Forensic Astrology - LACHLAN CRANSWICK,missing Deep River/Ottawa ON,Canada 1/18/10

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Jun 9, 2009
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This Event chart of the last email- suggests that a known person to Mr. Cranswick, at least via the internet (perhaps he only knew the person this way?)….but this person should be seen by the chart as reflected by the 7th house of “Open Enemies”….and since the Ruler of the 7th is Aquarius, and the planets therein, Chiron conjunct Neptune; this may show us that he was fooled by someone over the internet (because that’s the event time and place) This person “may” be a woman, as the Moon is here also, in Pisces at 8 degrees Pisces, (conjunct fixed star “Skat”….) a very inharmonious star known for unfortunate endings.

The Moon conjuncts Jupiter in the 7th at 0 Pisces….seems some deviousness may be involved with the Moon.
Do you know if the police have yet tracked a woman he was communicating with?

We see the North Node with the Sun in Leo (Ruler of this chart) in the 6th along with Venus and the Black Moon (not a good sign) because Venus is conjunct fixed star “Altair” the Eagle – with a connotation of ruthlessness and much ambition to it’s nature.
The nature here would be connected to Venus.

Pluto in the 5th house of love affairs (and uncommitted sex), connected to this house with Mercury and the Vertex, yet with Pluto square to Saturn in the 2nd house of Values
Ruled by Mercury which is placed in the 5th.

Notice that the 5th, 6th & 7th houses have the heaviest concentration of energy here.
These are primarily relationship houses....

We’ll look at the 11:30PM chart since you believe he was still on the computer or someone else was at that time?………

I must say I’m confounded here, because the Ascendent is 19Leo, quite critical, conjunct Fixed star “Dubhe”….and with Mars & Atropos in the 12th or the “hidden house”….it appears this chart is trying to tell us something about his fate.

OK, now with this article (link above) , I see the following information from his brother:

RUPERT CRANSWICK: Yeah on that Monday he definitely caught the bus home. The bus let him off at the post office at Deep River. And he was then seen to be talking to another chap who was a member of the curling club.

It's then assumed that he went home. The reason is that his computer had work on it at 6.30, 7pm and also his wallet with his IDs etc were found at home and his phone.

ALISON CALDWELL: What was in the email that he sent at 6.30?

RUPERT CRANSWICK: It was to do with the curling club. The young people of the area were having a pub crawl and the curling club has its own bar which Lachlan was responsible for. And I'd noticed that he'd sent information to another member of the curling club committee saying he was happy about the curling club being used for that activity.

This is saying that he was on the internet at 7PM as well …we should then look here and perhaps see more to track what may have evolved.
I’m thinking now, that Aquarius (7th house Ruler is Uranus), is always rather “quirky” and also may be a bi-sexual (double sign)….it’s possible that this was an interlude with the same sex rather then with a female.

The problem here (as I see it), is that Aquarius on the D/C cusp as Ruler suggests with Uranus, we often have someone who skirts the boundaries, and doesn't exactly fit the everyday "mould". This can be a sign of Bi-Sexuality, a sign of intense erratic behaviors any number of traits that (and for which ) most can be deemed problematic in this chart.

P.S. I'll post the chart here, as a Thumbnail, so just click it twice to open larger:

I'm hoping that since I'll be doing the charts, others with more experience in Forensic Astrology
will chime in on this case......because I'm sure there is more here then meets the eye, and they are far more experienced in such events then I am.

Thank you so much Leomoon!!! This info could fit with the possible sighting of his pic on an online dating site. I really appreciate your help with this!
I wish we had his correct time of birth, we very possibly may see more if we did.
Without it, all we can do is speculate without correct houses to go by, on this man's traits, what might be "out of the ordinary for him, " etc.

With the Sunrise Chart ......I can see that he suffered from depression, imo.
Not that I think he would be the type to do himself harm in a depressed state, but often when we are depressed we can subconsciously put ourselves into harm's way.
The natal Sunrise chart has a Yod or "Y" formation, with Saturn at the Apex, and Pluto and Ceres as the supporting link planets.
This is one reason I see him as a depressed person, although with of course, the mild mannered professor image as well. Certainly all those supporting planets in Virgo/Libra tend towards mild manners, and there is nothing here which suggests he'd harm himself willingly.

