Missing Voluntarily?

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I was wondering if your thoughts have changed
about Tara's disappearance? There have been several TV shows featuring her case.
I think you once felt that she could be a run-a-way, have your thoughts changed over time?
Sorry for the long delay in answering.
I have not yet seen evidence to cause me to change my thoughts on the case.

Still, I keep an open mind to new evidence to show up.

Over the long course of this case I have, at times, had posters from this
forum contact me by forum private message
saying that they had been told or hinted to by LE that evidence existed which pointed to a crime.

In part, my reaction to unverified people using private messaging this way has always been of this sort:
Thank you for your info but until I see such evidence released to the public or stated by LE in public
I must continue to work only with those things which can be verified (in keeping with
Websleuths rules.)

I am aware that sometimes people get so wrapped up in posting about a case that
they begin to see it as a sort of contest & may sometimes resort to private hints to
cause some posters of the opposition viewpoint to go silent or even retract
their theory.

I am also aware that sometimes such hints are legitimate & are meant to help.

Since I have no way of knowing for sure which is which sort of private message
in any given case I wait for verified evidence before changing a theory.
In some cases I report the message to the moderators for their consideration.

I have not been as indepth about this case recently as I once was so it is
possible that new evidence has been released by LE in MSM that I do not know about.

Still so far as I know we still have a missing person with a latex type glove
left behind (unknown for sure if it was left behind by responders or by whoever left Tara's home
(whether that be Tara and/or a helper or Tara & villain/s.)

Allegedly a private forensics expert was brought in who allegedly found a
drop of blood or other substance somewhere on the outside part . . .
umm the porch part somewhere or maybe step. (Sorry- its been a very
long while since I read that part.)

Her car was left behind unlocked and with some cash in an envelope
inside the vehicle.

I saw a video news report or a internet news report with picture where LE said
they looked inside Tara's home & saw no signs of a struggle.

While some point to a minor bit of damage or two found in the home to
dispute LE's initial statement I have not yet seen anything conclusive to
prove LE was wrong in that initial statement that there was no sign of struggle.
(However, no sign of struggle does not mean someone was not forced at gunpoint to leave.)

There have been very few public indicators to tip the balance of theory to crime or runaway.
Saying there have been few indicators does not mean there have been
none just that there has not been many.

That vast majority of missing persons are not crime victims (That has been
verified previously. See past posts for proof if they have not been lost in
the websleuths move.) Many choose to disappear for various reasons.

Still, even knowing that, it is always tempting to assume a crime has taken place
especially when you have a vehicle left behind and even a small drop of blood.

Case in point: A mailman goes missing. His mail truck is found.
He is not in it. Later tests revealed a small drop of blood had dried on the
vehicle. It then came out that the missing person had said to his wife
that he thought someone had been following him around on his route
recently. We know there have been cases where mail persons are robbed
when delivering mail. Sounds like a crime has happened?
It turns out he just ran away & perhaps was floating down a nearby river in a canoe.
He was found alive and well.

In Tara's case we have a very talented woman who knows very much
about how to change her appearance. She has the education to change her
walk & speech and looks greatly. She probably has the education to
easily create a new life anywhere.

There are things I look for in adult cases to help sort out runaways from
crime victims. I am not an expert but I have read many many websleuths cases
& have taken an interest in the adult runaway cases because I think they
are such tragic stories & I wish there was a way to help heal the causes of such cases.

Tara's case does indeed exhibit some of the signs I look for to indicate an adult runaway
but that in itself is not conclusive.
The problem is that so far we have no conclusive public evidence to go on.
In the lack of evidence to prove a crime I lean towards adult runaway just
to go along with the proven odds. . . . . and even more so when some of
the signs I watch for are present in a case.

I do not think it wise or want people to stop looking for evidence of a possible
crime to have taken place. That would be wrong to do. No one wants
a criminal to possibly get away to harm others.

I just refuse to jump to the conclusion that a crime has been commited
without evidence since the past has proven most adult missing persons are not
the victim of a crime.

