AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - # 7

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I guess we would hear at today's PC if the person in the video (i think there was 2 people) has been spoken to or seen by police already as i am sure they are getting lots of calls and comments on their YouTube channel like crazy. Someone mentioned yesterday that all comments are sent for approval so there is no telling how many people have commented about the person in the video.
On the left side of the video, around the :49 mark, you can see someone look like they are coming from behind the tree or along the wall. It's after the group of 5 is out of the parking lot. It's a very white shadowy figure but definitely someone who seemed to be hiding.

Have the police mentioned this person, because as I watch the video over and over, it seems like it's clipped right after the figure emerges. I can't imagine the police wouldn't have seen it and me thinks there was intention of where the clip ended.

Now where is the rest of it?

OMG! Thank you for explaining where it was. Even on my iPhone I can clearly see the figure move about. It's odvious that it is not the trees. This is a person moving about. It's very suspicious that the figure waited for the walkers to get out of view. Like others have stated, it's very striking that this video stops right after the figure moves. It's almost like LE is trying to send a secret message to the public. Can someone post the link that shows the map where I can see where this wall is in relation to the house? Thank and great sleuthing.
Just thought of something. If the police dogs have a 'stranger' scent from Isabel's bedroom, then wouldn't that scent be over near the shadowy figure on the surveillance video?
OMG! Thank you for explaining where it was. Even on my iPhone I can clearly see the figure move about. It's odvious that it is not the trees. This is a person moving about. It's very suspicious that the figure waited for the walkers to get out of view. Like others have stated, it's very striking that this video stops right after the figure moves. It's almost like LE is trying to send a secret message to the public. Can someone post the link that shows the map where I can see where this wall is in relation to the house? Thank and great sleuthing.

I believe the video stopped when it did because the 5 people were now out of view. JMO
What does the parents first language not being English have to do with the (English speaking) "uncle" using past tense when talking about Isabel?? Am I missing something?

Just that it is not always easy to discern the tense of a word when mentally translating from Spanish to English.
OMG! Thank you for explaining where it was. Even on my iPhone I can clearly see the figure move about. It's odvious that it is not the trees. This is a person moving about. It's very suspicious that the figure waited for the walkers to get out of view. Like others have stated, it's very striking that this video stops right after the figure moves. It's almost like LE is trying to send a secret message to the public. Can someone post the link that shows the map where I can see where this wall is in relation to the house? Thank and great sleuthing.

I think on page 1 of this section, someone posted a map.
OMG! Thank you for explaining where it was. Even on my iPhone I can clearly see the figure move about. It's odvious that it is not the trees. This is a person moving about. It's very suspicious that the figure waited for the walkers to get out of view. Like others have stated, it's very striking that this video stops right after the figure moves. It's almost like LE is trying to send a secret message to the public. Can someone post the link that shows the map where I can see where this wall is in relation to the house? Thank and great sleuthing.

Yes, I do think they are trying to send a message. There wasn't a reason to keep the clip that long, the people were out of view already. And they want to know if the 5 people 'saw anything suspicious'. Why not just add, 'like someone hiding behind the tree?...'
On the left side of the video, around the :49 mark, you can see someone look like they are coming from behind the tree or along the wall. It's after the group of 5 is out of the parking lot. It's a very white shadowy figure but definitely someone who seemed to be hiding.

Have the police mentioned this person, because as I watch the video over and over, it seems like it's clipped right after the figure emerges. I can't imagine the police wouldn't have seen it and me thinks there was intention of where the clip ended.

Now where is the rest of it?

It does appear that someone is walking on the other side of the wall by the trees (left hand side of screen) after the 5 walk past. I can't tell if the video was clipped or the person just walked out of view. I wonder how tall that wall is? The person sure didn't seem very tall but it's hard to say.
Just that it is not always easy to discern the tense of a word when mentally translating from Spanish to English.

I agree with you, my MIL spoke spanglish, Hubby does it when he is tired or upset so things do not always come out the way they intended! I find it easier to repeat back and let them clarify what they want to say! I can imagine under stress this becomes more of a problem!
It does appear that someone is walking on the other side of the wall by the trees (left hand side of screen) after the 5 walk past. I can't tell if the video was clipped or the person just walked out of view. I wonder how tall that wall is? The person sure didn't seem very tall but it's hard to say.

