British student murdered in Perugia, 3 suspects

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have you seen the pictures of the house:? I don't think an "athletic person" could easily get up there...the roof is very sloped and has large eaves over the you would have to be a gymnaist

both windows are on the 2nd floor

Yes, indeed I have seen pictures of the house. They were in the link I mentioned with the demonstration of how someone could do it...Did you see?

I'm guessing you had one true story and stuck to it. I think it made sense to the cops and so they didn't pursue you. That's probably the difference IMO.

ETA: I believe AK's embrace didn't look like it was a comforting one. Yours sounds different.

Yes, I had one true story and stuck to it, but was only at the police station for a total of two hours with a total of about 45 minutes of questioning and wasn't coerced or pressured or lead in any way. We don't know whether or not Amanda was since there isn't a video recording of any portions of her interrogation, that we know of. There is video of mine.

You may believe that her post trauma embrace "sounds" different than mine, but in fact it wasn't, really. Quite similar, actually. I was only a witness to the shooting and extremely terrified. I didn't cry or act out. I remained as calm as possible but I'm sure the distress was easily read on my face. I read that on AK's face during her now famous embrace. JMO

Also, I remember being highly anxious in the police station and getting up and walking around the room more than once because sitting still in that chair was wearing on my nerves. I didn't do cartwheels, no, because I'm not a gymnast, but I did stretch and walk around to keep my mind busy in any way. Again, I was only there 2 hours. We couldn't go home afterwards, of course. We stayed at his parents house and held each other TIGHT all night long.

Another point, my father died when I was young and I was very close to him. It was the most horrendous loss of my life. I didn't cry. I went numb. Some people deal with grief this way. I did.

That is a good point was/is "improbable"

I personally think about cases where certain elements of people "allowed" them to commit crimes together that they would not do seperately

>>> Rafaelle , virgin or almost virgin till he met wild Amanda...with his obsession about gory comic books showing beautiful "manga" women murdered

>>> Amanda...spreading her "wings" but not in a good way..self centered, self absorbed
center of attention....

>>> Guede ...pot head drifter/druggie who was probably delighted to be "admitted" to an apartment and have a sexual romp (forced) thanks to his "friends"

MY PERSONAL thought is that Amanda and Rafaelle were drunk/high and let Guede in and Meredith had a confrontation with them....she may have had enough of Amanda bringing home people etc..

and somehow things some point they realized that they were accomplices to rape and they killed her

I do think that Rafaelle may have been the one to stage the his sister is LE ..and he kept referring to them when the Postal police were there

that is the only thing I can figure....???

As the person with the key and legal right to be in the apt, Amanda seems to have been the catalyst for this

murder in commission of another felony (rape) means that all are charged with murder, just as it would be here in the usa (but not apparently in England, Wales or Northern Ireland, even tho this principle was started there in British laws)
Tizzle are we supposed to think that Meredith sat in the apt at 9 pm or so while the perp broke not one but TWO windows??

and clambered up the grill...and then hoisted himself in? she could have called 112..ran out...or just pushed him off the window ledge

did she hear one window break and then wait to hear the next one break??

two broken windows>>> overdone attempt to make it seem like a break in IMHO
In my first post or 2 on this thread I brought up the knife and asked how it was determined it was cleaned by bleach? (i.e. tested and verified?). And how did AK's and MK's DNA survive on the knife if it was cleaned by bleach and 'scrubbed'? AK's DNA on the knife is not that big of a deal since she was at RS's and used the knife. MK's DNA = big deal. One forensic expert in the U.S. said the MK evidence on that knife didn't cause a positive hit for blood and the blood test is more sensitive and requires less evidence than that for a DNA test. I have no idea if this is true but it's what I heard one of the DNA experts say on TV. Was the DNA test on the knife repeated? How confident are experts on the results? Which DNA test was run (I never heard).

Again, I'm NOT saying that AK is innocent! I'm just trying to examine the evidence. (I feel I need to repeat this in every single post I make since people keep thinking I'm defending AK and saying she didn't do the crime).
BBM Haha, cute disclaimer.

