2010.04.14 School Committee Meeting

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What's even worse, imo...they hold their bogus rally and then forbid anyone from standing up and speaking out for Phoebe...on the 4 month anniversary of her death. These people are beyond the pale...someone should do some genetic research in this area. ;) IMO

thanks for that last sentence. made me giggle a bit, ha :)
School officials said they have yet to meet with Northwestern District Attorney Elizabeth D. Scheibel to further discuss the details prosecutors uncovered in their investigation into Prince's death. But, said Boiselle, they hope to do soon.

“I take responsibility that we have not gotten together earlier after the actions of the Northwestern district attorney's office,” said Boisselle, who relinquished his chairmanship to vice chairwoman JoAnn Jordan.


huh??!! Good riddance to him!!
didn't watch the meeting but am catching up on the news now....skimmed the pdf of Luke Gelinas's speech but this part stuck out and made me sick...#5 on the pdf version, btw.

…where Miss Prince stated that she was in fear of immediate bodily harm from her persecutors, requested that she wanted to call her mother and go home, and was told to go back to class


I know we already knew this but sometimes just re-reading certain things different ways makes them stand out more in your head...if that makes sense (I'm a little tired). Ugh this sentence made me sick to my stomach. I can feel how Phoebe felt in that moment...I can feel how her mother must feel knowing her daughter was trying to reach her and tell her she wanted to come home because she was scared and she was sent back to class. On behalf of both of them, I want to throw up. :banghead:
My goodness...it doesn't stop. Does nobody love him? Would someone please tell him he sounds like a dimwitted fool?
SOUTH HADLEY, Mass. (WWLP) - South hadley Superintendent Gus Sayer made a lengthy statement after the public speak out.

Sayer said administrators consistently and immediately disciplined students who were involved in bullying.
What's even worse, imo...they hold their bogus rally and then forbid anyone from standing up and speaking out for Phoebe...on the 4 month anniversary of her death. These people are beyond the pale...someone should do some genetic research in this area. ;) IMO

I think my Lovecraft crack a few days ago may be closer to the mark than I realized. :)
What a load of carp!! If he really thought thought the chair position should be changed every year, why didn't he just bow out of the election??

I know, right? That's what I'm sayin'! I would have more respect for these people if they were honest about their intentions.
I know, right? That's what I'm sayin'! I would have more respect for these people if they were honest about their intentions.
Their main concern seems to appearances. They will not admit to error or defeat or frailty, of any kind...from my observations.

Ironic...because it makes them look worse.

In order to fix a problem...you must first admit you have one.

He had BETTER start taking SOME responsibility and STOP blaming the VICTIM! IMO...the man is absolutely repulsive.

"After making a statement apologizing for not calling the meeting weeks ago, chairman Edward Boisselle, held a public comment session.
The first two residents at the public speak out were thrown out, complete with police escort.
Emotions bubbled to the brim and eventually boiled over.
The first resident, accused the administration of covering up prior knowledge of Phoebe's death.
He was met by police after saying those in power were a "noose on the neck of the town."
The second parent, Luke Gelanis, was met by police after suggesting several officials be fired.
Later, Superintendent Gus Sayer, addressed questions of prior knowledge of bullying. He issued this explanation, saying officials didn't know the scope of the bullying.
"Tragically, Phoebe Prince herself did not make known to school officials the full extent of the bullying that was tormenting her," Sayer says.
Many complained afterward that the meeting was one-sided.
I've got some comments to make regarding this article.

Well, first off, it seems that Luke Gelinas, a concerned parent, was ejected from the meeting for being "disrespectful" and "a bully" for expressing his anti-administration opinions. You can read Mr. Gelinas' statement here. Personally, I don't see how his statement could've been construed as disrespectful. On the contrary, I think he brought up valid concerns. Calling him a bully puts him in the same category as Phoebe's tormentors, and quite frankly, I find that incredibly insulting.

Here's a quote from the article:

“I oppose the removal. The removal will not bring back Ms. Prince,” said Matthew McDonough, a parent and business owner. “I urge the committee to reject the call for resignation and go on with the serious business of educating our children.”

Based on my research, there is a popular SHHS student with the same last name. I wonder if he's her father? Wouldn't surprise me in the least!

Another quote:

Numerous parents questioned the School Committee about actions taken against the students. Boisselle did not respond. School officials have said previously that they are restricted legally by what they can say about disciplined students.

I'm not even remotely close to being a legal expert, so does anyone know of a law that would prevent him from speaking out on this? He has spoken out about students being suspended for bullying Phoebe, so why can't he discuss expulsion? :waitasec: Maybe there really is a law that would prevent him from doing so, but it doesn't really make sense to me. After all, take a look at what he said to Anderson Cooper:

Sayer said he supported the punishments meted out to the students.

