State's Response to Order RE: Deposition Schedule

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I suppose the defense needs to find out what Gram and Uncle Rick are going to say when the state calls them to the stand, so they are deposing them. They could have done that a year ago!!!

Here is Rick Plesea :


It is going to be brutal, because these two are going to empty the bucket on Casey and TELL THE TRUTH!
I am very confused! Their list includes family members and Casey's friends. They've had this information for a very long time, yet only now that the state is going to be picking up the tab do they want to do a deposition. It really, really makes me want to know where that money went? Did they use it flying around to consult with their experts? Still...that could not have cost upwards of $100,000, could it? Did they pay the experts a fee? And if they did and Baez is saying that 60% of the work is done, are the experts mostly paid for? I know others have speculated about these same things on this thread. My head is spinning because I can't believe they are just now getting around to this. This could be one of the mostly costly trials ever!

Am I remembering correctly that they did interview TL early on? I thought I remembered seeing video of him leaving Baez's office? It was shortly after ICA was arrested. So what do they want to do now?
I can't help but think Lyon & the defense thought with a new judge they would get the DP off the table and then KC could plead out with little more than time served. They wouldn't have to do anything.

Now they have found out they are being forced to do some work so they are bombarding the court with motions and depos, trying to invoke the public's outcry about expenses and force the judge to reconsider dropping the DP to save the State all the money.

In all honesty, I don't believe JB can handle 40 depos before the deadline along with all the other work he should be cranking out. I think it's a big bluff.
But does he has a choice? HHJP means business, period.

Plus, I do think he's going to have to s'plain just what he spent the money on if he clearly hasn't done any work.

LOL :croc:
Did anyone else notice that under JB's signiture it now says One of the attorneys, I guess he has been bumped down from lead attorney and is now just one of the attorneys... LMAO!!!!!

Does anyone know what the deal is with HHJP requesting the state reply to all those motions pertaining to the death penalty being unconstitutional? I thought that was already decided last week.
Did anyone else notice that under JB's signiture it now says One of the attorneys, I guess he has been bumped down from lead attorney and is now just one of the attorneys... LMAO!!!!!

Does anyone know what the deal is with HHJP requesting the state reply to all those motions pertaining to the death penalty being unconstitutional? I thought that was already decided last week.

BBM, IIRC, they only covered some, there were 10 more...7 (I think) that needed the SA response.
Something tells me while all this lollygagging around is JB's idea of giving the state the Lee finger, I cannot help believe that CM Esquire might be behind it a bit, or at least egging JB on like someone on the playground double-dog daring somebody to do something stupid.

After blowing thourh $160K of the defendant's money with next to nothing to show for it, why would he even let JB order the most expensive item on the menu at the taxpayer's expense? Something tells me CM wants JB to tick off HHJP (like that acronym by the way and wish we had thought to use it on Strickland who deserves combat pay for dealing with the defense) as well as to incur the wrath of the JAC. If this expedites the investigation that is sure to being going on currently (as per our own RH) regarding past financial comportment in this case, and said investigation indicates malfeasance or misappropriation of funds in any way, then Mr. JB could very well find himself out of a trial and CM could calmly take over.

I've noticed that CM is quiet as a mouse in the courtroom when JB is making an idiot out of himself, but if it is something that would impact the defendant's actual case, he jumps up and says something. Likewise his comments and demeanor toward the press. There is something very lame duck about JB's strutting in the courtroom lately.

So perhaps it's a good thing that JB ordered the Surf 'N Turf first thing. It will make the JAC and HHJP look even closer at what was already spent and why. The defense is too short on deliverables to call attention to the lack thereof by ordering the high ticket items.

JAC - attention! - magnifying glasses out and forensic auditors to the front!

You are so funny. "the Lee finger":rolling:
Gee in TWO years a lot can happen..

People can move.
People can die.
People can suffer severe health complications, drug addictions, or accidents which affect their memory.
People can simply FORGET small details that may not have been a big deal to them, but a HUGE deal in the impact of this case.

KC should be infuriated with her defense. But she's in lala land.

Which is why HHJP doesn't want to dilly daddle around...He wants this done quickly ---- IIRC TonE was deposed way back when also think Roy Kronk was as well...they were in the "soddi" defense at that time....
Which is why HHJP doesn't want to dilly daddle around...He wants this done quickly ---- IIRC TonE was deposed way back when also think Roy Kronk was as well...they were in the "soddi" defense at that time....

