Reports of New Casey Anthony Video Diary Surface on Web #3

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Does anyone else think the DT might be asking each other -- "LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE? now FCA is out and about and wreaking havoc every which way but loose and draining the life out of all of us, how will we ever forgive ourselves for all of the smoke and mirrors and they way we played that hapless jury??"

or GA/CA/LA asking each other -- "LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE with your mis-truths and half-truths on the witness stand, we will NEVER get back to any sense of normalcy FOR THE REST OF OUR LIVES", blaming each other for the fact that FCA is out and about and now they have more to worry about, their home life was probably pretty peaceful with FCA in jail, albeit the horrific stress she put them under and what they had to go through all those years, but now it would be natural she would be constantly on their minds, worried what she is going to do, worried what will happen to her. I wonder if they wish (other than CA of course) she was in jail for a few years, at least on the 3rd count of neglect of a child causing a death, or whatever that was. Also, bet GA/CA are looking at the prospect of a constant drain on their windfall $$$$$ from from Phil as they wonder if they will have to support FCA, upon CA's wishes, FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES.

I think since IMO the DT and the A's were in collusion to get her OUT of prison, they should all get back into collusion and figure out a way to get her back INTO prison, if they EVER want their lives can get back to some sense of normalcy. :woohoo:

I wonder if the DT are all having second thoughts and are wondering if maybe they should have held a better grip on some professional ethics and human morals and not gone over that brink to keep her from getting the DP, as IMO they NEVER thought she would be free and causing so much chaos in their lives. I wonder what the DT's wives think as they are probably sick of what FCA has done to them and if any of them are helping her with $$ in any way, I think she is going rogue on them all and hasn't even begun to wreak her havoc on them, wondering if JB is sweating bullets as to all the beans she could spill about what those two were up to when she was out on bail and went to his office day after day after day, spending hours and hours there. Oh, and wonder if she will ever explain that licorice incident?? :floorlaugh:

IMO, MOO, my opinion only,

Great post! I think there have been, and will be, times that the A clan and the DT will be mad at KC and her antics and will secretly wish they had left her in jail, but it will be fleeting. The DT did their job and defended her, and CA/GA, well, as reprehensible as their actions were, and as poorly as they handled themselves, they are her parents and they love her. The "iorny" of it all is, IMO, this: I believe KC WILL come out with some more horrid stories about her family, and she WILL come out with things about Jose. The kicker is that, no matter what she says, they get to look into the camera and say, "Everyone knows that KC lies." And, therein lies the rub. They have ALL been proven to be liars. They have ALL lied about multiple things throughout this debacle. So, who is the public to believe? Which liar will sell their lie the best? Barnum & Bailey would be so proud! JMO.
From the article:

People close to both men report a recent major falling out among all the parties—between Baez and Anthony, between Baez and Mason—sparked by Anthony’s displeasure at Baez’s inability to win her a TV, book, or movie deal. Anthony apparently gave Baez until the end of the year to come up with a deal, and absent that anointed Mason as her official liaison.

I don't doubt for a minute this isn't true. We all know the felon uses people and the minute they stop being useful - OUT THEY GO. Including Caylee.

So what if Jose helped her beat the death penalty. If he can't make the big bucks for her - to the curb he goes.

Just once I would like to see someone in her circle sell her out big time. Throw her out of that dingy trailer and make her become accountable. Get ahold of all those video/audio recordings and throw them on the internet.

When is she gonna get what's coming to her?




OCA needs an Exorcism! I never liked JB, but this is unreal. After getting her off scott free she now kicks him to the curb. What did I expect? The KARMA is slowing creeping in. :great:
I don't think so. I think they see it as they did their job. They believed the state couldn't prove it's case and it was their job to somehow convince the jury of that. I don't think you can get as involved as all of the defense team was (3 years) and then have buyers remorse after the fact.

Do you think Johnny Cochran had regrets? I don't.
I'm fairly certain F. Lee Bailey didn't!