From what I understand, the alleged DNA of Meredith on the knife was tested into non-existance and has never officially been verified as 100% hers. Even if it was MK's DNA, isn't it possible that it was transferred by AK as a result of them being roommates, i.e. skin cells? I'm not saying this is what happened, I'm asking if it's possible?

Not to mention, the knife has never even been identified as the murder weapon, for sure. I've heard it COULD be consistent with the murder weapon but have never seen anywhere where it's said that it is DEFINITELY the knife used. I've never seen evidence where it definitely matches the weapon used but have seen evidence where it is ruled out as the weapon used.

There are just SO MANY inconsistencies, I really don't see how some are so convinced of A&R'S guilt. It's so difficult to distinguish the gossip from the real information. I just can't believe this doesn't bother more people than it does.
Tizzle are we supposed to think that Meredith sat in the apt at 9 pm or so while the perp broke not one but TWO windows??

and clambered up the grill...and then hoisted himself in? she could have called 112..ran out...or just pushed him off the window ledge

did she hear one window break and then wait to hear the next one break??

two broken windows>>> overdone attempt to make it seem like a break in IMHO

I have seen nothing other than your posts that suggests MK's window was broken, too.

But, if hers was broken, too....


Gained entry through window in Filomena's room, possibly.
Meredith's window broken during struggle, possibly.
Here's why I would convict AK if I were a juror. (In no particular order)

The ludicrous mop story

The obvious cleanup and staged robbery.

She doesn't have a firm alibi for that night.

She's told a lot of stories that have nothing to do with the truth. If she was coerced I think it would have been one story only.

She implicated an innocent man.

A person testified that she had pulled a knife on her the day before the murder. I wasn't there and so I have no first hand knowledge of his credibility but it's enough to make me scratch my chin.

The shopkeeper that identified her in court as the girl in his shop at 7:45am after the murder. When she claims she was at her BF's house. (I'll ignore the receipt since it appears it was never entered into evidence.)

The fact that she was given a translator after one hour of her questioning. By her own words.

The email she sent to friends.

They found a footprint going toward Meredith's room and away from Meredith's room matching her size.

She not only lied about Lumuba verbally but she also signed a statement attesting to her verbal story.

Two prosecutors were working the corrupt Mignini and a woman named Manuela Comodi who appears to be clean.

The bra clasp that was sealed in her room for two weeks has RS's DNA on it. DNA doesn't get on a piece of evidence very easily. I've seen cases in which DNA has been tested 20 years or so after the initial finding.

Sollecito's lies to police.

The Knox's hired a PR firm.

That's some. I think I need a nap. :bedtime:

To be continued.

I reserve the right to add or subtract things from this list in future posts, this all seems credible to me now.
My guess is that this wasn't just a murder but a case of torture and then murder. I find it hard to believe the three of them each had a one third share in what happened. Which means one of them will some day think they stand on a higher moral ground than the other two and want to make sure people know that.

Nobody can say anything now because of the appeal process.
Yes, indeed I have seen pictures of the house. They were in the link I mentioned with the demonstration of how someone could do it...Did you see?

Yes, I had one true story and stuck to it, but was only at the police station for a total of two hours with a total of about 45 minutes of questioning and wasn't coerced or pressured or lead in any way. We don't know whether or not Amanda was since there isn't a video recording of any portions of her interrogation, that we know of. There is video of mine.

You may believe that her post trauma embrace "sounds" different than mine, but in fact it wasn't, really. Quite similar, actually. I was only a witness to the shooting and extremely terrified. I didn't cry or act out. I remained as calm as possible but I'm sure the distress was easily read on my face. I read that on AK's face during her now famous embrace. JMO

Also, I remember being highly anxious in the police station and getting up and walking around the room more than once because sitting still in that chair was wearing on my nerves. I didn't do cartwheels, no, because I'm not a gymnast, but I did stretch and walk around to keep my mind busy in any way. Again, I was only there 2 hours. We couldn't go home afterwards, of course. We stayed at his parents house and held each other TIGHT all night long.

Another point, my father died when I was young and I was very close to him. It was the most horrendous loss of my life. I didn't cry. I went numb. Some people deal with grief this way. I did.


BBM. for what it's worth, I would guess she may feel distressed being at the police station after slaughtering her room mate too.

