Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #14

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I think Britt was abducted by a local she didn't know; that said I think the ROC crew might know something or have knowledge of who. Like someone else said there is no other reason that would really make sense for them to avoid giving statements or much to LE.

It is hard to say what involvement they might have but they sure act guilty. I'm not just speaking about the boys. I think the girls behavior is even worse.

I wish the investigators would re-interview this bunch! Also, with all the survelliance on the street when Britt was walking you'd think someone would have picked up on something- be it a van pulling up, or one of the girls/guys from her group, something....
I was kind of sad to see the reward as only $6000 on the NG show, is that correct? You'd think some business or something in MB would have put up some money, tourist towns don't like unsolved crimes like this...
At one time the reward was $11,000. A minister had put up some money. I don't know if that reward had an expiration date on it like the Short family's reward money does.
Hi everybody...

Been a while since I posted, but I'm always lurking around :online:

First off -<modsnip>...

IIRC - Prior to this show, NO ONE has ever implied that the 3-4 POIs were anyone from the Rochester gang .. it was once alluded that these POIs were from the area where her cell phone pinged, which has been called "North Santee Area" , "Georgetown-Charleston county line" , "Just north of McClellanville" , "Southern Georgetown county" ... I don't have the media links handy, but I quoted them dozens of times, a couple threads back...

1) Do you think Brittanee was abducted, whether voluntary or forceful, by (1) Someone she knew from the Rochester Gang -OR- (2) Someone native to the Georgetown-Charleston County area?

2) Do you think Brittanee WAS or WAS NOT with her cell phone as it travelled south?

(Very anxious to see the results from this, <modsnip) IMO)

I believe Brittanee was abducted by a native to the Georgetown-Charleston area, but due to the actions of the Rochester gang, I don't feel a possible connection to one or more can be ruled out.

Also, I think Brittanee was with her phone while it traveled South for awhile, but not the entire time. ie. I think the phone was tossed before they reached their destination.
I haven't posted in a while but always read here everyday and was hoping they found something this past weekend. I said a special prayer. I just finished watching the 50 days 50 nights special on Brittanee from the Nancy Grace show. A few things I wanted to post about.
1. I think they should definitely rule out the Rochester boys and the girls immediately. Whats the hold up? 2 years later and they can't say her boyfriend is ruled out, the Rochester boys that left in the middle of the night last seen with her are ruled out, or the girls she fought with that she went down there with are ruled out? In order to move on to a stranger abduction they need to rule all these people out first. I never understood why all the above parties didn't volunteer to search for her or volunteer information. Wouldn't you want to help a girl you partied with or spent time with? Even if they weren't the closest of friends...give me a break. I've heard the one girl talk crap about Brit and her family after her disappearance too. And the one guy, not mentioning a name, lawyering up fast. Anyone of in this party have knowledge of the area her signal pinged last? Any family or friends live around there?
2. If there was a stranger abduction, which is def possible with the history of the area it happened very fast. Could a security guard or receptionist at the front of the hotel know someone that traffics women and made a call saying a girl just left alone or something. Was all hotel staff accounted for?
3. If she got into a car willingly if could of been from the boys she left or the girls that came to find her over the shorts. I'm surprised there wasn't any footage of her after she leaves the hotel, what is some surrounding areas that has a camera.
I feel bad for Brit bc she wasn't with good company or friends on this trip, as a friend I would never let one of my girlfriends walk off by herself especially in a place that aren't familiar with.
I pray something was found this past weekend and we just don't know about it. Are there any cameras on the street or gas stations they can check for a certain car, to rule out the girls or boys car in route to where her cell phone pinged last?
Interesting results...

It seems many of you think the perps are local, but have some sort of tie to one or more of the Rochester gang. This would explain a lot - It would explain the odd (to say the least) behavior of the Rochester folks, and might also explain LE's interest in the area near the Santee rivers.

I've been trying to figure out what on earth they could be "searching" for.. It's been almost two years.. The only thing I can think of is perhaps an article of clothing, or the cell phone. Even the clothing doesn't make much sense to me, as it would have decomposed by now. I've always wondered why they don't use metal detectors. They have large-scale metal detectors that can be set up to check squares of land, (X,Y) Most of these locations, being very remote, seems like there wouldn't be a problem with "false positives" (i.e. - underground pipes, wiring, etc.) -- Just a thought..