Also on the last thread, it was alluded to Casey driving without having a license. F.Y.I. my former neighbor across the street was a paranoid schizophrenic drug user who was terrorizing the neighborhood in his full-size pick-up truck. I anonymously reported him to the DMV. They apparently revoked his license. Then when I saw him driving, I called the cops on him for suspicion of driving without a license, and they arrested him!!! It's possible, people!

hmm this guy is a bit disingenuous

“Once outside wherever it is she is living, it would be pretty easy to tap into her Wi-Fi signal and get right inside her laptop. Whatever is on it could then be downloaded to another laptop.”

while technically true, it's not that simple and there are quite a few other things that have to be true in order to do this, almost certainly NONE of those things that need to be true WOULD be true (FFS is anyone on this planet still dumb enough to not change the router password?) so it's like he's writing bad fiction. unimpressed. sometimes I deplore the media.
hmm this guy is a bit disingenuous

while technically true, it's not that simple and there are quite a few other things that have to be true in order to do this, almost certainly NONE of those things that need to be true WOULD be true (FFS is anyone on this planet still dumb enough to not change the router password?) so it's like he's writing bad fiction. unimpressed. sometimes I deplore the media.

.............:silly: ...........your self edit comment cracked me up!!!
I completely understand and get what you are saying re: they did their job, indeed they did, but I honestly don't think they initially thought the state could not prove their case. I think they thought FCA was going to be found guilty of something more than 4 counts of lying, I think even JP was feeling confident that was going to happen, which is why he bent over backwards for the DT and overlooked so many of the antics going on during the trial by the DT and FCA's behavior in court. and I know the whole "death is different" argument.

I think they were vigorously trying to keep her from the DP, which IS their job, and were stunned when FCA was found innocent of every one of the 1st three charges. I think they were initially elated and overjoyed and felt like they won the lottery, that they were ALL going to live the Bella Vita, which was envisaged during their very public "after party". Now, however, I wonder if in a PERSONAL and EMOTIONAL way, if some of their reputations have been a bit tarnished in some of the legal community for some of their unprofessional and unethical behavior during the trial, that opening statement was beyond all boundaries accusing someone of CHILD MOLESTATION and saying LA POSSIBLY CHILD MOLESTED HER and producing NO EVIDENCE to support that, too far IMO, I don't see JB becoming the big "celebrity lawyer" that he thought he would become, and I see where FCA could be "in their heads" on a regular basis with her antics and "safety issues" and relentlessly bugging them, if FCA is treating her "new family" in any way similar to her biological "Anthony family", she is draining the life out of them and causing chaos and drama and havoc in their everyday lives.

maybe it comes with the territory, I don't know, but I thought they would have all moved on by now and let Greene handle the civil cases, and CM/LFryer would have minimal work here and there to do on the lying appeal. Is the aftermath what any of them thought it would be?

IMO, MOO, my opinion only.

Karma / God is not finished yet dear Caylee
I'm lost and so far behind, but since this is a new thread already five pages long, I wanted to comment on the tab that said "Stephanie Perez" that was mentioned earlier before I completely forget. I don't know where the tab was even at.

I googled the name and found that there is a 2 yr old girl listed on The Charley Project as missing since November 14, 1999 believed to have been abducted by her mother. I wonder if she is the one that someone was looking at?
I'm lost and so far behind, but since this is a new thread already five pages long, I wanted to comment on the tab that said "Stephanie Perez" that was mentioned earlier before I completely forget. I don't know where the tab was even at.

I googled the name and found that there is a 2 yr old girl listed on The Charley Project as missing since November 14, 1999 believed to have been abducted by her mother. I wonder if she is the one that someone was looking at?

Interesting. Could be. I also noticed on the old "slide" account where the screenshot was taken from (def ICA's slide account) there is a picture of Casey out partying with a friend (posted in 2007) and she captioned it "My girl Steph, I love her" or something like that.

