Forensic Astrology - HOLLY BOBO abducted 4/13/11 Darden TN

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official tbi press release for today:

any of the astros want to take a stab at where she may be found? Also wondered how this full moon can be working on the progression of her case

thanks for all you do you guys! You know how much respect I have for each and every one of you and your hard work

Referring to the Abduction chart in post #1 above, we note that Lord 1 (Holly) is VENUS intercepted in Pisces in the 11th House. This suggests she is hidden (interception) in/near water. Part of DEATH 07 Virgo suggests woods, thus, 'hidden in/near water (Pisces) in woods (Virgo)'.

The degree difference between Lord 1 VENUS (20) and MOON (19) suggests very little distance/mileage from home, certainly possible within 3 miles. The direction would be SOUTH, SOUTHEAST.

Referring to the Abduction chart in post #1 above, we note that Lord 1 (Holly) is VENUS intercepted in Pisces in the 11th House. This suggests she is hidden (interception) in/near water. Part of DEATH 07 Virgo suggests woods, thus, 'hidden in/near water (Pisces) in woods (Virgo)'.

The degree difference between Lord 1 VENUS (20) and MOON (19) suggests very little distance/mileage from home, certainly possible within 3 miles. The direction would be SOUTH, SOUTHEAST.


Looking at Google maps you certainly don't have to look far to find bodies of water south, southeast. Bobo home is on Swan Johnson Road.

First, as always, thank you Soulscape. As much as I want my thanks to be under different circumstances, I think that you astro's need them again and again for what you do.

Also, when you say the term "friend" does this actually mean in physical form, or would something like, well, let's say a facebook friend count?
First, as always, thank you Soulscape. As much as I want my thanks to be under different circumstances, I think that you astro's need them again and again for what you do.

Also, when you say the term "friend" does this actually mean in physical form, or would something like, well, let's say a facebook friend count?

That's an interesting question, Sherbet. The 11th House is associated with friends, acquaintances, associates, club memberships, etc. If we look at Facebook as a 'club' of which one is a 'member,' then I suppose a Facebook friend could be an 11th House person.

Interesting, indeed.

Thank you for your input,
This 20 y.o. college student was abducted from her home Wednesday morning 4/13/2011 at approx. 7:30 am by a male wearing camouflage who allegedly grabbed and dragged her across her carport and pulled her into nearby woods.


Holly was most assuredly taken against her will, shown by Lord 1 VENUS intercepted (interfered with) in Pisces (victimhood) in the 11th House of Circumstances Beyond One's control.

MOON as the Action applies inconjunct VENUS (Holly), is exact quindecile CHIRON (wounding, harm), square ASCENDANT (Holly, her body/health) and applies trine SUN, and acts under conferred authority from the SUN, taking great chances and disclaiming responsibility.

SUN rules the 5th House of Boyfriends/ Love Affairs/ Romance and is posited in the 12th House of Secret Enemies. Notice JUNO the marriage asteroid intercepted in Virgo within the 5th house. VENUS (Holly) separates from JUNO (relationship in the past) and partile inconjuncts VERTEX (fate, and not a good one as the inconjunct is often a death aspect).

MARS and PLUTO co-rule the Perp (House 7). MARS in Aries is violent, unpredictable (conjunct URANUS) and likely criminally inclined (square PLUTO). Note also MARS opposes and PLUTO squares SATURN, a fast-acting, impulsive, selfish (cardinal signs) T-square which suggests extreme viciousness, cruelty and brutality, particularly with SATURN in critical degree (13 Cardinal) and partile (exactly) conjunct the Arabic Part of MURDER and the transneptunian ZEUS (force).

The sense I am getting from the chart is that Holly was taken by either (1) an angry ex-boyfriend hellbent on revenge, or (2) someone from her past (or someone she has known a while but is not particularly close to) who was obsessed with her/ wanted her/ believed he actually had a relationship with her (JUNO), etc.

The likelihood Holly knew her abductor is shown by the receptions between VENUS (Holly) and MARS (Lord 7 as the Perp). MARS is in the Term of VENUS; VENUS is in the Term and Face of MARS. These are somewhat weak receptions.

If the Perp turns out to be an ex-boyfriend, such receptions could indicate she had clearly 'cooled down' about him, i.e., did not desire to resurrect the relationship. Such receptions also could indicate a person she's known for awhile, someone she considered to be a casual acquaintance, not someone with whom she'd be likely to have a romantic relationship.

If anyone could track down Holly's date of birth, I would be most appreciative.


Soulscape, thank you so much for the charts and readings. You make it easy for those of us who are not versed in astrology to understand. I have been amazed with your work.
I hate to say I've never followed astrology much because I was brought up to believe it is wrong and against my faith. But I have read so many criminal cases where astrology has helped investigators. I read one investigators comments that while he had never put much stock in astrology, he had decided to use any means available to help solve crimes...and the results had changed his mind about things. I have to admit I am ignorant about astrology but I have been impressed by what I have read here (even though I'm sort of lost). I appreciate the time and effort that is put into the posts on this thread.
Amazing job on this thread...thanks for your work!!
SO-Are you all saying that you think Holly is deceased-possibly beheaded(sorry)? The only word I could think of besides the "d" word mentioned in the previous post.:waitasec:
SO-Are you all saying that you think Holly is deceased-possibly beheaded(sorry)? The only word I could think of besides the "d" word mentioned in the previous post.:waitasec:

Chart analysis strongly indicates Holly is no longer with us. The prominence of the malefic Fixed Star ALGOL suggests that Holly may have been 'disfigured' in some way. Please note the key words in previous sentences are 'indicates,' 'suggests' and 'may.'

