2011.06.01 SIDEBAR THREAD Trial Day Seven

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I brought this over from the Trial thread to answer bobloblaw.

Baez was yapping impulsively yesterday and not thinking about the potential problems he was causing himself. He "opened the door" for the State to bring in all of Casey's prior felony convictions (6?). Previously, those had been inadmissable and the jury would have never been able to consider them. However, there is a specific jury instruction given right before deliberations that tells jurors that they MAY consider prior felony convictions while determining credibility, character of the defendant.

The State has a strong case and they are rolling right along now. IF they had stood by and fought for them to come in, HHJP would have allowed it. Cheney Mason knows that, too. There is case law backing it up from the FL Supreme Court.

The problem is: Casey would have a very, very, very good argument on appeal for Ineffective Counsel. They is a strong chance any conviction could be overturned and she would be granted another trial. Do they really want to have to try this monster of a case twice? Not unless they feel they absolutley must. Just not worth it.

Got it. Thanks for your response...
I still don't completely "get" why certain things that Casey told Amy are allowed in, and other things aren't. IE: Casey telling Amy that her mom is crazy was allowed, but Casey telling Amy that her dad had a stroke was not. :waitasec:

You and me both.
Am SO confused right now...

Can someone quickly explain this mini hearing this morning....

Motion was concerning bringing in previous felony convictions?

But involved speculated father of Caylee and hearsay??


Good explanation from Beach

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6590372&postcount=74"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 2011.06.01 SIDEBAR THREAD Trial Day Seven Morning Edition[/ame]
Ack - just hit full screen and got a big close of Baez on my 27 incher - won't be doing that again! Need more coffee!
OMG now that is just ridiculous! You think those people were at a rock concert.

First thing I thought when I saw yesterday's footage was the running of the brides and then .... the running of the bulls. ;)
How could ICA claim "incompetency of counsel" when CM is on the DT?

I don't watch many trials, but I have never seen a DT openly state their client is a liar and make statements that show their client is a lazy, stupid, promiscous slacker. By talking about Caylee's paternity, brining up the fact that ICA did not even graduate from high school and could not hold down a job the DT keeps making things worse for ICA. But we are supposed to believe this far-fetched accidental drowning theory.

By talking about how much she lies, don't they realize that it is impossible to believe that ICA is telling the truth this ONE TIME? Oh, and coincidentally, the one time she is telling the truth is to save her own skin???

Is their defense "My client is a lying, stealing, unemployed, high school dropout who can't name the father of her child and therefore is too stupid to kill her daughter"?

I believe Scott Peterson's lawyer actually called his client a 14Karet A-hole, a liar and a cheat, but claimed he wasn't a killer. You know how well that worked for Scott;)
ICA's little house on the prairie blouse today is quite a contrast to yesterday's body shaper, no?
No matter what the Prosecution does in presenting their case, the one thing I don't see how JB gets around is this: He admits Casey lies. About everything. She invents imaginary people. Fake jobs. Details about trips she didn't take. Even gives imaginary people illnesses and weddings.

So why would the jury believe she's telling the truth about sexual abuse by her Dad and brother?
JB needs to be careful here...this jury, I think, probably likes AH a good deal.
Oh man...he's insinuating AH is a lush! :eek:

That's relevant, but ICA's prior felony's aren't? Are you freakin' kidding me?!
Bill S saying DCS will do cross, and that is most likely because of JB's near disaster yesterday!
I have that cliche about swords running through my head.
Can we post Tweets on this Thread?

#caseyAnthony Casey looked at Lee and smiled. He did not
by bobkealing via twitter at 10:10 AM

#CaseyAnthony seemed to have smiled at her brother before the break. She watched him walk out. -fell
by cfnews13casey via twitter at 10:11 AM
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