GZ Case - Defense Perspective

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Electronics are heavy...jewelry not so much. When my parents were broken in a few years ago the burglar took their pillow cases and filled them with jewelry, coins and crystal. Came and left on foot.

:tyou: That's exactly what I was gonna say, JEWELRY doesn't weigh much and fits in pockets easily.
:tyou: That's exactly what I was gonna say, JEWELRY doesn't weigh much and fits in pockets easily.

Who would leave expensive jewelry around? If you spent a lot of money on your jewelry why wouldn't you protect it??? jmo
ITA. I think GZ went down the outer sidewalk while TM was walking on the sidewalk in between the units. That was why TM said to his girlfriend that he had lost GZ. Once TM felt safe, he slowed from his faster pace to a stroll as he had a conversation with his girlfriend on the phone. IMO GZ went around the outside and tried to head TM off. This scenario would have taken a bit longer than if GZ had "followed" TM and would also account for TM telling his girlfriend he had lost him. This is just speculation on my part but it fits the timeline I think.


This would also explain why TM didn't make it home. GZ had cut off the route to the home.

It would also explain to me why TM felt the need to then ask GZ why he was following him. TM thought he lost him only to come face to face with him moments later.

Who would leave expensive jewelry around? If you spent a lot of money on your jewelry why wouldn't you protect it??? jmo

Happens every day - lots of ppl leave jewelry laying around their home. IMO
Wait a second...so, we now think Trayvon was on a jewelry heist, or is this GZ's imagination again? Just because GZ said Trayvon looked suspicious, doesn't mean squat. He's been wrong how many times, when he has called 911? :what: He had all the items to carry out a crime, on his person. Trayvon, nada.

Last I heard, Trayvon was talking on his cell phone with his girlfriend, the only thing in his pockets, were skittles and an ice tea.

IMO - the defense will never overcome that one.
I'm not being snarky, I truly don't know how MO'M is holding the process of discovery up...

George Zimmerman’s attorney, Mark O'Mara, said on his website Sunday he'll delay asking prosecutors for evidence in the case until a judge rules to protect the witnesses.


That's his story anyway. I don't know why it would take so long to redact a few names. :dunno:

No, following is the correct term when you get out of your car to walk towards and watch someone. When they disappear around a corner and you are trying to find them that is following them. Once the person starts to run, you are pursuing them. Once you start to run after them you are chasing them. TM was not a suspect. He had every right to be within that community. TM had every right to walk home without someone following him. GZ did not need to follow him because TM was right there in front of the clubhouse when GZ called LE and never once did GZ ask TM who he was and where he was staying. TM was not a criminal and regardless of what GZ thought, it did not make it so. jmo

GZ was in front of the club house, TM was walking about, looking at houses.
George Zimmerman’s attorney, Mark O'Mara, said on his website Sunday he'll delay asking prosecutors for evidence in the case until a judge rules to protect the witnesses.


That's his story anyway. I don't know why it would take so long to redact a few names. :dunno:


This article is from April 30th. I would think the prosecution would be in charge of redacting names. Thanks for the link.
George Zimmerman’s attorney, Mark O'Mara, said on his website Sunday he'll delay asking prosecutors for evidence in the case until a judge rules to protect the witnesses.


That's his story anyway. I don't know why it would take so long to redact a few names. :dunno:


As I undertand it, they're not waiting on the redacting, they're waiting on the motion and the court's ruling on the motion allowing/defining the redaction, i.e., what they will be permitted to withhold from public consumption. I imagine the motion practice has something to do with making sure the i's are dotted and t's crossed vis-a-vis the media and Sunshine laws. jmo
As I undertand it, they're not waiting on the redacting, they're waiting on the motion and the court's ruling on the motion allowing/defining the redaction, i.e., what they will be permitted to withhold from public consumption. I imagine the motion practice has something to do with making sure the i's are dotted and t's crossed vis-a-vis the media and Sunshine laws. jmo

You're right, I looked at some other articles and this is what I am seeing.
As I undertand it, they're not waiting on the redacting, they're waiting on the motion and the court's ruling on the motion allowing/defining the redaction, i.e., what they will be permitted to withhold from public consumption. I imagine the motion practice has something to do with making sure the i's are dotted and t's crossed vis-a-vis the media and Sunshine laws. jmo

The ball is in O'Mara's court to file that motion. Has the motion been file yet? If not, why?
I do not think the defense is in any hurry to have the records released, especially GZ's statements and "medical" records. JMO They can delay it and they are. The motion is just ridiculous. How hard could it be for both parties to get it done? Who benefits from it not being released, certainly not the prosecutor. MOM knows, once he receives the information, the clock starts ticking..tick tock.

Trayvon was walking home, nothing more, nothing less. JMO

My comment was taken out of context, however, there is no way for anyone to know, besides GZ and TM, what TM was doing. Of course, TM is not able to tell his side, doesn't change the fact that we, sitting behind our respective computers, do not know what Martin was doing.
I do not think the defense is in any hurry to have the records released, especially GZ's statements and "medical" records. JMO They can delay it and they are. The motion is just ridiculous. How hard could it be for both parties to get it done? Who benefits from it not being released, certainly not the prosecutor. MOM knows, once he receives the information, the clock starts ticking..tick tock.


Bingo!! (Or should I say cha-ching.)
My comment was taken out of context, however, there is no way for anyone to know, besides GZ and TM, what TM was doing. Of course, TM is not able to tell his side, doesn't change the fact that we, sitting behind our respective computers, do not know what Martin was doing.

We know he was talking on the phone to his girlfriend.
George Zimmerman’s attorney, Mark O'Mara, said on his website Sunday he'll delay asking prosecutors for evidence in the case until a judge rules to protect the witnesses.


That's his story anyway. I don't know why it would take so long to redact a few names. :dunno:


How many witness names could there be in GZ's own statements to police? :waitasec:
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