I am sorry for what you had to go through, it must have been devastating. I know it would be for me.

for the record I would like to say I wish I could see court transcripts. I do believe we are all getting different stories (I am in the UK, although american, so take that for what it's worth as well)....

.....because while I do think amanda and rafaele were involved, I am also not convinced by the evidence that I am aware of.

which is funny cause I actually thought they would walk, although they were truly guilty. I still feel unsure there was enough evidence to convict.
My guess is that this wasn't just a murder but a case of torture and then murder. I find it hard to believe the three of them each had a one third share in what happened. Which means one of them will some day think they stand on a higher moral ground than the other two and want to make sure people know that.

Nobody can say anything now because of the appeal process.

Good point. I believe that could turn out to be RS.
I want to thank those of you who are willing to discuss the evidence in this case. Since I've come to the case late in the game, as it were, I'm doing a lot of catch-up.

I read the following in Clint Van Zant's blog about the case:

The mixed blood evidence.

Knox’s blood and the blood of the victim were allegedly found comingled in multiple places around the crime scene, to include the bathroom, in one of the bedrooms and in the hallway.

Okay now THAT is compelling if true. It would be difficult to come up with an innocent scenario to explain each and every combined blood stain of MK mixed with AK.

That's the kind of evidence I look for (in a bloody crime scene) to indicate and prove a specific person was at the scene of the crime and interacted in some way with the victim, their blood and/or the scene. The bathroom alone is hinky but not as compelling (IMHO) as a mixture of blood found in one of the roommate's rooms. We know AK used that bathroom regularly.
Someone upstream asked me to name my source that the defense was denied independent review of the DNA evidence.

I found it. It is from Andrea Vogt's Oct 9, 2009 report:

An Italian jury rejected Amanda Knox’s multiple requests for an independent review of contested evidence Friday, bringing the end in sight to the Seattle student’s contentious murder trial....

Lawyers for Knox and Sollecito, asked the court to approve an independent review of several contested pieces of forensic evidence, most notably the kitchen knife with Knox’s DNA on the handle and what prosecutor’s argue is the Kercher’s on the blade, and a bra clasp with Sollecito’s DNA.

Knox’s lawyers also asked for a review of the luminol-enhanced footprints, the mark on the pillowcase that the prosecution argued was a woman’s shoeprint, but which the defense argues is simply a bloody crease, and several other traces of DNA found in the flat Knox and Kercher shared....

The Kercher family’s attorney, Francesco Maresca of Florence, argued, however, that the court already had plenty of material to review. “We all know that in all trials of this nature there are different analyses of forensic evidence made by the various expert witnesses,” he said. “The court must now consider the seriousness and integrity of the experts’ testimony.”

Prosecutor Manuela Comodi went a step farther, saying while she did not believe a review was necessary, she would she would “almost be pleased” to see the results with regard to the prosecution’s footprint expert analysis.

The eight-member jury, which includes two professional judges, flatly rejected all defense requests at 9:30 p.m. after deliberating just under two hours.
Someone upstream asked me to name my source that the defense was denied independent review of the DNA evidence.

I found it. It is from Andrea Vogt's Oct 9, 2009 report:

An Italian jury rejected Amanda Knox’s multiple requests for an independent review of contested evidence Friday, bringing the end in sight to the Seattle student’s contentious murder trial....

Lawyers for Knox and Sollecito, asked the court to approve an independent review of several contested pieces of forensic evidence, most notably the kitchen knife with Knox’s DNA on the handle and what prosecutor’s argue is the Kercher’s on the blade, and a bra clasp with Sollecito’s DNA.

Knox’s lawyers also asked for a review of the luminol-enhanced footprints, the mark on the pillowcase that the prosecution argued was a woman’s shoeprint, but which the defense argues is simply a bloody crease, and several other traces of DNA found in the flat Knox and Kercher shared....

The Kercher family’s attorney, Francesco Maresca of Florence, argued, however, that the court already had plenty of material to review. “We all know that in all trials of this nature there are different analyses of forensic evidence made by the various expert witnesses,” he said. “The court must now consider the seriousness and integrity of the experts’ testimony.”

Prosecutor Manuela Comodi went a step farther, saying while she did not believe a review was necessary, she would she would “almost be pleased” to see the results with regard to the prosecution’s footprint expert analysis.