To the contrary, however he is from what I can see, a person who did have his own eccentricities.
Uranus for one, conjunct his Sun and Pluto suggests one who takes chances and perhaps in a way in which the family wouldn't notice. More secretive ways with Mercury & Venus in Scorpio.

Mercury and Venus opposed to Saturn shows a man who is lonely, and has a difficult time connecting socially, so I'm sure this club gave him the wherewithal to connect in a way which wasn't otherwise afforded him often enough.

The Quincunx aspects (and there are 3 of them) from Saturn to Neptune, Jupiter & Pluto may show some type of willingness to go along when he shouldn't, and questionable friendships not known to the family.

Neptune "skirts and undermines the boundaries" well as some illusionary quality to it. Pluto may symbolize more underworld type of manipulations going on, and Jupiter over the top behaviors.
There could be some type of sexual overtones here.

I don't know if this man was taken against his will from his own home however, for that we'd need others to look at these charts.


P.S. I'll add the Sunrise Chart for you, as a "thumbnail " however, I'd love to know his time of birth
and we might be able to do a relocated chart with it as well if it's feasible. With the natal chart, there are what we call "Natal promises" from the location of one's birth. The "relocated chart" is when someone moves and often far from their original birthplace. Sometimes other things may show up on one.

Click Twice to open larger.

Ref: Last e-mail sent at 6:39 pm
Evidence that he was using his computer until about 11:30 pm

Not sure if we can see anything further at 11:30PM then we did at 6:39 when we know for certain there was a dated and timed email sent!

But here is the chart, just in case anyone wants to comment on it later.

OK, this looks quite unlike the 6:30PM email chart.
Here we can see that a strong person, (Aries on the 7th house cusp) conjunct Juno (someone he thought he could really connect with)
Came into the house (4th house of the chart at 11:30PM - ) the “foundation of his consciousness” or his actual home. Venus (Altair, the ruthless and ambitious one), and the Sun (Mr. Cranswick) are both here in the 4th House with the Black Moon Lilith and the North Node.

The 3rd house of computers and communications, shows Pluto conj. Mercury….
Manipulations on the computer or through the communications.
Pallas in Scorpio 13th degree – shows this was a sexual encounter or meant to be one, in my personal opinion as to how this chart looks to me, as the 5th house of uncommitted sexual affairs, has Neptune undermining and deviousness with Juipter, Chiron and the Moon.

Compare with the earlier chart. The 6:30 PM chart of the last email was an intense 5th, 6th & 7th (Relationships) houses chart and this one moves into a focus into the 4th (home)
And 5th (sex or even recreational activities in mind)….with the 6th house Uranus seemingly undermining and abducting.

This chart at 11:30PM has Libra Rising, in a degree known for lying (false, dishonest
And loss of a partner) conjunct “Algorab” “sly, malvolent & misrepresenting “ event taken place here.

Mars in Leo and in the 10th conj. Atropos, seems to me he was taken by “authority” or force, and if not then by a complete ruse.

Yes, I think he was abducted under a false pretense gained into the house. But I may be wrong too.

Please keep us updated as the case proceeds to it’s conclusion.

This Event chart of the last email- suggests that a known person to Mr. Cranswick, at least via the internet (perhaps he only knew the person this way?)….but this person should be seen by the chart as reflected by the 7th house of “Open Enemies”….and since the Ruler of the 7th is Aquarius, and the planets therein, Chiron conjunct Neptune; this may show us that he was fooled by someone over the internet (because that’s the event time and place) This person “may” be a woman, as the Moon is here also, in Pisces at 8 degrees Pisces, (conjunct fixed star “Skat”….) a very inharmonious star known for unfortunate endings.

The Moon conjuncts Jupiter in the 7th at 0 Pisces….seems some deviousness may be involved with the Moon.
Do you know if the police have yet tracked a woman he was communicating with?

We see the North Node with the Sun in Leo (Ruler of this chart) in the 6th along with Venus and the Black Moon (not a good sign) because Venus is conjunct fixed star “Altair” the Eagle – with a connotation of ruthlessness and much ambition to it’s nature.
The nature here would be connected to Venus.