I am in no way claiming my judgments are 'fact,' but basing my judgments on considerable examinations of forensic charts and my observations of ALGOL prominent therein.

Case in point: Zahra Baker. ALGOL was prominent by its location in the 5th House of the Child in the Reported Missing chart. As WS Members know, this poor child was eventually found dead & dismembered --- a most horrific manifestation of the sadistic and evil nature of ALGOL. I would be relieved and grateful to discover Holly Bobo did not suffer a similar fate.

There are disturbing interconnections between the Event Chart and Holly's natal (cast with SUN on ASCENDANT at Event location) that do not bode well for her safe return:


1. As a Child of Libra, the planet VENUS is highly important as it is dispositor of her natal SUN.

Holly was born with VENUS in Libra in critical degree (13 Cardinal). From a forensic astrological standpoint, this suggests that persons/places/things/circumstances associated with VENUS could be or become critical and/or capable of generating crisis in Holly's life.

Her natal SATURN 19 Capricorn squares natal VENUS and inconjuncts natal MARS, which is trine to natal VENUS, tying all three energies together. In the chart of a victim, this could suggest the manifestation of restriction/brutality/cruelty (SATURN) of some type during some point in her life.

Note that Holly's natal VENUS 13 Libra is partile conjunct Event SATURN 13 Libra and that Event SATURN opposes Event MARS with both squared by Event PLUTO (pink call-outs).

As noted previously, Event MARS is conjunct URANUS, pulling it into the T-square and making the action of the Perp unpredictable (URANUS) as well as probably violent/criminal (PLUTO).

2. Event JUPITER 18 Aries is Event Lord 8 of Death, here posited in the 12th House of Kidnapping and partile (exactly) opposed Holly Bobo's natal SUN 18 Libra. This is an indication that Death (Event Lord 8) comes to her, particularly with Event VERTEX 20 Libra (Fate) involved in the aspect pattern (yellow call-outs).

3. Event ASCENDANT 15 Taurus is close opposed Holly's natal PLUTO 16 Scorpio. Natal PLUTO inconjuncts natal MARS which trines natal VENUS and with Event ASCENDANT highlighting this aspect pattern, it is another indicator of --- at best --- sexual violence, and at worst, murder (green call-outs).

4. Event CHIRON 04 Pisces (wounding, harm) is partile inconjunct Holly Bobo's natal SOUTH NODE 04 Leo. The SOUTH NODE is often highlighted in a death chart. The inconjunct is often a Death aspect and CHIRON is often associated with death in charts of this type (green call-outs).

Not shown, Event ASCENDANT 15 Taurus is partile square Holly's Tertiary Progressed MOON 15 Leo (based on sunrise natal) and TP MARS/HADES midpoint (violent abduction/rape, possibly death) 19 Cancer conjuncts TP SUN 20 Cancer and squares natal SUN 18 Libra. These are further astrological indications of violent harm at best, death at worst.

Based on the above, I fear for Holly's safety. While there certainly can be a chance she is still alive, chart observations point to the probability that she isn't.

Those who pray should.


Thank you for adding the colored call outs to the charts!!!! Totally helps us learners. :)
Is it possible to do a chart on the item found on Easter Sunday (Called into TBI, which they went and found), and it's significance? There's much more info about it out there, but I'm not sure what's allowed, so I'll leave it at that for now.
Is it possible to do a chart on the item found on Easter Sunday (Called into TBI, which they went and found), and it's significance? There's much more info about it out there, but I'm not sure what's allowed, so I'll leave it at that for now.


If you have a DATE/TIME/PLACE of tip call-in and/or item found, I will look at the chart. Do we know what was found and/or can you provide a brief synopsis of what is known?

Hello Astrologers... :)
Can a chart be made of the family releasing a statement..???
The earliest time I found for an article is 2:56 pm on May 3rd...
Here is the link... thanks...

Family of Holly Bobo releases statement of thanks for search efforts|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE

Hello FroginTtown,

Unfortunately, the statement release by family does not qualify as an Event for the purposes of forensic astrological evaluation in this case.

The date/time/place of discovery of new evidence would qualify, as would the date/time/place of a new search.

Thank you for your interest, assistance & support,

I am a lurker on this particular thread, because what I know about what you all do couldn't fill a thimble, but I am in awe of what you do. Thank you for taking the time to help so many.

Does a chart progression show anything new?

If you have a DATE/TIME/PLACE of tip call-in and/or item found, I will look at the chart. Do we know what was found and/or can you provide a brief synopsis of what is known?


Item found on Easter Sunday (4/24/11), between 5:30, but before 7:20. Item was Holleys cell phone minus the sim card (open mike allowed this to be heard, although confirmed by volunteers). Item found at Tri-County Concrete property , 100 Eaton St., Parsons, TN.
5:30-5:40- tip of location of item called in.

willnunley's twitter
Breaking: Dispatch: Decatur County rescue squad and volunteer firefighters just dispatched for a specialized foot search. #hollybobo
24 Apr @ 5:53
I wish I could bemore specific on the time found, but so far I can't find a more narrow timeframe for that.

If anyone can fill in more blanks, feel free :)
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