Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #10

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Regarding the effect of the coming lunar eclipse, yes! Anyone hit directly, as the prisoner is with the blot dead bang on her Moon, will feel the influence. As to the events that correspond to an eclipse, they can occur prior to the lunation or some considerable time after the lunation. When you go outside to look at the Moon or the Sun during an eclipse, you have to be patient as the shadowing moves across the heavenly body at glacier rate. Just so, the events foretold by the eclipse take time. Both lunar and solar eclipses have a long aftermath, particularly the Sun's force being blocked. A very long aftermath.
"Luna Looney" is what I'm calling this time! :slap: Seriuosly Tuba, This is going to be an interesting moment in time. Thanks All!
:boohoo:It was that Full Moon on June 7, midpoint of Prisoner's Mars and Saturn, which also tripped off a Sagittarian Mercury-Mars conjunction in Andrea L.'s chart. Yes! Andrea has natal Mars and progressed Mercury atop Prisoner's degree of sadism. And all of it set off by a Full Moon. Forecast on this item was posted last month or in April.

Andrea has a planetary array full of Y formations or Yods. In one of those Ys, the stem is her Mercury Mars conjunction. The opportunity top ends of that stem are Jupiter in Taurus and Uranus in Cancer. You can see from those positions that the June 7 Full Moon filled in the reaction point at 17° II and activated the stem at 17° Sagittarius. This narrows the focus which becomes driven and compelling; Sagittarius needs that to avoid over expansion and scattering. This Y pushes her to make up her mind, to choose, to decide and to find solutions that are seldom simple. She will find that constant strategy adjustments are needed. Circumstances surrounding the defense and prosecution are outside her control but she cannot hem-haw and weigh matters endlessly, back and forth.

She also has Saturn-Neptune in Libra sextile Sagittarian Mars with stem Jupiter at 20° Taurus. When the Moon is in Scorpio, it fills in the reaction to the activation from Jupiter. This has to do with her tours and campaign to increase sales of her new book because the stimulus is Taurus, $.

Then we have an additional Yod from Uranus as stem from Cancer (but 3° away from the coming FM eclipse) to the sextile of Aquarian Node and Sagittarian Mars-p. Mercury. Cooperation from the Anthony family or lack of cooperation is the stimulus for this initiative. Due to Aquarian node involvement, statements made to the media and their legal repercussions set the background here. When the Moon is in Capricorn, we see the results of this complex.

The Sun and Mercury in Andrea's chart are at the solstice point of Prisoner's Pisces Sun, a tight connection. Andrea can break out the violin even for this mother accused of deliberate murder, murder with malice aforethought. There are dominance issues between them, however.

Destiny calls. Outside forces will take over and are beyond Andrea's control but they require her to act. This Libran comes to a crossroad and is forced to take an executive and major decision and not just once but on multiple occasions because of so many Ys. Her decision point is 16.5° Sagittarius and it ignites definitively in 2010 when her Mercury stations and turns retrograde there.
Destiny calls. Outside forces will take over and are beyond Andrea's control but they require her to act. This Libran comes to a crossroad and is forced to take an executive and major decision and not just once but on multiple occasions because of so many Ys. Her decision point is 16.5° Sagittarius and it ignites definitively in 2010 when her Mercury stations and turns retrograde there.

Tuba, are you saying that Andrea will quit Casey's defense team? (and it will be in 2010?):confused:
Then we have an additional Yod from Uranus as stem from Cancer (but 3° away from the coming FM eclipse) to the sextile of Aquarian Node and Sagittarian Mars-p. Mercury. Cooperation from the Anthony family or lack of cooperation is the stimulus for this initiative. Due to Aquarian node involvement, statements made to the media and their legal repercussions set the background here. When the Moon is in Capricorn, we see the results of this complex.

We have a CAPRICORN Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 7th of July.

Should be interesting indeed.
Yes, it would be even more drastic if it were on Andrea's Uranus but as I mentioned in my post, it is 3° away (15° - 18°) but that is still the reaction section of the Yod in question, so it will tell.

