Criminally Insane Killer Escapes during "field trip" to state fare in Spokane


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Jan 21, 2007
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Police are on the hunt for 47 year old Phillip Arnold Paul after he walked away from the Spokane County Interstate Fair today, while on a field trip with other patients from the Eastern State Hospital. Paul was committed to the hospital as "criminally insane" after killing an elderly lady in a horrific attack in 1987. He was determined to be schizophrenic and said that the voices in his head told him his 78 year old victim was a witch.

Not only has he escaped now, but the people responsible for watching him on this "field trip" did not let authorities know for at least 2 hours after he escaped.

And, oh yeah, just one more little thing...he's done this before ! They are now saying he needs to be found within 48 hours or he will become a danger to society. He takes meds by injection, and within 48 hours, they will be out of his system.

Another link, from a 1993 article where the judiciary allowed him to take art classes in town once a week - smart idea, huh?

:furious::furious::furious::furious::furious: :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

I pray they find this guy before someone else gets hurt. And then I pray they re-think the policy of allowing this type of "field trip" for people locked up because they are DANGEROUS TO SOCIETY !!!! KWIM?
Who's the idiot who thought letting a criminally insane person go on a field trip was a good idea?
Who's the idiot who thought letting a criminally insane person go on a field trip was a good idea?

Not quite sure if it was the hospital staff or what on this incident. In '93, a judge ruled that this same 'patient' could be allowed to leave the hospital once a week, under guard, to attend 'art class'.

Sounds to me like this has been going on for a long, long time, and the state has just been lucky that it hasn't happened before.
Who's the idiot who thought letting a criminally insane person go on a field trip was a good idea?

After he escaped the first time, with a guard, attending art class, I would think he wouldn't be given another chance? I realize that there was a long time in between incidents but is it worth taking chances?

The article that barb0301 posted ( is a pretty interesting read. I almost fell off my chair when I read that they didn't want to say anything that would cause hysteria (or panic) at the fair. Wow!
Wow. I'm glad my family went to the fair LAST weekend! Seriously though, there is some serious bad judgment on the part of many people here. I hope they find him before he can do any harm
Wow. I'm glad my family went to the fair LAST weekend! Seriously though, there is some serious bad judgment on the part of many people here. I hope they find him before he can do any harm

I'm glad your family went last weekend too! Thanks for checking in and letting us know you're all safe!

Have you heard any "local news" about this fella?
Thanks. I'm actually not up in the area anymore, but my dad and brother are.

I haven't really heard anything other than what's been said here. A bunch of my friends have it all over their Facebook pages, though, lol. One local news station is reporting that fair officials had no idea that this "field trip" was happening. But not much else that's new. That and they think he's hitchhiking his way back to his parent's in Sunnyside, about 180 miles west of Spokane.

Some videos from local news:
This just blows me away. The hospital states he's never acted out, been a model patient...yada yada yada. Well that's because he's been on forced medication through injection. I feel bad for the people who have to live there.
What a system! :waitasec: Let's take the guy to the fair because he is too crazy to go to jail. WTH?! :banghead:

Then they top it all off with, "Oops. Where did he go? Let's wait two hours before we let them know crazy guy is missing!".
It's obvious they waited two hours to report him missing because they knew people wouldn't agree with him being let out at all.
It's obvious they waited two hours to report him missing because they knew people wouldn't agree with him being let out at all.

Spokane Co, of course, states they would not have approved the trip. While I don't want to be around groups like this, it's common practice to take such field trips w/o asking. The fair is, after all, a public place.
I understand why they had this field trip. Not everyone in a mental health facility is a murderer. That being said, how do they choose who is eligible to attend these types of functions? And.. if patients are institutionalized because they committed murder; how is that patient ever out of someones sight? Especially one that had a previous escape attempt. :waitasec:

I hope he's found very soon. I can't imagine the uneasiness of the community.
I understand why they had this field trip. Not everyone in a mental health facility is a murderer. That being said, how do they choose who is eligible to attend these types of functions? And.. if patients are institutionalized because they committed murder; how is that patient ever out of someones sight? Especially one that had a previous escape attempt. :waitasec:

I hope he's found very soon. I can't imagine the uneasiness of the community.

