The Balcony Adjoining JBRs Bedroom


Mar 25, 2010
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It just struck me from looking at some of the photos and plans of the house, that there is an open balcony with a door opening into JBRs room. It came to my attention because I noticed the curtains on the window in her bedroom were open and I thought that was odd.

I searched for any information but there has been very little discussion about the balcony. Unconfirmed reports that the door to the balcony was open. Footprints in the dust were noticed but apparently not followed up on. Some tape on the door, don't know where or what type.

This must be a possible point of entry, but for some reason people are under the impression that a perp could not climb unaided onto a first floor balcony.
It just struck me from looking at some of the photos and plans of the house, that there is an open balcony with a door opening into JBRs room. It came to my attention because I noticed the curtains on the window in her bedroom were open and I thought that was odd.

I searched for any information but there has been very little discussion about the balcony. Unconfirmed reports that the door to the balcony was open. Footprints in the dust were noticed but apparently not followed up on. Some tape on the door, don't know where or what type.

This must be a possible point of entry, but for some reason people are under the impression that a perp could not climb unaided onto a first floor balcony.

If that is the an would you explain the broken window and the glass in the basement and the suitcase under the window? Never had heard anything about an open balcony door before, or the tape, etc.
If that is the an would you explain the broken window and the glass in the basement and the suitcase under the window? Never had heard anything about an open balcony door before, or the tape, etc.

No, me either.

Here is the plan of the house with the picture of the outside. JBR's bedroom was off the open first floor balcony.

No, me either.

Here is the plan of the house with the picture of the outside. JBR's bedroom was off the open first floor balcony.


Thanks! Man, you are good...and FAST!!!! LOL
JB and BR's bedroom were on the (middle) second floor. That diagram actually says "second floor". The parents' room was on the top, or third floor. However, some people call the first floor the "ground floor" and the next floor up is called the first floor. To me, and most people in the US, the first floor is the ground floor. It wouldn't have been that easy to climb onto that balcony without a ladder.
JB and BR's bedroom were on the (middle) second floor. That diagram actually says "second floor". The parents' room was on the top, or third floor. However, some people call the first floor the "ground floor" and the next floor up is called the first floor. To me, and most people in the US, the first floor is the ground floor. It wouldn't have been that easy to climb onto that balcony without a ladder.

Two agile young men would be up there in seconds.
I am sure they checked it for evidence...and we would have heard if they had found anything...I think.

"JBR Balcony. According to the Bonita Papers: "Footprints were found in the dust on the deck of the balcony outside JonBenet's bedroom. The impressions ranged from tennis shoes, running shoes, hiking boots and a child's bare feet positioned to look over the edge. However, this inspection was done after the frost had cleared after the morning of the murder. Reports by officers the morning of December 26 stated that there were no footprints were visible in the frost coating of the balcony.""
"JBR Balcony. According to the Bonita Papers: "Footprints were found in the dust on the deck of the balcony outside JonBenet's bedroom. The impressions ranged from tennis shoes, running shoes, hiking boots and a child's bare feet positioned to look over the edge. However, this inspection was done after the frost had cleared after the morning of the murder. Reports by officers the morning of December 26 stated that there were no footprints were visible in the frost coating of the balcony.""

Do we know for sure if the balcony door was open or not...or is that just something floating around out there.
...if it wasn't for the R's behavior,their lies and the changing stories,I would be 100% IDI,it is so much easier and makes so much more sense if an IDI.I think the balcony would be a possible point of entry but most IDI's believe the intruder spend hours inside of the house to write the note etc,so it wouldn't really make much sense if that was point of entry.If that was point of entry wouldn't he have waited to gain entry until they were home and asleep and then just snatched JonBenet instead of going in through the balcony then going downstairs to write the note etc until they came home?
....maybe BR let someone inside from the balcony that night?

I doubt it...I doubt that the door was even open. I have NEVER heard that before. Just a rumor...IMO And the foot prints that MF talks about...they could have been left at anytime. There are probably a ton of foot prints on our deck, all made by members of my family. Footprints on the balcony doesn't prove that someone came in that way and took her.
...if it wasn't for the R's behavior,their lies and the changing stories,I would be 100% IDI,it is so much easier and makes so much more sense if an IDI.I think the balcony would be a possible point of entry but most IDI's believe the intruder spend hours inside of the house to write the note etc,so it wouldn't really make much sense if that was point of entry.If that was point of entry wouldn't he have waited to gain entry until they were home and asleep and then just snatched JonBenet instead of going in through the balcony then going downstairs to write the note etc until they came home?