As already discussed, the July 7 eclipse is pointedly on top of the prisoner's Moon. Drama, drama, drama!
It seems Judge Strickland will decide to hold the hearing on State's motion on July 7. The important motion is that to accelerate the fraud, forgery, larceny trial. Photographing Bella Vita may be important to Prisoner but not to progress of this prosecution. I think hearing will be held this day because Mercury will be 7° Cancer trine the prisoner's Jupiter and Venus will be 2° II at the solstice point of State's filing of the motions.

June 30 is also a criminal court day that could bring our parties in but the aspects are not as interesting and Prisoner is not as tightly involved.

Tuba, I'm wondering if Prisoner, in the twisted way that only she can appreciate, will actually ENJOY having her tattoo photographed, knowing that a great many people, particularly those on the "enemy side" will be looking at said photo.
It is a toss up, isn't it! She has proven herself to be an exhibitionist---in the extreme. But you will have noticed in the videos of her courtroom appearances that she resents very much having her Space invaded. For instance when she entered in dark blue grey prison garb and the attending officer moved her along, she was spitting chips. The difference may well be between incidents when she is The Controller and when someone else is. If the photography team comes to her cell, they will be in charge.

This is only interesting on a personal level. Legally, the tatoo picture will be shown during Prisoner's trial no matter what Judge Strickland rules in July because State already has some photos of that La Bella Vita in custody. We have seen them.
I think Andrea L. contracted with Jose B. to join the defense team about 12 May when the Sun transited her Jupiter and Pallas Athena of strategy transited her Uranus at 18° Cancer. Mercury was at the earliest point of II and trine Andrea's own Mercury and Sun conjunction. There had been a Full Moon on 8 May at 18° Scorpio and Taurus. Then on 24 May we had a bold New Moon trine Andrea from 3°28' II. But I think she signed on during the dark of the Moon and Mercury was retrograde.
As it was when she first appeared at Jose's side in court. There will be a change of mind but, not having a birth time, it is only possible to approximate when her own Mercury turns retrograde for withdrawal. A December Full Moon could do it, atop that Mercury station.
I checked December for you, Q.W., and that does not look to be the time. There is a lunation in October which solidly favors Andrea L. as it falls on her Venus precisely. At that time she may decide to do something for herself rather than sacrifice her energies but she could choose to do both! October 2009 is a good month for her.
FYI: Kronk finally received reward money of $5,000 from the crime tip line for finding Caylee! Article in the Time-Stamped Thread! :clap:

Things sure have been quiet with the criminal & civil case for over a week now!
I can wait though, until the July 7 eclipse is pointedly on top of the prisoner's Moon for the Drama, Drama, Drama, that Tuba has posted about.....I'm sure it will be worth the wait for all of us!!!!

I bet KC is getting very stir crazy with nothing to do, but sit in her enclosed cell & remember everything that she has done to Caylee(if she ever thinks about Caylee & not herself that is!). The thought of that satisfies me....sorry KC no field trips out of your cell, except for the visits from JB & LE to come photograph your tattoo. Oh yeah & her HR a day to shower or watch TV, is all that she has to look forward to this 4th of July weekend. :clap: Along with her grits, cole slaw, & baloney sandwiches!!!

Which I would hope JB is spending this weekend with his family, leaving her alone to dream about her last 4th of July weekend partying up, while she knew where she left Caylee like trash in the woods! :furious: Isn't this the weekend she went to get her tattoo & had her nails done last year, while waiting for TL to come back from NY too? Now only dreams, nightsweats, & what could have been left for her now! :clap:

Angel, do you suppose KC may be told by Ms. Lyons that the "Jesse took the baby" theory went up in smoke because his cell pings just do not put him in the same area as her on the 16th? That would cause a major meltdown I would suppose since it is reported that KC & CA stated to her attorney while out on bail that "Jesse killed Caylee" according to reports from LP and TP. You wonder how far these attorneys will go in terms of fabricating a story to fit KC's evolving revelations as to what actually happened.
Things sure have been quiet with the criminal & civil case for over a week now!
I can wait though, until the July 7 eclipse is pointedly on top of the prisoner's Moon for the Drama, Drama, Drama, that Tuba has posted about.....I'm sure it will be worth the wait for all of us!!!!