I think I remember RK leaving the depo with the defence. I wonder why the defense has him listed to be deposed if he already has been? Do they get a do over?
Something tells me while all this lollygagging around is JB's idea of giving the state the Lee finger, I cannot help believe that CM Esquire might be behind it a bit, or at least egging JB on like someone on the playground double-dog daring somebody to do something stupid.

After blowing thourh $160K of the defendant's money with next to nothing to show for it, why would he even let JB order the most expensive item on the menu at the taxpayer's expense? Something tells me CM wants JB to tick off HHJP (like that acronym by the way and wish we had thought to use it on Strickland who deserves combat pay for dealing with the defense) as well as to incur the wrath of the JAC. If this expedites the investigation that is sure to being going on currently (as per our own RH) regarding past financial comportment in this case, and said investigation indicates malfeasance or misappropriation of funds in any way, then Mr. JB could very well find himself out of a trial and CM could calmly take over.

I've noticed that CM is quiet as a mouse in the courtroom when JB is making an idiot out of himself, but if it is something that would impact the defendant's actual case, he jumps up and says something. Likewise his comments and demeanor toward the press. There is something very lame duck about JB's strutting in the courtroom lately.

So perhaps it's a good thing that JB ordered the Surf 'N Turf first thing. It will make the JAC and HHJP look even closer at what was already spent and why. The defense is too short on deliverables to call attention to the lack thereof by ordering the high ticket items.

JAC - attention! - magnifying glasses out and forensic auditors to the front!

Brilliant, as usual CeCy. I agree Cheney jumped on this ship to take over. He knows it, he is biding his time and Jose will self destruct. Have any of our local members asked the media outlets there to request the budget hearing accounting Baez gave the judge to be unsealed? It wont be a moment too soon. Baez can preoccupy himself all he wants, he will be removed from the case, is inevitable. " THE LEE FINGER" THAT IS A CLASSIC. I RANK THERE RIGHT UP THERE WITH WHEN YOU SAID, REGARDING CASEY'S WOULD BE "UGLY COPING" THAT A BARTENDER NEEDS TO NAME A NEW DRINK AFTER THAT! I will find you the info. you are asking about ( the JAC stuff) straight away.
Is there a list somewhere with everyone the defense has deposed and when?

This is what I've found:

Already deposed, they want to depose again:
Anthony Lazzaro - Oct 2008
Richard Cain - March/April 2009
Roy Kronk - November 2009
John Allen - March 9 2010 (not sure if this was actually done, filed a notice to)
Eric Edwards - March 10 2010 (not sure if done, filed a notice to)

Also deposed:
Tow-yard people: Catherine Sanchez, Simon Burch, Nicole Lett, and Gary Ridgeway - Oct 2008

Sergeant Dennis Moonsammy, Lt. Billy Richardson, Lt. Tammy Uncer, Officer Marlene Baker, Awilda McBryde, and Jerold White; Kio Cruz, Jim Hoover, Alex Roberts - March/April 2009

Phillip Graves, William Procknow, Edward Turso, Leonard Turtora, and Adriana Acevedo - May 2009

Adriana Acevedo, Matt Irwin - March 8, 2010
Appling Wells - March 11, 2010

A number of FBI analysts - April 2010

This is what I've found:

Already deposed, they want to depose again:
Anthony Lazzaro - Oct 2008
Richard Cain - March/April 2009
Roy Kronk - November 2009
John Allen - March 9 2010 (not sure if this was actually done, filed a notice to)
Eric Edwards - March 10 2010 (not sure if done, filed a notice to)

Also deposed:
Tow-yard people: Catherine Sanchez, Simon Burch, Nicole Lett, and Gary Ridgeway - Oct 2008

Sergeant Dennis Moonsammy, Lt. Billy Richardson, Lt. Tammy Uncer, Officer Marlene Baker, Awilda McBryde, and Jerold White; Kio Cruz, Jim Hoover, Alex Roberts - March/April 2009

Phillip Graves, William Procknow, Edward Turso, Leonard Turtora, and Adriana Acevedo - May 2009

Adriana Acevedo, Matt Irwin - March 8, 2010
Appling Wells - March 11, 2010

A number of FBI analysts - April 2010


Well, we do know from Baez's own lips that he doesn't keep records - maybe he's forgotten those depositions? LOL

Or more like CM wants in on them in case Baez missed some areas of questioning CM would explore.
Here you go CeCy: Mr. Hornsby opining on the JAC issue ( I transcribed this some time ago ). If you mean something else, let me know, friend.

