This thread is for posters that believe Caylee is still alive #6

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Anyway i have been looking at the pings for the 16th and others, it seems like she could have dropped Caylee of with someone who lives close. She may have stayed where ever she dropped her off for 3 and a half hours before she went to TL’s then rented movies. She revisits this area many times before Jul 15th. But still working on it this and i believe Caylee is alive. All evidence can still be explained and so far to me nothing has changed.

Does she visit that area at around the same time of day when she goes back? Like around meal times, nap time or bed time? Did she go back there after she bought the grape juice at target?

(I have a 3 year old who turned three 10 days after Caylee did and at this age they take naps after lunch time 12:30 or 1 ish)

Thank you for doing this hard work!
Anyway i have been looking at the pings for the 16th and others, it seems like she could have dropped Caylee of with someone who lives close. She may have stayed where ever she dropped her off for 3 and a half hours before she went to TL’s then rented movies. She revisits this area many times before Jul 15th. But still working on it this and i believe Caylee is alive. All evidence can still be explained and so far to me nothing has changed.

I'm with you on this one.. I still think she is alive and nothing has changed.. I still haven't watched the motions hearings, however from what I have been reading, it seems that a lot of people feel it's a victory for the defense, and reassuring in the sense that Caylee is alive.

Geez, they haven't even changed this case classification from a missing person to homicide (unless I missed something within the past few hours)! I cannot understand how they could bring a murder 1 indictment in front of a grand jury on a case that they havent even classified as a homicide..And, please, if I have my info wrong, and this was classified as a homicide, please correct me!

I just wish we could hear what will be presented to the grand jury..Sometimes, I get so afraid of what I feel about Caylee being alive.. I do second guess myself too.. But at the same time, I WILL NOT believe it 100% until it is proven without reasonable doubt.. And right now, there is a ton of that..

I read another post about how that individual normally feels opposite from what they are feeling with this case.. Meaning, the OJ and SP case.. knowing and/or thinking they were guilty..And like another poster said, with Elizabeth Smart, thinking she was deceased, and she was really alive this whole time..That case really proved that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover!

Please say a prayer for Caylee tonight..NO matter what you believe, please say a prayer or light a candle to bring her home..God Bless Caylee Marie!
I think it should be very hard to convict her of murder, but she has she has already been convicted in the media. Maybe that would be grounds for appeal if she is. All the lies! It is so hard to decipher what is true and what is not. As for LP, is anything he says true? Everything changes from day to day. I had to stop watching NG a long time ago because she made me cringe. Always assuming the worst from everyone. Like I have said before, I am from Orlando, and after the Trenton case a few years back, I see what harm she can cause. Some of the local guests she has from Orlando are so way off from what we even see in the news. I think she may coach them on what to say.

Come home soon Caylee

It might be brought as an appeal issue. Usually the defense will throw everything but the kitchen sink in hoping something sticks. However I do not believe it will be successful. The media watched OJs every move and was totally out with the case long before it went to trial. Also Scott Peterson was all entrenched in the media the four months before his arrest was made.

I think the GJ should go for the top count. Imo this one is going to be chocked full of compelling circumstantial evidence. Even more than what was presented in Scott Peterson's case. So I think they can prove it was intentional and will use Casey's words and demeanor to bolster that theory.

I do think that most juries are very logical people and the most logical aspect to this case imo is Casey Anthony murdered her child, Caylee and never looked back but went right on with her fun fake life as if she didn't have a care in the world.

I respect those who believes that Caylee is still alive. I would certainly rather them be right than for me to be. I have long felt Caylee is no longer with us but is among the Angels and at peace now.

I appreciate people on this thread being willing to answer questions as to how you're holding onto hope. I would love to believe Caylee is alive but I cannot understand why we haven't seen a sketch? :waitasec:

If the Anthony's believe Caylee is alive, then -the toddler is not traveling alone- so why not release a sketch? Even if they don't believe she is still w/the same person Casey left her w/she was at least w/her for a time and someone must have seen them.