Pluto in the 5th house of love affairs (and uncommitted sex), connected to this house with Mercury and the Vertex, yet with Pluto square to Saturn in the 2nd house of Values
Ruled by Mercury which is placed in the 5th.

Notice that the 5th, 6th & 7th houses have the heaviest concentration of energy here.
These are primarily relationship houses....

We’ll look at the 11:30PM chart since you believe he was still on the computer or someone else was at that time?………

I must say I’m confounded here, because the Ascendent is 19Leo, quite critical, conjunct Fixed star “Dubhe”….and with Mars & Atropos in the 12th or the “hidden house”….it appears this chart is trying to tell us something about his fate.

OK, now with this article (link above) , I see the following information from his brother:

RUPERT CRANSWICK: Yeah on that Monday he definitely caught the bus home. The bus let him off at the post office at Deep River. And he was then seen to be talking to another chap who was a member of the curling club.

It's then assumed that he went home. The reason is that his computer had work on it at 6.30, 7pm and also his wallet with his IDs etc were found at home and his phone.

ALISON CALDWELL: What was in the email that he sent at 6.30?

RUPERT CRANSWICK: It was to do with the curling club. The young people of the area were having a pub crawl and the curling club has its own bar which Lachlan was responsible for. And I'd noticed that he'd sent information to another member of the curling club committee saying he was happy about the curling club being used for that activity.

This is saying that he was on the internet at 7PM as well …we should then look here and perhaps see more to track what may have evolved.
I’m thinking now, that Aquarius (7th house Ruler is Uranus), is always rather “quirky” and also may be a bi-sexual (double sign)….it’s possible that this was an interlude with the same sex rather then with a female.

The problem here (as I see it), is that Aquarius on the D/C cusp as Ruler suggests with Uranus, we often have someone who skirts the boundaries, and doesn't exactly fit the everyday "mould". This can be a sign of Bi-Sexuality, a sign of intense erratic behaviors any number of traits that (and for which ) most can be deemed problematic in this chart.

P.S. I'll post the chart here, as a Thumbnail, so just click it twice to open larger:

I'm hoping that since I'll be doing the charts, others with more experience in Forensic Astrology
will chime in on this case......because I'm sure there is more here then meets the eye, and they are far more experienced in such events then I am.

Wanted to point out the time of 6:37 p.m. Somehow the radio interviewer interpreted that as 6:30, 7 p.m. The brother meant 6:37 p.m.
For SummerSolstice:

Thanks for the info.
I'll stick with my reading, as I posted an event chart for 6:39PM (the 1st chart) (2 min. from your information) and one for 11:30PM which is far more telling, (imo) then the first one.

That plus the natal seems to me to suggest that the man was either led from the house, or went of his own accord but was lied to as to the intent of the leaving of the home.
Algorab on the ASC. is involved at the 11:30PM event.

Thanks for the info however,

For SummerSolstice:

Thanks for the info.
I'll stick with my reading, as I posted an event chart for 6:39PM (the 1st chart) (2 min. from your information) and one for 11:30PM which is far more telling, (imo) then the first one.

That plus the natal seems to me to suggest that the man was either led from the house, or went of his own accord but was lied to as to the intent of the leaving of the home.
Algorab on the ASC. is involved at the 11:30PM event.

Thanks for the info however,


Forgive my ignorance on such matters, but is there any way of knowing a birth year, based on what you have charted, for the person involved in the 11:30 p.m. event, or is there any way of knowing if more than one person was involved?
Forgive my ignorance on such matters, but is there any way of knowing a birth year, based on what you have charted, for the person involved in the 11:30 p.m. event, or is there any way of knowing if more than one person was involved?

YES - but not a birth year, more about the people or person who may be involved might be gleaned from a Horary or Event chart.
Each planet plays a vital role in portraying symbolically a person or event in such a chart.
It's a matter of correctly reading the symbols and a willingness to put oneself on the line when doing so......(as sometimes we can incorrectly read the symbol of the planet or star, etc)

As for the number of people versus one person involved?

Not sure, perhaps the others might be better to ask about this, or might answer you as to what they think.

If it were a younger person, you might look for Gemini the sign that rules younger folks, or the planet Mercury might suggest a younger male. (the god Mercury of the Roman era) would be an archetype for young males.

