2011.06.11 Sidebar (Trial Day Sixteen)

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Can't wait to see the demeanor of Casey today as her parents return to court. I am sure she was not happy that they were not there to see what she did to Caylee in the photos.. especially Cindy!
That was Wendy Murphy that said that, and I wouldn't give her one iota of credence.

She also neglected to point out that there is not one bit of evidence showing that anyone else had access to ICA's car, nor does she point out that since ICA was laid up in bed with TonyL, that her car was parked in the parking lot of TonyL's apartment complex.

Murphy is just talking to hear herself talk--nothing she says is of importance and frankly, what she does say, makes no sense at all.

She makes a lot of sense to me because I feel the same way. We have seen a lot of facts/conjecture, chloroform, death smell in car, death by homicide, etc., but I've seen nothing concrete to link ICA to that homicide.
That was Wendy Murphy that said that, and I wouldn't give her one iota of credence.

She also neglected to point out that there is not one bit of evidence showing that anyone else had access to ICA's car, nor does she point out that since ICA was laid up in bed with TonyL, that her car was parked in the parking lot of TonyL's apartment complex.

Murphy is just talking to hear herself talk--nothing she says is of importance and frankly, what she does say, makes no sense at all.

What she also fails to say, this Wendy woman, is that the defense, in their opening statement, admitted that Casey was there when Caylee died "accidentally." Her own defense put her at the scene of the crime.
Good morning all!
Was talking with my mom this morning, who has only been following the case a little bit, I told her what the DT opening statements were...her response " that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard"
I agreed!
Ridiculous! Re-donkulous, Re-Kronkulous!

I don't think I will ever understand why the DT decided to go with this ridiculous story. I mean, I do understand that one of the biggest hurdles they had to get over was the party pics, but still...it would have been MUCH wiser for them to just say, "So? Doesn't prove she killed anyone, does it?".

All the DT had to do in this case is say that Caylee died in a pool accident, and leave it at that. Burden of proof is on the state. Just force them to prove it, and punch every hole you can in their evidence. That's the best the DT can do. But when you make up a cockamamie story for the jury...you BETTER have something more than an opening statement to back that up. Do they? I don't know, we'll see. But at this point, I highly doubt it.

I was going to try and get something done..but I want to see HHJP this morning...and see what he has to say about the published pictures.

Yep..I said screw it to getting anything else done today. I will get some things done tomorrow after church....where I will fully repent for all the nasty words I have thought and said this week watching ICA and her act. :innocent:
George and Cindy in court today, according to courtroom tweets.
WESH TWEETS say : #CaseyAnthony and #JoseBaez are in court already.
Good to know the mock juror is not affected by the bad acting job at the DT.:rocker:

The mock juror doesn't even know if it's a bad acting job or real. She just simply doesn't care one way or the other. :)
Thank You HLN!!!!! But usually so many commercials. Last week I did not see the trial on that channel but am hoping it was a fluke. I already have it on waiting patiently.
Given lots of entomlogical evidence was entered last night. I reckon Dr Neil Haskell might be up today. :woohoo:

and or Dr Hall the botanist.......short day though

Good post...but that pic of ICA freaks me out :eek:
Hope this doesn't get shut in the slamming sidebar door!

THANK you guys so much for making me laugh and laugh last night while reading through the tail end of the trial afternoon thread. I had to miss it, and I just howled while reading the narration of JB and his wrinkled easel pad and 4 colored markers vs. the high tech animation. Felt like I was watching it right with you! xoxoxo
Good morning everyone!!

re- posting link to trial thread

Morning Trial Thread

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=138984"]2011.06.11 TRIAL Day Sixteen (Morning Session Only) - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Good morning to all . . . hope this weekend has started out well and remains that way for you! I totally love this site and, after getting my business work and house "tasks" taken care of, spend the remaining evenings reading all of your thoughts and reviewing the transcriptions. You people are beyond awesome . . . thank you!
Someone published pictures? OMG

Was probably JB lol with his handy dandy cell phone, I dont think anyone else is allowed to have a cell in the court room and they go thru a metal detector!
Anybody know what one of the tweets are talking about - if Baez has seen the channel 13 newstory about the look-a-like lawyer in town last night?
he also seems to be practicing his ventriloquism skills. That will come in handy when he needs a new job.
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