Florida defense expert Richard Hornsby:
"If Baez has a financial conflict of interest, if he was somehow deceptive, if he made a profit off of the money and brokered all these deals, and meanwhile has pinched pennies on handling her expenses, if he somehow was deceptive about how he handled her money,it is a problem. He could absolutely be disbarred.It is very clear how he drafted the affidavit he had Casey sign was CLEARLY prepared to protect himself and protect the third party. Baez did not want to declare her indigent because it would have let the cat out of the bag, of who had paid that money. If Baez has mismanaged her money,if there is a conflict of interest, that is the real issue. Jose Baez may have to step down in this case."

RH "Andrea Lyon knows that she cannot properly defend Casey while they are pinching pennies, so she likely forced his hand to declare her indigent."

"Jose has brokered all the deals and that creates a conflict of interest. He wasn't let in by the Florida bar for several years because he couldn't manage his money". He makes a profit off of how much he doesn't spend on other people, and if you notice he had all these people on the case pro bono,that is more he can keep for himself, it just seems so blatant! If this information comes to light, it could be a big problem. Understand, the only person who can complain about this is Casey Anthony, unless it comes out in the hearing.

RH: "He could be disbarred, if he wasn't using this money in Casey's best interest, if he didn't have her money in a trust account, if he was co-mingling the money, if he brokered these deals and managed her money yes, he absolutely could be disbarred."

H " You cannot sell your clients rights, you cannot sell even yours, you cannot sell her media publication rights. It would be a conflict of interest. He cannot broker the deal and then manage the money. The only way it would have been anywhere close to ethical and within the rules would be if he got a sep. lawyer to come in and broker the deal and manage her money."

Host " The grandparents could get paid and then give the money to the defense, right?"

RH " That did not happen. The grandparents did not get paid these amounts. They have been deposed. They have been asked under oath how Jose Baez is being paid. They said they do not know. They denied it under oath. It was Casey Anthony or Jose Baez. If he brokered these deals it is unethical, it is against the rules."

The March 25th hearing was sealed. SOME MEDIA OUTLET NEEDS FILE A MOTION TO REQUEST THAT BE UNSEALED BECAUSE NOW THAT THE STATE IS GOING TO PAY, THE PUBLIC HAS THE RIGHT TO KNOW. (Mr. Hornsby is speaking of the time they all went into a side room with the judge for five minutes where Casey and Baez explained the source of the money.) That was sealed because they didn't want to disclose to the public how he was being paid.

Jose Baez hasn't spent money doing many depositions or anything else in the case. He has totally mismanaged this case from day one. Nothing at all was getting done until Andrea Lyon came into the case, nothing. Think about it, the less money he spends, the more money he makes."

"She was only in three places, jail ,home confinement and his office, so it had to happen on his watch. We do not have to speculate."

Mr. Hornsby said it was ABC likely leaking out this BOGUS story about the mistress, it is coming out at this time to deflect attention away from the in upcoming hearing. Suddenly Kathi is not going after Baez when his financial empire is about to collapse. Under Florida law it is a crime to commit fraud. This is a big story she would normally be busting wide open.

When these news agencies approached Baez they thought he knew what he was doing, and have since found out he doesn't, they likely have been doing damage control for the last year. What is clear to me is that ABC does not want this to come to light.

: Kathi Belich attacks Jose Baez like a pit bull, she goes after him, she would normally be on him like white on rice. She isn't all over him about the financial problems here. This is a big, big story!!! She hasn't touched it. WHY? Because ABC doesn't want her to touch that with a ten foot pole!!!!! It is a huge problem.

THE J A C , they manage all the state funds, they attend all the hearings, are going to look into this in a perfunctory way, as usual, normally they appear by phone .They are not going to know the background of this case. So, unless someone brings them up to speed, they are not going to be well informed about these issues, they wont know that Baez had a secret hearing that was sealed. They aren't going to know Jose Baez has all of these financial problems. Unless Judge Strickland wants to take the bull by its horn and bust this open for them, all they will see is the paperwork and maybe it will get past them."

RH "As a taxpayer it really makes me mad."

RH" The concern is Casey will bring up this money mismanagement on appeal, for sure , she will say he pinched pennies, he tried to save money for himself, he delayed my trial, he did a bad job,because he was trying to cover his own butt."

