MN - Uncle who 'married' 10-year-old girl charged with sex crimes

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A Mound man accused of abusing his niece told police that his behavior was biblically justified.

Last update: March 14, 2010 - 10:30 PM

The marriage took place during a family vacation to Yellowstone National Park during the summer of 2001.

Before long, James Wallace Fall began alternating nights in the beds of his 49-year-old wife and his new "bride" in Mound.

Fall, now 58, saw nothing wrong with the fact that the bride was his niece or that she was 10 when they "married," according to Mound police.

He told the girl that it was God's will that they marry. He told police this justified their union, legally and morally.

"He absolutely believes what he's saying," said Jami Wittke, a detective with the Mound Police Department, who interviewed Fall. "He said the Bible tells him that it's OK to have a relationship with your niece, to marry someone" that young.

Fall was arrested in January and charged with criminal sexual conduct by the Hennepin County attorney's office.
His wife, Rosemary Fall, was also arrested after the unidentified victim, who is now 19, told police that her aunt had known about the arrangement and done nothing.

"She was well aware of everything that was going on," Wittke said. "The investigation shows she was told about it while still at Yellowstone."
The arrangement, investigators believe, lasted for almost nine years until the young woman walked into the Mound Police Department in January and bore witness against her uncle.

The niece told investigators that Fall maintained the relationship through coercion, threatening to kick her and her two brothers out of the house if she didn't go along.

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Nice try, pedo-perv with your Bible quotes....raping 10yo girls is against the law. :furious:
A Mound man accused of abusing his niece told police that his behavior was biblically justified.

Last update: March 14, 2010 - 10:30 PM

The marriage took place during a family vacation to Yellowstone National Park during the summer of 2001.

Before long, James Wallace Fall began alternating nights in the beds of his 49-year-old wife and his new "bride" in Mound.

Fall, now 58, saw nothing wrong with the fact that the bride was his niece or that she was 10 when they "married," according to Mound police.

He told the girl that it was God's will that they marry. He told police this justified their union, legally and morally.

"He absolutely believes what he's saying," said Jami Wittke, a detective with the Mound Police Department, who interviewed Fall. "He said the Bible tells him that it's OK to have a relationship with your niece, to marry someone" that young.

Fall was arrested in January and charged with criminal sexual conduct by the Hennepin County attorney's office.
His wife, Rosemary Fall, was also arrested after the unidentified victim, who is now 19, told police that her aunt had known about the arrangement and done nothing.

"She was well aware of everything that was going on," Wittke said. "The investigation shows she was told about it while still at Yellowstone."
The arrangement, investigators believe, lasted for almost nine years until the young woman walked into the Mound Police Department in January and bore witness against her uncle.

The niece told investigators that Fall maintained the relationship through coercion, threatening to kick her and her two brothers out of the house if she didn't go along.

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Nice try, pedo-perv with your Bible quotes....raping 10yo girls is against the law. :furious:


hang both of them.

and if i ever come across these so called passages in the bible im becoming an athiest :(
Um? where was her parents?? and why was they not arrested for allowing this??
my guess is they died maybe, and these became the legal guardians.......hence why he threathned to throw her and her brothers out if she didnt comply
Oh dear god, his picture makes it a hundred times worse.

Good for her for going to police finally and realizing it was not only wrong but illegal.

Ugh. What a disgusting .
So, I've got my New International Version open right here. I'm not seeing it. I don't see the same verses our buddy's seeing here. It specifically says that "not all is beneficial" and to "flee from all sexual immorality".

But maybe she was wearing a white dress. You know, somehow that seems to make a lot of this stuff OK for some folks.

Can anyone find out what "religion" this guy espouses to. I'd be very curious. TM, I posted today about those darned white dresses and the tendency for some to have sudden visions that it's OK to rape little girls wearing them. Oh Lord, help me. How dare he besmirch one of the loveliest books of the Bible. Wallace Fall.pdf

The Complaint Document against Mr. Fall:

"Victim 1 reported that the Defendant would play pornographic movies and made her read sexual stories. Some of the online movies were uncles with nieces or someone older with someone younger."

