Theory #2: Family Abduction by George Waters with George Brody, Part 2

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I hate to say it, but maybe the person who filled out the death certificate started writing the death date in the birth state slot and was too lazy to change it when realizing the error. It wouldn't surprise me.

That thought did cross my mind! ugh! :confused:
I was on Fisherman's Wharf today with my son and grandson, waiting on the sidewalk, when I did a double-take at a hawker who resembled George Brody. As I waited there, I was struck by how much this man's "act" and come-on resembled the ramblings of GB. I began to wonder if GB had come through some carnival circuit or something. Didn't they used to have boxers? And certainly they had con men. Any ideas?

Hmmm. That could explain a lot -- his untraceability and use of alias(es), his exposure and subsequent appropriation of bits and pieces of various philosophies to fit his purpose (as fictional gambler Brett Maverick said, "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, and those are pretty good odds") and notable occasional successes with this tactic.

Not to get too far off target, but this is the route Col. Tom Parker (a contemporary of Brody's) went before becoming Elvis's manager (one of his specialties was "dancing chickens," with the poor birds standing, then hopping, on a hidden hot plate as the temperature was surreptitiously turned up). In "The Colonel: The Extraordinary Story Of Colonel Tom Parker And Elvis Presley" author Alanna Nash speculates that the Colonel, known as Andreas Cornelis van Kujik at the time, had to flee the Netherlands after the bludgeoning death of a grocer's wife with a crowbar, and Parker's fear of discovery about his past was why Elvis never toured outside the US. Parker was born near the turn of the century, but little is known for sure about his life before the 1940s, and he was in the public spotlight for decades. The truth about Parker's early years was revealed only when his family in the Netherlands recognized him in photographs with Elvis, and confirmed in 1982 when Parker tried to avert a lawsuit by asserting he was a Dutch citizen.
I recall that Col. Parker used to purposely overpay his income taxes in an effort to avoid being audited, since an audit may have uncovered his status as an illegal immigrant to the U.S.
LOL, I just PM'd that one to Dr. Doogie a couple days ago, I did a face over, on many pics, and have some sites listed with photos, cause I thought the same thing!!! Good Work!!!!
LOL, I just PM'd that one to Dr. Doogie a couple days ago, I did a face over, on many pics, and have some sites listed with photos, cause I thought the same thing!!! Good Work!!!!
:rolleyes: Great minds think alike!! LOL So did the good Doctor see a resemlence? The part about meeting his wife on a passenger ship from San Francisco to LA was kind of eerie too.

(and his wife kind of resembles MK too!)
I thought all the same things you do! hehehehe...In one of the sites they talk about how domineering and controlling he was...hmmm, sounds familiar. Him being an adventurer doesn't, but anyone in their youth can be different than when they are older. She did look like MK, and I thought that his wife could have died accidentally, (or maybe on purpose) and he walked out of there, and became a new man in a town he was familiar with. The pics of his father, look uncannily like GB when he is older!
...So did the good Doctor see a resemlence?..

Right now, my time has been spent preparing for the DNA results, so I have not had much time for examining this possibility. At first glance, the resemblance is somewhat close, but not an "A-Ha!" type resemblance. I will look at this much closer as time permits. It is promising that two researchers came to the same information independently! Good job, you guys!
I had to step out for a bit, back now...

I have done many hours of researching Brody, compiling info but never anything concrete. Some time ago, I mentioned lightly about how there are old missing persons cases, where someone from a family may be looking for someone that looks like Brody but not named as such. I have spent alot of hours in this arena, looking for him under other names. Honestly, when the pictures are blown up and places side by side or over each other, they are very close.
WOuldn't it be amazing if Anna was found, and Brody's identity uncovered, and the Glen and Bessie mystery solved? LOL that would be incredible. But there is still a long way to go to determining it.
BTW, did you notice the 'fedora' Glen and his father both seem so fond of wearing? Interesting, huh?
Thanks for verifying all the work I did on this by finding it too, it seems more credible to me now. Lets figure this one out!
I had to step out for a bit, back now...

