Trial Discussion Thread #4 - 14.03.10, Day 6

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And speaking of leaving her there, there was this testimony today:

"Small tissue fragments were distributed over the front of the vest. Over her torso were scattered remnants of tissue and fragments of bone."

So sorry. Above is the link. This has the most complete details so far.

On the night of the killing, when Oscar gets into the toilet room to Reeva - whether the door was locked and he had to beat it to get it open or it was never locked and he was just beating at the door in anger - what he encountered was:

A lot of blood and brain matter sprayed over the bathroom and the toilet itself
Two head wounds (we don't know how large either was, but exit wound with those bullets would be larger) with brain exposed and likely oozing (sorry, but that's what would happen)
Her right arm "destroyed" (meaning blown to pieces)
A wound (we don't know how large) to her right hip
Blood, brain matter and bone fragments all over the front of her

BUT he picked her up, carried her - trailing blood and gore - and came down the stairs supposedly giving her mouth-to-mouth breaths?

And he wasn't retching or gagging or vomiting that we know of that night. Hmmmm....
:seeya: If you quote from a news source, including Twitter, you MUST include a link.

Thank you.
Is anyone clear on how many bullets entered the body, and the locations. I'm a little confused by these two statements. I know the bullet that went through the head, also passed through one of the arms. Right or left?

Did a different bullet enter the other arm?

Thanks in advance is you can answer.

"Steenkamp suffered multiple wounds as a result of gunshots fired by Pistorius, the court heard.

The upper left arm was deformed due to the amount of fracture, Saayman told the court."

"He described the wound to Steenkamp's arm as devastating. Her right arm was shattered, leaving it with no functionality."
I don't think he planted that tweet. I think he wrote it and meant it. Here is my take on Oscar. This is 100% pure speculation on my behalf after everything I've read and seen about him thus far:

Oscar overcame difficult adversity as a very young child and didn't just adapt to life, he set the bar extremely high for himself early on. Every day is a constant grind to do better, be better, win, win, win. And he attained tremendous success, fame and wealth from his efforts. He inspired people all over the world and now had new bars that had been set for him, as all athletes have to live up to. These grinds do not come without some struggles or downfalls. How many times have we seen it before - successful, famous athletes beating their wives, killing their wives, killing other people, killing themselves. These type of super star athletes live in a world very different than the average person.

I think that Oscar may have a serious issue with handling situations that don't go his way. In order to attain all that he has, he has to be focused on himself 100% of the time which makes him selfish. Everything has to be about what he needs, when he needs it. I get the sense that he's an entitled person who thinks he can pretty much do whatever he wants most of the time because of who he is.

He let his buddy, Darren, take the rap for him when the gun went off by accident in the restaurant. Whether he asked him to or not, he let him take the rap. That shows that he is more concerned about his image than doing the right thing, at the expense of a friend. That testimony in court wasn't so much for me whether or not the gun going off was an accident. It surely seems like it was. The message I got from that was his lack of accountability and entitlement, and lack of concern for his friend.

Then the shooting out of the car window. Of course that's reckless, but for me it's not so much about that either... it's that Oscar shot that gun because he felt like doing it. He knew it was wrong and dangerous, but he did it anyway.

If we believe Samantha's testimony, he also threatened somebody in car that was following him with his gun. He was not going to allow anybody to intimidate him. I don't think he was protecting Samantha. I think it was a macho F U buddy type of move.

As his defense has portrayed in court, even though Oscar has moved mountains to not let his disability run his life, he still obviously does have vulnerabilities and with those vulnerabilities, incredible fears. I don't doubt this. He probably is more scared than the average person. But I tend to think that Oscar's way of dealing with those fears is hiding behind guns which give him power, and fast cars and fast friends... things that give him a rush and make him feel strong.

With all that said, for everybody that knew him and are shocked that he could have done something like this, I can understand how they feel. He probably was also very sweet, charming and fun at times too. He clearly cared about his fans and seemed to be very generous with them. I'm sure he had many good qualities.

People are not black and white. They can have wonderful characteristics and they can have terrible demons. Some people let those demons get the best of them.

I do believe that Oscar has enough fire inside of him to let an argument get the best of him and use that trusty old gun that seems to be glued to his hip at all times. He has proven in the past that he's not afraid to wave it around or use it when he needs to. I think there was a terrible disagreement going on with him and Reeva that night. Hopefully we gain some insight from data on the phones or other witnesses yet to come. I think things just blew up and he lost it. But Oscar being Oscar, no way was he going to own up and take the rap. I think once again, he went in to cover up mode. Using every one of his resources around him to make this go away.

These are just my two cents as to how this could have all happened and who I think Oscar may be. Totally my own thoughts, not based in any fact whatsoever. Just my Dr. Phil moment.

GREAT Dr. Phil moment! BETTER THAN Dr. Phil!!

**I haven't read posts of today in court, but saw on the news that Oscar vomited....???***

To piggyback on your post, I saw the video of Oscar and Samantha on that reality show - I just kept thinking, WHY would he throw all of this away (his life)?? Not only was Samantha beautiful, but just look at Reeva. And I was thinking, if it were not for Oscar's success, there is really, IMO, a slim chance that these beautiful women would be with him.

I think he knew that. He knew how hard it was for him....he never wanted to go back to the days before his success. He wanted to maintain what he had, the life that he had.

