Caylee Anthony Truth or Dare?

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Long time Websleuther
Aug 18, 2003
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Hi all - I hope this is not a double thread, but I did scan the first and second pages here, but didn't see anything!

at the above website - here's a snip from it:

The sad case surrounding two year old Caylee Anthony is gut wrenching to say the least. A poor defenseless toddler goes missing, yet momma bear Casey Anthony takes 30 days to actually report this minor issue to the authorities. As a father of two kids, I can assure you that when they were toddlers we didn’t let them out of our sight, and if either had disappeared for 30 minutes, never mind 30 days, 911 calls would have been made.

[My wife has been following this case like a bloodhound! Who is telling the truth, and who is telling lies? Jan and I have our theories. Who is cashing in? Who is real, and who is Memorex?

We have decided to open up this whole bizarre case to you all. Tomorrow at 3pm CST we are going to do a radio show, and we want to hear what you think about the Caylee Anthony case. If you would like to be part of the show please drop Jan an E-mail

If you would prefer just to listen, well, here is the link ( ), we will also be accepting call in’s. Call in # is 646-378-1120!!

so listen to this tomorrow (Sunday 11/16)
Sorry I missed this radio show, I just read it question would be about a MONEY KC into allot more than we know of?? Everyon had to know she never worked. She sure had the money for cell phone calls, great clothes,
latest trends, tatoos, did you see her Halloween costume a few years ago.......cost money to rent or buy.............parents never say "hey you pay for diapers this week?"
Did someone want to buy Caylee for money she owed? Did she kill the baby to get out of a deal? Does KC feel safer being in jail then outside??? Is that why she dated allot of LE guys? IMO, just wondering..think outside the box???
The not reporting her missing for 31 days really bothers me.
My youngest son wandered off late one afternoon, when he was about 3 years old, was lost for about an hour.. we live in the country and he had gone exploring into a pasture next to us. I called his dad and his two grown brothers and they ran home and started looking. I was in a panic, and just pacing back and forth crying... but my husband found him, just before dark. If he had not found him when he did, I would have called the sheriff's dept. and they would have brought their horse patrol and dogs out, I'm sure.
I know just about everyone here who has kids has gone through something like this at least once, and it is the most frightening thing you could ever imagine.
This is why I think that Casey found Caylee dead, maybe in the trunk, and just wanted to hide her so that no one would know for as long as possible, so she would not have to face going to jail. If it had been just an accident, she would have called 911, but she could not let anyone know she locked that baby in the trunk, or gave her something to knock her out. So she just dumps her body and tries to figure out how to make a kidnapping story work. It's just that simple. No conspiracies, no kidnapping, no drug money, none of that... she just flat out could not face up to her stupidity!!!!!
The not reporting her missing for 31 days really bothers me.
My youngest son wandered off late one afternoon, when he was about 3 years old, was lost for about an hour.. we live in the country and he had gone exploring into a pasture next to us. I called his dad and his two grown brothers and they ran home and started looking. I was in a panic, and just pacing back and forth crying... but my husband found him, just before dark. If he had not found him when he did, I would have called the sheriff's dept. and they would have brought their horse patrol and dogs out, I'm sure.
I know just about everyone here who has kids has gone through something like this at least once, and it is the most frightening thing you could ever imagine.
This is why I think that Casey found Caylee dead, maybe in the trunk, and just wanted to hide her so that no one would know for as long as possible, so she would not have to face going to jail. If it had been just an accident, she would have called 911, but she could not let anyone know she locked that baby in the trunk, or gave her something to knock her out. So she just dumps her body and tries to figure out how to make a kidnapping story work. It's just that simple. No conspiracies, no kidnapping, no drug money, none of that... she just flat out could not face up to her stupidity!!!!!

But, that doesn't explain the chloroform in the car trunk or the searches for mixing chloroform. It doesn't explain the missing kid sites either.

Also, if your child had unexpectedly expired in your trunk most would at least be a little rattled or shakey. There is video of Casey within hours of Caylee's death snuggling up to Tony in Blockbuster.

I think there will be a totality of evidence shown at the trial that will explain why the state charged Casey with 1st degree murder.
But, that doesn't explain the chloroform in the car trunk or the searches for mixing chloroform. It doesn't explain the missing kid sites either.

Also, if your child had unexpectedly expired in your trunk most would at least be a little rattled or shakey. There is video of Casey within hours of Caylee's death snuggling up to Tony in Blockbuster.

I think there will be a totality of evidence shown at the trial that will explain why the state charged Casey with 1st degree murder.

OT...very similar to how she was snuggling up to JB as well
But, that doesn't explain the chloroform in the car trunk or the searches for mixing chloroform. It doesn't explain the missing kid sites either.

Also, if your child had unexpectedly expired in your trunk most would at least be a little rattled or shakey. There is video of Casey within hours of Caylee's death snuggling up to Tony in Blockbuster.

I think there will be a totality of evidence shown at the trial that will explain why the state charged Casey with 1st degree murder.

