Victim impact statement *MERGED*

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Feb 22, 2009
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I have been going over this in my head for awhile and can not seem to come up with an answer myself. Who will give the victim impact statement when or if Casey is found guilty and sentenced to death?

As much as I do not agree with CA and GA and LA I would not wish their situation on anyone. I know that if anyone else other than Casey was on trial for Caylee's murder the Anthony's would be behind the prosecution and standing up for Caylee, I know this in my heart. They know Casey is responsible but somehow they have conveinced themselves that if she is responsible it was an accident that "snowballed out of control".
If the Anthony's speak on behalf of Caylee to her convicted murderer (her mother, thier daughter and sister) then as GA stated early on he has lost them both and turned thier back on thier daughter. If they don't then they have turned their back on their granddaughter and neice and who would that leave to represent Caylee?

I don't know if Jessi would be allowed to speak on behalf of Caylee since he was not related and an ex of Casey, or if he even would.

So who does that leave to speak for Caylee and what would they say? Do you think CA, GA or LA would even speak at all?
I think George and Cindy would speak -- but not Lee. Lee hasn't been in the picture for a long time, and of course there's that pesky molestation accusation she penned.

I think if George and Cindy said anything it would be "don't take both of our family members away - we already lost Caylee, we don't want to lose Caysey" -- or something to that effect.

If you give Cindy a minute of airtime, I think she'll grab it and talk about all the injustices made upon her daughter (and will probably do more harm than good).

George may stand up with his earing and new tatoo and profess his love for Caylee and Caysey.

Other than that, I can't think of a single supporter in the courtroom. They aren't there now, they won't be there later.

Just my opinion of course.

Maybe WS should hire a bus to take all of us to speak on behalf of Caylee. We might be the only ones.
I don't know if just anyone can speak, but if they can I bet Amy would speak for Caylee and let KC have it.
I can hear Amy saying, Casey you ruined so many lives and you took the life of your own daughter, I am ashamed to even know you. What you did to me was nothing in comparison to what you did to Caylee and how you could go on day after day as though nothing happened I will never understand. However you did Caylee a favor because now she doesn't have to be raised by a psychopath mother like you or be around your insane family. I just hate that Caylee had to suffer in order to find true unconditional love with God.

If Cindy does decide to speak I beleive she would say something along the lines of: I don't know what happened but I know you love Caylee. I am sorry that you did not feel you could come to me and had I been a better mother to you than maybe this would have never happened, but I thank you for bringing Caylee into my life, and I will forever remember her smile and laugh and I know that if you could go back to that day you would and this would have never happened.

I don't think GA will speak.

Lee I'm on the fence about I think it could go one of two ways
either it will be it will be something like CMA you always made me smile and I know you would have done great things with your life. I'm sorry that this has happened to you and I'm sorry I couldn't have done more to protect you. You changed so many lives and I don't know how we will go on without you.... Leaving us all scratching our heads at who he is really speaking to.
or he will finally speak how he truely feels and say something like
KC your entire life you have been a spoiled brat, you always did whatever you wanted to know matter who it hurt, and this time you crossed the line. You hurt the one person who would always love you, always forgive you and always try and make you proud. Yet you out of your selfish acts took the life of the greatest blessing God ever gave you. You ruined the lives of your family, you took the sunshine out of our lives and whatever punishment the court gives you will not be enough. You crossed the line this time and I will be the one that will never forgive you. (Which is what I think may happen, I feel like Lee will be a hero for Caylee)

If Jessie is allowed to speak I'm not sure I could watch but I think it would go something like:
Casey there was a time that I loved you and when you told me I was going to be a daddy I was the happiest person in the world. Even when I found out I wasn't Caylees father I still loved her and will love her forever, you may have taken her body from this world but you will never take the memories that I have of her loving eyes, big beautiful smile and sweet voice from my memories, and I know that Caylee now knows who her father is and will continue to make her father happy as she sings and dances down the streets of heaven. What you did can not be explained and was so unnessasary but Caylee will forever live on.

I hope that Shirley will speak but I doubt it I to wish that we at WS had a represenative who could speak on our behalf of how Caylee although we never knew her changed our lives and how her murderer should never see the light of day again.
I believe they should speak with Shirley Plesea, or one of CA's siblings as a Plesea family representative, because more than one of them are upset about this whole thing-not really so upset for KC as they are for Caylee.
Maybe Jesse, if that is allowable, don't know the legal ins and outs of the whole thing. Jesse cared very much for Caylee and Casey, but in his own words, he tends to be righteous and do the right thing when he sees a wrong.
Better yet, maybe they should just play the video of Caylee with Alex Plesea. Let it be noted that AP has been robbed of the joy of his granddaughter in what could be the last years of his life. How is it possible that he was not taken before Caylee was? She had so many, many years ahead of her, and she will never get the chance to hold her own grandchildren.
I believe they should speak with Shirley Plesea, or one of CA's siblings as a Plesea family representative, because more than one of them are upset about this whole thing-not really so upset for KC as they are for Caylee.
Maybe Jesse, if that is allowable, don't know the legal ins and outs of the whole thing. Jesse cared very much for Caylee and Casey, but in his own words, he tends to be righteous and do the right thing when he sees a wrong.

