Meredith Kercher murdered - Amanda Knox convicted, now appeals #6

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So you think it is AK walking on her own? All by herself. Just seconds from her home? Without RS or RG? And a 12in knife in her purse? Seriously?

Any of the clothing was verified? Anything similar found missing? Anything in blood? Any photos of clothing that wasnt found?

IIRC, RS was watching a DVD until 9:46, so he certainly wasn't there.

If anything, shouldn't we assume the person on the tape at 9pm is MK? She would have been getting home about that time...
IIRC, RS was watching a DVD until 9:46, so he certainly wasn't there.

If anything, shouldn't we assume the person on the tape at 9pm is MK? She would have been getting home about that time...
MK wasn't wearing white clothes. The problem I had with the statement was that it was stated as fact that there is not any CCTV footage of AK. The truth is that it can't be proven to be AK which is not the same thing.
BBM: that is simply not true. It's not even true within my immediate family, much less for human beings as a whole. If you judged by appearances alone, you would have said my sister and I loved my brother, but our mother did not. Yet it was our mother who cared for him for the many years he was ill; no one was closer to him than she (and vice versa).

Your semantics are inexact. That you find their behavior highly inappropriate is not the same as to say an action is highly illogical--even though the word "ridiculous" may be used in either case.

If you think marijuana can't leave you with a fuzzy memory, then you haven't smoked much of it. This is particularly so if it is combined with alcohol. But, frankly, I think most of the conflicting stories arose from a the pressure of interrogation and the effort to say what the police seemed to want said.

My semantics are inexact? What? I have said that Amanda and Raffaele are ridiculous ... let me keep it simple ... they are ridiculous people, particularly Amanda. She is a most ridiculous woman, deserving of ridicule for her actions.

Studies show that prolonged abuse of soft drugs will eventually interfere with short term memory. That is, some (not all) events that occur under the influence of soft drugs will not be written to the long term memory. There are no studies that I'm aware of where someone like Amanda, who claims to have rarely used pot, has complete memory loss after smoking a little hashish. Amanda's ridiculous behavior after the murder is not inconsistent with Amanda running around with a 12" knife.
IIRC, RS was watching a DVD until 9:46, so he certainly wasn't there.

If anything, shouldn't we assume the person on the tape at 9pm is MK? She would have been getting home about that time...

The film file Amelie.avi closes on Raffaele’s MacBookPro laptop, from either being stopped, or reaching the end of the file (p327). Raffaele’s computer remains connected to the Net throughout the night and only 11 files are created, at regular intervals, by either the operating system (Mac OS X) or within the Mozilla Firefox browser cache; the P2P service also remains active (p328). The logs from Raffaele’s service provider, FastWeb, show no web page retrieval requests during this time period (p330).

Meredith’s English phone recorded details of an attempt to call Voicemail; no phone traffic was generated according to the phone provider’s records, as would be expected if the caller disconnected before the welcome message finished, consistent with a parsimonious student (p350, p352, p353).
MK wasn't wearing white clothes. The problem I had with the statement was that it was stated as fact that there is not any CCTV footage of AK. The truth is that it can't be proven to be AK which is not the same thing.

Strange i have a still shot and i dont believe that is white clothing. Obviously in his testmony he did not either

Police inspector Mauro Barbadori told the court that the footage had been recovered in the hope that it would provide key information.

He said: 'From the time on the film and the fact it is a female figure - the belief is Meredith but it is very poor quality and we cannot say for definite
My semantics are inexact? What? I have said that Amanda and Raffaele are ridiculous ... let me keep it simple ... they are ridiculous people, particularly Amanda. She is a most ridiculous woman, deserving of ridicule for her actions.

Studies show that prolonged abuse of soft drugs will eventually interfere with short term memory. That is, some (not all) events that occur under the influence of soft drugs will not be written to the long term memory. There are no studies that I'm aware of where someone like Amanda, who claims to have rarely used pot, has complete memory loss after smoking a little hashish. Amanda's ridiculous behavior after the murder is not inconsistent with Amanda running around with a 12" knife.