"If they, as they have been charged, committed crimes, they should face the consequences for those crimes," he said.

But, he added, expulsion is something educators are reluctant to countenance.

"It's a terrible punishment because that changes their whole lives and what they are capable of doing, and they have to figure out a way to renew and complete their education."

BBM. I could be wrong, but I've got a nagging feeling that the accused students were not expelled. Again, I could be wrong, but could this be the real reason that he's so reluctant to discuss the disciplinary action taken?
For those who were unable to watch the live streaming of the meeting, you can view a detailed report here.
Thanks so much beenabobba...what a great post. I agree...I read rumor they weren't expelled but allowed to 'withdraw', so it wouldn't affect their records. I would not be surprised. I think it may be the case. They are too evasive. They would love nothing more than to say kids WERE expelled to get the public off their back...but, imo, they can't. So, they play their word games...and around and around, we go.

They allowed Boiselle to 'withdraw', in a sense, too. To save face. Someone told me once, "you can't save face and save *advertiser censored*, at the same time". They have learned nothing. It'll come back to bite them. Somehow.

What a load of carp!! If he really thought thought the chair position should be changed every year, why didn't he just bow out of the election??

I haven't posted here in Phoebe's threads, but I have been reading here...and thank you all for posting all the articles and information that you have.

I must comment on Bloiselle's "stepping down"....ITA! What a load of carp! I guess it got too hot in the kitchen for him. I watched the 16+ minute video of the committee meeting, and couldn't believe how he instantly jumped all over that first speaker and then on Gelinas. I thought that Gelinas was not being disrespectful and hitting alot of good points...then Bloiselle started his shreaking. Shame on him. :furious: Did anyone else who watched that video notice the young media guy behind the last speaker? I thought his expressions were amusing to say the least.
Thanks so much beenabobba...what a great post. I agree...I read rumor they weren't expelled but allowed to 'withdraw', so it wouldn't affect their records. I would not be surprised. I think it may be the case. They are too evasive. They would love nothing more than to say kids WERE expelled to get the public off their back...but, imo, they can't. So, they play their word games...and around and around, we go.

They allowed Boiselle to 'withdraw', in a sense, too. To save face. Someone told me once, "you can't save face and save *advertiser censored*, at the same time". They have learned nothing. It'll come back to bite them. Somehow.


They can run, but they can't hide...it will all come out in the end...I don't care if they think they can avoid it by "stepping down"...it will still come out and they will be shamed. I'm just so angry.
I've got some comments to make regarding this article.

Well, first off, it seems that Luke Gelinas, a concerned parent, was ejected from the meeting for being "disrespectful" and "a bully" for expressing his anti-administration opinions. You can read Mr. Gelinas' statement here. Personally, I don't see how his statement could've been construed as disrespectful. On the contrary, I think he brought up valid concerns. Calling him a bully puts him in the same category as Phoebe's tormentors, and quite frankly, I find that incredibly insulting.

Here's a quote from the article:

Based on my research, there is a popular SHHS student with the same last name. I wonder if he's her father? Wouldn't surprise me in the least!

Another quote:

I'm not even remotely close to being a legal expert, so does anyone know of a law that would prevent him from speaking out on this? He has spoken out about students being suspended for bullying Phoebe, so why can't he discuss expulsion? :waitasec: Maybe there really is a law that would prevent him from doing so, but it doesn't really make sense to me. After all, take a look at what he said to Anderson Cooper:

BBM. I could be wrong, but I've got a nagging feeling that the accused students were not expelled. Again, I could be wrong, but could this be the real reason that he's so reluctant to discuss the disciplinary action taken?

I agree about Luke Gelinas. I did not find his speech disrespectful at all and don't even understand why he was thrown out. I was half-asleep when I read his speech but I don't recall him saying anything about Phoebe or the Prince family that we didn't already know. Doesn't he have a kid at SHHS? I think that gives him every right to be concerned about what the people in charge are doing over there.

Also, about a law not being able to disclose why students received disciplinary action or whatever - as someone pointed out a few days ago they had no problem disclosing that Phoebe was receiving counseling. If anything, the fact that a student was receiving or had received counseling should not be disclosed - that indeed is an extremely private matter and I would think breaks confidentiality, even if she was a minor and is now deceased.
They can run, but they can't hide...it will all come out in the end...I don't care if they think they can avoid it by "stepping down"...it will still come out and they will be shamed. I'm just so angry.

And mitzi...I just read on a board that Boisselle stepped down as chairman BUT he's STILL on the committee! Looking for a link to prove it but apparently it was a shell game....IMO

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