What Is the Defense Strategy?

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I think Baez is going to say that ICA created the nanny in her mind and made herself believe that Caylee was okay....that Caylee was at Sea World, that Caylee was at Universal...etc. etc. ....and that is why she went on as if nothing happened, because she literally believed (in her mind) that Caylee was okay with the nanny.....what else could sum up her actions in the first minute of opening statements?
With that being said, I do not agree that this as an excuse is excusable, I'm just sayin' that this is something the DT might try to use....

If that's all they're going to have in their opening statements, it won't work for long. If she was that stressed, where did she pull the forethought from to pick a person that went to the Sawgrass apts. by the Name of Z. F-Gonzales that drove a silver car, then came up with this elaborate "kidnapping" story........

Nope.......won't work Jose.....just forget about it. Stressed people don't have their wits about them enough to put stories together like that.
If they want to take the 'accidental death route' they will have to put someone on the stand to testify to that. Casey went out of her way to make it look like a 'non-accident' if it was one. So she would have to explain why she did that for the jury to accept that, imo.

WOW. LIGHBULB moment in my pea brain. MAYBE, the whole new 48 Hours thing was done by the DT as a last ditch effort for them to get Casey to accept this defense. We know she does not want to admit to anything. Maybe they hoped that if she saw the faux jury make a faux acquittal that she would agree.

Do you think she would have been allowed to watch it live?
I'm thinking JB will take his laptop in to show to her .
LOL - we are talking about ICA here! The same mother who took her child into the same bed to sleep as her sex partners. The same mother who had to be called home to care for her child at 3am by the child's grandmother. The same ICA who sits in the courtroom with those cold dead fish eyes.

Who are you going to believe? JB or your own eyes? :floorlaugh:

I do remember her telling either Tony or Ricardo that she left because her mother called her home at 3:00 AM. But I also remember that Cindy said she had never done that. So did she go out to the car and check on Caylee then maybe drive around some? It has been bugging me for a long time, but can't remember where I found it before? Going to look. Thanks!
I do remember her telling either Tony or Ricardo that she left because her mother called her home at 3:00 AM. But I also remember that Cindy said she had never done that. So did she go out to the car and check on Caylee then maybe drive around some? It has been bugging me for a long time, but can't remember where I found it before? Going to look. Thanks!

It was Ricardo and when they woke up Caylee was gone. KC said her mother called and told her to bring Caylee home. CA said she did not call.
I dare say the defense will have two strategies. Discredit where they can....but save the strategy for their presentation... create REASONABLE DOUBT.

My guess is that they will go into the trial with the plan to try to discredit the witnesses, experts, scientific evidence, timeline, pictures, opinions, and general facts of the case.

They will attack any testimony or witness that is harmful to their client by any means available within their given parameters...and will attempt some no no's too.

They will pay very close attention to the jurors reactions and make note of them....or ask one of their "experts" to do so for them. They will identify the trigger points that elicit juror reaction.

They will not give their opening until AFTER the St. of FL has rested their case.

They will tell a story errr tale that will attempt to elicit such emotion from the jury that they forget (not likely) the mechanics of the case and instead focus on JUST the emotion and heart of it.

While an ideal result for the DT is acquittal, they will except a reduced charge or LWOP as a victory.

They will create a story that defies logic and likely has no truth or merit in their attempt to create reasonable doubt. The possible SODDI nominees are not so much the immediate family IMO, but instead, the parties that have gone largely ignored by the DT in the recent past.

I believe that Kronk, GA, CA, etc....are possibly red herrings that were used to hide others. Do I think that GA is still in front of the bus...yes.....but he is not alone. There is a wild card wrapped in their pocket square (not evidence just a storyline or plot twist).

My first guess would be a name we haven't heard dragged through their mud.
I dare say the defense will have two strategies. Discredit where they can....but save the strategy for their presentation... create REASONABLE DOUBT.

My guess is that they will go into the trial with the plan to try to discredit the witnesses, experts, scientific evidence, timeline, pictures, opinions, and general facts of the case.

