FL - Jennifer Kesse, 24, Orlando, 24 Jan 2006 - #6

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I doubt the suspect left any fingerprints in the car.

I would be very surprised if the POI left prints or DNA in that car.

Whether or not the pOI is a cop, is still open to debate. Obviously, it is unlikely, given the laws of probability.

However, someone impersonating a cop, or being a rental cop, is much more likely.

Didn't JK's complex have rental cops, who would know her every move?

Not to mention the security at the mall.

I don't know about everyone else, but, some of those rental cops are worse than the criminals. Many of them are rental cops, because the cities wouldn't hire them for various reasons.

As for the POI, I think OPD is making this case 100 times harder to solve than it should be.

I've seen perfect crimes, and this isn't one of them. Perfect crimes don't begin with the POI being captured on film parking a missing woman's car.

There is only one way to solve this case. It is called, good old detective work. Get out to HOTG, re-measure the height, do re-enactments, re-interview the Kesse's, Jk's friends, neighbors, etc. I seriously doubt this POI is some stranger. He is somehow connected to Mosaic, and the 24th was not the first time this dirtbag saw JK. IMO.

A good detective could solve this case by working it full time in 3 months or less.

I agree, left. My opinion is that the new federal investigation of Orange County Sheriff's Department use of tasers is doing just that. They've been at it a month. I hope they come though in next couple of months.

Regarding the suspect's photos, as taken by the surveillance cameras at the Huntington On The Green Condominiums, a person can zoom in/enlarge or lighten/darken the photos in an attempt to see more detail. Anything more than this that is done to the photos is actually altering the photos and that is something that should not happen because it is misleading and wrong.

Just My Own Honest Opinion

I agree, and of course that's all I did. Anything that would distort the photo is misleading.

It's simply of matter of bringing out the detail that is there, not creating detail that isn't there.

I think the FBI needs to set up seminars for LE in which they go over basic procedures to follow when someone goes missing. Unfortunately, I get the feeling that many of the smaller LE departments who don't deal much with abductions/murders tend to botch it at the very beginnning, and it's nearly impossible to go back and start over when you didn't follow the evidence in the first place.
when there are gaps. There no gaps in the taser holster, sunglasses, ring around his neck in all three pictures, and sheriff's shoulder patch in two pictures.

Quite solid, in fact.


Is there anyway you could post a link to the pictures for those
of us who are just catching up?
Absolutely. It's:

Blowup of Jennifer Kesse person of interest / suspect

I have appreciated (most :D ) of the feedback to date, and have made many improvements to the presentation from them, so comments and insight are welcome.

Believe me, nobody was as stunned as I was to keep tripping over these features when all I started out to do was try to figure out what kind of hat the suspect was wearing.

I have a link with the pictures of my thougts as I went along. You can see that I started out thinking it was a woman's or man's hair pulled into a bun, then perhaps a bike messenger.

It was when I was looking for the messenger delivery bag that I found the taser holster. That was scary enough. I had no idea that I would find much more.

I see his face quite clearly. wearing sunglasses...and he's either got a goatee or that's the chin strap to his bike helmet.
Thanks rd, for your time and effort!

Anything that helps move this case along and keep it on everyone's mind is a good thing to me!

So, I take it that your theory about the suspect is that this person is somehow in law enforcement?

I'm open for any theory. That's what makes this forum so great.
People sharing ideas and information in one place where you could be in a hot tub in Ireland and I could be in a hotel room in Canada or in my own hot tub with a laptop right next door to you. Who knows? :D

Computers are a great tool. FDLE has some of the finest. I would imagine that if there's a way to identify this suspect from the surveillance pics, they are all over it. At the same time they need help from the public too.

This young woman needs to be found.
We have enough cold cases in this State already and I for one would like to know "why" in this great computer age we can't find anybody?

Unless we have a confession with a latitude and longitude, we can't seem to find our own car, much less the missing. Why is that?
Are we so dependent on machines to do our jobs that we forgot how to do it without them? Where's our common sense?