The eight-member jury, which includes two professional judges, flatly rejected all defense requests at 9:30 p.m. after deliberating just under two hours.


It appears they asked for the forensic review after the jury had started deliberations. I'm not surprised it was rejected.
All of this comes from;


[Note: The following paragraph numbers form no part of Micheli’s report. They are used in the context of this summary to identify the points of evidence contained in his report which will be examined and summarised in greater detail in follow-up posts]

1) Judge Micheli, after hearing both prosecution and defense arguments about Meredith’s and Amanda’s DNA on the knife and Raffaele’s DNA on Meredith’s bra clasp, accepted the prosecution argument that that both were valid evidence. He did note, however, that he fully expected that the same argument would be heard again at the full trial. In his report, Micheli dedicates several pages to explaining the opposing arguments and how he made his decision to allow the evidence. It is a detailed technical argument, and it is not proposed to examine it any closer in this post.

2) Judge Micheli explains that blood evidence proves that Meredith was wearing her bra when she was killed. Nor is it just the blood on her bra which demonstrates this. It’s also where the blood isn’t on her body. He says that Meredith was wearing her bra normally when she laid in the position in which she died, and she was still wearing it for quite some time after she was dead. Her bra strap marks and the position of her shoulder are imprinted in the pool of blood in that position. Meredith’s shoulder also shows the signs that she lay in that position for quite some time.

He asks the question: Who came back, cut off Meredith’s bra and moved her body some time later? It wasn’t Rudy Guede. He went home, cleaned himself up and went out on the town with his friends. Judge Micheli reasons in his report that it could only have been done by someone who knew about Meredith’s death and had an interest in arranging the scene in Meredith’s room. Seemingly who else but Amanda Knox?

She was apparently the only person in Perugia that night who could gain entry to the cottage. And the clasp which was cut with a knife when Meredith’s bra was removed was found on November 2nd when Meredith’s body was moved by the investigators. It was right under the pillow which was placed under Meredith when she was moved by someone from the position in which she died. On that clasp and its inch of fabric is the DNA of Raffaele Sollecito and Amanda Knox. Micheli reasons in his report that Raffaele and Amanda seemed to have returned to the cottage some time after Meredith was dead, cut off her bra, moved her body, and staged the scene in Meredith’s room.

3) Judge Micheli explains his reasoning on the method of Rudy’s entry into the cottage. He says that Rudy’s entry through the window is a very unlikely scenario and the evidence also indicates otherwise. He says the height and position of the window would expose any climber to the full glare of traffic headlights from cars on Via della Pergola. He asks, why wouldn’t a thief choose to break in through a ground floor window of the empty house? He says the broken glass and marks on the shutter both demonstrate the window was broken from the inside, some of the glass even falling on top of Filomena’s clothes which had been thrown around the room to simulate a robbery.

But his major reasoning for believing Rudy’s entry was through the front door are the bloody bare footprints which show up with luminol and fit Knox’s and Sollecito’s feet. These suggest that they entered Filomena’s room and created the scene in there after Meredith was killed. Allessandra Formica witnessed Rudy run away shortly after Meredith was stabbed. Someone went back later, left those footprints and staged the scene.

This, when considered in combination with the knowledge that person demonstrated of Rudy’s biological involvement with Meredith when they also staged the sex assault scene in Meredith’s own room indicates that that person was present when Meredith was assaulted and killed. He said it also demonstrated an attempt by someone who had an interest in altering the evidence in the house to leave the blame at Rudy’s door. Micheli reasoned, the only person who could have witnessed Rudy’s earlier sex assault on Meredith, could gain entry via the door and had an interest in altering the crime scene in the house appeared to be Amanda Knox. In his report, Micheli states that this logic leads him to believe that Amanda Knox was the one who let Rudy Guede into the cottage through the front door.

4) Judge Micheli examines the evidence of Antonio Curatolo. He says that although Curatolo mixes up his dates in his statement, he does have a fix on the night he saw Amanda and Raffaele in Piazza Grimana sometime around 11:00 to 11:30pm. Curatolo is certain it was the night before the Piazza filled up with policemen asking if anyone had seen Meredith. In his evidence, he says they came into the square from the direction of Via Pinturicchio and kept looking towards the cottage at Via della Pergola from a position in the square where they could see the entrance gate.

