FL - 17-yo Teen Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #4

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If my phone is off my calls still go into voicemail and show calls that were missed.

Wait..if your phone is turned off and a call comes in, does your incoming call log show a missed call when you power up your phone?

Maybe I am misunderstanding what you are saying but I've never had or known a phone to do that. I don't see how it could.

I can see obviously that a call would go to voice mail but unless a person leaves a message how do you even know you missed a call when the phone is powered down? I sure don't.

Google and you may find some, I don't know. I never claimed to have anything of the sort.

You said that there were all of these cases where people walked away with just giving a police report after claiming they were standing there ground.
What about the other cases where people who walked out after stand your ground was determined with little more than a police report. At least 50 cases. Did the police know them too? Call the law problematic, call the cops inept, but saying just because they knew him they let him go doesn't wash with the statistics.

I think this is the post porkchop is referring to? I think porkchop thought since you sited 50 cases, you knew them? I'll do some research tonight and make some reports for tomorrow. I'd really like to have that information and I will share it with all of you.
At some point (911 call) TM was coming closer to GZ not wy from him (GZ as in the car at the time.
When the police arived GZ did have a blody nose and blood behind his head.
I do not know what happend nobody does.

It wasn't a 911 call it was the regular department number. Since we do not know which direction TM was headed other than he ended up 100 yards from the house it appears he was headed away from the front entrance where the Clubhouse is located and GZ spotted him. GZ when out of the car is asked if he is following TM and he is told he does not have to. GZ says OK but ignores the dispatcher and continues to pursue TM. Then GZ claims he lost sight of him. He was asked to return to his car to meet up with LE. GZ did not do that and continued to pursue him. This is all on tape and it was also transcribed earlier on this thread.

How do we know that at the time TM was headed for GZ TM had no fear of him and was not looking for any confrontation. And TM was on the phone with his gf certainly not an act of someone who is looking for trouble.

GZ describes him as if TM were looking for trouble when all he appears to be doing is getting home to watch the game with his brother. Too bad TM didn't decide to go to the movies this might have never happened. jmo
I was just wondering why they would not give permission for the police to access the phone.
So I wondered WHY the only reason in my mind was that possibility.

However a couple of posts up someone said that they had seen a show, that the parents had been so put off by the way the police handled this that they did not want to make it easy and told them to go get a warrant.

Which answers why they did not give access.

No, that's not true, read it again.

The parents didn't say that the police asked for access in the beginning and they denied it.

They said that the police weren't telling the truth when they said that they asked for access and were denied. They had just
recently learned that police even had the phone. basically that police lied about the whole thing in the beginning about being denied.

they said that had they really asked them in the beginning they would have given immediate permission, but since police lied about they now no longer trusted them.

The point is that this talk about the parents not allowing them access is false.

Oh I agree. I want the report from the Narcotics Officer investigating a homicide. LOL That will be an eyeopener.

Early on in this (a couple of weeks ago) I was watching some show where this exact thing was being discussed. Homicide detectives and prosecutors were being critical of it having been a narcotics detective doing in the initial first on scene talking to GZ. They said that (and I do not know how they knew this) the narcotics detective was asking GZ questions and soliciting answers and that is not the way you do a homicide investigation.

They said that a homicide detective is trained to get the various parties and witnesses statements by asking them to "tell their story of what happened" and only asking questions once they are done initially telling their story of events. If you, instead, ask questions, then you are or can lead the witness or participant into the direction you want them to go with their statement. They said narcotics detectives are not trained to handle homicide investigations and they saw this is a huge flaw in the initial on-scene investigation.

How they knew how this all went down, I do not know. I wish I had paid closer attention to who they were and how they were saying they knew this about the on-scene investigation but this was last week when this all starting hitting the proverbial fan and I wasn't paying as close attention to it as I would now. I have a vague recollection that it was from some of the witnesses that they know this is what and how things happened with the initial interviews.

Would not a missed call be recorded ?

Not if the phone is powered down. None of my phones ever have recorded missed calls if my phone is turned off.

I only know if I have missed calls if the person left a voice mail if my phone has been turned off.

Attorneys in Trayvon Martin Case Make Arguments..

Daryl D. Parks, an attorney for the Martin family, told board members of the National Association of Black Journalists on Saturday that the Martin family met with federal and local officials for more than an hour Thursday. He said the family left the meeting "with a strong sense that Justice was very committed" to investigating the case.

Attorneys in Trayvon Martin Case Make Arguments..

Daryl D. Parks, an attorney for the Martin family, told board members of the National Association of Black Journalists on Saturday that the Martin family met with federal and local officials for more than an hour Thursday. He said the family left the meeting "with a strong sense that Justice was very committed" to investigating the case.


And there's nothing wrong with wanting a proper investigation. It's just a shame that evidence has been contaminated or destroyed, depending on where Zimmerman's clothes are?
Like I said before, if it wasn't for Sharpton nobody would have even heard about this, Trayvon's family would never have gotten a chance at justice, there wouldn't have been any type of investigation. So like him or not, Sharpton was needed in this case.

And how can to say Trayvon was going to show Zimmerman? He was trying to get away from Zimmerman. It is shameful all of the victim blaming that is going on.


I don't think that is the case. At least not from where I've seen. I hadn't even heard of Sharpton getting involved until the last few days. I've been seeing and hearing about this case for a number of days before even hearing Sharpton's name associated with it.