Back to the basics. :confused:

A beautiful, intelligent, safety minded, young lady living in an upscale, nearly uninhabited condo complex disappears after getting ready for work.
She worried about the maintenance workers where she lived for two short months, according to her family.
One day after returning home with her boyfriend from a short Caribbean vacation she is never seen or heard from again.
She has a long distance relationship for a year. Boyfriend ruled out.
In her possession she has a friend's cell phone left behind after a get-together in her condo by her brother and long time family friends while she was away.
Her car turns up one mile away parked by an unknown person.
Surveillance video is time stamped at around noon the day she disappeared, although the video appears to be taken in the dark.

What did I forget?

If you look at the full third photo and think of the fence as a spreadsheet, but counting over from the right side toward the left (since he's close to the right side), the first three columns are lined up with the trunk of the car.

The fourth column over is the palm tree.

The fifth column over is the suspect.

From a distance, one would expect he is continuing to walk away and that the palm tree obscures his face as rhe posts do in photos one and two.

However, I cut out sections 4, 5, and 6, rows 2 and 3, where's he's centered in column 5.

I blew it up, just the way it is right now, and saw nothing. But as I was looking in column 5, row 3 at his back trying to read what was on his shirt, I suddenly found myself looking at his face with sunglasses, and he was looking back! It was an extremly eerie moment, let me tell you.

He had looked back, and what has been assumed to be the back of his head yet again is his face. It is fully toward the camera, so that his sunglasses are looking right at you.

The front of the helmet is seen, and what appears to be a chinstrap for the helmet. I initially thought he looked like a French beatnik, with sunglasses, goatee, and beret, and perhaps that is still the case.

But it looks like helmet and chinstrap to me, rather than beret and goatee.

The ring around is neck is quite visible below the chinstrap, which is remarkable. It is large in the other two photos, but quite visible in the middle of his neck, with whitened skin above and below visible in photo two.

Initially I thought the sheriff's patch was on his back. When I found his face, I realized it was a shoulder patch. That's when I called the police. That was several weeks ago.


edited: sorry drumstick, posted while you did. I have no interest or intention of diverting the topic from the basics, so just skip over this and carry on, except anyone who was not able to see the face, which is quite clear, yet I didn't see it at first either, so this is just some guidelines to orient yourself to know where to look.
Sorry if this was mentioned. I see the black shape on his back lower neck, and I took it as a tattoo. I figured the individual was a bicyclist from the get-go because his pant leg is "pegged".. which is what I do, when I don't want my pant leg shredded from the bike. I also can see some strap around his thigh... all without the image being increased in size...

Now as for the other items you see, the badge, and the face looking back... i'm havng a harder time seeing that. Can you circle the areas on the actual blow up to focus on? I feel like i'm staring at one of those weird posters in the mall that never worked for me.
If you get a chance to look at the closeups of the ring around his neck (link on previous page), what are your thoughts?

It might still look like a tattoo closeup, but it looks like a bruise (from self strangulation or something related to the assault) to me.

I think you've put a lot of time and effort into your photograph enlargements and theories and I appreciate them. But I'm afraid I don't see a biker's hat, nor the patch and definitely not a stun gun.
I don't find a face...I find a palm tree. Where is this stuff coming from?

I visited Huntington On The Green with my husband a few times after Jennifer went missing. You are correct, it is a palm tree. The face of the suspect is not shown in any of the surveillance photos released to the public.
SS are you saying you can't even see the scars from two biopsies the suspect has had for suspected skin cancer lesions. One is just below the right eye and the other is adjacent to the right nostril.

Also the label on his shirt says 'made in China'.

His sunglasses are a cheap no brand type usually made in Mexico.
SS are you saying you can't even see the scars from two biopsies the suspect has had for suspected skin cancer lesions. One is just below the right eye and the other is adjacent to the right nostril.

Also the label on his shirt says 'made in China'.

His sunglasses are a cheap no brand type usually made in Mexico.