I was wondering about other family members ... it puts them in a very bad position when their victim impact statements could sway the jury to vote for DP ... I'm thinking none of them will want to do that, not even the ones who want justice for Caylee ... it's one thing to want KC punished for her crime, it's another to help put a needle in her arm ..

So that leaves friends and acquaintances who may also find themselves in the same dilemma ...

Maybe LE ? I would think they would stand up for the victim, but who else? I dunno but it's an interesting question ...
CA/GA arent' a voice for Caylee now and I don't feel they will be a voice for Caylee at trials end, IMO.

They choose to back their daughter instead of backing an innocent child because Inmate Anthony views this as betrayal..

I truly feel if CA or GA speak it will not be a victims impact statement. They will ask for the judge to be lenient in his sentencing, if found guilty. They will try and impact the court with they lost their granddaughter and don't want to loose another child via lethal injection. They will still deny Inmate Anthony's involvement...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
CA/GA arent' a voice for Caylee now and I don't feel they will be a voice for Caylee at trials end, IMO.

They choose to back their daughter instead of backing an innocent child because Inmate Anthony views this as betrayal..

I truly feel if CA or GA speak it will not be a victims impact statement. They will ask for the judge to be lenient in his sentencing, if found guilty. They will try and impact the court with they lost their granddaughter and don't want to loose another child via lethal injection. They will still deny Inmate Anthony's involvement...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

I agree-frankly, they should be under investigation for OOJ anyway, let that cloud hang over them during their victim statements.
Cindy, George and Lee washed their hands of Caylee almost two years ago.
IMO they will speak on Casey's behalf.
I don't know if anyone can speak on Caylee's behalf if they didn't have regular contact with her through out her two years on this earth.
If it is possible for the dead to look upon the earth I woud like to think that Caylee would be so happy to know that we in the blog world care so much for her and have spoken up for her every day from the very first time we heard her name.
This is why I hate the whole concept of victim impact statements and believed they should be done away with. The very concept of them holds that some citizen’s lives are more important than others and thus the killers of widows without children and orphans, and little children like Caylee who was killed by the only parent she ever had, with her grandparents as accessories after the fact, are now often given less sever sentences then people who were loved by their family.

I love the basic concept of our laws, that murders are seen as committing crimes against the state; that the victim is the citizenship of our country as a whole, and thus all our lives are equally important, whether we are a deranged street person or a well loved grandmother. But since the ‘70’s when they started allowing these ‘victim impact statements’ some lives have been seen as more important than others under the law and I thus believe they should be declared unconstitutional.
I am trying to find who did the victim impact statement for the Diane Downs trial. I know her parents stood behind her as well, and still do.
Who decides who speaks for the victim?

Is this something the SA does, if so I don't think they will call on any of the Anthony's to speak for Caylee knowing that will turn their speech into being about saving KC.
I remember LA saying at the memorial something like "I will not forget". I think that message was for Caylee. LA made a promise to Caylee that he would punish her killer. I would not be surprised to see LA speaking on Caylee's behalf. JMO
I'm pretty sure no one will speak on behalf of Caylee. Which is beyond sad.

In the end Casey has gotten exactly what she wanted but also got something she didn't see coming. I believe she killed Caylee because she was ridiculously jealous of her. And wanted so badly to hurt her mother (and I mean in the worst way). She accomplished making herself the center of the family again and she did badly hurt her mother. She just didn't see being put away for life. So I wonder if Casey thinks it was worth getting exactly what she wanted now?
I think the Grunds will make a victim impact statement.
Given that we are almost 2 years into this case and are sitting here coming up with no reliable answer to the query, speaks volumes. Caylee seems to have no one that is willing to speak for her, when it comes to immediate family members and people outside of the family that was associated with her upbringing. CA, GA and LA have shown that their loyalty is to Casey... it seems that the only people in Caylee's corner is the state and us total strangers that want so badly to find justice for the little angel.

I am trying to find who did the victim impact statement for the Diane Downs trial. I know her parents stood behind her as well, and still do.

The only thing I know about that case was from the Farrah Fawcett movie (great movie!). The kids had a whole other side of the family including father(s), right? That is part of the problem; Caylee does not.
The Grunds giving a victim impact statement as a voice to Caylee: not sure if there would be any weight to it, given that the Grunds were not an active part of Caylee's life, for a good 2 years before she passed. Correct me if I am wrong...

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