BBM. You make a good point about the trips. I think they are ok long as they don't take criminally insane people on them.
if they don't find this person soon, and when the medication starts to empty from his body, he will start to hear those voices again, for the voices will never leave him.
the medicine is probably Thorazine or something similar, and having to take injections means oral medicine does no good, from what he suffers from.

i dont know what kind of alerts they have made to the public, but all women are at risk!

hes not interested in thumb9ing for a ride, hes looking to take a car to leave the area, any business nearby the fair grounds, such as shopping malls etc, should be staked out, and roadblocks should be established, if its not to late, with them waiting two hours to report it.

Does anyone know, have they posted a public alert by TV and radio, to let people out and about know of his escape, which really was not an escape, they more or less allowed him to leave on his own accord.

he may be still in the area, since only a few hours have passed, but hes getting desperate as time moves on, if he wants to get home as they say, which i doubt, but perhaps, its only a matter of time, before he takes a persons vehicle, from a parking lot, and a woman will be his target, and he wont allow her to live to report the thief.

I just hope, we are not to late already.

add on...
just found out...

On Thursday, he walked away from a group of Eastern staff and other patients visiting the fairgrounds

This happened yesterday!!........i thought it was early today for some reason, thats horrible news!
If i was in LE, i would ask all employers, whom had a female absent from work today, to call LE and report missing employee, and have LE go to the house, apartment to check to make sure all is well.

or to early for that, but in this case i would travel to the home apartment regardless of the 24 hour rule or whatnot.

any husbands, cant get in hold of wife, have LE go check to make sure all is well,
same for school girls, whom did not report for school today, call LE and tell them a missing female student didnot show up for school etc.

There may be a chance, hes found a place to stay to get off the street.
i mention women, because him being a demon possessed male, and locked up for so long, he has not touched the skin of a woman, let alone anything else.
he may have seen a woman/girl at a public place, and has taken her back to there home apartment etc.

Another link, from a 1993 article where the judiciary allowed him to take art classes in town once a week - smart idea, huh?

:furious::furious::furious::furious::furious: :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

Respectfully snipped

Maybe he's on his way to thank that judge in person...ya think? :clap:
Seriously though, I agree with your post and hope they find this man before those voices return and command him to hurt anyone else.

After he escaped the first time, with a guard, attending art class, I would think he wouldn't be given another chance? I realize that there was a long time in between incidents but is it worth taking chances?
I'm with you, Boyz_Mum. He's done this before, yet is described by staff as a model patient - Huh?? Sounds like they're playing CYA for not screening more carefully before organizing this outing. Particularly one populated by large crowds and many small children. :(
I agree that if there is any woman who hasn't shown up for work or something, then she needs to be checked on, but since he killed an elderly woman, he might be more apt to victimize another elderly woman who lives by herself who wont have a job or other activities where she would be missed. I hope people in the area are taking more interest in checking on those people who are vulnerable.

I am interested in hearing what kind of coverage he was supposed to have when out in the public. When I worked at an institution we did have some clients who were considered dangerous and had 1 stafff assigned to be close to them at all times, 1 had 2 staff, you did not take eyes off of them. None of them were killers.

I hope he is found before someone becomes his victim.


The 57-year-old Paul escaped Thursday during a supervised outing to the Spokane County Interstate Fair for patients from Eastern State Hospital. Thirty-one patients from the mental hospital were on the trip with 11 staff members.

That is totally inappropriate!!! I am SO angry! I understand not all mental health patients are a risk to others, I understand that it's nice for them to actually "get out" sometimes. HOWEVER, you DO NOT let that many patients go out with that few staff members. You also DO NOT let a murderer go out!!! Can you imagine the uproar if murderers who are not criminally insane were allowed to go out on a field trip to a public place, especially with so few staff??

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