When releasing fliers to aid in the search it is most helpful to include as many details as possible. So, why not include a sketch of who Casey left Caylee with? I can't understand why, if they believe someone took her, they wouldn't try to help find that person? Isn't there still a huge reward out there?

I'm also curious as to what you guys think about the forensics (as we know of them so far)? Do you think that LE is lying or stretching the truth? Or do you think that there was a body (not Caylee) and Casey knows something about a crime?

I would love more than anything to believe she's alive but I have a hard time coming up w/a feasible theory to explain Casey's actions- even if we dismiss forensics.

Does anyone have a good working theory that leads them to believe Caylee is alive?

Thanks in advance- I don't mean any disrespect - would just love to be able to hold onto hope-:blowkiss: -friends share!

I do respect your honesty, and understand why you feel the way you do..Please understand that because some people have the belief that Caylee is alive, it doesn't make us bad people..Some of us have children of our own, some of us are grandparents, aunts, uncles..Some of us have children in their lives..We all have our own opinions and theories on why and how she could be alive...Some of us might not even have a theory, but think it's a possibility..and some have other personal feelings. As do you.. And I completely respect and understand that..If we all didn't have different opinions, our world would not run as it should or does. As for some of your questions (respectfully snipped, bold are my answers):

If the Anthony's believe Caylee is alive, then -the toddler is not traveling alone- so why not release a sketch? It is my understanding that a sketch was made and never released to the public.. I don't think that the Anthony family would be able to keep a copy of that sketch.. I could be wrong, but if I'm right, well then how could the Anthony family actually release a sketch?

I'm also curious as to what you guys think about the forensics (as we know of them so far)? Do you think that LE is lying or stretching the truth? Or do you think that there was a body (not Caylee) and Casey knows something about a crime? The forensics is what always makes me have second guesses or doubts..But I do believe that there are other explanations for some of the forensics (hair, death band, chloroform), and I also believe that, from what has been released at this point, doesn't prove that it's Caylee..I feel that if they had solid proof Caylee was deceased, Casey would be in jail for murder and awaiting her trial
Does she visit that area at around the same time of day when she goes back? Like around meal times, nap time or bed time? Did she go back there after she bought the grape juice at target?

(I have a 3 year old who turned three 10 days after Caylee did and at this age they take naps after lunch time 12:30 or 1 ish)

Thank you for doing this hard work!

mine turned 3 in january , and i haven't had much time look at it but i see there was a ping there july 8th.
When is the indictment ? Do you know what the evidence will be presented? just curious

At this point, I think the whole GJ may be a ruse. No one has been subpoenaed as of yet which is quite odd.

We'll just have to see. I believe Caylee is alive. :)
A large portion of Casey's circle of friends have been notified, her father for sure and most likely her mother and brother will testify.
And the State will present enough of their evidence to expect the GJ would reach a decision rapidly.
Several Orlando TV stations have the news online and also the Orlando Sentinel Newspaper.

They've been told to keep the day open, however, they have not been officially subpoenaed. I'm not saying they won't be, but I just find it interesting that they haven't been as of yet and I wonder how accurate the reports are regardless of what the media is reporting.
I watched most of the hearing today and was pleased with the outcome. I was a little nervous at first because I thought JB looked a little out of place, but he held his ground. I question everything I hear in the media about this case and now I see why. The prosecution was very adamant about the release of the DNA tests and car air samples and the hotline tips, which leads me to believe what was released to the public by police was not 100% correct. I am praying everyday that Caylee comes home soon.