Judge Micheli reasons in his report that their arrival from Via Pinturicchio ties in with the evidence from Nara Capazzali that she heard someone run up the stairs in the direction of that street. He also reasons that they were likely watching the cottage to see if Meredith’s scream had resulted in the arrival of the police or other activity.

5) Judge Micheli examines the evidence of Hekuran Kokomani and finds him far from discredited. His says the testimony is garbled, his dates and times makes no sense but.... that Hekuran Kokomani was in the vicinity of the cottage on both 31st Oct. and 1st Nov isn’t in doubt. Furthermore, Micheli says that when he gave his statement, the details which he gave of the breakdown of the car, the tow truck and the people involved weren’t known by anyone else. He must have witnessed the breakdown in Via della Pergola. The same breakdown was also seen by Allessandra Formica shortly after Rudy Guede collided with her boyfriend.

This places Hekuran Kokomani outside the cottage right around the time of Meredith’s murder and he in turn places Raffaele Sollecito, Amanda Knox and Rudy Guede together outside the cottage at the same time. His evidence also places all three outside the cottage at some time the previous night.

Judge Michelii found that all this evidence implicated Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito as accomplices of Rudy Guede in the murder of Meredith Kercher.

Found another link to the email that Amanda sent to 23 of her friends and family 2 days after the murder.

