Cindy Anthony subpoenaed to appear in court

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Now I have nothing to back this up at all, but I've heard that the car -still- reeks, which would also show that she wasn't making it up to hurry the police.

I think its obvious just from listening to all three calls, that the situation was escalating. With Casey's admission that Caylee was gone, in addition to the horrid smell that Cindy was already aware of, Cindy was absolutely terrified. The appropriate alarm bells were going off in her head.

The sad thing is, if Cindy had not made that last call, I don't think Caylee's death would be public knowledge.


Don't know about that car, but it's definitely true the smell does more than linger, it permeates the whole vehicle. My daughter has a friend who works for a vehicle salvage company, and it's his job to clean up the wrecked cars, either for possible restoration/resale, or for parts. He told me that the ones where somebody dies in a wreck don't usually hold any odors. The key is to quickly remove any organic matter before it decays and putrefies. If they get the cars quickly, they are usually salvageable. But the ones that linger due to evidentiary holds or other legal redtape, or the ones where bodies of suicides or accident victims aren't discovered immediately and where they have sat out for a period of time in the hot Louisiana sun, whew! Those can only be used for parts, and then nothing that's permeable and can hold an odor. A body in a car trunk for several days would likely render the vehicle unable to be resold or used.

Another (economic) loss for the Anthony family.

Don't know about that car, but it's definitely true the smell does more than linger, it permeates the whole vehicle. My daughter has a friend who works for a vehicle salvage company, and it's his job to clean up the wrecked cars, either for possible restoration/resale, or for parts. He told me that the ones where somebody dies in a wreck don't usually hold any odors. The key is to quickly remove any organic matter before it decays and putrefies. If they get the cars quickly, they are usually salvageable. But the ones that linger due to evidentiary holds or other legal redtape, or the ones where bodies of suicides or accident victims aren't discovered immediately and where they have sat out for a period of time in the hot Louisiana sun, whew! Those can only be used for parts, and then nothing that's permeable and can hold an odor. A body in a car trunk for several days would likely render the vehicle unable to be resold or used.

Another (economic) loss for the Anthony family.

Mythbusters covered this one awhile ago. I can't remember the outcome though. I do know as a last resort they called a professional cleaning company. I just don't remember if they got the smell out or not.
I bet GA shows up to support his son. If he doesn't show up at the hearing it's going to speak volumes.

It's going to be interesting to see if George does show up and how he reacts.
Casey has been telling people the "molestation" story for quite some time. Jesse Grund brought up these allegations quite early in this case. Cindy was adament that Jesse was lying. I also believe Tony L. made the same revelation (correct me if I am wrong).

This would have just been hearsay and probably would not have been brought up at trial, but now that we have letters where Casey, in her own handwriting, accuses Lee and George of these accusations, they are sure to be brought up while questioning Lee and George (during the trial). Casey even expressed how Jesse had betrayed her by telling LE (therefore the media) what she had told him.

So the accusations have been around for a while. They aren't something that Casey has just now made up to garner sympathy. Do I believe them? No! I believe nothing that comes from Casey.

It's because Casey has been telling the accusation story for some time that makes me tend to believe it's for the purpose of garnering sympathy, and not true.

I'm bothered by Lee and George not denying the allegations, but it could be that they've been advised by the attorneys involved to not react with anger and denial, as it would fall back on Casey and only underscore her lying.

With Lee testifying on the 15th, how he reacts to seeing his sister for the first time in over a year, and what his testimony is, may tell us more. If George doesn't attend this hearing, of all hearings, I think this will tell us that George is making a stand and no longer supporting Casey.
I was thinking back over the depos':

the relevance comments
the temper tantrums
the smug looks

Wondering what that is going to look like on HHJP witness stand and how it is going to go.

Then I remembered CA and all the research that she had she got ready for the interview. That smug, I know what I am doing, I read through all the evidence, knowing page numbers etc HHJP does his homework too and I am looking forward to this face off.

Add to that the fact that it is 2 years later, anniversaries affect us...I think CA might get to the place where she will have to admit her perfect family isn't.

It looks to be a worthwhile hearing to watch.
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chiquite71 said:
ETA: Cindy just said that she has seen pictures of Jeff H. and has seen pictures of his son Zachary!!! OH, the LIES! Seriously, if Cindy gets up on the stand and lies like this...what will be done? TIA.