Casey spelled it "Steph" and this is before 2008. It had me wondering last night if that Steph could be Stephanie Perez.
hmm this guy is a bit disingenuous

while technically true, it's not that simple and there are quite a few other things that have to be true in order to do this, almost certainly NONE of those things that need to be true WOULD be true (FFS is anyone on this planet still dumb enough to not change the router password?) so it's like he's writing bad fiction. unimpressed. sometimes I deplore the media.

I thought that sounded way too simple. You can tap into WIFI signal only if it's unsecured (or know the password), but I don't know that you can tap into someone's computer from their WIFI signal. And just because you tap into a WIFI signal, that doesn't mean what you tap into will be strong enough for you to maintain a signal and download videos and stuff from another computer (if you could tap into someone's computer from a WIFI signal). Sometimes the signal is very weak and not very usuable. It's hard these days to just tap into someone else's WIFI signal, much less get a good, strong signal to do anything with. He makes it sound like anyone with a laptop and a little knowhow can do it. I don't think so.
OCA needs an Exorcism! I never liked JB, but this is unreal. After getting her off scott free she now kicks him to the curb. What did I expect? The KARMA is slowing creeping in. :great:

Yeah but the Karma needs to go for the big guns and go after the real mastermind to pain and heartache. When the heck is Karma going after Casey?????
I thought that sounded way too simple. You can tap into WIFI signal only if it's unsecured (or know the password), but I don't know that you can tap into someone's computer from their WIFI signal. And just because you tap into a WIFI signal, that doesn't mean what you tap into will be strong enough for you to maintain a signal and download videos and stuff from another computer (if you could tap into someone's computer from a WIFI signal). Sometimes the signal is very weak and not very usuable. It's hard these days to just tap into someone else's WIFI signal, much less get a good, strong signal to do anything with. He makes it sound like anyone with a laptop and a little knowhow can do it. I don't think so.

Yes, and here in Canada the providers have firewalls on everything. You have to know the passwords, period and the name of the server. Sitting outside someone's house here - you could be getting signals from 20 servers but that doesn't mean you can hop on.
Yeah but the Karma needs to go for the big guns and go after the real mastermind to pain and heartache. When the heck is Karma going after Casey?????

She seems to have the ability to shield herself behind a bunch of people that will do her dirty work.

I'd hope in time those kinds of contacts would dry up.
You can only be young for so long. In time everything changes.
She seems to have the ability to shield herself behind a bunch of people that will do her dirty work.

I'd hope in time those kinds of contacts would dry up.
You can only be young for so long. In time everything changes.

And as so eloquently stated by Dolly Parton on the movie Steel Magnolias. "Time marches on and sooner or later you realize it is marchin' across your face."

And in Casey's case I hope that time marches on quicker than it does for the rest of us.

At some point I hope ALL people see her for what she is, toxic waste and let her suffer the consequences of her actions. But it seems there's ALWAYS absolutely ALWAYS someone to clean up after her or get her out of a jam. It's amazing to me how someone so rotten can always come out smelling like a damn rose.
I also don't for one minute believe anyone in the Anthony family save for George isn't totally and completely thrilled Casey walked on the murder charges. Cindy and Lee must be over the moon. And I also think both Cindy and Lee will openly welcome Casey back into their lives.
I thought that sounded way too simple. You can tap into WIFI signal only if it's unsecured (or know the password), but I don't know that you can tap into someone's computer from their WIFI signal. And just because you tap into a WIFI signal, that doesn't mean what you tap into will be strong enough for you to maintain a signal and download videos and stuff from another computer (if you could tap into someone's computer from a WIFI signal). Sometimes the signal is very weak and not very usuable. It's hard these days to just tap into someone else's WIFI signal, much less get a good, strong signal to do anything with. He makes it sound like anyone with a laptop and a little knowhow can do it. I don't think so.

yes indeedy. was just arguing this with my 17yo who thinks he is a 1337 hacker, I finally got frustrated and said hack me! do it! you HAVE my wireless pass! hack me hack me HACK ME!