I agree with you, Missie. I have had questions from the beginning about those very things and I DO believe Caylee was seen much later than they claim she could have been. I honestly don't understand why they would hold back information/tips called in. I really don't. If there is just the tiniest possibility this child is alive, shouldn't each and every tip be tracked down to the very end? I know I would want that for my child.
Anyway i have been looking at the pings for the 16th and others, it seems like she could have dropped Caylee of with someone who lives close. She may have stayed where ever she dropped her off for 3 and a half hours before she went to TL’s then rented movies. She revisits this area many times before Jul 15th. But still working on it this and i believe Caylee is alive. All evidence can still be explained and so far to me nothing has changed.

I'd love to hear more on your theory. I also believe all the evidence can be explained away.
I have thought Caylee was alive since the beginning (and this is a first for me...I thought Elizabeth Smart was dead from the beginning), but now I am starting to worry.

I think I need a pep talk. I also want other posters on the board to know that my belief has nothing to do with supporting KC, the anthony's or the defense. None of them even really matter to me. It is about Caylee.

Hi CaliMama - I believe Caylee is alive too and you're right. It is about Caylee. I just want her to come home.
I think I need a pep talk. I also want other posters on the board to know that my belief has nothing to do with supporting KC, the anthony's or the defense. None of them even really matter to me. It is about Caylee.

As it should be. You feel what you feel as does everone else.

My husband and I waited until we were emotionally/financially ready to have a child and we waited too long to be able to have our own. We are currently in the process of a second adoption and are looking for a child that is the same age as Caylee. Oh how we wish we could have her.

Because of that, I "feel" so many things. But what I "feel" ON THIS THREAD is a non-issue. This is a thread that 100 percent feels that she is alive and that is why I keep coming here to read what you have to say. The what, where and why is a non-issue for me for you never waiver that this sweet girl is alive.

I cannot speak for everyone on this forum's "Gut", "Feelings" or "Opinions", but, I know that EVERYONE in this forum is on Caylee's side weather anyone AGREES WTH THE PATH THAT GETS US THERE OR NOT.

It make me sad to see this little one reduced to an argument between "them" and "us". No matter how much I disagree, I have admiration of all of you that believe that Caylee is alive.

Consider this your pep talk.
As it should be. You feel what you feel as does everone else.

My husband and I waited until we were emotionally/financially ready to have a child and we waited too long to be able to have our own. We are currently in the process of a second adoption and are looking for a child that is the same age as Caylee. Oh how we wish we could have her.

Because of that, I "feel" so many things. But what I "feel" ON THIS THREAD is a non-issue. This is a thread that 100 percent feels that she is alive and that is why I keep coming here to read what you have to say. The what, where and why is a non-issue for me for you never waiver that this sweet girl is alive.

I cannot speak for everyone on this forum's "Gut", "Feelings" or "Opinions", but, I know that EVERYONE in this forum is on Caylee's side weather anyone AGREES WTH THE PATH THAT GETS US THERE OR NOT.

It make me sad to see this little one reduced to an argument between "them" and "us". No matter how much I disagree, I have admiration of all of you that believe that Caylee is alive.

Consider this your pep talk.

Well I believe Caylee is alive but I worry. Are you saying that because I have a worry that causes me concern that I should not post here? I am a human being and I have real thoughts and feelings. This is a support thread. I was looking for support. Without this thread I have no place in WS.
I worry all the time.
I've said several times that it doesn't look good for Caylee being alive, but it still doesn't take my hope away. As long as I have just a little hope left for her, I'm going to align myself with others of the same mind.
Nobody should disparage you or anyone else for wanting to believe that Caylee is still living and will come home.
I'm very thankful to Tricia and the mods that we have this one thread where we can all discuss an alive Caylee.
I went back and re watched the hearing. During the hearing I think that Casey's attorney made a lot of good points. Casey is being tried in the media all thanks to LE leaking stuff to the media. Wonder why they would do that. It also seemed to me that the prosecution had it in their mind from the start that Casey killed Caylee. Tips that have been called in hopefully have been checked out to the fullest, but I do wonder if the reason that LE was worried about this and other info that they have, means they have not checked out every tip. Could it be that LE has not done a complete job of looking ? I am going to assume that could be the case. As far as the GJ goes, does anyone believe that anyone would know who was going to testify, it is supposed to be kept secret. It just seems to me that the state is worried that they do not have what they need to get a charge against Casey for murder, nothing more than child neglect is all they have and are blowing smoke. IMOO They only need 12 to say there is enough to bring a charge and I think that they will because this has been tried in the media. Again, Caylee is out there alive and needs to be brought home. So far nothing has been given or proven other wise.
I have thought Caylee was alive since the beginning (and this is a first for me...I thought Elizabeth Smart was dead from the beginning), but now I am starting to worry.