There are "double signs".....but usually the double sign is a trait of a person , and there is the Sun and the Moon (the two lights to consider)....
The Moon ordinarily speaks of a woman, as Venus might.
The Sun often speaks of a man as Saturn might. Jupiter an authority figure depending on other factors could be the law, Saturn usually older then younger.

Perhaps, we'll see more responses here to your very intelligently thought out question.

Forensic Astrology is something rather new to me.

Lachlan Cranswick

:bow: Thank You so much Leomoon80 for taking time to do Lachlan's chart!!! :hug:
I wish we had his correct time of birth, we very possibly may see more if we did.
Without it, all we can do is speculate without correct houses to go by, on this man's traits, what might be "out of the ordinary for him, " etc.

With the Sunrise Chart ......I can see that he suffered from depression, imo.
Not that I think he would be the type to do himself harm in a depressed state, but often when we are depressed we can subconsciously put ourselves into harm's way.
The natal Sunrise chart has a Yod or "Y" formation, with Saturn at the Apex, and Pluto and Ceres as the supporting link planets.
This is one reason I see him as a depressed person, although with of course, the mild mannered professor image as well. Certainly all those supporting planets in Virgo/Libra tend towards mild manners, and there is nothing here which suggests he'd harm himself willingly.

To the contrary, however he is from what I can see, a person who did have his own eccentricities.
Uranus for one, conjunct his Sun and Pluto suggests one who takes chances and perhaps in a way in which the family wouldn't notice. More secretive ways with Mercury & Venus in Scorpio.

Mercury and Venus opposed to Saturn shows a man who is lonely, and has a difficult time connecting socially, so I'm sure this club gave him the wherewithal to connect in a way which wasn't otherwise afforded him often enough.

The Quincunx aspects (and there are 3 of them) from Saturn to Neptune, Jupiter & Pluto may show some type of willingness to go along when he shouldn't, and questionable friendships not known to the family.

Neptune "skirts and undermines the boundaries" well as some illusionary quality to it. Pluto may symbolize more underworld type of manipulations going on, and Jupiter over the top behaviors.
There could be some type of sexual overtones here.

I don't know if this man was taken against his will from his own home however, for that we'd need others to look at these charts.


P.S. I'll add the Sunrise Chart for you, as a "thumbnail " however, I'd love to know his time of birth
and we might be able to do a relocated chart with it as well if it's feasible. With the natal chart, there are what we call "Natal promises" from the location of one's birth. The "relocated chart" is when someone moves and often far from their original birthplace. Sometimes other things may show up on one.

Click Twice to open larger.

Thankyou so very much for the work you have done on Lachlan's chart!
Some of what you have interpreted, hints at something I have been considering... but dare not suggest, so as not to offend, but
could it be the chart suggests a man in female garb?
Ref Post 458:

Thankyou so very much for the work you have done on Lachlan's chart!
Some of what you have interpreted, hints at something I have been considering... but dare not suggest, so as not to offend, but
could it be the chart suggests a man in female garb?

Looking at the 11:30 computer chart:
4th & 5th houses run from Aquarius to Pisces, both signs that certainly do skirt easily any boundaries which might be set up , psychological ones as well.

We see Capricorn Sun 29th (critical Anaretic degree) which may symbolize
Mr. Cranswick, as the rather conservative fellow, OR even can symbolize one who "played at being conservative" but really was not, such as the one online he met up with.
Now, Capricorn Sun is conjunct the very critical 0Venus in Aquarius (a new situation?)
and from there, in this same 4th house is Black Moon Lilith, the asteroid Lust,
into the 5th Chiron,Neptune (being fooled by someone) and then the Moon.
The Moon quincunx Mars in the 11th, hence - being fooled, and by emotions is killed by the 11th house energy of Mars no doubt.
(see Mars in the 11th conjunct Atropos, the death asteroid or cutting of the ties to this earth)

After the Moon we see Uranus in the 6th, (by itself) and sextile to the Sun itself.
So yes, IF there is reason to think that there is some type of club activity that skirts the boundaries, it's possible of there is mucho deception going on in this chart, Remember I said Algorab was rising!

