Forensic Astrology - LINDSEY BAUM missing McCleary,WA 6/26/09 #1

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We have a Websleuth named McCleary and others who live there and post here. How I would love to ask them who was at command central (to be) at 13 minutes of 9 last Friday. That is the individual, who may have been scouting the location legitimately or for self-protection, harbouring guilty knowledge. And it is at that moment when the facts about this individual were revealed--not at any other hour that day. Maybe those Websleuths will see the information about the Klaas search and post. I certainly hope so.

I have every intention to be there at 9 am on Friday.. unless work won't let me have the day off. If I go, I plan on taking a camera and I will report on who I see.
I'm sure you saw the chart (post #275, previous page) for the search on August 28, JenniferO.
I'm sure you saw the chart (post #275, previous page) for the search on August 28, JenniferO.

I did (after I posted my response).

Thank you!

Here is another chart, for the physical search for Lindsey Baum. Saturn, who has custody of focal real estate and who appeared in June as the criminal involved in Lindsey's disappearance is still with us and is hiding in House 12. Saturn well knows where the child is as Saturn opposes Uranus, ruler of Lindsey in this search chart and from heliocentric perspective the opposition is exact: 24° - 24°. It is within close orb geocentrically, 2° and 54'. Just as in the original Last Seen chart, we look to more involvement in early Cancer and Capricorn where we find others, Mars and Pluto. As noted under the chart here, Mars is wanted as public enemy and killer; he rules both those Houses, 7 & 8. Deceit & concealment abound with intercepts in neighboring Sagittarius and in II and the Moon is suppressed.

Note that Mars is on a degree of "Reaching Out". A Bunch of Iron Keys. Control of boundaries. Finding ways to overcome limitations.

bumping this up. Thanks Tuba
I sure wish the locals would look this over. It seems we couldn't be more closer to the perp and the ones who have been keeping this a secret. Close but no cigar type of feeling! Would love to hear others thoughts on the post nursebeem bumped up. Forgot to say thanks NB ~<3~
Could it be the school janitor? A bunch of iron keys and control of the boundaries?

~Respectfully snipped and bolded by me ~
And what stresses and emphasizes and intensifies that focus is the fact that the perpetrator was known to Lindsey, remember? Mercury had squared Saturn in the very recent past and I wrote about the criticism that accompanied their contact. Then the Moon moved in to translate the light from Saturn to Lindsey-Mercury again, a renewed contact. So you could not be more correct. Let's look at the circle around the victim and keep staring until the light bulb goes on.

Okay - this has probably been said before - but this sounds like the person that stopped the squabble between Josh & Lindsey and sent Josh home. This person later said they saw Lindsey walking home between 6th and 5th Streets.

House 3 is where we talk, testify, provide information, communicate. The Moon is there but intercepted thus she is suppressing what she knows and could tell the police and the searchers. What or who is silencing her? It is the planet that rules the Sign she is in, Jupiter, a child or a lover. That individual is covered in a pretense of righteousness, Jupiter conjunct Neptune.

Many things may be suppressed in small towns where, otherwise, everyone knows everyone's business. Consistent in all Lindsey charts is trouble in home or property and involvement of home and property that needs investigation.
Thanks JenniferO for all that you have been doing to aide Tuba in searching for Lindsey. I have been wondering where McCleary has been & other locals that were posting too! My hope is that all of you could make it to the search on Friday....the more eyes the better. I will be looking forward to your pictures & am sending prayers that your boss let's you have the day off.

Thanks to kageykaren, Salem, nursebeeme, SeriouslySearching & all for bumping Lindsey's threads.

I haven't posted but media here, but have been reading the thread. Everyday several times a day, I check for any updates on Lindsey. I'm saddened by the lack of national & local coverage of her missing. I will not ever forget about her till she is brought home one way or another, & even after that I will continue to update any new information on her case.

I have tried to limit how many cases I follow, but every time I see their faces, they tug at my heart to want to help in any way I can.

I'm too far away to join in the search this Friday. but I am able to make sure our amazing, gifted, talented astrolgers get any new media releases to help them out with their charts.

:praying: For Lindsey To Come Home!

:angel: Who Does Care!
would it be possible to get our astro tips forwarded to the search team for this Friday's search???????
ANGEL Who CARES is simply the BEST.

Thank you for all you do! Blessings, blessings and more blessings for your generous and caring ways. Although you dedicate much of your time providing similar contributions:read: for all of WS, inside our Astro Forum, we consider you 'OUR ANGEL' on Earth.