Many things can cause short term memory loss which include but are not limited to:

Alzheimer’s disease and dementia
estrogen swings
Low blood sugar levels
Many things can cause short term memory loss which include but are not limited to:

Alzheimer’s disease and dementia
estrogen swings
Low blood sugar levels

Whatever it was, Raffaele had it too ... during the very same hours that Amanda had it.
Not true at all. The person can be seen walking towards the cottage entrance gate at about 9pm. The camera only runs for a few minutes when a car is leaving the parking. The CCTV footage does exist, but it can't be proven that it is AK so it was not allowed in court. That doesn't mean it wasn't AK. I don't think it was the milkman :)

Obviously then you also noted the direction that the individual came from
I have behaved in similar circumstances on the serious injury of my toddler and the death of my grandmother. Do you think I killed them? I lean on compassion and humor to get me through the situation so I dont fall completely apart. Many moments are very sad after a tragedy.
But over the hours and days your spririts can be lifted or a joke can be told to break the sadness. Sometimes it is all you have when you dont know what else to do.
To think that a photographer would be there to capure just one one smiling moment and make some infernece of injustice is crazy.

Actually there are many places where they "celebrate" the person, please use my term celebrate in the correct context EVERYONE. Do not twist it, turn it around, or try to make it seem like i am stating anything different as in "We celebrate the persons life", wishing to remember the good in a different setting/way

Trillian you bring up a perspective MANY are reluctant to talk about. It is done tastefully, with laughter, tears etc., and this is how i chose to remember my father and in fact were his wishes
Actually there are many places where they "celebrate" the person, please use my term celebrate in the correct context EVERYONE. Do not twist it, turn it around, or try to make it seem like i am stating anything different as in "We celebrate the persons life", wishing to remember the good in a different setting/way

Scott Peterson celebrated Laci's life by trying to pick up the babysitter etc., Casey Anthony celebrated her daughter's life by hitting the clubs and getting a tattoo, etc. Amanda celebrated Meredith's life by smooching, sticking out her tongue, buying lingerie, flipping cartwheels at the police station, etc.

What do they have in common? They all grieve in a way that is unfamiliar to most people in the world.
MArch 14, 2009

Police inspector Mauro Barbadori told the court that the footage had been recovered in the hope that it would provide key information.
He said: 'From the time on the film and the fact it is a female figure - the belief is that it is Meredith but it is very poor quality and we cannot say for definite.

Another still from the scan shows what appears to be a man walking towards the house Meredith shared with Amanda Knox
'Hypothetically speaking it is very possible that the figure seen is Meredith returning home after spending the evening at a friend's house.'

This week the Italian glossy Oggi posted stills from CCTV camera footage taken on November 1 beginning at 7:41. Reporter Giangavino Sulas says the photos show a figure dressed like Rudy Guede leaving the parking garage and heading over to the cottage--and then coming back about 20 minutes later. The young man in the wool hat does wear a "husky" coat very similar to the one Rudy was wearing when arrested. The figure is also wearing the same shoes that Rudy admits to wearing on the night of the murder: Nike Outbreak 2s, with the telltale white stripe on the bottom.

So, two people were sighted on CCTV, possibly Meredith and Rudy. I can't remember why they changed their minds from thinking it was Amanda to Meredith, but I think it had something to do with her clothing or the time.
Scott Peterson celebrated Laci's life by trying to pick up the babysitter etc., Casey Anthony celebrated her daughter's life by hitting the clubs and getting a tattoo, etc. Amanda celebrated Meredith's life by smooching, sticking out her tongue, buying lingerie, flipping cartwheels at the police station, etc.

What do they have in common? They all grieve in a way that is unfamiliar to most people in the world.

Do we have pictures of her doing the cartwheel? We have pictures of her doing so many things we better have one of the cartwheel to
Strange i have a still shot and i dont believe that is white clothing. Obviously in his testmony he did not either

Police inspector Mauro Barbadori told the court that the footage had been recovered in the hope that it would provide key information.

He said: 'From the time on the film and the fact it is a female figure - the belief is Meredith but it is very poor quality and we cannot say for definite
Not obvious to me. He says because of the timing and the fact that it is a female figure, he believes it is MK. I don't see him saying anything about the clothes. The timing of the CCTV would have left out AK since she had an alibi for 20:41. The defense themselves argued later that the CCTV clock was 10 minutes slow which would mean that it could have been AK. Anyway, I think we both agree that it can't be proven so what is the point?
NO I DON'T :banghead: .