How can she have seen photos of JH and son when they do NOT exist...oh, this she can spin those tales...and can anyone wonder WHERE ICA got her personality from?? Two peas in a pod, if you ask more deceitful than the other..I truly don't know how CA lives with herself!!!

She also said she had Zani's phone number which she handed over to LE but she doesn't remember who???:banghead:

I just can't wait to see her on the stand on the 2nd anniversary of her infamous call...seems like an omen to have this heard that same fateful day, doesn't it???

As for LA, he vowed/promised to CMA....this is a family united but I do have my doubts on how he will conduct himself. Seems to me, when he heard his mother send "her people" to walk the woods where Caylee was ultimately found, he was furious and turned away from his family...IMO, the facade is over, hopefully...he will keep his promise to Caylee (oh I truly hope it was Caylee he directed this towards at her memorial) and do what's right for that precious child...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
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How can she have seen photos of JH and son when they do NOT exist...oh, this she can spin those tales...and can anyone wonder WHERE ICA got her personality from?? Two peas in a pod, if you ask more deceitful than the other..I truly don't know how CA lives with herself!!!

She also said she had Zani's phone number which she handed over to LE but she doesn't remember who???:banghead:

I just can't wait to see her on the stand on the 2nd anniversary of her infamous call...seems like an omen to have this heard that same fateful day, doesn't it???

As for LA, he vowed/promised to CMA....this is a family united but I do have my doubts on how he will conduct himself. Seems to me, when he heard his mother send "her people" to walk the woods where Caylee was ultimately found, he was furious and turned away from his family...IMO, the facade is over, hopefully...he will keep his promise to Caylee (oh I truly hope it was Caylee he directed this towards at her memorial) and do what's right for that precious child...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

ya know a lot has gone down since that memorial....I'm wondering if the allegations of molestation will prompt some honesty??? I also had a thought that perhaps this was the reason for his loyality towards kc and all her lies and such????? she had to have something over him--remember all the rumors and such about him being the father of kc--they had to come from perhaps that was the "family secret"?????? Something is up with him...also recall him telling tonE about her lies and that he could never figure them out as to why she lied and what she lied about
I was thinking back over the depos':

the relevance comments
the temper tantrums
the smug looks

Wondering what that is going to look like on HHJP witness stand and how it is going to go.

Then I remembered CA and all the research that she had she got ready for the interview. That smug, I know what I am doing, I read through all the evidence, knowing page numbers etc HHJP does his homework too and I am looking forward to this face off.

Add to that the fact that it is 2 years later, anniversaries affect us...I think CA might get to the place where she will have to admit her perfect family isn't.

It looks to be a worthwhile hearing to watch.

IIRC GA was a little huffy on the stand with the SA---can't remember how many months ago that was or for that matter why but he was defensive--don't know with recent things how he would be...still curious as to if he will be there on the 15th.....:waitasec:
It's because Casey has been telling the accusation story for some time that makes me tend to believe it's for the purpose of garnering sympathy, and not true.

I'm bothered by Lee and George not denying the allegations, but it could be that they've been advised by the attorneys involved to not react with anger and denial, as it would fall back on Casey and only underscore her lying.

With Lee testifying on the 15th, how he reacts to seeing his sister for the first time in over a year, and what his testimony is, may tell us more. If George doesn't attend this hearing, of all hearings, I think this will tell us that George is making a stand and no longer supporting Casey.

I think the last time he saw her was in Oct 2008----also no letters and such since then from him.....does make the allegations and them being out there ring something--(not sure what considering the lies that family tells---):twocents:
he does all that and a MODEL as well.....myohmy kc.....


IIRC GA was a little huffy on the stand with the SA---can't remember how many months ago that was or for that matter why but he was defensive--don't know with recent things how he would be...still curious as to if he will be there on the 15th.....:waitasec:

Oh Yeah he was!! IIRC, he accused the attorney of flipping him off because he adjusted his glasses. :banghead:,0,4386160.story

"Brad Conway, Cindy Anthony's lawyer, confirmed today that she and her son Lee were served with subpoenas in late June to be available for testimony for a critical hearing next week.Part of the hearing, scheduled for Thursday, July 15, will focus on whether 911 calls Cindy Anthony made two years ago should be admitted during trial."She's going to tell the truth," Conway said today. "She made the phone calls. It's factual. She's going to testify truthfully.""

We know Conway .... duh ... stating the obvious ... of course she made the phone calls. That is not in dispute. Now, we will wait to see if she LIES about why she made the phone calls, and her state of mind at the time, and the Inmate's state of mind at the time.