I have done many hours of researching Brody, compiling info but never anything concrete. Some time ago, I mentioned lightly about how there are old missing persons cases, where someone from a family may be looking for someone that looks like Brody but not named as such. I have spent alot of hours in this arena, looking for him under other names. Honestly, when the pictures are blown up and places side by side or over each other, they are very close.
WOuldn't it be amazing if Anna was found, and Brody's identity uncovered, and the Glen and Bessie mystery solved? LOL that would be incredible. But there is still a long way to go to determining it.
BTW, did you notice the 'fedora' Glen and his father both seem so fond of wearing? Interesting, huh?
Thanks for verifying all the work I did on this by finding it too, it seems more credible to me now. Lets figure this one out!

This is just so weird! Look at the top pic on this page you posted:
(side view) and this one of Brody: (Also side view)
When you look at these 2 side by side, The ears, the nose, (even the flair of the nostril) and the chin all look so similar. And oh yes the famous fedora too. (Most farmers in those times wore straw hats, or cowboy hats...not felt fedoras.)
LOL, I have pics downloaded and side by side blow ups all over my computer, because the shapes of ears, eyes jaw everything is similar! that is so funny, I really know what you mean, I have been sitting on this all week after I sent it to Dr Doogie, because I knew he would be busy with the DNA, and I didn't want to start another riot! LOL, but I am stunned at the similarities. The father has an amazing resemblance just in his stance and they way he holds his arms to what Brody did!
I didn't want to tell the guy that wrote the book just yet, I think this has become our mystery to solve, LOL!
The story behind the Hydes is quite fascinating. Some reports say she was pregnant. Maybe a Scott & Laci situation?? Maybe he did accidentally on purpose kill her since he requested no life preservers. Eventually he found his way out of the canyon, and moved to SF where he found someone else to support him. With a little imagination the pieces fit together so well.

He must have been a smooth talker to make a young married woman go to such lengths to divorce her husband and move to Idaho to help him farm.
You are thinkin! What I am thinkin! father has a saying "Dumb, like a fox"...he may be acting simply and thinking overtime! He was a control freak, according to his own family, no surprise that he convinced her to do all that for him....seems he was able to convince MK to be the 'woman he wanted her to be" otherwise, she wouldn't have been with him. The San Francisco connection is interesting because there are not alot of details as to the timeline of him going there, to meet her...he just 'went to SF', what the heck did that mean? Seems alot of similarities, and at first the smaller pics of him didn't impress me, bit when I blew them up next to Brody, I was actually extremely surprised by it.

What is striking me as so funny, is that the very first case I ever worked on, many years ago, also involved a man by the name of Hyde....LOL, those 'Jeckyl and Hyde' types are something else!
Glen was raised in Washington, California, Canada, and Idaho and attended college in Oregon and Idaho.

I wonder where in California he was raised?
Glen was raised in Washington, California, Canada, and Idaho and attended college in Oregon and Idaho.

I wonder where in California he was raised?

The college part struck me, How many men in the 20's went to college and then went home to become a potato farmer??? Maybe not the life he wanted, that's why he cut himself off from his own family.
The writer has a page on his site, to get folks to post their own theories, I believe possibly, because he may plan to write another book..I will get a copy but don't necessarily want to contact him just yet, we have some more homework to do, I have worked a long time on this, and I want to finish my work on it, before this THEORY is discussed as a real possiblity with the author. He is a man that was a river guide and made the same boat they sailed in, and his theory is that since it was so hard to control, they drowned swiftly and suddenly.
Please note, on past Wikipedia posts, anyone that submits info that is not disputed was posted. It is not always accurate, just the best available info deemed relevant. College records are easily check from that time period.
He seemed to be on an adventure or some particular reason, hopefully not just to get rid of Bessie.

Well folks, jump on the bandwagon, all help is more than welcome! Thanks Mysteriew! I do have one major doubt here, so look closely...My Hyde's ears appear to be higher than the midline of the eye...Brody's do not so much....this is a defining line that we use in medicine. what do you think?

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