Amanda Knox wrote:
This is an email for everyone, because id like to get it all out and
not have to repeat myself a hundred times like ive been having to do
at the police station. some of you already know some things, some of
you know nothing. what im about to say i cant say to journalists or
newspapers, and i require that of anone receiving this information as
well. this is m account of how i found my roommate murdered the
morning of friday, november 2nd.
The last time i saw meredith, 22, english, beautiful, funny, was when
i came home from spending the night at a friends house. It was the day
after halloween, thursday. I got home and she was still asleep, bu
after i had taken a shower and was fumbling around the kitchen she
emerged from her room with the blood of her costume (vampire) still
dripping down her chin. We talked for a while in the kitchen, how the
night went, what our plans were for the day. Nothing out of the
ordinary. then she went to take a shower and i began to start eating a
little while i waited for my friend (Raffaele-at whose house i stayed
over) to arrive at my house. He came right after i started eating and
he made himself some pasta. as we were eating together meredith came
out of the shower and grabbed some laundry or put some laundry in, one
or the other and returned into her room after saying hi to raffael.
after lunch i began to play guitar with raffael and meredith came out
of her room and went to the door. she said bye and left for the day.
it was the last time i saw her alive.
after a little while of playing guitar me and raffael went to his
house to watch movies and after to eat dinner and generally spend the
evening and night indoors. we didnt go out. the next morning i woke up
around 1030 and after grabbing my few things i left raffael's
appartment and walked the five minute walk back to my house to once
again take a shower and grab a chane of clothes. i also needed to grab
a mop because after dinner raffael had spilled a lot of water on the
floor of his kitchen by accident and didnt have a mop to clean it up.
so i arrived home and the first abnormal thing i noticed was the door
was wide open. here's the thingabout the door to our house: its
broken, in such a way that you have to use the keys to keep it closed.
if we dont have the door locked, it is really easy for the wond to
blow the door open, and so, my roommates and i always have the door
locked unless we are running really quickley to bring the garbage out
or to get something from the neighbors who live below us. (another
important piece of imformation: for those who dont know, i inhabit a
house of two stories, of which my three roommates and i share the
second story appartment. there are four italian guys of our age
between 22 and 26 who live below us. we are all wuite good friends and
we talk often. giacomo is especially welcome because he plays guitar
with me and laura, one of my roommates, and is, or was dating
meredith. the other three are marco, stefano, and ricardo.) anyway, so
the door was wide open. strange, yes, but not so strange that i really
thought anything about it. i assumed someone in the house was doing
exactly what i just said, taking out the trash or talking really
uickley to the neighbors downstairs. so i closed the door behind me
but i didnt lock it, assuming that the person who left the door open
would like to come back in. when i entered i called out if anyone was
there, but no one responded and i assumed that if anyone was there,
they were still asleep. lauras door was open which meant she wasnt
home, and filomenas door was also closed. my door was open like always
and meredith door was closed, which to me weant she was sleeping. i
undressed in my room and took a quick shower in one of the two
bathrooms in my house, the one that is right next to meredith and my
bedrooms (situated right next to one another). it was after i stepped
out of the shower and onto the mat that i noticed the blood in the
bathroom. it was on the mat i was using to dry my feet and there were
drops of blood in the sink. at first i thought the blood might have
come from my ears which i had pierced extrensively not too long ago,
but then immediately i know it wasnt mine becaus the stains on the mat
were too big for just droplets form my ear, and when i touched the
blood in the sink it was caked on already. there was also blood
smeered on the faucet. again, however, i thought it was strange,
because my roommates and i are very clean and we wouldnt leave blood
int he bathroom, but i assumed that perhaps meredith was having
menstral issues and hadnt cleaned up yet. ew, but nothing to worry
about. i left the bathroom and got dressed in my room. after i got
dressed i went to the other bathroom in my house, the one that
filomena dn laura use, and used their hairdryer to obviously dry my
hair and it was after i was putting back the dryer that i noticed the
**** that was left in the toilet, something that definately no one in
out house would do. i started feeling a little uncomfortable and so i
grabbed the mop from out closet and lef the house, closing and locking
the door that no one had come back through while i was in the shower,
and i returned to raffael's place. after we had used the mop to clean
up the kitchen i told raffael about what i had seen in the house over
breakfast. the strange blood in the bathroom, the door wide open, the
**** left in the toilet. he suggested i call one of my roommates, so i
called filomena. filomena had been at a party the night before with
her boyfriend marco (not the same marco who lives downstairs but we'll
call him marco-f as in filomena and the other can be marco-n as in
neighbor). she also told me that laura wasnt at home and hadnt been
because she was on business in rome. which meant the only one who had
spent the night at our house last night was meredith, and she was as
of yet unaccounted for. filomena seemed really worried, so i told her
id call meredith and then call her back. i called both of merediths
phones the english one first and last and the italian one between. the
first time i called the english phone is rang and then sounded as of
there was disturbance, but no one answered. i then calle the italian
phone and it just kept ringing, no answer. i called her english phone
again and this time an english voice told me her phone was out of
service. raffael and i gathered our things and went back to my house.
i unlocked the door and im going to tell this really slowly to get
everything right so just have patience with me. the living
room/kitchen was fine. looked perfectly normal. i was checking for
signs of our things missing, should there have been a burglar in our
house the night before. filomenas room was closed, but when i opned
the door her room and a mess and her window was open and completely
broken, but her computer was still sitting on her desk like it always
was and this confused me. convinced that we had been robbed i went to
lauras room and looked quickley in, but it was spottless, like it
hadnt even been touced. this too, i thought was odd. i then went into
the part of the house that meredith and i share and checked my room
for things missing, which there werent. then i knocked on merediths
at first i thought she was alseep so i knocked gently, but when she
didnt respond i knocked louder and louder until i was really banging
on her door and shouting her name. no response. panicing, i ran out
onto our terrace to see if maybe i could see over the ledge into her
room from the window, but i couldnt see in. bad angle. i then went