You can't distinguish all that from those low quality photos.
I wonder....the white shirt and khakis look like even an informal uniform. A lot of guys wear an undershirt and take off their work shirt when they leave (or don't want to be identified). I think they should check the area stores around them and see what places require khaki pants...just an idea....like Target for instance.
RD: Thanks for all your efforts on the photo's in this case.

I would hope that if the circumstances were reversed, that other's would be taking the time and effort, in order to help you or your loved one's in a similar situation.

At the same time, I must admit, I don't see everything that you do.

However, I am wise enough to know, that maybe this can be explained by technology.

Therefore, I am going to classify the findings of a holster, badge, and red mark around the neckline, as "possible", until I receive more information to verify the findings, or to eliminate this possibility.

I would urge other's to use caution before shooting down someone's work. It is possible, that these photo's, are only visible on a certain type of monitor, or that it requires certain software.

Hopefully, one day, we will be able to identify the POI, and bring JK home alive.

If other's in the Orlando area, put in the time and effort of RD, I have no doubt that this mystery will be solved, sooner, than later.

I hope that other's remember that RD is doing this out of the goodness of his heart, and is spending time to try and assist to find a woman that he has never met. Given this, I think his efforts should be applauded, not put down. Imagine our surprise, if someday, RD's work is proven by LE, and the embarassment of those who slammed his work.

SS are you saying you can't even see the scars from two biopsies the suspect has had for suspected skin cancer lesions. One is just below the right eye and the other is adjacent to the right nostril.

Also the label on his shirt says 'made in China'.

His sunglasses are a cheap no brand type usually made in Mexico.

LOL! I agree... I think that if there was anything in those pictures to "see", LE would see it (them) and follow up on what they could. I'm sure they or the FBI has a program that can enhance those pictures to the best they can be... and that they have used it and have seen what they can see.
Sorry if this was mentioned. I see the black shape on his back lower neck, and I took it as a tattoo. I figured the individual was a bicyclist from the get-go because his pant leg is "pegged".. which is what I do, when I don't want my pant leg shredded from the bike. I also can see some strap around his thigh... all without the image being increased in size...

Now as for the other items you see, the badge, and the face looking back... i'm havng a harder time seeing that. Can you circle the areas on the actual blow up to focus on? I feel like i'm staring at one of those weird posters in the mall that never worked for me.

I don't want to belabor the point to the detriment of those it offends, but I'll post any help I can here or via PM.

I guess the third picture is giving people fits. Not sure why. The full third photo is labelled "third still with suspect's face similar to Kelsey Smith suspect with sunglasses and goatee and darkened image highlighting sheriff's deputy badge shoulder patch ". His white shirt and head is visible to the left of the palm tree just below the car.

The screen should be at 1024 x 768, instructions I've posted at the top of the blowups page. Higher resolutions won't be as helpful. Arrow down just a little so the top of the fence is at the top of the screen. That brings a blown up cutout below it up into view. You should be able to see the top fence row in the blow up.

The suspect's head is in the center fence opening, completely filling the right side of the opening along the fence post. his white shirt extends across the bottom of the opening.

Starting at the upper right corner of the opening, going down we see the black hat, some forehead, the sunglasses as if looking directly at a pair of sunglasses slightly from an angle to the right, his nose and mouth and quite frankly is entire face profile below the sunglasses, a dark chinstrap or goatee on his chin, his white neck, then a solid line across the front of his neck which is the bruise or tattoo seen in photos one and two from the side. Then another area of neck below that, then his white shirt.

The palm tree completely obscures the fence opening to the right of that.

Arrowing down further below his head we see an elongated fence opening. His upper body with white shirt completely fills it.

The sheriiffs shoulder patch is centered at upper part of the opening. It is a solid sheriff's badge pattern. (No, I cannot make out the word SHERIFF on it :)

I did not originally find the sheriffs patch this way. Originally I darkened the image to make out patterns, and that darkened puctire is below this one and the Kelsey Smith suspect photo. The darkened image is again in the upper center of the elongated fence opening, and you can see the outline of the sheriff's shoulder patch better when it's darkened.

The shoulder patch is confirmed in photo one, but best seen on a 15" LCD monitor.

Hope that helps!

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