I think I need a pep talk. I also want other posters on the board to know that my belief has nothing to do with supporting KC, the anthony's or the defense. None of them even really matter to me. It is about Caylee.

In the Elizabeth Smart case, her family cooperated with police, and when they felt the police weren't doing enough, they had a sketch artist draw a picture of a suspect and had it plastered all over the media. The suspect in the drawing was recognized by his family and they came forward. We don't see a lot of family participation in Caylee's case, unless you want to count screaming matches with the protesters. If I were the Anthonys, I'd make sure every media outlet knew I was searching for Caylee and I'd be making genuine, heartful requests repeatedly. Yes, I'd still be asking for airtime to search for my child.

Just for the record I had a feeling Elizabeth was kidnapped and still alive. Many other cases, I just knew the child won't be found alive. I just get these "feelings". Sometimes I'm wrong.

About that so-called psychic message supposedly received from Caylee, I seriously doubt it. While I do believe people are psychic, I don't not believe in commercial psychics who give these long drawn out statements they received from the party in question. It doesn't work that way. Usually things come in bits and pieces, in a vision, as a feeling, or something audible, but rarely, extremely rarely, will you get something so detailed that it runs on and on.

Yes, it would be wonderful, glorious, if Caylee would show up ALIVE - soon. I heartily agree. I do believe OCSO would be thrilled also. Many of those policemen are moms, dads, and grandparents like many of us - all too human. There would be tears of joy all around. Trust me.
But the caveat is: That the prosecution has 10 days to turn this stuff over to Baez. There will already be an indictment before that, so Baez would be privy to the information anyway.
In other words the hearing and it's outcome today was for nothing.

I agree. I think his main thought was to win something before any trial comes up, a bit for his own ego, and for a notch on his lawyer post. His other main purpose was to try to get Casey some travel time. :confused: He knew he'd win something, if not everything. He was going to have access to the forensics reports soon enough anyway. You're right!

Quoted by Vickiev (in bold):
If the Anthony's believe Caylee is alive, then -the toddler is not traveling alone- so why not release a sketch?

It is my understanding that a sketch was made and never released to the public.. I don't think that the Anthony family would be able to keep a copy of that sketch.. I could be wrong, but if I'm right, well then how could the Anthony family actually release a sketch?

If this is so, the Anthonys could have had another sketch made by another sketch artist, as the Smarts did when the police didn't think their younger daughter's memory was important. That sketch helped find Elizabeth. So the fact that OCSO didn't release a sketch of ZG is moot. The main fact is the Anthonys haven't found a way to do it, either. I think that's a terrible omission on their part.

posted by CaliMom:
Well I believe Caylee is alive but I worry. Are you saying that because I have a worry that causes me concern that I should not post here? I am a human being and I have real thoughts and feelings. This is a support thread. I was looking for support. Without this thread I have no place in WS.

Sweetie, I don't think that's what she was saying at all. She said you feel is how you feel. That's true. This is an interesting thread and it always amazes me when I visit how most everyone here is staunch on their believe little Caylee is alive. Sadly, I don't feel that way, but this thread always give me a slight pinch of hope in my darkest moments. So I believe you are more welcome here than I am because you simply have "worries" whereas I have serious doubts. I don't come here to bring others down, but to get a different perspective from what I believe. I think you should stick around.
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