To ignore the possibility of a crime is to risk a criminal going free to harm
others but also to ignore and not think about the possibility of an adult
runaway risks missing the chance for a healing and closure to take place
for that living person and those that loved and missed that person.

That is why it is so important that in this forum both possibilities are considered by all of us.

Do I see some possibilites for a crime in this case? Sure, but so far no
evidence whatsoever to back it up. As with the missing mailman,
there are possibilities of a crime & some of those make sense but
with no evidence to go on, the past cases say she likely eased into a new
life somewhere.
The main thing I think she had going for her in the theory for voluntary disappearance was that she certainly had enough male friends in LE and at least one in the GBI who could have helped her make arrangements to get out of GA in a hurry. Yes, it hurt her family and friends, but if she wanted to leave or needed to leave without a trace, I think she definitely had the connections to have done so alive and well.

I do think it takes a very intelligent person ( and I agree with Doc above that Tara was intelligent and also would be skilled in changing her appearance) and/ or a person with close ties to LE to disappear successfully ( unless they are criminals and have mafia connections, and I don't think most of us, including Tara, ever encounter those people).Edited to add-- Or a person without much of a life to leave behind. Like a person without a career,or friends, or parents, or children. Someone who might not be reported missing by anyone for a long time.Fringe type people are almost " gone' from their lives already, you know?

I couldn't do it. Most ordinary people can't in this day and age, barring a natural disaster of monumental proportions which allows a person a measure of time and undocumented movement.
The main thing I think she had going for her in the theory for voluntary disappearance was that she certainly had enough male friends in LE and at least one in the GBI who could have helped her make arrangements to get out of GA in a hurry. Yes, it hurt her family and friends, but if she wanted to leave or needed to leave without a trace, I think she definitely had the connections to have done so alive and well.

I do think it takes a very intelligent person ( and I agree with Doc above that Tara was intelligent and also would be skilled in changing her appearance) and/ or a person with close ties to LE to disappear successfully ( unless they are criminals and have mafia connections, and I don't think most of us, including Tara, ever encounter those people).Edited to add-- Or a person without much of a life to leave behind. Like a person without a career,or friends, or parents, or children. Someone who might not be reported missing by anyone for a long time.Fringe type people are almost " gone' from their lives already, you know?

I couldn't do it. Most ordinary people can't in this day and age, barring a natural disaster of monumental proportions which allows a person a measure of time and undocumented movement.

Funny that you say that, because when I lived in Hendersonville, NC and I saw the show with Tara, and Jennifer K I was almost certain that this girl who came into my place of employment resembled Tara greatly. It doesn't mean its her, but I cant seem to remember her name now, only that in 2008 she was on the board of directors for the Henderson County Apple Festival, it might be worth checking into, I just looked and she is not on the board now, and I have never been able to find any pictures of her in the county which I thought was interesting since she was part of such an important thing.
I remembered the name, and it is Tara. I found a photo from facebook and a photo online and did a layover on facebook. I am unsure if I am allowed to post the 2 pictures for your input. Please advise...
If you can help Tara's friends, family and others who care about her, post what you have.. If there's a problem with it, the moderators will fix it.

However, and I am saying this so as not to get your hopes up and have your feelings be hurt later, there really is no way to determine if someone who doesn't identify herself as Tara Grinstead is Tara without DNA testing or fingerprinting at the least.

I've had my own " doppelganger" so to speak.... I never would have believed that 2 people could be mistaken for each other so often until it happened to me. Just saying. :) I hope Tara is alive and well somewhere. There is no reason to think she's in any type of WIT SEC program ( Witness protection program), so I think your person's photo is acceptable to post. Not sure that any name other than Tara's is, though.
I compared the pics. So far I do not think it is Tara.
There are different teeth gaps and when I set the face pics to the size
where the eyes were the same size then other features would not line up
or match size. (I am not an expert in comparing faces so take this
as just one person's opinion.)