They will attack any testimony or witness that is harmful to their client by any means available within their given parameters...and will attempt some no no's too.

They will pay very close attention to the jurors reactions and make note of them....or ask one of their "experts" to do so for them. They will identify the trigger points that elicit juror reaction.

They will not give their opening until AFTER the St. of FL has rested their case.

They will tell a story errr tale that will attempt to elicit such emotion from the jury that they forget (not likely) the mechanics of the case and instead focus on JUST the emotion and heart of it.

While an ideal result for the DT is acquittal, they will except a reduced charge or LWOP as a victory.

They will create a story that defies logic and likely has no truth or merit in their attempt to create reasonable doubt. The possible SODDI nominees are not so much the immediate family IMO, but instead, the parties that have gone largely ignored by the DT in the recent past.

I believe that Kronk, GA, CA, etc....are possibly red herrings that were used to hide others. Do I think that GA is still in front of the bus...yes.....but he is not alone. There is a wild card wrapped in their pocket square (not evidence just a storyline or plot twist).

My first guess would be a name we haven't heard dragged through their mud.

I agree with them pulling a wild card suspect out of their arses.

I have always wondered if they are going to imply that Ricardo was upset because she moved on so fast to Tony.
And there is that picture of Caylee wearing that same pink tshirt in his bedroom, with a bruise under her eye. And stories of Casey letting caylee sleep between them in bed. Makes me wonder if they are going to try a blind side on the guy during the trial...
I agree with them pulling a wild card suspect out of their arses.

I have always wondered if they are going to imply that Ricardo was upset because she moved on so fast to Tony.
And there is that picture of Caylee wearing that same pink tshirt in his bedroom, with a bruise under her eye. And stories of Casey letting caylee sleep between them in bed. Makes me wonder if they are going to try a blind side on the guy during the trial...

That's always a possibility.....they made a big deal about getting the info from his computer....he is the one that sold that photo to Globe so they might say he KNEW it was the same shirt found with the remains.

I do note that he wanted that photo cropped so it wouldn't show the mess in the room as he stated that it could be prejudicial. That caught me off guard.

CA fingered Amy and Ricardo as being into heroin. Ricardo is certainly a possible bus victim.

ETA... IIRC KC commented via text that she and Ricardo were on the outs, or something to that effect, because of her desire to be just friends. I anticipate that being part of a possible SODDI. Off to look for the reference to JB wanting RM's computer records.

I bumped the above thread.

JB filed a motion in January 2009 for ALL the forensic data on Ricardo's computer.

Did he do the same for the Anthony's computer??

Off to check.


The motion was actually filed in early January 2009. I find it interesting that JB was SO anxious to get RM's computer records so early...see screen caps from the clerk website.

click to enlarge




I went back to the LE interview RM gave on July 25th, 2008. In his interview he indicated that KC and Caylee came over on the 9th of June, and that the next morning he saw KC and Caylee on the couch as he left for work. He said that KC told him she was going to take a shower at his place before she left.

So......................my question is this.......while we know that Caylee was seen on Father's Day........BUT KC originally gave the 9th as the date she last saw her daughter.

Is her little date flub an indication of her intent to actually frame Ricardo fo "something".....accidental or otherwise?

Is it possible that she and Ricardo had discussed using chloroform for erotic play...that she knew about his "Win her over with" on his myspace, that she had already made some for "sex play", and decided to use it on Caylee as an afterthought?

Possibilities are swirling right now.
Thinking now about the drum set photo of Caylee that CA claimed ICA told her was taken in Zanny's apartment - which was later confirmed to be RM's.

Just reviewed CA's non-stop streamroll of a meeting with FBI back in August 2008, CA goes on and on about this photo and RM - http://www.wftv.com/video/18035442/index.html
I vote they will try Self-defense next.
They've tried everything else...:crazy:
By George, that's it!!!:doh: Caylee was Zanny the Nanny who no longer exists, and pinned her down at Jay Blanchard Park!!!
(This post purely in gest at Casey, lest anyone be offended, I mean Caylee no disrespect)
Thinking now about the drum set photo of Caylee that CA claimed ICA told her was taken in Zanny's apartment - which was later confirmed to be RM's.

