Theory: could this have been a defense plan?

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Can someone provide a link to the breakfast video? I have seen it mentioned a few times and would like to view it.


I don't have one but if you wach HLN ( I have dubbed the casy network) they show that video on all the shows at least 20 times a day..
Hmmmm have to think about this one. You may be right. George was very quiet in the beginning, strangely quiet as he stood beside Cindy who was yakking away during media interviews and news clips. I remember thinking, what's up with him? Another thing that has stayed with me is John Allen telling George early on "you're a man who knows a lot about a lot of things." I just wonder how much LE and FBI have figured out about this family.

IF GA truly has a gambling problem (and I do think that is true) that explains a lot to me. My sister was married to a crazy gambler and he could charm birds out of trees. Not necessarily saying GA is charming but there is something there I can't quite put my finger on.

The man knows that the less said the better.
Cindy knows how to create a circus to divert everything.
IT was a plan made by a MUDER INVESTIGATOR who lost his job as an investigator,
but that does not mean that he did not learn the job well, HE KNEW THE JOB. Knew exactly what they look for.
He also knew to toss Cindy at them to divert, misguide, etc....
He also knew that if the JUR?Y wont hate her for being a murderer if they fell pity for her.
So he went under the bus himself to be the bad guy and spare KC the hate, which would spare her in the end.
IF GA is reading my posts he must be shaking.
I'm beginning to doubt their 'disliking' him back then too. Cindy appeared to answer LDB more easily and comfortably during the trial. Under Jose's questioning, Cindy 'acted' uneasy and kept looking down, but it all seemed so rehearsed to me. Even the 'tension' between them didn't seem genuine. Didn't someone (I think it was Tracey?) talk about being at the Anthony's for dinner very early on and Jose was there? I don't believe there is, or ever was animosity between the A's and JB. Remember 'Rosebud?'

No. What does that mean?
Not to disagree with Songline, but I think GA is being given way too much credit. Keep in mind that he and Lee "do as they're told" to do. CA is the one who gives the orders and makes sure they're carried out to the letter. IMO, the minute GA admitted to KC about having feelings of guilt and wishing that he had been a better father, grandfather, etc. etc., CA went in for the 'kill'. I believe that CA knew early on, that Caylee was dead and that, at some point in time, KC and JB recruited her to get a muzzle on GA. GA's focus was on finding Caylee at any cost, but CA wasn't on board with that. CA's focus shifted to covering up for KC..... at any cost. GA agrees, in his suicide note, that CA is the one with all the 'smarts' in that family and CA takes great pride in her ability to 'outsmart' everybody. She wrote the script....just like she's writing the book.

CA can run her house because GA got fired all the time so she was the money maker in that castle.
But GA did learn all about murder investigations he was an investigator at one time GOD only knows why he was fired. But he knew what investigators would be looking for.
Read what I have been saying for over a year and a half. GA playing nice guy was a game that is too well known LE, politicians, and others play it well too.
This does not mean that some cant see how transparent it is.
Cindy was out spoken, acted wild, controlling, but did not have all the know how to orchestrate a clean up as GA would. Even his suicide stunt was just a stunt to me. I did no buy it. He needed to play the pity card. The pity I have is for CAYLEE.
I think that George intentionally acted like he was lying & hiding something. If he was a former Homicide detective he knows how to come across as truthful or deceptive & he definately appeared to be hiding something during this trial. He wouldn't even answer simple questions about the Duct Tape or Gas cans. The entire charade the Anthony's put on during this trial was carefully orchestrated to help Casey go free. If you accuse George of being the Bad guy & then he gets caught in a lie & appears to be hiding something then it gives credibility to your accusation.....Shame on all of them.. I still can't get over the fact that George Drove the car home from the Tow Yard & went to work while Cindy sprayed Febreeze in the Trunk & Cleaned out the car. How much evidence was destroyed because of their actions???
I STRONGLY believe that GA and CA had everything planned out with Jose Baez. I am sure GA knew what Casey was going to accuse him of and I am sure he agreed with it. All he had to do was deny the molestation, so he couldn't possibly get charges. I think all their communication goes through Jose Baez. IMO, GA lied on the stand about many things! I feel he lied more than CA. This was a plan by them and I think it was a plan for a while. It was the only way they could confuse the jury!

I would LOVE to see the correspondence that the As passed secretly through Baez.
I don't believe GA or LA were ever in on any plan to be accused of molestation. ICA made that up to look like a victim.

I put this on ICA. She killed that baby. GA didn't kill her. CA didn't kill her. LA didn't kill her. ICA killed her and ICA should have been made to pay and spent the rest of her life in jail.

GA seems to be the only one that wanted ICA to pay. I don't think his comments about ICA being last with her, etc. were part of some great conspiracy. They were the truth. She was the last one with Caylee and she did kill her. He wanted to at least get it out there in his attempt to find justice for Caylee. I won't drink the Casey Kool-Aid.
Before anyone starts throwing them, let me mention I love tomatoes!

I posted a theory over two years ago and still think it today.

The afternoon Casey was at the house and gave George his gas cans or he wanted the tire block out of the trunk was when HE smelled something in the trunk. I feel he was devastated and made Casey answer to him. I believe little Caylee's body was in that trunk and that George told Casey that she could have called 911 if there had been an accident, but that decomposition made it imposssible to do that now.