And for this reason, he was always paranoid that his success would go away, and he would go back to being just being "regular" Oscar, not only "regular," but in fact with a handicap. Let's face it that those beautiful women would probably not be with any other man with two prosthetic legs.

IMO, that's why he was apparently very jealous with Reeva - b/c he was always afraid he would lose her. It was almost like, "too good to be true."

IDK, that is just the feeling that I have.

Great post Lisasalinger.

I think he is as guilty as sin, but I still think he'll get away with it. I just can't imagine them finding him guilty, what with all he corruption that goes on there and because of who he is. I hope to be proved wrong.
I am beginning to think Reeva could see the gun aimed at her head, and put her arm up to protect herself. Also, those bruises on the back of the knee and back of the shin - wouldn't they line up with someone's leg being forced back against a ceramic toilet, or maybe a bed frame?

If she had fallen backwards in the toilet, I would expect her to have injured herself on the tile floor/wall....but I guess if Reeva died before bruising could form, perhaps that tissue damage wouldn't show?....yet bruising had time to form on her upper eyelids, from the brain bleed.

I really do not know what a pathologist who has 'ethical issues' about testifying in public, is doing acting as a public/state pathologist. Or is he a private one?
That's possible. I assume there will be medical experts to comment on the pathologist's findings? In the UK, we sometimes have several experts who will each interpret the results in their own ways. As in, whether a cricket bat injury could be consistent with marks on the shin for example.

Likely Dr. Perumal will testify for DT. He was at the autopsy.
I wish the court would provide one of those body diagrams as I've seen in US court rooms, charting all the wounds. They are completely non-graphic and bloodless, so there is no reason not to....
Found an article with a few more details on her right arm, but does not answer the question about another bullet entering left arm:

...Another wound was found on Steenkamp's fractured upper arm, which showed the bullet had passed through it entirely....

...Saayman confirmed that it was likely that one of the bullets had passed through Steenkamp's arm and into her head....

...Saayman said, however, that the seriousness of the wounds to the hip and right arm could have also led to her death.
Is anyone confident they have a definitive list of Reeva's wounds, and whereabouts they were? If so, please post!
To be fair, she might have had some bruising already from something innocuous. I bruise very easily and have often got bruising somewhere about my person from banging into something, falling over the dog etc :o
I agree, I'm not going to place too much weight in the added bruising, she led an active lifestyle, gymed, did yoga etc...also, I sometimes get bruising after I've had "happy times" with my husband :blushing: and no, we don't run around after each other welding whips and wearing leather!! :p

I'm curious to find out if she was wearing panties. She may have just slipped her shorts on before quickly going to the loo but if she was wearing panties under her shorts, that almost tells me she never got undressed at all that evening especially if she was still wearing the same clothes she arrived in.
zweibel: I thought the same thing you are thinking. Except then when I re-read it, I realized that the shin is in the front of the leg only. In the back, it would be called the calf.

So that means one bruise on the front of the leg and one on the back. I wonder if these were older - black and blue - or fresh red bruises?
It will be interesting to hear how few or many marks were made by the bat. I have pondered whether in temper OP batted the door after Reeva locked herself in but didn't actually break the door down. In his fury at being unsuccessful he got his gun and shot through the door. After the shooting he had another go at the door and eventually was successful, possibly due to the power of the shots having weakened the panels. There was no way he could leave her there.

I have alluded to my hypothesis of early door bashing, including partial bashing and later more complete.
But in a far more sinister way than you have here...
Regarding the reports of OP's demeanor in the courtroom today (plugging his ears, retching, vomiting), my feeling is that he is someone who seems unable to take responsibility for his actions. I did not take the ear plugging to be a defensive act of someone who didn't want to hear the details of their lover's death, I took it to be an unwillingness to confront the reality and consequences of his own actions.

As always, all of the above is just my opinion.


I've been alluding to the hypotheisi that this relates to something much deeper...
'Judge.'.. what are you doing, Mr Pretorious??

;Oscar'... nothing judge.. everythings fine..

( vomit all over his suit, all over the bench in front of him. people have to move back and sideways.. )


OSCAR, you need to STAY AWAY from the words "EVERYTHING'S FINE."

Has he even been listening to his own trial or is he in la-la land???
I am beginning to think Reeva could see the gun aimed at her head, and put her arm up to protect herself. Also, those bruises on the back of the knee and back of the shin - wouldn't they line up with someone's leg being forced back against a ceramic toilet, or maybe a bed frame?

If she had fallen backwards in the toilet, I would expect her to have injured herself on the tile floor/wall....but I guess if Reeva died before bruising could form, perhaps that tissue damage wouldn't show?....yet bruising had time to form on her upper eyelids, from the brain bleed.

I really do not know what a pathologist who has 'ethical issues' about testifying in public, is doing acting as a public/state pathologist. Or is he a private one?
He is a state pathologist, OP also had his own private one who attended.
I suppose the court and everyone single person there, including Oscar must be glad he isn't shatting himself at the same time..

that could happen tomorrow.. the Autopsy proff has no where near finished.. do make laugh......thanks
Judge's register has her hand over her mouth. She, like many other people in this court, looks nauseous, Carl Pistorius has left the courtroom, says Crawford.

I don't know about anyone else but I am having trouble stopping laughing at Oscars performance here..

yes, me too.
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