And BTW .... WHY don't any reporters ask Conway WHERE George was for the last 3 Hearings??? And if he has a job, or if he just chooses not to attend the Hearings? And will George be there on the 15th? And have they moved out of the Hopespring home and moved in with Holly G. in their former pastor's home?

Red bold is mine... Maybe I'm not the first to bring this up but this is an awfully long thread and I"m just getting to it all now, but... the Good Morning America appearance was on June 15, where she reaffirms that she only said "that" to get the police there faster. According to this article the subpoenas were submitted in "late June". I kind of wondered when the GMA interview happened what sparked that, other than the anniversary date, but the interview wasn't anything about Caylee so the anniversary date wasn't really appropriate for what they did talk about. What they DID talk about was the 911 calls. So were the subpoenas served by June 15 and the "late June" is a ploy to make us think the two aren't connected, or are they not connected?

Oh Yeah he was!! IIRC, he accused the attorney of flipping him off because he adjusted his glasses. :banghead:

No--that was the depo....he was actually called to the stand--believe Judge Strickland was there for that one...can't remember when but he has been there and was defensive--not as obnoxious as Morgan & Morgan depo..but it was there...:twocents:
I am not so sure that Cindy is going to go into her usual antics while on the stand. I could be wrong, but I think it has been stressed to her over and over about how this hearing is important and how she has to hold it together. I would not be surprised to see the smug looks when she thinks she has 'outsmarted' the questions, but don't be surprised if she does manage to get through her testimony without fireworks. I think the odds are 50/50 that she manages to remain calm on the stand.

Lee's testimony? That is going to be interesting, I don't think any of us have a clue what his mindset is right now and what he will say or even how he will say it.

It's going to be an interesting hearing, that's for sure.
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She also said she had Zani's phone number which she handed over to LE but she doesn't remember who???:banghead:

I agree CA claims not to remember who, but she described him and his rank so clearly there was only one person there who fit that description and he claims CA gave him nothing, no sticky, no phone number, nothing. So CA was not just making a statement that she gave it to someone but can't remember. CA actually described this person trying to get this person into trouble because we all know there was no phone number for nanny. Also CA would NEVER let that number out of her sight....she would have given the officer a copy of the number. Plus the officer would not have taken it and kept it as he has a report book and could have written the number down and returned the sticky to CA. She was deliberately trying to get the officer in trouble. jmo
I agree CA claims not to remember who, but she described him and his rank so clearly there was only one person there who fit that description and he claims CA gave him nothing, no sticky, no phone number, nothing. So CA was not just making a statement that she gave it to someone but can't remember. CA actually described this person trying to get this person into trouble because we all know there was no phone number for nanny. Also CA would NEVER let that number out of her sight....she would have given the officer a copy of the number. Plus the officer would not have taken it and kept it as he has a report book and could have written the number down and returned the sticky to CA. She was deliberately trying to get the officer in trouble. jmo

She says she gave it to the 'black gentleman' - he says it never happened..
I know who I believe... but obviously CA thinks her word would be taken over his. She is despicable, as always.
I agree CA claims not to remember who, but she described him and his rank so clearly there was only one person there who fit that description and he claims CA gave him nothing, no sticky, no phone number, nothing. So CA was not just making a statement that she gave it to someone but can't remember. CA actually described this person trying to get this person into trouble because we all know there was no phone number for nanny. Also CA would NEVER let that number out of her sight....she would have given the officer a copy of the number. Plus the officer would not have taken it and kept it as he has a report book and could have written the number down and returned the sticky to CA. She was deliberately trying to get the officer in trouble. jmo

it's the old "I did call and leave a message, your voice mail must be broken" ploy. She knew she didn't have it but she wanted to blame someone else rather than take the heat for a lie.
I am not so sure that Cindy is going to go into her usual antics while on the stand. I could be wrong, but I think it has been stressed to her over and over about how this hearing is important and how she has to hold it together. I would not be surprised to see the smug looks when she thinks she has 'outsmarted' the questions, but don't be surprised if she does manage to get through her testimony without fireworks. I think the odds are 50/50 that she manages to remain calm on the stand.

Lee's testimony? That is going to be interesting, I don't think any of us have a clue what his mindset is right now and what he will say or even how he will say it.

It's going to be an interesting hearing, that's for sure.

She has a very short fuse. BC has been trying to get her to act in a less contemptuous manner but we all see how that's working :banghead: She is arrogant and I hope LDB will push her as far as she can go...
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