This star speaks of Deceptive practices, false & dishonest - sly , cunning (all means the same) as well as misrepresenting! That is what occurred, whoever and whatever on the internet, "misrepresented" the intentions completely.

Hope this helps.

Leomoon80, I hope it is alright to post here.
Lachlan Cranswick, was initially presumed to have fallen into the river and drowned (although there is nothing to support that speculation) .....does his chart give any indication if he fell in water or if he is held captive somewhere ? Thankyou.
Leomoon80, I hope it is alright to post here.
Lachlan Cranswick, was initially presumed to have fallen into the river and drowned (although there is nothing to support that speculation) .....does his chart give any indication if he fell in water or if he is held captive somewhere ? Thankyou.

The question you seem to want to know is "Is he in the water?"
I erected a Horary chart with that question in mind, so we'll see what we can find here.
It does appear (4th house Moon is the final answer), and the Moon here in Aquarius is conjunct the I/C along with BML and Neptune.
It appears to be suggesting he is in the water., as the Moon rules Water. (Rex Bills Rulership Book)

The Ascendent or Chart ruler of the question is Mars ruler of Scorpio which is found at the MC conjunct Atropos.

Atropos is near 6Leo Asellus Boreali : and from a Forensic list of degrees I found this: 6 deg.Leo can mean murder by shooting.

So it appears (and I'm not a bonafide Horary astrologer by any means), that he may be found in water (the Moon) and is dead
Mars at the MC with Atropos and in a critical degree.

Please keep us up to date if the body turns up.

The question you seem to want to know is "Is he in the water?"
I erected a Horary chart with that question in mind, so we'll see what we can find here.
It does appear (4th house Moon is the final answer), and the Moon here in Aquarius is conjunct the I/C along with BML and Neptune.
It appears to be suggesting he is in the water., as the Moon rules Water. (Rex Bills Rulership Book)

The Ascendent or Chart ruler of the question is Mars ruler of Scorpio which is found at the MC conjunct Atropos.

Atropos is near 6Leo Asellus Boreali : and from a Forensic list of degrees I found this: 6 deg.Leo can mean murder by shooting.

So it appears (and I'm not a bonafide Horary astrologer by any means), that he may be found in water (the Moon) and is dead
Mars at the MC with Atropos and in a critical degree.

Please keep us up to date if the body turns up.

Thankyou so much for your help! That was are hard working!I think you understood that I was wondering if L.C. was alive somewhere.The initial assumption by L.E. was that he must have slipped into water for lack of other explanation,although the river's edge was frozen. As a very safety conscious man,L.C.'s family and friends say he would not do that. Also, he would not leave his house without g.p.s.,wallet,phone ect. and his house unlocked, lights and heater still on.His brother said he had food prepared for the week.Initial Police report stated that he was known to walk the trail(fully prepared) between 11pm and 3am.Lachlan put out his garbage bins(last time he was seen) for collection, including a bin not scheduled to be picked up till the next week.I wondered if indeed that was L.C., and not someone else disguised as L.C., wearing his coat and distinctive fur hat, putting out his bins.Many of us on W.S.have come to really admire L.C.from all we have learned of him through his expansive website,Bluehaze.Would his chart tell if motive was lust, greed or revenge based and if he was in water nearby or other province or country?Hope I am not draining you !Thankyou,for all that you do!
Let's go back to the two known facts, the computer log:

Motive questioned:

Looking first at the 6:30 last email
– potentially seeking a sexual relationships (Pluto & Mercury Vertex in the 5th Hs.)
and the “other(s)” in house 7th, not particularly
Honest as Aquarius rules this house with BML, Neptune Jupiter and the Moon here.
Could be perversion of some type, or definitely bi-sexual IF a sexual encounter is sought. And that is a caveat, to say "if"

Mars in the 12th house conjunct the ASC (bondage?)

11:30PM – last known activity on the computer suggests the 5th house Pluto & Mercury are NOW in the 3rd house –of communications. Perhaps this was someone else (visitors) on his computer now and not him.

NN same degree as asteroid “Lust” or the 21st deg.of Capricorn conj. the I/C (at home)
NN Sun conj. Venus at 0° Aquarius (new situation now) in the home

Revenge?…….I don’t see revenge, but perhaps bondage or an accident gone awry.
6th House Uranus a singleton in the 11:30PM chart with Mars at 13Leo (10th Hs now)
conj. Atorpos and squaring the 2nd house Pallas at 13Scorpio.