I agree. This intruder supposedly knew that the Ramsey's were not home...and came in, spent several hours...and wrote a three page RN. Why climb up to a balcony that most likely had a locked door (that time would have been wasted, and tiring)... come into the bedroom of a girl that he knew wasn't home....go downstairs, write a three page RN...etc. Yes, if his intentions were to sneak in, while everyone was sleeping....and kidnap her and leave...the balcony entrance would make more sense.
...if it wasn't for the R's behavior,their lies and the changing stories,I would be 100% IDI,it is so much easier and makes so much more sense if an IDI.I think the balcony would be a possible point of entry but most IDI's believe the intruder spend hours inside of the house to write the note etc,so it wouldn't really make much sense if that was point of entry.If that was point of entry wouldn't he have waited to gain entry until they were home and asleep and then just snatched JonBenet instead of going in through the balcony then going downstairs to write the note etc until they came home?

Don't start bringing 'the most likely' scenario or 'making more sense' into this after all this time LOL!

Why would entering through the balcony conflict with an IDI being in the home for a long time?
Don't start bringing 'the most likely' scenario or 'making more sense' into this after all this time LOL!

Why would entering through the balcony conflict with an IDI being in the home for a long time?

If I were an intruder, and I climbed all the way up to that balcony...not using a ladder....(man, that would take some strength)...I would be mad if I got all the way up there and the door was locked. The ground floor would be a more likely place for them go gain entrance...especially if they knew the Rams were not home...which the "intruder" apparently did...since he had time to sit and write that three page RN. Wonder if they saw ladder marks...(indentions) in the there a patio below. I have to go back and look at the picture. BUT...if they used a ladder...what did they do with it afterward??

Edited to add...I went back and looked at the picture that you posted again, under the balcony is grass and shrubs.
Don't start bringing 'the most likely' scenario or 'making more sense' into this after all this time LOL!

Why would entering through the balcony conflict with an IDI being in the home for a long time?

..because like Ames said,why climb up there and then go back downstairs and hang out there for hours until going back upstairs....unless the door was visibly open from the outside or someone opened it for the intruder?
If an intruder I'm sure it was planned ,it wasn't just someone walking by ,thinking I wonder if I can get into that house if i climbed up that balcony,maybe there's a child beauty queen inside that I could pretend to kidnap while I actually take her to the basement to assault and kill her?
If I were an intruder, and I climbed all the way up to that balcony...not using a ladder....(man, that would take some strength)...I would be mad if I got all the way up there and the door was locked. The ground floor would be a more likely place for them go gain entrance...especially if they knew the Rams were not home...which the "intruder" apparently did...since he had time to sit and write that three page RN. Wonder if they saw ladder marks...(indentions) in the there a patio below. I have to go back and look at the picture. BUT...if they used a ladder...what did they do with it afterward??

Edited to add...I went back and looked at the picture that you posted again, under the balcony is grass and shrubs.

Hmm, I think you exaggerate. It might be quite difficult for you and me, but I'm thinking about young, fit, agile men. There was a window ledge about 2.5ft above the ground and another ledge at first floor ground level about 8ft above the ground (going by the door height), so it would be pretty simple. There was also some rope found in the spare bedroom, so not too hard to get a boost from the ground by your pal, loop it round the railing on the patio and pull yourself up and then haul your pal up. Like I said, easy peasy.
..because like Ames said,why climb up there and then go back downstairs and hang out there for hours until going back upstairs....unless the door was visibly open from the outside or someone opened it for the intruder?
If an intruder I'm sure it was planned ,it wasn't just someone walking by ,thinking I wonder if I can get into that house if i climbed up that balcony,maybe there's a child beauty queen inside that I could pretend to kidnap while I actually take her to the basement to assault and kill her?

I don't want to get bogged down in the "why would they"s. We don't know why anything.

I just want to look at what evidence we have. There was an open balcony that was easily accessible with a door unlikely to have been locked, judging by the number of ground floor doors and windows that were not secured. The curtains were open. There may have been evidence of footprints that were not investigated.

All I am asking is if anyone has any information about the balcony then I would like to discuss it.

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