Tammi Peters Smith Psych Profile and indicators

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I see TPS as a narcissist and I also see her as someone with Oppositional defiance disorder, in adults it is known as antisocial personality disorder, I know that she does not seem to be very "antisocial" however look at the defintion of ODD, after the age of 18 it is known as antisocial personality disorder.
1. A pattern of negativistic, hostile, and defiant behavior lasting at least 6 months, during which four (or more) of the following are present:
Note: Consider a criterion met only if the behavior occurs more frequently than is typically observed in individuals of comparable age and developmental level.
1. often loses temper
2. often argues with adults
3. often actively defies or refuses to comply with adults' requests or rules
4. often deliberately annoys people
5. often blames others for his or her mistakes or misbehavior
6. is often touchy or easily annoyed by others
7. is often angry and resentful
8. is often spiteful or vindictive
2. The disturbance in behavior causes clinically significant impairment in social, academic, or occupational functioning.
3. The behaviors do not occur exclusively during the course of a psychotic or mood disorder.
4. Criteria are not met for conduct disorder, and, if the individual is age 18 years or older, criteria are not met for antisocial personality disorder.

If the child meets at least four of these criteria, and they are interfering with the child’s ability to function, then he or she technically meets the definition of oppositionally defiant.
What is your take on Tammi's statement right after she was released from jail on bond?

She makes this "I know you are but what am I " kind of juvenile statement -- getting in another bash at Logan -- in this tape she asks why Logan waited until now to trace Elizabeth's travels when he could have done so right after she told Logan that Elizabeth will not bring him back until he signs the papers (blackmail)

How can she not see what she is saying?

The statement is made at :57

Has she no grasp of reality?

IMO this statement speaks volumes about both her state of mind and involvement in this case

I went back and viewed every bit of footage from the past week. I'm not sure if her perception is delusional in the sense that psychosis is the root here. It looks more like a thought disorder in the sense that it stems from her PD. Everything she says fits into a construct. And I think that JS has modified his thinking to support that construct. To her LM is a bad person and she is totally justified of this in her mind. She not only drinks the kool-aid, she makes the kool-aid. Her religion is merely a method in which she justifies her thoughts and subsequent actions.

She has already cooked up a defense for these charges and because they make so much sense to her, of course they will not stick.

She and JS both tipped their hands as to this defense. Her cryptic comment regarding the paternity question they raised (I won't say it here in the media but it will come out in court) implied that it would be bad news for LM.

Whoever said in another thread that TPS was going to say LM raped EJ was right on the money. She will try to justify her actions to the judge by saying she was coming to the aid of EJ who told her that she was raped by LM or someone in Arkansas. Not the truth. Not that she had to have Gabriel at any cost. Not that she took a gamble and lost.

Remember this is the third time she has been arrested for forgery. God only knows how many forged documents are out there. She is a serial forger. Any type of repeated criminal behavior indicates both Anti-Social PD and psychopathy.

That's a lot of "false witnesses".

Another interesting thing I heard was TPS' relief that JS is no longer a POI in this case and he can testify in her defense. They may want to claim spousal privilege on this one. I have a hunch that LE has a ton of evidence that JS won't want to talk about in front of a Judge.

Another mis-statement TPS made that morning is this quote:

"TS: Um, yeah, there were some things that they did release. Um, they released a paper full of, um, full of things that I don’t, I can’t even describe. It was ridiculous. Um, it’s basically like cutting and pasting little pieces of things together. But forgetting, this and this and this, to prove my innocence. It was unbelievably ludicrous. And it’s okay, cause we have all of those pieces to fit back in there that creates all of our innocence."

This gives me insight into TPS thought processes. Proof (reality) and creation are synonymous. She creates the proof she needs in any circumstance.
I see TPS as a narcissist and I also see her as someone with Oppositional defiance disorder, in adults it is known as antisocial personality disorder, I know that she does not seem to be very "antisocial" however look at the defintion of ODD, after the age of 18 it is known as antisocial personality disorder.
1. A pattern of negativistic, hostile, and defiant behavior lasting at least 6 months, during which four (or more) of the following are present:
Note: Consider a criterion met only if the behavior occurs more frequently than is typically observed in individuals of comparable age and developmental level.
1. often loses temper
2. often argues with adults
3. often actively defies or refuses to comply with adults' requests or rules
4. often deliberately annoys people
5. often blames others for his or her mistakes or misbehavior
6. is often touchy or easily annoyed by others
7. is often angry and resentful
8. is often spiteful or vindictive
2. The disturbance in behavior causes clinically significant impairment in social, academic, or occupational functioning.
3. The behaviors do not occur exclusively during the course of a psychotic or mood disorder.
4. Criteria are not met for conduct disorder, and, if the individual is age 18 years or older, criteria are not met for antisocial personality disorder.