IMO, he jumped on the bandwagon after there was already public outcry about it.

I went back and looked at your transcript of the 911 call by zimmerman. I wanted to try to map it out what went on but I think it's impossible to do because half the time zimmerman does not know where he is and the other half of the time we don't know if zimmerman is driving around, turning around or on the same street as Martin or cutting Martin off. All we know for sure is where Martin was shot and wasn't that 100 yards from his home?

The idea that Zimmerman did not know where he was is ludicrous. He'd lived there for years, he'd been 'neighborhood watch captain' for years. The development has THREE streets in it!


This has my speculative recreation on it. GZ lived at the back of the subdivision where the red # mark is. GZ according to what he told the PD on his call was near the clubhouse - I marked his possible location with a red @. The locations are based on the map from the Orlando Sentinel that has been posted on earlier threads.

Trayvon walked into the subdivision along the turquoise line. Trayvon was headed to his father's girlfriend's house about where the yellow & is. Trayvon's body was found about where the turquoise * is - behind the house marked with the red A marker.

Somewhere near the clubhouse (red @) according to both GZ and Trayvon on their calls to SPD and the girlfriend, the two men saw each other. Trayvon ran off and GZ lost track of him. If Trayvon ran along the green line and went in between the rows of townhouses, GZ could not have seen him from his vehicle traveling along the roads.

The pink line is my speculation about where GZ traveled. I think he either headed (1) to the back entrance of the subdivision, which coincidentally was the direction Trayvon was headed; or (2) up the road in front of the townhouses, then cut through one of the gaps between the townhouses. Both routes would allow GZ to cut off the 'suspect'.

GZ could have (3) drive to the corner where he last saw Trayvon and simply followed the same path. Without knowing where GZ's SUV was parked when LE got there, this is all speculation.

I don't think there was enough time for (1). (2) does not allow for Trayvon to be aware that GZ had followed him. I think it was probably (3).

Looking at this map, you can see why GZ was confused about his directions to the operator on his call to SPD. He kept saying to come in the entrance, then turn left but he had trouble trying to tell them to turn left at the second road after they came in the entrance.

Maybe I'm wrong and even after living there for years, GZ was lost despite the simple layout of the subdivision. If so, my estimation of his competence and intelligence would drop significantly!
Early on in this (a couple of weeks ago) I was watching some show where this exact thing was being discussed. Homicide detectives and prosecutors were being critical of it having been a narcotics detective doing in the initial first on scene talking to GZ. They said that (and I do not know how they knew this) the narcotics detective was asking GZ questions and soliciting answers and that is not the way you do a homicide investigation.

They said that a homicide detective is trained to get the various parties and witnesses statements by asking them to "tell their story of what happened" and only asking questions once they are done initially telling their story of events. If you, instead, ask questions, then you are or can lead the witness or participant into the direction you want them to go with their statement. They said narcotics detectives are not trained to handle homicide investigations and they saw this is a huge flaw in the initial on-scene investigation.

How they knew how this all went down, I do not know. I wish I had paid closer attention to who they were and how they were saying they knew this about the on-scene investigation but this was last week when this all starting hitting the proverbial fan and I wasn't paying as close attention to it as I would now. I have a vague recollection that it was from some of the witnesses that they know this is what and how things happened with the initial interviews.


Maybe there assuming that this narcotics detective never worked as a homicide detective before and didn't have the proper training.
It wasn't a 911 call it was the regular department number. Since we do not know which direction TM was headed other than he ended up 100 yards from the house it appears he was headed away from the front entrance where the Clubhouse is located and GZ spotted him. GZ when out of the car is asked if he is following TM and he is told he does not have to. GZ says OK but ignores the dispatcher and continues to pursue TM. Then GZ claims he lost sight of him. He was asked to return to his car to meet up with LE. GZ did not do that and continued to pursue him. This is all on tape and it was also transcribed earlier on this thread.
How do we know that at the time TM was headed for GZ TM had no fear of him and was not looking for any confrontation. And TM was on the phone with his gf certainly not an act of someone who is looking for trouble.

GZ describes him as if TM were looking for trouble when all he appears to be doing is getting home to watch the game with his brother. Too bad TM didn't decide to go to the movies this might have never happened. jmo

I am not sticking up for GZ or for TM
but I am not going to pretend untill I really know
that GZ is guilty of murder.
It will be hard to know with the lack of proper reports.
and timely interviews :(

It does look like GZ was wound up.
And it also looks like TM could have taken a straight and
direct way home. not just come to the car and see who was following him.
something strange about that as well. If I am scared I go go go….
No, that's not true, read it again.

The parents didn't say that the police asked for access in the beginning and they denied it.

They said that the police weren't telling the truth when they said that they asked for access and were denied. They had just
recently learned that police even had the phone. basically that police lied about the whole thing in the beginning about being denied.

they said that had they really asked them in the beginning they would have given immediate permission, but since police lied about they now no longer trusted them.

The point is that this talk about the parents not allowing them access is false.

TY - I got it after that post about the show.
I was just wondering why they would not give permission for the police to access the phone.
So I wondered WHY the only reason in my mind was that possibility.

However a couple of posts up someone said that they had seen a show, that the parents had been so put off by the way the police handled this that they did not want to make it easy and told them to go get a warrant.

Which answers why they did not give access.


If you are referring to my post regarding this, that is not the context of what I said at all. Please re-read my post regarding what I saw the lady attorney say on this matter.

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