Host : You lose a lot of business when you have a high profile client?

RH: " If Jose Baez would have handled this case right, it could have been the most lucrative case for him. When it first came out I had clients s coming to me, because he was quoting them astronomical fees. This could have been a gold mine for him. What has hurt him is he has become a clown, legal clown. He can't even get the margins right on his documents.

On his team, he has nobody from Florida and that is his biggest problem."

Rozzie " Well what about all these motions he has filed.
RH: . "That is Andrea Lyon, Andrea Lyon closed. Did you see the motions he drafted before she entered the case?"

RH " Jose Baez cannot have all these high priced experts on this case. He can not travel incessantly , he cannot over bill. If she is declared indigent experts will have a limited amount of hours they can work ,they must prepare line item invoices and their pay will be maxed at $150.00 per hour.
They fight you tooth and nail on every cost!! You spend more time billing than working on the case. I know of lawyers that will refuse to take a case like this because of it."
Well, we do know from Baez's own lips that he doesn't keep records - maybe he's forgotten those depositions? LOL

Or more like CM wants in on them in case Baez missed some areas of questioning CM would explore.

It would not surprise me at all if Baez forgot about some of those real early ones.

But there is NO WAY he could forget he deposed Kronk, after walking out of that depo and filing the motion trying to implicate him, as well as furnishing the media with those edited "interview videos".
It would not surprise me at all if Baez forgot about some of those real early ones.

But there is NO WAY he could forget he deposed Kronk, after walking out of that depo and filing the motion trying to implicate him, as well as furnishing the media with those edited "interview videos".

Hi Muzikman,

He purposely left the depo incomplete, so he could call him back at another date. Sneaky little move, since clearly he had gotten everything he needed out of him already. I must find it for you, the epitome of him knowing what he did with the Kronk family members would never be admitted into evidence. Finally a reporter asked him a follow up question that we all are throwing things at the TV screen , yelling , ask him this, for the love of God. He had the cat that got the canary look while excited the news stations were playing these selected interview clips. Finally the host asked him, sir...ah...these could never come into the trial because the situations they are recounting are heresay and far too remote in time, right? A look of fear shot across his face for just half a second, he quickly recovered and just shrugged his shoulders, careful not to admit it audibly so as not to be quoted. It was the ok, you got me shrug. I must find that clip and put it in my signature line or post it once a month until everyone has seen it. I laughed so hard when he did that, some of my co workers down the hall came into my office with that I'll have what Julia's having look.:dance:
It would not surprise me at all if Baez forgot about some of those real early ones.

But there is NO WAY he could forget he deposed Kronk, after walking out of that depo and filing the motion trying to implicate him, as well as furnishing the media with those edited "interview videos".

Yes, I'm with you on that one - I can clearly remember Kronk coming out of those "meetings", with the media waiting for him. I'll bet TWA could whip us up a video in a heartbeat.

Baez couldn't possibly forget Kronk, unless he left some kind of "opening" at the end of the deposition by stating the deposition wasn't complete. Can a lawyer do that?

LOL TWA above my post - of course you are ahead of me!!!!
This is what I've found:

Already deposed, they want to depose again:
Anthony Lazzaro - Oct 2008
Richard Cain - March/April 2009
Roy Kronk - November 2009
John Allen - March 9 2010 (not sure if this was actually done, filed a notice to)
Eric Edwards - March 10 2010 (not sure if done, filed a notice to)

Also deposed:
Tow-yard people: Catherine Sanchez, Simon Burch, Nicole Lett, and Gary Ridgeway - Oct 2008

Sergeant Dennis Moonsammy, Lt. Billy Richardson, Lt. Tammy Uncer, Officer Marlene Baker, Awilda McBryde, and Jerold White; Kio Cruz, Jim Hoover, Alex Roberts - March/April 2009

Phillip Graves, William Procknow, Edward Turso, Leonard Turtora, and Adriana Acevedo - May 2009

Adriana Acevedo, Matt Irwin - March 8, 2010
Appling Wells - March 11, 2010

A number of FBI analysts - April 2010


Thank you so much Muzikman, :blowkiss:
I was hoping that someone would answer my question.
I think Baez has missed his real calling, he should be a career criminal. He is so devious that he would make a much better perp than he ever will an Attorney.
Not sure where to ask this question but when is this next hearing?
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