Still, I can see why you thought it a possibility.
I think it could be her. The face is fuller, but Tara was known to gain weight pretty rapidly. Also, she could have had a child and put on some pounds in the face. It happens.

As far as dental work- Tara was smart about changing one's smile and features. She could easily have had veneers, or changed veneers..
I see similarities in hairline, eyes, and mouth. In fact, I don't see anything that makes me go " No way" and I do about most photo comparisons.

THE UID lady's CHIN shape is broader.. but a chin implant would change the shape. Tara would probably go for this, as she has a small, almost pointy chin in her photos.... as well as having some more cosmetic dental work. A young and beautiful person who wants to disappear forever WILL need to change certain things about their appearance if they stay in the USA.

I think this should be looked at with professional face recognition software. I wish and hope this can go to the FBI!!!

The things which make me think this MIGHT be Tara-- Style of dress, big hair, makeup, large smile, size, and eyes. At this point, with no other info or photos, I'd be more than 50% inclined to think it could be her.

Maybe wishful thinking, IDK.. The person in the UID photo looks so happy, radiantly happy and healthy. That's what I want for Tara most of all!!
I always thought some random stranger saw Tara that day at the Pageant and followed her home. She was sweet and friendly and very tired that night and may have let someone in or open the door.

It could be she left in a car with someone she knew. I think her obssession with the ex boyfriend would have brought her out of hiding. She would be too tempted.

I think it could be her. The face is fuller, but Tara was known to gain weight pretty rapidly. Also, she could have had a child and put on some pounds in the face. It happens.

As far as dental work- Tara was smart about changing one's smile and features. She could easily have had veneers, or changed veneers..
I see similarities in hairline, eyes, and mouth. In fact, I don't see anything that makes me go " No way" and I do about most photo comparisons.

THE UID lady's CHIN shape is broader.. but a chin implant would change the shape. Tara would probably go for this, as she has a small, almost pointy chin in her photos.... as well as having some more cosmetic dental work. A young and beautiful person who wants to disappear forever WILL need to change certain things about their appearance if they stay in the USA.

I think this should be looked at with professional face recognition software. I wish and hope this can go to the FBI!!!

The things which make me think this MIGHT be Tara-- Style of dress, big hair, makeup, large smile, size, and eyes. At this point, with no other info or photos, I'd be more than 50% inclined to think it could be her.

Maybe wishful thinking, IDK.. The person in the UID photo looks so happy, radiantly happy and healthy. That's what I want for Tara most of all!!
I really see a lot of similarity in the cheek bones...
I can see why you thought she was similar in appearance. Respectfully, Tara's face shape is different imo, and the space between Tara's lips to her chin seems to be longer than the woman whose picture was reproduced from the facebook page. I think Tara's face is much more of an oval with a somewhat pointed chin. JMO.
who knows whether that glove is even related to the case/dissapearance?
2.her reaction to Harper ending the relationship makes me wonder whether she didn't do something stupid (like meeting with the wrong people,etc),it's obvious that it affected her deeply
A taxi service would have had a record of the fare, but would most likely had to have come from Tifton. Also, there would be phone records to that effect.

This made me chuckle a bit, as horrible as it may seem. Might be because I'm a Tifton native. There are, seriously, three cabs in Tifton, and none that will travel that far, as it's about a twenty minute drive one way just to Irwin County, not counting Ocilla, which is another ten to fifteen minute click.
Out of curiousity, I googled the name Tara and Hendersonville, NC Apple Festival to see if I could see who you all were talking about last summer. I did find a Tara who had been the Board President in 2010. However, aside from hair color and the fact that they are both generally attractive, I don't see a resemblance. Also, this person is not fat at all, so I don't understand certain comments as far as mentioning that it could be Tara if Tara had gained some weight.