I mentioned earlier that it looked like they were walking hunched over. The wall looks about 5 ft and the person at the end of the video looks to be almost tiptoeing bent over. You can kind of tell the height of the wall from the first 5.
What is the location of this video, is that near their house?
I was up until midnight last night watching that video. I saw everything you guys did. I showed my husband this morning and he saw it too.

Originally, my mind was going to the parents - BUT I am changing my mind. I dreamed about this all night. I am NOT psychic, but sometimes when I lose something I dream about it and I get up in the morning and go right to it. In my dream she is alive, she is in the back of a van that has no carpet. Her hands and feet are tied and she is blindfolded. I can only see the backs of the heads of the two men. One driving, one in the passenger seat. The driver has a shaved head and the passenger is a younger man/boy, maybe a teenager (I don't think he is really there of his free will either, but the shaved head man is in control). They are first driving through flat sandy areas (dessert?), then they are driving into mountains. There are trees around and the road is not paved. In the dream they stop several times for food or gas? In my dream it is a straight line they are driving, like with points on it? I dunno, again I am not psychic or anything, but I woke up feeling like I just had to put this out there somewhere - like I was seeing things through her perspective? She might still be alive. I hope so badly she is.

Have we heard that any of the 5 have contacted LE?

Thanks for reading my ramblings.....

I wish the parents would speak again in case she is in a motel and can hear the tv and the voices of her parents speaking to her....
From Nancy Grace show Friday: "Now, in addition to that, the car drove home by again past us. The grandparents live at the end of this street. The car parked there. Three people got out. "

I didn't know before that the grandparents live at the end of this street!!!!! They are in Isa's daily life and THEY are not on-camera pleading?????

I am from a Hispanic family and I can tell you that this is VERY culturally significant to me. Do the abuelos feel the need to protect someone else? In our family it would be most likely be a male offspring -- my aunties are strongly loyal to the boys no matter what.
Sorry, but their home is in a horrible location for residential property.

Would there have been an additional cost for the corner lot? We see that here in new-build subdivisions. Prospective homeowners will pay a premium for a corner lot so that they only have one nextdoor neighbor. Corner lots usually provide the option of a side-entrance garage that has "curb appeal", and the corner properties seem to be larger than a typical lot in a subdivision.
If the cartels were involved everyone would know it by now, they dont take kids to molest them they take them (and it is RARE that they takes kids to begin with) but when they do they do it to SEND A MESSAGE, if this was drug related you and everyone else would know about it by now for sure, the cartels are professionals, they work for a billion dollar industry and they dont do things half-assed, if this were them they would have made it known from day one.

Yes we are in Tucson and close to the border but people make way too much about drug cartel violence here, yes it happens but this isnt El Paso folks.

I wasn't thinking cartel, but someone trading Isabel for drugs on a personal basis.. Again, just brainstorming out loud... I just don't see this as a stranger abduction, We can all agree that statistics show how rare those are. That leaves someone close to or within the family, and that leaves only a very few 'reasons' for someone taking Isabel...
Have the Spanish TV stations in Tucson been covering this case? I'm assuming they have. I wonder if Isa's grandparents or other extended family members have spoken to any of the Spanish stations.
What is the location of this video, is that near their house?

The video is taken right near the Saint Joseph Catholic Church which is exactly 0.4 miles from the house, according to Google maps.
This case seems very lucky to have so many security cameras. I am sure this will be solved soon. I really hope with a good ending.
Have the Spanish TV stations in Tucson been covering this case? I'm assuming they have. I wonder if Isa's grandparents or other extended family members have spoken to any of the Spanish stations.

The Spanish media has picked up the case (and flyers have even been made and posted throughout town in Spanish as well) but as of last night I haven't seen any of Isabel's extended family except her uncle (earlier this week) say anything to the media.
I wasn't thinking cartel, but someone trading Isabel for drugs on a personal basis.. Again, just brainstorming out loud... I just don't see this as a stranger abduction, We can all agree that statistics show how rare those are. That leaves someone close to or within the family, and that leaves only a very few 'reasons' for someone taking Isabel...

Yea I agree with you, I am finding it increasingly difficult to believe this was a random abduction by a stranger. It just doesnt add up.
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