1- Bloody footprint on mat which the court verified the innocent side will not listen to.
2- The luminal footprints were in blood IMO and the courts, another point the innocent side will not listen to.
3- The bleach receipts were not used against either of them at trial.
4- IMO there was evidence of some type of clean up.
6- NO 'theory' or motive is necessary to convict.
13- As has been stated many times, the jurors are sworn to look over the evidence and make their decision based on that evidence... not what could be 'poison' from the media. Repeat: ONLY THE EVIDENCE PRESENTED. I see absolutely no reason they couldn't perform their duties as sworn to do... and they did.

'Preconceived notions'........ yeah, I see them. :seeya:


This is another one of those time where the thanks button just isn't enough:)

'evidence not true' :waitasec:

Is that similar to 'the best truth that I can remember'? :great:
:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Post of the day (at least my day) :)
I think it was Scott Peterson's lawyer who coined the phrase that "we all grieve in different ways", yet somehow, when people are truly grieving ... they all behave in a certain similar way that has become widely understood as grieving.

Amanda and Raffaele behaved in ways that could be described as ridiculous immediately after, and in the fews days after, Meredith was murdered. One more ridiculous act, such as Knox carrying around a 12 inch knife, should not surprise anyone. The pair also presented several conflicting stories about the night of the murder such that neither of them have alibis ... memory failure attributed to smoking pot ... also ridiculous.

Many things can cause short term memory loss which include but are not limited to:

Alzheimer’s disease and dementia
estrogen swings
Low blood sugar levels

AK and RS aren't elderly or have experienced a traumatic brain injury or pre-natal teratogen exposure or other events/circumstances which can cause dementia that we're aware of.

Were either AK or RS showing symptoms of, or receiving treatment for, depression or anxiety? Abnormal hormonal and/or blood sugar levels?

Were any of those things presented in the trial as a possible explanation of the shared confusion and memory issues?

Whatever it was, Raffaele had it too ... during the very same hours that Amanda had it.

I know, right?! It's the most uncanny thing!

Maybe we all do

Many things can cause short term memory loss which include but are not limited to:

Alzheimer’s disease and dementia
estrogen swings
Low blood sugar levels

Sleep Deprivation
12 angry Italians screaming gibberish/"stupid liar"
head whacks
a brown nosing interpreter that insists inflicted trauma and repressed memory
AK and RS aren't elderly or have experienced a traumatic brain injury or pre-natal teratogen exposure or other events/circumstances which can cause dementia that we're aware of.

Were either AK or RS showing symptoms of, or receiving treatment for, depression or anxiety? Abnormal hormonal and/or blood sugar levels?

Were any of those things presented in the trial as a possible explanation of the shared confusion and memory issues?

I know, right?! It's the most uncanny thing!


Yah, according to them it was drug abuse ... we'll need to make a new note in the scientific journals that people can completely loose their memories after smoking one hashish joint ... shades of Reefer Madness.
Sleep Deprivation
12 angry Italians screaming gibberish/"stupid liar"
head whacks
a brown nosing interpreter that insists inflicted trauma and repressed memory

Police in Italy are like 12 angry Italians screaming jibberish jabberwalky? Were they whacking heads? Thump thump or thump ... thump?

Do any thumps result in suspects repeating what thy are told to say after two hours of questioning? Children? Mentally defective? Anyone? Who confesses to murder after two hours of questioning ... forget about the thumps on the head - which appear to be fiction. We must keep in mind that Amanda thumped herself in the head not only during those two hours of questioning, but also at the cottage while pointing out the knife drawer in the cottage kitchen.
Meredith’s Engelish phone recorded details of an attempt to call Voicemail; no phone traffic was generated according to the phone provider’s records, as would be expected if the caller disconnected before the welcome message finished, consistent with a parsimonious student (p350, p352, p353).

how did Massei put it, I think it went something like...
We can only surmise, Meredith laying back on her bed against her pillow, swinging her feet, giggling and randomly punching numbers on her cell phone -- dialing her mother (oops) dialing her v.mail (oops/giggle) dialing her bank (oops) rejecting photo from friend so no fees are incurred (doubt it)
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