Sounds like slimy minds think alike. What an original idea!! There's no comment about why the victim and her siblings were placed in this home nine years ago. Does it give everyone pause, as it does me, that this female is listed as Victim 1 and their are/were other children in the home? Deja vu.
what is up with all the wives or girlfriends either doing nothing or actively participating......michaud, barzi, garrido, its a sickening disturbing trend

"The FOX 9 investigators took a deeper look inside a case that has prosecutors and many people in the community outraged. James Fall is charged with having a sexual relationship with his niece over several years, starting when the girl was just nine years old. Now, there are also allegations of abuse, power and even a mysterious death.

On websites, Fall identifies himself as an activist and organizer in Minnesota’s Tea Party movement, calling himself a conservative Christian. But his family and police say the home held sinister secrets. Sexual abuse cloaked in scripture and fear masquerading as faith.

It began a decade ago, when Fall and his wife, Rosemary, took in his 9-year-old niece and two nephews, ages 6 and 10.

Their father, Phillip, had mysteriously died. Their mother, Nancy, Fall's sister, was mentally ill and unable to care for the children....."


"Fall’s son, Richard, was born with cerebal palsy. He also said his father beat him repeatedly.

"If I didn't obey him in staying still so he could beat me,” said Richard.

When he was 16 years old, his uncle Phillip, called child protection and he was permanently removed from the home."


"Anoka County detectives have now opened an investigation into whether Fall may have played a role in uncle Phillip’s mysterious and sudden death."


"Police are also investigating the Fall's finances. Detectives say Fall hasn't had a job in years, and believe the couple were living off of the kids social security checks.

Rosemary does work as a computer technician at the Hennepin County Public Defender's Office [ETA, a commenter refutes this report and says that the wife worked at the State Public Defender's Office]. Rosemary was charged as an accessory.

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I don't understand why one perp can have 120 charges brought against him and this man gets only 8 (for now). The young woman was clear that Fall had sex with her every other night for nine years. That's a lot more than eight rapes. One has to wonder what happened to the children's father. And to all the other children.

We've got physical abuse to such a degree that one child was removed from the home but others were allowed to enter. Notice that it's the 3 children's uncle who abuses his own bio son--to an agree to merit removal and then CPS allows the family to take in the three "orphaned" children. What's that all about? A charge of injury to a child precludes foster or adoptive placement. I guess CPS did keep an eye on the girl, though, and let's remember that they can only go on what they are told. If the girl denied everything, they wouldn't have had a case. Notice that she had to out from under his thumb, in college, to disclose.

I wonder what the significance in Yellowstone was. Maybe the family traveled there to scatter the father, Phillip's ashes. And I don't think that Rosemary's going to be able to claim ignorance here. Working at the State Defender's office and all. That doesn't look good at all. I still want to know what church these folks attended.
what is up with all the wives or girlfriends either doing nothing or actively participating......michaud, barzi, garrido, its a sickening disturbing trend

The trend is that we're hearing about it....wives & g/f's going along w/ abuse has been happening for ages.

What sad lives these kids had. :(

And what a brave girl for coming forward after all she's been through.

"The FOX 9 investigators took a deeper look inside a case that has prosecutors and many people in the community outraged. James Fall is charged with having a sexual relationship with his niece over several years, starting when the girl was just nine years old. Now, there are also allegations of abuse, power and even a mysterious death.

On websites, Fall identifies himself as an activist and organizer in Minnesota’s Tea Party movement, calling himself a conservative Christian. But his family and police say the home held sinister secrets. Sexual abuse cloaked in scripture and fear masquerading as faith.

It began a decade ago, when Fall and his wife, Rosemary, took in his 9-year-old niece and two nephews, ages 6 and 10.

Their father, Phillip, had mysteriously died. Their mother, Nancy, Fall's sister, was mentally ill and unable to care for the children....."


"Fall’s son, Richard, was born with cerebal palsy. He also said his father beat him repeatedly.

"If I didn't obey him in staying still so he could beat me,” said Richard.

When he was 16 years old, his uncle Phillip, called child protection and he was permanently removed from the home."


"Anoka County detectives have now opened an investigation into whether Fall may have played a role in uncle Phillip’s mysterious and sudden death."


"Police are also investigating the Fall's finances. Detectives say Fall hasn't had a job in years, and believe the couple were living off of the kids social security checks.