Just reviewed CA's non-stop streamroll of a meeting with FBI back in August 2008, CA goes on and on about this photo and RM - http://www.wftv.com/video/18035442/index.html

I tried to re-watch that video, but after 2 minutes, just couldn't take it anymore. CA buying into KC's lie-fstyle just makes me sick.

Regardless of what path the defense takes, it's totally an uphill climb for them. KC was judge and jury with her 31 day delay.

I bumped the above thread.

JB filed a motion in January 2009 for ALL the forensic data on Ricardo's computer.

Did he do the same for the Anthony's computer??

Off to check.


The motion was actually filed in early January 2009. I find it interesting that JB was SO anxious to get RM's computer records so early...see screen caps from the clerk website.

click to enlarge

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I went back to the LE interview RM gave on July 25th, 2008. In his interview he indicated that KC and Caylee came over on the 9th of June, and that the next morning he saw KC and Caylee on the couch as he left for work. He said that KC told him she was going to take a shower at his place before she left.

So......................my question is this.......while we know that Caylee was seen on Father's Day........BUT KC originally gave the 9th as the date she last saw her daughter.

Is her little date flub an indication of her intent to actually frame Ricardo fo "something".....accidental or otherwise?

Is it possible that she and Ricardo had discussed using chloroform for erotic play...that she knew about his "Win her over with" on his myspace, that she had already made some for "sex play", and decided to use it on Caylee as an afterthought?

Possibilities are swirling right now.

Wow.....sleuther.......This certainly makes sense and the date fits. Is RM going to turn out to be the Zanny/nanny with his trips to the Tampa area and last seeing Caylee on the 9th?
If they try and point the blame towards Ricardo, she still has to justify the 31 days. Her obvious excuse will be that she was too afraid of him to report the child missing.

Problem is, she was on video at a date night hours after the 'kidnapping.' That is problematic for her, imo.
There have been a few comments that make think the Defense is going to be that Caylee's death was accidental.
There have been a few comments that make think the Defense is going to be that Caylee's death was accidental.

I think they are keeping that as a last ditch option, but not as their main defense. I think their first choice is to try and prove she is totally innocent and had no connection with even the burial.
Personally, I think the only defense that the defense has had was . . . . . . .

"Shotgun Defense" - shoot everything and eventually something will hit!
There have been a few comments that make think the Defense is going to be that Caylee's death was accidental.

WillenFan - I think you are right on that. I think it's the only way they can keep her chances lower that she won't get the DP. It's all they've got. If they go for broke and try to prove her innocent, they're playing Russian Roullette with her life......IMO

That being said, they're going to have a tough time of it because of the computer searches.

"He finally cracked it at 3 a.m. on the Friday he was set to fly home.

"I found two results," Bradley told lawyers in his deposition. "One was for 'chloroform,' spelled 'c-h-l-o-r-o-f-o-r-m,' and that was dated March 17, 2008, at 14:43 p.m., 41 seconds. And there was one visit. And the second entry is for 'how to make chloroform,' and the same spelling on the 21st of March, 2008, at 3:16 p.m. and 30 seconds. One visit."

There was also a Google search on the same computer for the term "neck breaking," Bradley said."

"But defense attorneys are expected to argue there is no proof it was Casey who searched for those terms.

One of Casey's ex-boyfriends posted a picture on his MySpace profile with the caption: "Win her over with Chloroform."

Could they argue that it was the ex-boyfriend behind those searches?"

It's possible the DT will try to put the searches on RM to take the suspicion off KC but there's still a lot to explain after that. I say, either she takes the stand or tries to get them to accept a plea. I just don't think this DT has the oomph to pull this off, no matter what they do.
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