into the bathroom where i had dried my hair and looked really quickley
into the toilet. in my panic i thought i hadnt seen anything there,
which to me meant whoever was in my house had been there when i had
been there. as it turns out the police told me later that the toilet
was full and that the **** had just fallen to the bottom of the
toilet, so i didnt see it. i ran outside and down to our neighbors
door. the lights were out but i banged ont he door anyway. i wanted to
ask them if they had heard anything the night before, but no one was
home. i ran back into the house. in the living room raffael told me he
wanted to see if he could break down merediths door. he tried, and
cracked the door, but we couldnt open it. it was then that we decided
to call the cops. there are two types of cops in italy, carbanieri
(local, dealing with traffic and domestic calls) and the police
investigaters. he first called his sister for advice and then called
the carbanieri. i then called filomna who said she would be on her way
home immediately. while we were waiting, two ununiformed police
investigaters came to our house. i showed them what i could and told
them what i knew. gave them ohone numbers and explained a bit in
broken italian, and then filomena arrived with her boyfriend marco-f
and two other friends of hers. all together we checked the houe out,
talked to the polie,a nd in a big they all opened merediths door.
i was in the kitchen stadning aside, having really done my part for
the situation. but when they opened merediths door and i heard
filomena scream "a foot! a foot!" in italian i immedaitely tried to
get to merediths room but raffael grabbed me and took me out of the
house. the police told everyone to get out and not long afterward the
carabinieri arrived and then soon afterward, more police
investigators. they took all of our informaton and asked us the same
questions over and over. at the time i had only what i was wearing and
my badg, which thankfully had my passport in it and my wallet. no
jacket though, and i was freezing. after sticking around at the housr
for a bit, the police told us to go to the station to give testimony,
which i did. i was in a room for six hours straight after that without
seeing anyone else, answering questions in italian for the first hour
and then they brought in an interpreter and he helped my out with the
details that i didnt know the words for. they asked me of course about
the the morning, the last time i saw her, and because i was the
closest to her, questions about her habits and her relationships.
afterward, when they were taking my fingerprints, i met two of
merediths english friends, two girls she goes out with, including the
lat one who saw her alive that night she was murdered. they also had
their prints taken. after that, this was around 9 at night by this
time, i was taken into the waiting room where there was various other
people who i all knew from varous places who all knew meredith. her
friends from england, my roommates, even the owner of the pub she most
frequented. after a while my neighbors were taken in too, having just
arived home from a weeklong vacation in their home town, which
eplained why they werent home when i banged on their door. later than
that another guy showed up and was taken in for questioning, a guy i
dont like but who both meredith and i knew from different occasions, a
morracan guy that i only know by his nickname amongst the girls
"shaky". then i sat around in this waiting room wthout having the
chance to leave or eat anything besides vending maschine food (whcih
gave me a hell of a stomache ache) until 530 in the morning. during
this time i received calls from a lot of different people, family
mostly of course, and i also talked with the rest. especially to find
out what exactly was in merediths room whent hey opened it. apparently
her body was laying under a sheet, and with her foot sticking out and
there was a lot of blood. whoever had did this had slit her throat.
they told me to be back in at 11am. i went home to raffael's place and
ate something substantial, and passed out.
in the morning raffael drove me bck to the police station but had to
leave me when they said they wantrd to take me back to the house for
quesioning. before i go on, id like to ssay that i was strictly told
not to speak about this, but im speaking with you people who are not
involved and who cant do anything bad except talk to journalists,
which i hope you wont do. i have to get this off my chest because its
pressing down on me and it helps to know that someone besides me knows
something, and that im not the one who knows the most out of everyone.
at the house they asked me very personal questions about meredith's
life and also about the personalities of our neighbors. how well did i
know them? pretty well, we are friends. was meredith sexually active?
yeah, she borrowed a few of my condoms. does she like anal? wtf? i
dont know. does she use vaseline? for her lips? what kind of person is
stefano? nice guy, has a really pretty girlfriend. hmmm...very
interesting....weìd like to how you something, and tell us if this is
out of normal.
tehy took me into the nieghbors house. the had breaken the door open
to get in, but they told me to ingonore that. the rooms were all open.
giacomo and marco-n's room was spotless which made since becaus the
guys had thoroughly cleaned the whole house before they left on
vacation. stefano's room however, well, his bed was strpped of linens,
which was odd, and the comfoter he used was shoved up at the top of
his bed, with blood on it. i obviously told then that the blood was
definatley out of normal and also that he usually has his bed made.
they took note of it and ussred me out. when i left the house to go
back to the police station they told me to put my jacket over my head
and duck down below the window so the reporters wouldnt try to talk to
me. at the station i just had to repeat the answers that i had givne
at the house do they could type them up and after a good 5 and a half
hour day with the police again raffael picked me up and took me out
for some well-deserved pizza. i was starving. i then bought some
underwear because as it turns out i wont be able to leave italy for a
while as well as enter my house. i only had the clothes i was wearing
the day it bagan, so i bought some underwear and borrwed a pair of
pants from raffael.
Spoke with my remaining roommates that night (last night) and it was a
hurricane of emotions and stress but we needed it anyway. What we have
been discussing is bascially what to do next. We are trying to keep
our heads on straight. First things first though, my roommates both
work for lawyers, and they are going to try to send a request through
on monday to retrieve important documents of ours that are still in
the house. Secondly, we are going to talk to the agency that we used
to find our house and obviously request to move out. It kind of sucks
that we have to pay the next months rent, but the owner has protection
within the contract. After that, I guess I'll go back to class on
monday, although im not sure what im going to do about people asking
me questions, because i really dont want to talk again about what
happened. Ive been talking an awful lot lately and im pretty tired of
it. After that, Its like im trying to remember what i was doing before
all this happened. I still need to figure out who i need to talk to
and what i need to do to continue studying in perugia, because its
what i want to do.
Anyway, thats the update, feeling okay, hope you all are well,

