VAWA ALERT - National Day of Action June 26th!!

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Jacie Estes

Medical Marijuana Advocate
May 30, 2010
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Congress MUST pass a Violence Against Women Act!
Doing nothing is not an option! A Call to Action!

In these final days Congress must see a groundswell that cannot be ignored. We are issuing a call for a National Day of Action on Tuesday, June 26th to reauthorize the real VAWA. On that day we will be organizing a national action on Capitol Hill and local actions across this country. Every justice loving person is needed now to raise their voice and tell Congress not to go backward but move forward to reauthorize the Real VAWA.

We need to get a VAWA passed that protects ALL victims! Your calls, emails, letters and tweets are working and now is the time to take it a step further. We want to show Congress how important this is to victims, survivors and advocates across the country. So please save the date for a NATIONAL DAY OF ACTION – JUNE 26, 2012. We will be sending more information to you shortly but want to make sure you get this date on your calendar and tell your members, constituents, friends, families and everyone you know who cares about domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking!

Lastly, we know there has been a lot of news about a technical “blue slip” problem with the Senate bill. We fully expect to get this issue resolved so that both the House and the Senate bills will be considered during discussions to craft a final version of VAWA and get it to the President. We know that ALL victims need protection and we want to tell the world why on the National Day of Action!
I've posted this in the Up to the Minute forum so that it will be seen by our visitors, as well. This is beyond being political, it is a human issue. There are lives at stake here.

ACTION 1: PLEASE CONTACT HOUSE AND SENATE LEADERSHIP WITH THIS MESSAGE TODAY! We are holding leaders of both parties responsible for making this happen.



I urge you to pass a bipartisan VAWA reauthorization bill, like S.1925, that protects ALL victims of violence-doing nothing is not an option. VAWA has positively impacted me/my community in the following way: _______________. By reauthorizing a bipartisan VAWA reauthorization bill like S. 1925 that protects all victims of violence, VAWA programs and services can continue to serve victims and make our communities safer.

Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), (202) 225-0600

Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA), (202) 225-4000

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), (202) 225-0100

Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), (202) 224-3542

Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), (202) 225-2541

Chair of the Democratic Conference Senator Chuck Schumer, (202) 224-6542


On June 26th a Rally on Capitol Hill will launch the national VAWA Days of Action campaign that will last until July 4th. We call upon you to organize vigils, rallies and local actions in your communities and at your Congressional District offices to tell Congress that victims cannot wait and a VAWA that mirrors S. 1925 must be reauthorized. Now is the time to show Congress how important VAWA is to victims, survivors and advocates across the country. Organize your members, friends, families and everyone you know who cares about domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking to stand up and speak out. Start your local planning efforts today! More details to come.
neither do walks, acts, protests and vigils kill, beat, torture and main.
neither do walks, acts, protests and vigils kill, beat, torture and main.

Nor did I claim they did, unlike you who claims this VAWA will protect someone, anyone, when it protects no one. And it may do more harm than good by giving you a false sense of security. Have fun with it and but get real. Restraining orders don't work but this will? :moo:
What is the Violence Against Women Act? I mean what does it state?
Nor did I claim they did, unlike you who claims this VAWA will protect someone, anyone, when it protects no one. And it may do more harm than good by giving you a false sense of security. Have fun with it and but get real. Restraining orders don't work but this will? :moo:

Thanks for your permission.
Laws are an avenue to punish those who are abusers.
Nor did I claim they did, unlike you who claims this VAWA will protect someone, anyone, when it protects no one. And it may do more harm than good by giving you a false sense of security. Have fun with it and but get real. Restraining orders don't work but this will? :moo:

Restraining orders do work when used properly. Mine gives me the opportunity to call police and report when my ex is stalking me. I also have the common sense to protect myself and am grateful that I live in a Castle Law state.

VAWA is so multi facted that a blanket statement, 'it doesn't work', is incorrect. IMHO
Nor did I claim they did, unlike you who claims this VAWA will protect someone, anyone, when it protects no one. And it may do more harm than good by giving you a false sense of security. Have fun with it and but get real. Restraining orders don't work but this will? :moo:

As someone who has went thru severe domestic violence I can tell you that VAWA did help me. I didn't even know it until now after reading what it is. It provided money for me to relocate as I had to leave everything when I left my abuser. It also made sure my hospital bill was paid by making my abuser pay restitution. My medical bills automatically were taken off my hands.
By helping me financially relocate I did not have to consider going back to the like so many women do because they will be homeless. Abused women return over and over again until they are eventually killed. The abuser takes control of their finances, transportation and residence. You are completely dependent on them. I had already returned to this once and within 3 wks he almost killed me. So, yes this saves lives.
As someone who has went thru severe domestic violence I can tell you that VAWA did help me. I didn't even know it until now after reading what it is. It provided money for me to relocate as I had to leave everything when I left my abuser. It also made sure my hospital bill was paid by making my abuser pay restitution. My medical bills automatically were taken off my hands.
By helping me financially relocate I did not have to consider going back to the like so many women do because they will be homeless. Abused women return over and over again until they are eventually killed. The abuser takes control of their finances, transportation and residence. You are completely dependent on them. I had already returned to this once and within 3 wks he almost killed me. So, yes this saves lives.

I am grateful that you are safe now. Best wishes to you. :hug:
As someone who has went thru severe domestic violence I can tell you that VAWA did help me. I didn't even know it until now after reading what it is. It provided money for me to relocate as I had to leave everything when I left my abuser. It also made sure my hospital bill was paid by making my abuser pay restitution. My medical bills automatically were taken off my hands.
By helping me financially relocate I did not have to consider going back to the like so many women do because they will be homeless. Abused women return over and over again until they are eventually killed. The abuser takes control of their finances, transportation and residence. You are completely dependent on them. I had already returned to this once and within 3 wks he almost killed me. So, yes this saves lives.

Great, but it didn't prevent the violence, which is what is being claimed here. "At least it's a start". As if the hundreds of laws against violence wasn't the start or enough, what's needed is one more law?
You are correct TrackerSam. I think we can agree that if LE and the court system was more vigilant in enforcing the already existing laws that would be the optimum solution. However, that has not happened and it shows no sign of happening any time soon. I do see the point you are making, but to some of us, to simply accept that it is the way it is is no answer either.

So while this act may not protect any more than existing laws do, at least it is yet one more avenue which may lead to heightened awareness about the issue, offer more options for prosecution, and, as in the case of SoBeCzar, assist victims in breaking the cycle.
Great, but it didn't prevent the violence, which is what is being claimed here. "At least it's a start". As if the hundreds of laws against violence wasn't the start or enough, what's needed is one more law?

Yes it prevents violence. There is much more violence if you go back. That is violence prevented. It also prevents deaths.

ETA: This is an existing law!
Yes it prevents violence. There is much more violence if you go back. That is violence prevented. It also prevents deaths.

ETA: This is an existing law!

How was violence prevented? There is much more violence now then ever before.
No matter what good you try to do, what information you try to pass along, no matter how hard you try to make a Difference, inevitably there will come along some special person who just has to $hit on your efforts and tell you that you can't make a difference. That what you're doing is stupid, or harmful, irrelevant, useless.

I think this thread has found its special person.

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