TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #4

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It's called "the GIFT of FEAR great book to read............we have the sense to know ......use the gut feeling!

Another one by the same author - Protecting the Gift - is the one I have read. It changed the way I parent... I no longer am afraid to put my foot down or worry about others thinking I'm being overprotective. Excellent book... It really stresses to protect that gift of fear by not teaching your children to ignore what we would call their 'hinky meter'. Trust our own intuitions about situations, and teach our children to trust theirs.

Protecting the Gift (by Gavin de Becker)

Seems to me that it took Community response, Websleuths and Nancy Grace to OUT the perp, And now we have the awesome Texas Rangers on it. Prayers being answered.
I havn't talked to Billie since this afternoon. We had plans to have supper together.

I work out of town, and before I even got home, rumors were flying. I hadn't been able to get ahold of Billie, and had no idea what was going on. I went by her house, but didn't stop due to all the media.

If you could only see how it is here now. The change that has come over the town. Everyone is nervous. It is catching, or seems that way to me.

I have been to Billie's house nearly every day, with my husband and girls. Just because she is my friend and she needs to be around people rather than sitting by herself despairing.

Because I couldn't get ahold of her or find out what was going on, yes, I did get scared. I had no idea if the rumors were true - I hadn't been home all day. If the rumor had been true that he had fled and couldnt be found, then yes, I would have been terrified because if that had happened, then to me, it would have meant that he was involved in Hailey's dissapearance.


I can't even imagine. I would be scared to death too
This is so hard to believe in my town..I am helping ya and listening to everything and maybe iu can help me...I have had restless nights...and cried to my girls..that no matter what u can come to me..I have 3 girls! I am scared to death...I watch them constantly ...I know this is a small town but I can't seem to let them walk on their own anywhere!..if u help me I will help u..our comminuty needs to find hailey..we r so restless!
I empathize, msyanas.

When my son was 12, a 16-year-old girl disappeared in our small town. Her car was found abandoned on a small hill on a highway that ran straight through town. She had disappeared in broad daylight at a time when people were moving up and down the highway on their way to work.

Weeks and months went by with no break in the case. Many in the town turned on her parents, accusing them of killing their daughter and staging a kidnapping. Later still, some children in the country were out hunting for firewood and found the girl's body stuffed under an abandoned house. She had been held in the house and tortured for a long time before being killed. The killer was found, thank goodness, but our small-town security was shattered.

It was further shattered when the daughter of a former mayor/sister-in-law of a former governor was murdered in her home...an antebellum home that could be seen half-way down Main Street...catty corner to the church and manse where I'd grown up and spent many a day roaming and playing as a child myself. She had been bound...her mouth and nose wrapped with duct tape...and left to die, while her bed-ridden husband hear everything from the next room.

So how do you protect your children without putting them in mortal fear of anyone they meet? Well, my son and I took a self-defense course that included some very practical things to do if under attack (and sadly, my son later found himself in a position to use them...but they worked!) It also included basic safety rules. We implement them to this day.

Assure them of your love. Let them see you locking and bolting doors at night. Keep a light on at night that can be seen both inside and outside.

Be honest with them about the progress of the search, but don't go into too many vivid details. Most of all, let them talk to you about it and ask any questions, no matter how gruesome the questions may be.

Remind them of their safety rules, and keep a close eye on them. Explain that you don't want to keep them babies, but you do want to keep them safe. Insist on this. Don't succumb to being afraid of not being the "cool parents." Be the "nerdy" parents that insist on knowing where they are and who they are with at all times. They might gripe about it, but they will secretly be thankful.

Get involved with other parents. Watch out for each other's children. Band together to carpool kids hither and yon and chaperon their activities. Let each other know what is okay behavior for your kids and what is off limits.

And if you believe in the power of prayer...pray fervently for guidance and protection.
Ok, I'm seeing a whole lot of information flying around, but am not sure what is fact and what is rumor as there are not many media links being tagged.

Can anyone help me clarify fact or rumor?

The FBI is involved?

Bloodhounds were brought in? And if so, police or SAR?

A perp has been outted?
Oh and by the way I am in Austin and I believe in Texas LE. They don't mess around . All it takes is to put a bug in their ear so to speak.
(OT: Another good site that my husband just mentioned by the National Assoc to Protect Children. I've never heard of it until about a minute ago, but here's their site:


Are any of you familiar with them?)

I won't ask why but I'm reading through the lines here...

I am simply saying that if he had fled, then to me it would have been obvious that he was involved in Hailey's disappearance. And until he was found, I would not have been comfortable....... just the same way I don't think anyone here in C-City would have been comfortable.
Maybe she did.
Maybe no one asked her.

Or maybe no one listened to the girl. If there wasn't a lot of parents around maybe they both complained and no one took them seriously.
Hey, Sarx - how late can cadaver dogs be brought in? Sorry if this question has been answered - the posts are flying up faster than I can read them.
I am simply saying that if he had fled, then to me it would have been obvious that he was involved in Hailey's disappearance. And until he was found, I would not have been comfortable....... just the same way I don't think anyone here in C-City would have been comfortable.

Yes, I did see your post. Thanks for clarifying that... makes total sense.
LE drove Billie away from the house in our most recent news story. Is she back at home, or staying somewhere else?

I wonder if Billie is still standing by SA or if she is starting to have doubts about his story. I can't imagine the pain she is having to deal with.

Czgtz, do you know if she was aware from the start about the argument at SA's work and his losing his job....or did she just find that out more recently? Thanks.
can anyone tell me if there has been any new info released on the 10 o'clock news? I am unable to find any live feeds or updated articles. Thanks
another thing. I've taught my child to be assertive and not automatically obey adults. Far too many children are taught they can't have a voice when it comes with dealing with adults and suffer because of it.

Respect is a two way street.....and it's always earned.
SARX what else do you call an OUT when one is polyed and places searched where they live..if I am wrong I stand down.
Hold on...the video just posted did have an interesting remark about the shed. A man maybe a neighbor said "Hailey was in and out of the shed every day." thats strange

It seemed to me that the neighbor was just saying she's in the backyard talking on the phone (in the area where the shed is) every day, not that she was actually in the shed.
If it is true that the bf wouldn't take a LDT that would speak volumes. Innocent or not, if it were my child and my bf it would be my ex bf.
I wonder how anyone saw her talking on the phone in the backyard with that tall privacy fence around it?


video at this link

Thank you for the link.

Does the fence go around the whole backyard?

I snipped the following from the article you posted.........

One key player hasn't been seen or heard from since early this afternoon; Billie Jean Dunn, the mother of Hailey left her house with Texas Rangers and hasn't been in contact with family members since, according to her son.

Also Wednesday, we spoke to a family member, Hailey's uncle, who says he was given a polygraph test.
Ok, I'm seeing a whole lot of information flying around, but am not sure what is fact and what is rumor as there are not many media links being tagged.

Can anyone help me clarify fact or rumor?

The FBI is involved?

Bloodhounds were brought in? And if so, police or SAR?

A perp has been outted?

bloodhounds-tracking....trail led to motel
no perp has been named, they they have persons of intrest
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