he got really quiet and then I said in fact, since you think you can come up with the wireless pass, I will change it, get your lappy and go outside.....take a coat and a cup of coffee, I'll see you next year this time :floorlaugh:

fact is, even with wireless pass, the other computers would have to be networked together to get into any of them that way. and you would NOTICE it happening :D

99% of the time someone is "hacked" they mean someone guessed their password on their fb or whatever. that is not hacking. the other 1% of the time, 99% of that is viruses. that is, you have to install it (that's incredibly simplified but you get my drift)

the chances of someone doing what dude in the article's not a close shave with occam's razor.
OMG. Please help me to not throw up while I type this but.....according to the fb pages responsible for blowing this whole video thing out of the water:

In the second video (the one that is not fully released for some reason and is only 9 seconds long) Casey supposedly states:

"I Win"


The only reason that I believe this to be more than rumor is because the person that states this ALSO states that Casey was sitting on a couch or something and she was talking about her new nose piercing. These status and comments regarding "I win" were posted on January 5th . One full day before the second video came out. She says that she saw the video with her own eyes.

I'm so aggravated right now.
I also don't for one minute believe anyone in the Anthony family save for George isn't totally and completely thrilled Casey walked on the murder charges. Cindy and Lee must be over the moon. And I also think both Cindy and Lee will openly welcome Casey back into their lives.

Not buying the chat that Lee is back - not at all. It took twenty years plus three waiting for the trial for all that resentment to bubble up and boil over resulting in the breakdown right after his testimony after the trial.

Unless I see it with my own eyes, and not some tweets innuendo or an article written by Diane what's her name for carp's sake - I'm going to stick with the disgust I saw at the trial and stay with it for a while yet.

I don't think she is in contact with any of her family - I think that is just troll carp put out there to rile up the Caylee supporters, and it's working just fine.
OMG. Please help me to not throw up while I type this but.....according to the fb pages responsible for blowing this whole video thing out of the water:

In the second video (the one that is not fully released for some reason and is only 9 seconds long) Casey supposedly states:

"I Win"


The only reason that I believe this to be more than rumor is because the person that states this ALSO states that Casey was sitting on a couch or something and she was talking about her new nose piercing. These status and comments regarding "I win" were posted on January 5th . One full day before the second video came out. She says that she saw the video with her own eyes.

I'm so aggravated right now.

Bwahahaha - maybe she's just catching up on Charlie Sheen and how that all worked out for him??Winning is sitting around in a carpy trailer sending pics and videos to a felon and borrowing your neighbours pet so you have some company? With six months of probation to go? That's winning?

Oh Casey, what a tiny tiny nasty little world you live in!!
Not buying the chat that Lee is back - not at all. It took twenty years plus three waiting for the trial for all that resentment to bubble up and boil over resulting in the breakdown right after his testimony after the trial.

Unless I see it with my own eyes, and not some tweets innuendo or an article written by Diane what's her name for carp's sake - I'm going to stick with the disgust I saw at the trial and stay with it for a while yet.

I don't think she is in contact with any of her family - I think that is just troll carp put out there to rile up the Caylee supporters, and it's working just fine.

I don't know. I got a very odd feeling when watching Lee testify at the trial. There is just something "off" about their sibling relationship. It was like he resented her relationship with Cindy but at the same time he coddled her himself.

He seemed to me to vacillate back and forth a lot and seem very torn how he really felt about the whole situation. Then to get amnesia on the stand was a telling point for me. I think he has distanced himself from a lot of it because then he can pretend it is all just some bad dream but I really do not think he is able to totally turn against Casey and believe this all really happened at her hand.

Bwahahaha - maybe she's just catching up on Charlie Sheen and how that all worked out for him??Winning is sitting around in a carpy trailer sending pics and videos to a felon and borrowing your neighbours pet so you have some company? With six months of probation to go? That's winning?

Oh Casey, what a tiny tiny nasty little world you live in!!

I swear, if I heard her say that with my own ears I would blow a gasket. I know I should't let it get to me, but the fact that she actually thinks she "won" makes me so angry.

Hurry up Karma!
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