Rosemary does work as a computer technician at the Hennepin County Public Defender's Office [ETA, a commenter refutes this report and says that the wife worked at the State Public Defender's Office]. Rosemary was charged as an accessory.

more at link

I don't understand why one perp can have 120 charges brought against him and this man gets only 8 (for now). The young woman was clear that Fall had sex with her every other night for nine years. That's a lot more than eight rapes. One has to wonder what happened to the children's father. And to all the other children.

We've got physical abuse to such a degree that one child was removed from the home but others were allowed to enter. Notice that it's the 3 children's father who abuses his own son--to an agree to merit removal and then CPS allows the family to take in the three orphaned children. What's that all about? A charge of injury to a child precludes foster or adoptive placement. I guess CPS did keep an eye on the girl, though, and let's remember that they can only go on what they are told. If the girl denied everything, they wouldn't have had a case. Notice that she had to out from under his thumb, in college, to disclose.

I wonder what the significance in Yellowstone was. Maybe the family traveled there to scatter the father, Phillip's ashes. And I don't think that Rosemary's going to be able to claim ignorance here. Working at the State Defender's office and all. That doesn't look good at all. I still want to know what church these folks attended.

I wonder if that AP reporter Draper will release an article about the "mysterious" death & how it's "hurting" the prosecution's case?
You know if you can't find a body, you might as well pack it all up and go home.
I found a notation that James Fall's father was a minister for years in Minneapolis. I can't determine what faith, however. There is an RLDS church in Chashatton, MN, 12 miles away. I noticed that the defense is not going to use belief in polygamy as a defense. Well, that's refreshing news, isn't it? I'd actually far rather that he explore the pros and cons of pedophila as a mental illness.

In rereading the articles, I noted that Falls first caused his own son to be removed due to abuse. He then somehow caused or benefitted from the death of his brother-in-law, Phillip. There's a late 40's woman listed as living at the Fall's address (other than Rosemary). I wonder if that's the sister? He could have been pulling down a pretty healthy Social Security survivors' benefits package on the sister and the three children. If he and his wife were also providing care for the sister, due to mental illness, they could have been paid for that also. Seems like Mr. Fall had a lot of time on his hands to fool with his niece and go to Tea Party meetings. Then he threatened the young female victim with the threat of being "kicked out of the home with her two male siblings" if she did not comply with his wishes. I hope to high heck she wasn't punished by being forced to watch her brothers abused in any way. The phrase Victim 1 haunts me. Is that typical?
just shoot both him and his wife and spare the girl from having to go thru a trial.

11 years ago, I would have agreed....but it may be beneficial for her.

I see no bigger violation of Constitutional rights than what was done to this girl...and yet, it's against the perps Constitutional rights to just fry him or shoot him up with a death cocktail.
This is a really bass ackwards country.
i think some day it will be cleansing for her to face them in court, like someday it will be the same for elizabeth smart and jaycee dugard.

but till then the girl has to suffer thru years of bizzare defense motion, bogus competency hearings, this loony toon trying to manipulate her from behind bars....
i think some day it will be cleansing for her to face them in court, like someday it will be the same for elizabeth smart and jaycee dugard.

but till then the girl has to suffer thru years of bizzare defense motion, bogus competency hearings, this loony toon trying to manipulate her from behind bars....

Not likely, unless she wants to be involved with all that. The system is set up so that (ideally, at least) the victim has no need to appear at defense pretrial hearings, competency hearings or any of the general pretrial crap. If the manipulation is there, it will not stop when he gets his sentence...that's generally how it goes.

She walked in and reported him, as an adult, when she didn't have to, she was ready for this and is already doing it on her terms. I think she's at a place to benefit from it. MOO.
Child marriage, to the best of my knowledge, has never been accepted
in Christianity. In the Jewish Talmud a child of three years and a day
is eligible for marriage. Child marriage in Islam was also accepted. I'm not
sure about Judaism, but in Islam sex was usually delayed until the girl
entered puberty.
Jesus had harsh words for anyone who would cause a child to stumble, “But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” The Bible tells parents to be gentle and loving with their children (Ephesians 6:4; Colossians 3:21). So even though the Bible does not specifically mention child abuse, it is abundantly clear how God feels about the issue

This Works for me! I will supply the ropes anyone have 2 really big millstones?

What monsters he probably did kill the kids dad.When his son was taken out of the home for abuse there went the son's social security check.They both have no right to breathe our air,live in our world ,harm our children no abuser does.

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