I bet KC is getting very stir crazy with nothing to do, but sit in her enclosed cell & remember everything that she has done to Caylee(if she ever thinks about Caylee & not herself that is!). The thought of that satisfies me....sorry KC no field trips out of your cell, except for the visits from JB & LE to come photograph your tattoo. Oh yeah & her HR a day to shower or watch TV, is all that she has to look forward to this 4th of July weekend. :clap: Along with her grits, cole slaw, & baloney sandwiches!!!

Which I would hope JB is spending this weekend with his family, leaving her alone to dream about her last 4th of July weekend partying up, while she knew where she left Caylee like trash in the woods! :furious: Isn't this the weekend she went to get her tattoo & had her nails done last year, while waiting for TL to come back from NY too? Now only dreams, nightsweats, & what could have been left for her now! :clap:

"Independence Day" No longer in KC vocabulary. She will only have distant memory of the very last time she celebrated as time goes by.
More pressure today for the prisoner, who is pushed to make yet another weighty decision. Both Mercury in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn are exactly square her lifetime Decision Point at 1°18' Aries.

If she is persisting in her redirect to Jesse G. as culprit, that posture will collapse in a heap and not only due to the pings. There is simply no evidence against him. He is only one of a number of the "usual suspects" * who comprise a line-up the defense will place under shadow. Prisoner seized upon him because she knew she would have support from her mother, who dislikes Jesse intensely. Defense has no burden to prove any one of these associates guilty, merely to raise reasonable doubt Prisoner is the killer by bringing in other possible perpetrators.

The Sun is already squaring Prisoner's Venus today, whereas Cindy has the favor of a positive Venus transit to her Mercury. There is a flying angle of betrayal and treachery in the heavens. Everyday as we approach July 7, it tightens to become exact then. It is Mars in Taurus square Neptune in Aquarius. There have been so many treacheries in this case that it is hard to conceive of an act or statement that would strike the prisoner as unique in that way. But there it is and it lifts the corner on some of her darkest deeds because the solstice point of transiting Neptune is her Pluto.

Also very much affected by today's Mercury - Pluto opposition is George because both planets square his Saturn in Libra. Since that Saturn is the solstice point of Prisoner's Sun, she may feel betrayed by her father not only for past testimony but some act he commits now. And then, we are all aware that he knows the truth. She must be aware of that too, despite his t.v. protests of her innocence. He did come at her like an angry bull and demand answers when she was out on bail. He is fronting now, trying to save her hide and she knows it.

*Zenaida Gonzalez, Amy H., Ricardo M., Annie D., and also Roy Kronk.
Civil Case Docket Updated!

In case you missed this update in the time-stamped thread I added here for you!


Docket Date---Docket Entry--------Comments---------------------Party
6/30/2009---Notice of Hearing----09/09/2009 3:15pm

7/1/2009---Notice Appearance of Counsel-----for Anthony Lazzaro

Happy 4th Of July To All Of Our Amazing Astrologers!


[ame=""]BillyBob's Daughter Accused of Murdering a 2 YO AND she is Casey's New Neighbor - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

It seems Billy Bob Thornton's daughter is KC's new neighbor. and she's charged with a similar crime as KC. HMMMMPH! I wonder how KC feels about this new inmate possibly 'stealing' some of her attention? We all know how KC loves attention, be it postitive or negative!
FYI: Defense team member Andrea Lyon told Judge Stan Strickland her teaching schedule would prevent her from being able to go to trial in three months. Judge Strickland cancelled the October 12 date and scheduled a status hearing on the first-degree murder trial for January 21.

Additionally, the judge said that he wants an affidavit from Amy Huizenga showing she wants to invoke her right to a speedy trial in the check fraud case that the prosecution wants to move forward on. Casey is charged with stealing her friend's checkbook and buying personal items with forged checks.

Lyon, the defense's death penalty qualified attorney, also told Judge Strickland that she plans to file several motions after Labor Day, but details of those motions were not given.

Article & Hearing Video Posted In The Time-Stamped Thread!