Thank you so much for posting this! I followed this case at the beginning, but am just coming back to it now. I'd never seen that. It reminded me of a letter in another case--the leaked one Deepak Kalpoe wrote to his American friend. At the time, I took what he wrote at face value, but it turned out, he was lying through omission. While he wasn't involved in Natalee's death (imo), he was covering up for a friend. Maybe the same here. One charge I would surely get her on would be obstruction of justice.

It appears they asked for the forensic review after the jury had started deliberations. I'm not surprised it was rejected.

I think that means it was denied after they deliberated for two hours about whether or not to allow it. That's how I understand it, anyway. Why would the defense make this request after the jury began deliberating over guilt or innocence? It doesn't make sense.
Very glad to be able to read the letter she sent out to all those people. One more piece of info and from her viewpoint and state-of-mind, which is always helpful. Thank you!
I think that means it was denied after they deliberated for two hours about whether or not to allow it. That's how I understand it, anyway. Why would the defense make this request after the jury began deliberating over guilt or innocence? It doesn't make sense.

Tizzle is correct. The request was made before closing arguments and before any deliberations. The judges deliberated on the request to have an independent evaluation of the evidence. They refused. I think it should have been granted. Why? It never hurts to take a 2nd and 3rd look at evidence to make sure you understand exactly what it is and what it is not telling you. IMHO of course.
I think that means it was denied after they deliberated for two hours about whether or not to allow it. That's how I understand it, anyway. Why would the defense make this request after the jury began deliberating over guilt or innocence? It doesn't make sense.

I know it does sound strange. But this is what it says;

An Italian jury rejected Amanda Knox’s multiple requests for an independent review of contested evidence Friday, bringing the end in sight to the Seattle student’s contentious murder trial....


The eight-member jury, which includes two professional judges, flatly rejected all defense requests at 9:30 p.m. after deliberating just under two hours.

I just noticed it was from an October article. My bad. But it's still in the middle of the trial. That might be allowed in Italy but I don't think it's allowed in American courts. If it is it's probably very rare.
We just want justice for Merediths brutal murder. If an innocent person was convicted we wouldnt be getting justice for her family so NO we arent satisfied with just anyone getting convicted.

I said no such thing. Not remotely.

What I said was that journalists--British or American--are human beings and may be subject to human motivations, bias and errors. Just as jurors, judges, police and prosecutors--American or Italian--are human beings and there's no reason to assume Italians have some sort of alien motive to railroad an American young woman.

I realize you're reading at a lot of sites and have encountered plenty of American xenophobia. But it's a mistake to assume that anyone of us who questions any aspect of the prosecution does so on the basis of racist assumptions about Italian inadequacy. On the contrary, some of my reservations stem from a belief that some Italian LE are probably no different than some American, Canadia or British LE.

From all the sites i have read here tho and all the papers comments section i can say the vast majority of this country think the correct verdict was made.

I believe you. Ditto what I said above.
She said she saw him killing her. I fail to see how anyone can blame the cops for what came out of Amandas mouth. She changed her story several times including one time when she was in the court room. That time she tried to frame her bf.

Its funny because its like some seem to think she was like a puppet being told what to say about the cops whereas i see her a lieing manipulative murdering witch who will frame anyone if it means she herself gets out of it.

Obviously my explanations of why people make false statements under the pressure of extended interrogation aren't helping. The following are explanations from those more expert than I:
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