If the child meets at least four of these criteria, and they are interfering with the child’s ability to function, then he or she technically meets the definition of oppositionally defiant.

I wonder if the existence of a juvenile file on TPS can be discovered. Most juv files are sealed at adulthood, but the the existence of such a file would indicate activity.
It's curious how she had all those marriages (couldn't sustain a relationship), but has managed to sustain a relationship with Jack for what, 10 or 12 years? What's different about him? Birds of a feather?

ETA: Not trying to go off topic to Jack. Rather thinking from the standpoint of her psychology - what is it about her that she is able to sustain a longterm relationship with Jack vs others.
I went back and viewed every bit of footage from the past week. I'm not sure if her perception is delusional in the sense that psychosis is the root here. It looks more like a thought disorder in the sense that it stems from her PD. Everything she says fits into a construct. And I think that JS has modified his thinking to support that construct. To her LM is a bad person and she is totally justified of this in her mind. She not only drinks the kool-aid, she makes the kool-aid. Her religion is merely a method in which she justifies her thoughts and subsequent actions.

She has already cooked up a defense for these charges and because they make so much sense to her, of course they will not stick.

She and JS both tipped their hands as to this defense. Her cryptic comment regarding the paternity question they raised (I won't say it here in the media but it will come out in court) implied that it would be bad news for LM.

Whoever said in another thread that TPS was going to say LM raped EJ was right on the money. She will try to justify her actions to the judge by saying she was coming to the aid of EJ who told her that she was raped by LM or someone in Arkansas. Not the truth. Not that she had to have Gabriel at any cost. Not that she took a gamble and lost.

Remember this is the third time she has been arrested for forgery. God only knows how many forged documents are out there. She is a serial forger. Any type of repeated criminal behavior indicates both Anti-Social PD and psychopathy.

That's a lot of "false witnesses".

Another interesting thing I heard was TPS' relief that JS is no longer a POI in this case and he can testify in her defense. They may want to claim spousal privilege on this one. I have a hunch that LE has a ton of evidence that JS won't want to talk about in front of a Judge.

Another mis-statement TPS made that morning is this quote:

"TS: Um, yeah, there were some things that they did release. Um, they released a paper full of, um, full of things that I don’t, I can’t even describe. It was ridiculous. Um, it’s basically like cutting and pasting little pieces of things together. But forgetting, this and this and this, to prove my innocence. It was unbelievably ludicrous. And it’s okay, cause we have all of those pieces to fit back in there that creates all of our innocence."

This gives me insight into TPS thought processes. Proof (reality) and creation are synonymous. She creates the proof she needs in any circumstance.

Tammi does see things in black and white like we do or as breaking the law...she see in shades of grey ...Tammi perceptions of the law are askewed
It's curious how she had all those marriages (couldn't sustain a relationship), but has managed to sustain a relationship with Jack for what, 10 or 12 years? What's different about him? Birds of a feather?

ETA: Not trying to go off topic to Jack. Rather thinking from the standpoint of her psychology - what is it about her that she is able to sustain a longterm relationship with Jack vs others.
Maybe she hasn't tried, maybe it's just matching pathology. No one could put up with her besides Jack and vice versa?
It's curious how she had all those marriages (couldn't sustain a relationship), but has managed to sustain a relationship with Jack for what, 10 or 12 years? What's different about him? Birds of a feather?

ETA: Not trying to go off topic to Jack. Rather thinking from the standpoint of her psychology - what is it about her that she is able to sustain a longterm relationship with Jack vs others.

Maybe she hasn't tried, maybe it's just matching pathology. No one could put up with her besides Jack and vice versa?

Here's my take:

1. JS is very passive and submissive when it comes to TPS. (Stability)

2. JS appears to be very wealthy. 20 years her senior, he will probably pass away long before TPS. (Security)

3. The paternal factor. (Compensation)
Another prevarication TPS penned from [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4769147&postcount=4"]this post (link)[/ame].

