pail.

The mom, dressed as an M&M's package said, "No it's for me!" :silenced:

idk guys, I think it's weird.
Wrinkles - call me paranoid, but I wish a whole lot more of us that were would start a riot and write our congress people about this. It has to stop NOW!

Here's the problem:

Republicans plan on giving tax cuts to big businesses so that they don't take their companies overseas to China or Bangladesh to manufacture things. What a great idea, right? Keep American companies in America and make it worth their while to stay here.

Sadly, it doesn't work this way. In theory it should. In reality, some CEO's and board of directors are greedy. They'll pocket their tax cuts and still manufacture in CHina.

I don't know what the solution should be, but something's gotta give.
i took my daughters trick or treating earlier, and honestly I think i saw more ADULTS in costume than little kids... and they were actually going door to door trick or treating also! bag in hand..

i dont remmber seeing this wen i was younger...

weird... lol

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