As Judge Strickland commented, today's meeting was pleasant and we got updated. The prisoner would have known about Andrea L.'s unavailabilty in October and been frustrated by another long delay. I think she had braced herself for being photographed advertising La Vita Bella, knowing that decision would favour the prosecution.

What had the sting of betrayal was the ruling that Judge Strickland would entertain arguments by the news organizations toward releasing the infirmary video after his forceful description of how damaging that video is. She felt his former assessment sealed the tape. It did not. Now, she also knows how he views it, however, and that must make her quake like a custard.

I have so much faith in the media arguments from their brilliant showing when this issue arose, Sun in II in House 11. We need to find out what time the judge made this ruling!

Prisoner would also groan at the prospect of the forgery, false uttering, theft and fraud trial coming on but the judge is only waiting for Amy H.'s speedy trial motion and the prisoner would not have expected this turn of events.
FYI: A pretrial hearing has been set for Jan. 21, 2010, at 10 a.m. Click Orlando released what time the pretrial hearing will be!

Added Info: I just watched the raw video hearing & the status pre-trial hearing is for Thursday Jan. 21st at 10:00AM!

Tuba, I've been checking all day for a release of the motion for the change for the pre-trial. I'll check to see if the hearing is in the clerk records & will post it here if I can find out anymore information for you & SS.

I know this much that the hearing was held this morning & WFTV's 1st article was posted on line at: Posted: 11:03 am EDT July 7, 2009!

If you didn't catch it Judge Stricklan also ruled (according to WESH) ruled he will allow news organizations to argue against sealing a video made of Anthony in jail!

Local news organizations have argued that the video is a public document and should be released.

I've been trying to check the clerk records, but the site isn't letting me open the dockets. I'll keep trying!

According to this article these issues were addressed too Tuba & SS! I wonder how much she will enjoy that the SA will be coming to photograph her, & it not being the type of photo's she used to love to pose for!
The prosecutors addressed two other issues: Anthony's tattoo and her fraud case.

The state's request for a photo of Anthony's "Bella Vita" which means "Beautiful Life" - tattoo was moot. She got the tattoo around July 3, which was after she says she last saw her daughter.

The defense didn't oppose a picture so authorities are scheduling one to be taken soon, Levey said.

Prosecutors want to move forward in the check fraud case against Anthony and requested a trial be scheduled in the few months. She's charged with more than a dozen fraud counts, including fraudulent use of personal identification information and forgery of a check.

Strickland requested a sworn affidavit from Huizenga, saying she too is requesting a speedy trial and doesn't want to wait on the murder case.

The defense can respond before Strickland rules on the state's request for a trial.,0,3746045.story

FYI: Anthony Lazzaro hired attorney William R. Jay to represent him!

Here is his profile:

William R. Jay

Will spent 10 years with the State Attorney's Office as a prosecutor. Six of those years were spent in the Sex Crimes/Child Abuse unit. Prior to leaving the State Attorney's Office, he served a Career Criminal Lead trial attorney, where he handled a variety of serious violent crimes, including first degree murder.
Areas of Practice:

Sex Offenses
Violent Crimes
Computer Crimes
White Collar Crimes
DUI & Traffic Offenses
Bar Admissions:
Florida, 1997
Boston University School of Law, Boston, Massachusetts, May, 1997
Honors: *advertiser censored* Laude
Honors: G. Joseph Tauro Scholar
Honors: Paul J. Liacos Scholar
Honors: Edward F. Hennessey Scholar

Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Fl, U.S., December, 1994
Honors: Summa *advertiser censored* Laude
Honors: President's Scholar

Professional Associations and Memberships:
Orange County Bar Association, October 1, 1997 - Present

Florida Bar Association, September 25, 1997 - Present

Past Employment Positions:
State Attorney's Office, 9th Judicial Circuit, Assistant State Attorney, September 1, 1997 - December 23, 2007

Kappa Alpha Order


I will try to find his birthdate & place of birth if you want it! TIA

This is what I found so far for his birthdate:
WILLIAM R JAY Born Dec 1973
I will search further if you want me to try & find his place of birth & the day of birth! TIA

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