After two months, search continues for McCleary girl
Wednesday, August 26, 2009 11:17 AM PDT
&#8220;We&#8217;re continuing to follow up on leads,&#8221; Grays Harbor Undersheriff Rick Scott said Tuesday. &#8220;Things are a long way from a dead end.&#8221;

National missing child assistance organizations, KlaasKIDS Foundation and the Laura Recovery Center, also plan to host a community meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday in McCleary to coordinate renewed search efforts.

Two neighbors spotted her about halfway home, but never saw anything suspicious. Despite a massive search involving multiple law enforcement agencies, investigators have found no evidence explaining her disappearance.

A KlaasKIDS Foundation news release said new searchers and volunteers will gather Thursday night at the McCleary Community Center on Simpson Avenue to learn more about the organizations and sign up for weekend search parties.

The organization said volunteers will also be able to sign up between 9:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Friday for search area assignments. All volunteers must be at least 18 years old with photo identification.

Scott said investigators from the Sheriff&#8217;s Office, the McCleary Police Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation met Tuesday to compare notes and discuss available resources.

&#8220;The case shows progress,&#8221; he said, stating detectives at a minimum have ruled out many possibilities.

Scott said the planned weekend searches are separate from law enforcement efforts, but he hopes they may be able to find something new.

Viable leads still trickle in on the disappearance, he said. Several detectives remain dedicated to the case full-time, but obviously worry about lost clues and fading memories as the weeks pass.

The public has continued to offer as much cooperation as possible, Scott said, and detectives still work the case as hard as they did two months ago.


Thank You So Much For Such Kind Words Fifth & Everyone!


:blushing: :angel:​
There was a report weeks back that some items were found behind the Shell station. LE said nothing had been found that explains Lindsey's disappearance and a few items would not. We would like to hear more about those items, however and a confirmation of that discovery.
I'm sure one of the members will link this statement. For now it is a possible rumor. Lindsey according to report had on a light blu pull over hoody with black tennis shoes. A poster posted that she had a talk with one of Lindsey's girlfriends and asked her many questions. This is when the young girl said LE has a flip, and jacket (Anyone chime in as I think I'm missing one item) The two items were supposedly not together. The Flipflop was reported to be near Lindsey's home as if she was running away. The little girls stated LE did not give this info to the public. When I first heard this story of the shoe so close to home I thought "Was she running away from home. Did Lindsey actually make it home? Seeing that this report was from a 10tr. old told ingest to a female it is like telephone game. Too difficult to substaniate so I gave that theory up. Hopefully someone with added knowledge can help you more. ~<3~ Anything in the charts for tomorrows search? I'm headed to Yakima for work today and won't be back till Sun. God Speed to all the searchers who participate in this search. This little girl wants to come home! Prayers to all. ~<3~
Well, as you know there was a great deal of clue in the chart for tomorrow's search & some of it was almost too pointed, if you know what I mean. For Knox who provided the information and for you, let's cast the chart for the start of school to see who might be lurking there.
I'm sure one of the members will link this statement. For now it is a possible rumor. Lindsey according to report had on a light blu pull over hoody with black tennis shoes. A poster posted that she had a talk with one of Lindsey's girlfriends and asked her many questions. This is when the young girl said LE has a flip, and jacket (Anyone chime in as I think I'm missing one item) The two items were supposedly not together. The Flipflop was reported to be near Lindsey's home as if she was running away. The little girls stated LE did not give this info to the public. When I first heard this story of the shoe so close to home I thought "Was she running away from home. Did Lindsey actually make it home? Seeing that this report was from a 10tr. old told ingest to a female it is like telephone game. Too difficult to substaniate so I gave that theory up. Hopefully someone with added knowledge can help you more. ~<3~ Anything in the charts for tomorrows search? I'm headed to Yakima for work today and won't be back till Sun. God Speed to all the searchers who participate in this search. This little girl wants to come home! Prayers to all. ~<3~

As I recall, out on Lindsey's thread in her Forum, this info about found items was discussed. Can't remember how far back.
I believe LE said it was NOT true. Nothing was found.

To be sure, I suggest you go to the main forum and ask that question because the members who have consistently followed and developed theories have more information about this subject.
n.b., the Sun of the start of fall term is just moments from critical. By Wednesday, the following day, it is at crisis. The Moon of this chart is already critical and of course, Pluto continues critical but being stationary is even more fraught. We always know from planets at a critical degree that the situation is about to explode. We also know, from critical degrees, that there is obstruction and frustration, tremendous stress. Speaking of obstruction, retrograde Mercury is always withholding information, along with Mercury's other transgressions here. Look at that caretaking House, 6. See the deception and concealment of the intercept and the Saturn-Uranus opposition!
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