"We have owned and operated The Tape and Disc Factory for over 18 years in Nashville, Tennessee. We used to ONLY replicate for the HUGE stars, because of their massive volume."

Huge stars have contracts with record companies. Do you think companies like Sony are going to contract out CD replication to a small mom and pop outfit? Negative.
It literally costs these companies pennies to crank out a CD.

Their operation was more likely making CDs for demos to shop to big record companies. Also for sales a performance sites, and churches.
Somebody should start an online dating service for sociopaths.

I think JS was relatively normal before meeting TPS. She conned him into her belief system and he bought into it hook, line and sinker.

There is probably a sexual dynamic at play here.

Love is blind.
I think JS was relatively normal before meeting TPS. She conned him into her belief system and he bought into it hook, line and sinker.

There is probably a sexual dynamic at play here.

Love is blind.

BBM. And I can only imagine the list of philias. ~shudder~

But, there may also be something that some people consider stronger than sex - religion/acceptance. It seems that Jack has done some shady things in his life, as least in regard to H, we know Tammi has, so it would not surprise me to find out that they needed acceptance more than sex. It's hard to keep a lie hidden forever. They each may have needed a person to know the truth and still help bolster the public persona.
I think JS was relatively normal before meeting TPS. She conned him into her belief system and he bought into it hook, line and sinker.

There is probably a sexual dynamic at play here.

Love is blind.

And in this case, it's probably deaf, too. Or at least it's learned to practice selective hearing.
I think she has a few Axis I AND Axis II disorders... lol
It's curious how she had all those marriages (couldn't sustain a relationship), but has managed to sustain a relationship with Jack for what, 10 or 12 years? What's different about him? Birds of a feather?

ETA: Not trying to go off topic to Jack. Rather thinking from the standpoint of her psychology - what is it about her that she is able to sustain a longterm relationship with Jack vs others.

I think the answer to this question might be found in looking at how they met. I haven't seen that story addressed here, but it sure has been elsewhere. :angel:
I think the answer to this question might be found in looking at how they met. I haven't seen that story addressed here, but it sure has been elsewhere. :angel:

Do we have a 'legal' way to bring that info in here? It would be interesting and revealing.
I think that this video is enlightening as far as indicators
This link discusses some of the criminal charges in TS' past

http://www.azcentral.com/video/#/Ne...d to rest/40280768001/35150280001/64769208001

There is a misc charge that you can see a part of in the video that they do not discuss in the video but it links TS to some rather frightening other perps

As for JS on this video stating he's going to sue KF for his claims that TS still owes back child support, I find it interesting in light of the posts in this thread -- it is a fact that she owes money -- it is still owed as of 2010 according to the records
Do we have a 'legal' way to bring that info in here? It would be interesting and revealing.

It was posted last night on Tammi's FB by some one time poster, and deleted within 20 minutes -- one of our posters got a screen shot
I don't know if it is true, but if it is that would definately shed some light for this thread -- IMO sounds like an insider and sounds a little like TW
It was posted last night on Tammi's FB by some one time poster, and deleted within 20 minutes -- one of our posters got a screen shot
I don't know if it is true, but if it is that would definately shed some light for this thread -- IMO sounds like an insider and sounds a little like TW

This is a good time to start asking for permission to post these per JBean in Threadiquette:

If something was posted as public and then removed you might be able to post it, it is up to te mod of the forum and it depends on who, what, when and where.

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For the items we get permission to post, we could post the item one time in the facebook/myspace thread, along with the mod's permission included in the post, and then in other threads we can just link to that post when we refer to it. I think this would keep us out of trouble, and our mods from having to do clean up work.

I think that this video is enlightening as far as indicators
This link discusses some of the criminal charges in TS' past

http://www.azcentral.com/video/#/Ne...d to rest/40280768001/35150280001/64769208001

There is a misc charge that you can see a part of in the video that they do not discuss in the video but it links TS to some rather frightening other perps

As for JS on this video stating he's going to sue KF for his claims that TS still owes back child support, I find it interesting in light of the posts in this thread -- it is a fact that she owes money -- it is still owed as of 2010 according to the records

It's funny how JS blamed KF for Tammi's previous forgery charges...

It's never Tammi's fault..

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