George had his LE experience and knew that the only thing that would work would be duct taping little Caylee and disposing of her. It would be made to look like a kidnapping when she was found. I believe Casey overdosed Caylee using chloroform.

I have always wanted to know when Cindy put in for vacation time for the last week of June. I honestly think that the entire family knew little Caylee was dead by that time and came up with a 'script' to follow. Even Cindy's MySpace epistle was written knowing Caylee was never coming back. She was grieving even then. She knew, IMO.

George would know that if Caylee's body was not found for months on end, much if not all, of the evidence would be inconclusive or nonexistant. She would be reduced to nothing but bones. Any law enforcement officer has to see horrific things if on the department as long as 10 years. Yes, this was his own precious granddaughter, but he had to make a decision and did, IMO. That is why George has been so tormented.

Remember Casey's words at the jail when her parents came to see her? She says, "Don't worry, I haven't said anything." IMO, the whole family was involved in the coverup.

So where does Lee fit in? He did speak of a secret at the memorial. I believe he was speaking to Casey meaning he would keep the secret, IMO, of Caylee's death. Was Lee also involved in the disposal? IDK, but I am sure he knew.

This is it. I am done. Baez knows what happened, IMO. He knows. I also think the Anthony's were working with him all along. I will always believe he knows he got a baby killer off when Casey was found not guilty.

I am probably wrong, but it does not matter if I am. Casey Anthony got away with murder and these 12 jurors got it all wrong, IMO. Anyway, I am so done with any of the Anthony's and have not felt sorry for any of them for way over two years.

Mods, please move this post if you think it is in the wrong thread. TIA.


Hi LaLaw :seeya:
GREAT POST - (I do remember your long ago theory) .
YES, the Anthony’s were in it together to save KC.
My theory too from the start.
I'm beginning to doubt their 'disliking' him back then too. Cindy appeared to answer LDB more easily and comfortably during the trial. Under Jose's questioning, Cindy 'acted' uneasy and kept looking down, but it all seemed so rehearsed to me. Even the 'tension' between them didn't seem genuine. Didn't someone (I think it was Tracey?) talk about being at the Anthony's for dinner very early on and Jose was there? I don't believe there is, or ever was animosity between the A's and JB. Remember 'Rosebud?'

I thought it was odd that during the Trial Jose accused Lee of trying to molest Casey but then when Lee got off the Stand after Crying about his sister JB put his hand on his back to comfort him. Why would Lee even let his touch him after accusing him of such a thing?
Remember Casey's meltdown after Cindy took the stand the first time? The jury was not in the courtroom at that what do you all think that was about?

For the public.....remember they have to write books and grant interviews. Money money money!!
The picture of her opening the door raised my suspicions as well.

Yeah...that picture. What a coinky-dink they just happened to have a pic of Caylee opening the door and it only surfaces at the exact time needed. Of course, "Caylee" looked about four or five in that pic. Our little ones always put their two hands right on the glass and pushed it that way and even then couldn't get it open, but yeah. I don't believe that picture at all.
Yeah...that picture. What a coinky-dink they just happened to have a pic of Caylee opening the door and it only surfaces at the exact time needed. Of course, "Caylee" looked about four or five in that pic. Our little ones always put their two hands right on the glass and pushed it that way and even then couldn't get it open, but yeah. I don't believe that picture at all.

My mom called me about that pic...she only followed this case now and then.....even she thought that little girl looked way too tall to be Caylee.
My mom called me about that pic...she only followed this case now and then.....even she thought that little girl looked way too tall to be Caylee.

Some TH's said well, she had big tennis shoes on so that could account for it looking odd. But I have a three-year old niece, and when she puts on her 'big shoes' (tennis shoes) to go walking, she looks like a three-year old wearing tennis shoes. She doesn't look years older.

Did Casey ever really talk about Zanny before June 15th....anyone testify to this besides the A's?

Also, if info comes out about the A's involved in a cover up, could they be charged?

They did a master clean up DADDY GA saw to it...He knew what to look for.
They can only say that it is speculation and we cannot prove the clean up.
When an "EX" Murder investigator is involved, I bet that clean up was microscopically impeccable, do not forget GA was obsessive with his car being immaculate and cleaned it weekly. Imagine what he did during the 31 days, maybe not all of the 31 days maybe 21 days? When KC came whom with the car and did not let him look in the trunk SUPOSSEDLY - I imagine that was the first lie and she came home when CA was not home so GA would start the plan.
IMHO to charge them for this clen up would be a waste of taxpayer’s money.

However, since the trial when it was said that Caylee drowned - they should charge someone with tossing the body in the garbage.

MSO - my strong opinion
Fired?? Can Lancelot have a link??
It is posted in the very beginning that he was fired from his LE job.
There may have been a link too. WITH ALL THESE THREADS, I do not know where to begin looking.
Does anyone else remember this -- GA fired from LE job?????
The only one that could potentially face charges is CA of perjury and I don't think even that is going to happen. She killed her daughter and got off. Criminal charges in regards to this case are now over. I do however expect to see ICA in trouble with the law again. I also think one day she is going to lie to the wrong people and find herself killed. If she lies to 40 I'd be surprised.

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