She could have given her something to knock her out, and there was already chloroform in the car... or used the chloroform to knock her out... who knows? I hear that the young crowd is using chloroform for sex parties nowadays. I just have a hard time believing that she deliberately murdered her... I keep hanging on to the hope that it was some freak accident.
What would searching missing kids sites have to do with anything? They don't give details on them, except that they are missing, do they? If it were sites about mothers killing their kids... that would make more sense.
Ya have to remember also, Casey NEVER called 911, Cindy did, If it was not for Cindy calling, I doubt Casey ever would would have, out of site, out of mind!!
Ya have to remember also, Casey NEVER called 911, Cindy did, If it was not for Cindy calling, I doubt Casey ever would would have, out of site, out of mind!!

I agree with this! She never would have called!!! :furious:
Sorry I missed this radio show, I just read it question would be about a MONEY KC into allot more than we know of?? Everyon had to know she never worked. She sure had the money for cell phone calls, great clothes,
latest trends, tatoos, did you see her Halloween costume a few years ago.......cost money to rent or buy.............parents never say "hey you pay for diapers this week?"
Did someone want to buy Caylee for money she owed? Did she kill the baby to get out of a deal? Does KC feel safer being in jail then outside??? Is that why she dated allot of LE guys? IMO, just wondering..think outside the box???

About a money trail.. I was reading a police interview with Casey, and they said " You have over 1200 photos on your computer, and most of them are.. um,".. and she interrupted and said " I know", and they started again to say that the photos were of a mature sexual nature, and she interrupted them again.

Does anyone know anything more about this? I have always thought she would be involved in a sex for money type of thing, but didn't realize that women were still able to make money off cybersex in 2008. It might have been a novelty in 1998, but not now.

I am asking about this only because it is in the recently released transcripts and I have not seen anyone else addresss the matter.
Thank you~!!

About a money trail.. I was reading a police interview with Casey, and they said " You have over 1200 photos on your computer, and most of them are.. um,".. and she interrupted and said " I know", and they started again to say that the photos were of a mature sexual nature, and she interrupted them again.

Does anyone know anything more about this? I have always thought she would be involved in a sex for money type of thing, but didn't realize that women were still able to make money off cybersex in 2008. It might have been a novelty in 1998, but not now.

I am asking about this only because it is in the recently released transcripts and I have not seen anyone else addresss the matter.
Thank you~!!


Internet Sex for $$$$$$$............makes sense to me!!!! IMO, makes allot of
sense!!!! betcha IMO
I don't think the police were insinuating that the pictures were of a sexual nature - the point of the question is that she had over 1200 pictures and not one of the nanny.
I don't think the police were insinuating that the pictures were of a sexual nature - the point of the question is that she had over 1200 pictures and not one of the nanny.

There is a thread, I think in the Jury Room, where one poster had accessed all of Casey's Photobucket account and that included deleted pictures as well, and it was noted that most of the pics were sexual in nature. Apparently some of them were quite disturbing, and some indicated she was of a bi-sexual nature...:eek:
About a money trail.. I was reading a police interview with Casey, and they said " You have over 1200 photos on your computer, and most of them are.. um,".. and she interrupted and said " I know", and they started again to say that the photos were of a mature sexual nature, and she interrupted them again.

Does anyone know anything more about this? I have always thought she would be involved in a sex for money type of thing, but didn't realize that women were still able to make money off cybersex in 2008. It might have been a novelty in 1998, but not now.

I am asking about this only because it is in the recently released transcripts and I have not seen anyone else addresss the matter.
Thank you~!!


I wouldn't be surprised to find out she was involved with something like that. I still don't think she got all of her money from stealing from family and friends.
I wouldn't be surprised to find out she was involved with something like that. I still don't think she got all of her money from stealing from family and friends.

I think she was into allot more than we know! And some pix I saw at halloween 2 yrs? ago.......yeah, looks like she was into any kind of sex bi or morals......why have crosses, rosary? just jewelry?
There is a thread, I think in the Jury Room, where one poster had accessed all of Casey's Photobucket account and that included deleted pictures as well, and it was noted that most of the pics were sexual in nature. Apparently some of them were quite disturbing, and some indicated she was of a bi-sexual nature...:eek:

I had the opportunity to go through most of KC's photobucket pix before she bonded out the first time and tried deleting everything in sight (no pun intended). We have all seen a really good representation of what was in her other pictures right here. A lot of 'sexual posing' in my opinion, not really a representation of her sexual orientation at all, as far as the pix with other girls went. I've seen my 20 yo hetero daughter do the same thing. I don't 'get it', I think it is this generations way of 'pushing the envelope' or maybe just pushing the buttons on us old people. :genie: vs :grandma:

I guess 'disturbing' is in the eye of the beholder, if one finds a sloppy, drunk, girl urinating in a parking lot disturbing, then they are. If one just finds the same pix to be in bad taste, then they are just in bad taste (I wondered why she didn't burn that one, rather than saving it, but that is just me). None of them were "Mother of the Year" worthy, that is for sure! :loser:
if CA didn't call Caylee missing.........KC NEVER would of IMO.........bothers me very much!!!
Also so many young (22) women are making money on webcam with internet sex?? IMO, she could of been doing something like that to get extra money and she told friends she was 'working from home'.............thinking outside the box

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