Water sign at the MC (Cancer) perhaps an accident and again, he’s probably in the water would be my best guess here.
Let's go back to the two known facts, the computer log:

Motive questioned:

Looking first at the 6:30 last email
– potentially seeking a sexual relationships (Pluto & Mercury Vertex in the 5th Hs.)
and the “other(s)” in house 7th, not particularly
Honest as Aquarius rules this house with BML, Neptune Jupiter and the Moon here.
Could be perversion of some type, or definitely bi-sexual IF a sexual encounter is sought. And that is a caveat, to say "if"

Mars in the 12th house conjunct the ASC (bondage?)
Thank you so much Leomoon for all the time and effort you put into helping us figure out what happened to Lachlan and why?
Regarding his last e-mail @ the 6:37 pm, we do know the contents of it. Here is a transcript of a radio interview; this is what his brother (who lives in Australia, but came to Canada for a couple of weeks) had to say when asked about it:
RUPERT CRANSWICK: It was to do with the curling club. The young people of the area were having a pub crawl and the curling club has its own bar which Lachlan was responsible for. And I'd noticed that he'd sent information to another member of the curling club committee saying he was happy about the curling club being used for that activity.
btw, the correct time of Lachlan's last e-mail seems to be 6:37 pm. The interviewer interpreted the "pause" as 6:30, 7pm. Don't think that would make much difference though :)
Lachlan Cranswick[/U]

And I agree with you Hazel, his WebSite is quite nice isn't it....He apparently really liked being in the neighborhood and where he was relocated as his home and tried to both make friends there and it shows his interest on that site of the surrounding areas, and what he thought was important .

I found the site lacking however in people Just landscape and buildings.

"Bluehaze" the name of Lachlan's personal website.

from Hazel


The "motive" has me stumped however.

I can see they (whoever they are), are deceptive (7th house Aquarius)....but as to motive?

Leomoon80, As you can see, this case is very odd, garnering worldwide interest. It seems that a huge number of scientists/researchers working at a nuclear plant (as Lachlan did), have either "gone missing" or died (murdered or suicide) under puzzling circumstances.
Also, L.C. helped spotlight(via internet) a recent scandal, involving scientists who falsified data, in research papers for material gain. Many of these "false" papers came from China,but also from a female in Ontario.
Lachlan assists scientists from around the world , in preparing samples for testing, at the nuclear plant. On his last day at work, he left his research findings, from an overseas scientist, on his desk for later mailing.
You are right about the very few pictures of people on his website.....when he is pictured with others, he seems withdrawn... and yet he arranges scientific(and social) meetings with people, literally around the globe.
He has no known enemies and seems to be very well liked and respected.His brother describes him "as a single bloke and very private".
Thankyou for consideration of this case !
will be moving all posts regarding LACHLAN over hear from the CASE BRIEFINGS thread.

Be back shortly with transfers.
YES - but not a birth year, more about the people or person who may be involved might be gleaned from a Horary or Event chart.
Each planet plays a vital role in portraying symbolically a person or event in such a chart.
It's a matter of correctly reading the symbols and a willingness to put oneself on the line when doing so......(as sometimes we can incorrectly read the symbol of the planet or star, etc)

As for the number of people versus one person involved?

Not sure, perhaps the others might be better to ask about this, or might answer you as to what they think.

If it were a younger person, you might look for Gemini the sign that rules younger folks, or the planet Mercury might suggest a younger male. (the god Mercury of the Roman era) would be an archetype for young males.

There are "double signs".....but usually the double sign is a trait of a person , and there is the Sun and the Moon (the two lights to consider)....
The Moon ordinarily speaks of a woman, as Venus might.
The Sun often speaks of a man as Saturn might. Jupiter an authority figure depending on other factors could be the law, Saturn usually older then younger.

Perhaps, we'll see more responses here to your very intelligently thought out question.

Forensic Astrology is something rather new to me.


Is it possible for one of the astrologers to do an horary chart for Lachlan?

And here is my question: "Where is Lachlan Cranswick?"
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