Other search results on this person display both a maiden and married name for her in some professional situations as well as on facebook. She is also married with 2 kids and on one article I found about the apple festival, criticizing something she had changed about the festival, that woman's husband was in the comment section defending and referred to her as his wife of 14 years (in 2010). So, unless there is a different Tara associated with that apple festival, I'm pretty sure it's not the same person.
This made me chuckle a bit, as horrible as it may seem. Might be because I'm a Tifton native. There are, seriously, three cabs in Tifton, and none that will travel that far, as it's about a twenty minute drive one way just to Irwin County, not counting Ocilla, which is another ten to fifteen minute click.


Thank you very much for signing on and giving us your perspective.

Are there any theories that locals lean more towards, DraugrWight?

Thank you very much for signing on and giving us your perspective.

Are there any theories that locals lean more towards, DraugrWight?

Thank you!

Most that still talk about it think she's in what's left of Crystal Lake. I can understand the logic behind it: It's deep, sometimes divers who go in don't come out, and the underground spring comes out on one of the rivers a good bit away.

As for who did it, I've never heard anyone point fingers. Just a lot of 'oh how horrible's. Any indication that people are still looking is gone in Ocilla. The billboard that used to be up is gone now; or, at least it was when I came down from Eastman to see my parents.
That is interesting and I appreciate your response. I am 50/50 on voluntary disappearance. If she didnt disappear on her own, I would have to say that I think her BIL piques my interest.

Of the men who seemed to be persons of interest at one time or another, who would have had the most knowledge or access to Crystal Lake? Is it a well known area or more for the local crowd?
That is interesting and I appreciate your response. I am 50/50 on voluntary disappearance. If she didnt disappear on her own, I would have to say that I think her BIL piques my interest.

Of the men who seemed to be persons of interest at one time or another, who would have had the most knowledge or access to Crystal Lake? Is it a well known area or more for the local crowd?

It used to be a summer hangout, kind of a water park, back when I was a kid. But it was shut down years ago and for the most part it's dried up, except for the spring that goes to the underground aquifer.

I believe there's a sheriff's deputy that lives on the land in a trailer for free, to keep an eye on the place, and some hunters do occasionally get permission to hunt the large acreage around the place, but it's pretty restricted, otherwise. It's over near Irwinville, not that far from Tifton, Ocilla, and Fitzgerald. I mean, my mom and I used to go every weekend.

So my guess? And this is reaching to an extent, because while I know a few people involved in this personally, most of them I don't - anyone friendly with LE. The ex might have a 'solid alibi' but the fact is, down here, there really is a Boys In Blue club. Personally, I've always felt hinky about his story, knowing how things are in Ocilla. Never really have liked it: My stepdad's bff is friends with some of them, and I've seen them at gatherings out on his farm, and it's just one of those things.
DraugrWright, Thank you for your take on the case and I didn't realize you were new...so welcome! :) For the most part, I agree with you as far as a POI. I have had concerns for a long time that Tara's case might not ever be solved due to as you describe the "Boys in Blue club" atmosphere. It just breaks my heart, the whole situation. The Crystal Lake possibility is new to me, so thank you for that info.
DraugrWright, Thank you for your take on the case and I didn't realize you were new...so welcome! :) For the most part, I agree with you as far as a POI. I have had concerns for a long time that Tara's case might not ever be solved due to as you describe the "Boys in Blue club" atmosphere. It just breaks my heart, the whole situation. The Crystal Lake possibility is new to me, so thank you for that info.

Thank you, and np. Crystal Lake was one of those places that, if you weren't in south Georgia or north Florida during the 80s and very early 90s, you probably wouldn't know about it. It was kind of our little weekend day get away and so it kind of sticks in my mind from childhood, along with the fact that it's never been searched, afaik, even if were it me doing the poking around, it'd be one of the first places I'd hit, considering how off-limits it is now, as the land is privately owned.

Here's a link about it.

The fact that the Adcock family owns it makes it doubly hinky and doubly suspicious, but I don't know if I could explain why.
DraugrWight, maybe you would be interested in heading to the Marcus Harper thread and help us out a little?

I will confess that his ability to account minute by minute (iirc) for his alibi seems a little strange.

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