I'm :fence: ... I still feel the possibility that this whole thing is local, and those kids from Chili are just selfish brats, who have no respect for human life, and don't know how to respect authority.
Jumping off your post Italianangel...

Someone correct me if I'm wrong please!

Okay, we know that PB was interviewed by the MBPD by way of some type of vid/teleconference and that he was kinda mentioned as a POI at one time. And then there are brief statements from others on at least one of the police reports - but that's just their statements, right? Doesn't mean they were questioned as in interrogated, right?

It's been said that MBPD really can't do anything to question these people because they are back in NY? Really? Or have I missed somewhere that an MBPD investigator or two has gone to NY to question all of those who had contact with Britt in the last few hours before she went missing?

If I'm not wrong and MBPD hasn't sent an investigator to NY can anyone explain to me why? I hear of investigators going all over the place to talk to people about cases...why not in this instance?

I really don't understand why (here it is coming up on 2 yrs) that those who were with Britt don't agree to be interviewed by anyone. It's obvious that no one is going to prosecute them for taking a minor over state lines or contributing to the deliquency of a minor or anything else that they could possibly be charged with...or that would have already been done.

Somehow they believe they have managed to distance themselves from everything to do with Britt...yet here we are (almost 2 yrs. later) and they are still intertwined in the theories. Until they are properly questioned and ruled out by MBPD, the very person they distanced themselves from will be with them forever...well at least until some answers are found.

Even if they had nothing to do with Britt's disappearance, they will be forever connected in others minds and people will always wonder...did they know something? Are they hiding something?

I, personally, can't imagine living my life wondering what people would be wondering about me in an instance such as this. But maybe it's that they simply just don't care. I would definitely want to be ruled out and would do everything in my power to make sure that happened.
ITA with all you said, MB...

As I said earlier, even if they were scared of getting in trouble at the time, wouldn't at least one of them have now matured to the point where they realize that if they weren't directly responsible, they are safe from punishment for the things you mentioned, and have a legal and moral responsibility to come forward to tell everything they know...the response here seems to indicate most of us think they know more than they have said...I mean these kids are moving on with their lives and maybe even starting families of their own...There comes a point when they have to grow up and wonder: What if this were my daughter some day?
Nosy - Yes, where is there responsibility in all of this? To me this doesn't look good for friendships, future employers... (trust issues/suspicion).

It appears to me that none of these kids (or those that are friends with them) just don't care...none of them have no empathy towards Britt, her parents, or siblings.

Any ROC locals know what's going on in the PO situation that came up a few months ago?
I haven't posted in awhile, but am still thinking of this case and wishing for hope. I see the searches haven't turned up anything new. There is always hope though and I believe in all the people working on this case.
I am late to MLatta's poll, but I wanted to state my belief anyway:

I think someone unknown to Britt kidnapped and killed her, taking her to Georgetown with her phone (unknown to kidnapper/s). I think her phone is with her purse or being held as a memento by the killer. I think the killer has killed before Britt.
I also think that the ROC crew has nothing to do with the murder/kidnapping.
That said, I think they showed incredibly poor judgement and made really awful decisions regarding the underage teen that was with them. I think they acted and still act strange/uncaring because they were all involved in illegal activities and they all knew that they didn't want to be caught, suspected, or named as drug abusers/users or contributors to Britt being missing. I think they were all high most of the weekend.....and I think that their drug use made them paranoid, mean, and aloof about what happened and what to do regarding Britt. I think the reason most of them are still silent on Britt's case is that many of them are still the same sort of people they were before.....still involved in the same self-interested behaviors, still partying it up and not worrying about the consequences. My opinion only!!
Nosy - Yes, where is there responsibility in all of this? To me this doesn't look good for friendships, future employers... (trust issues/suspicion).

It appears to me that none of these kids (or those that are friends with them) just don't care...none of them have no empathy towards Britt, her parents, or siblings.

Any ROC locals know what's going on in the PO situation that came up a few months ago?

MB I haven't seen anything since that first article on PO but I'll tell you what it says to me; PO has it in him to rape a girl. Which is probably what happened to Britt. This from the person who stayed in the same room with her. I can't say enough how it frustrates me this doesn't wake anyone up. Also PO lived in Lumberton, NC with JO correct? So isn't he one of the people with some knowledge of the area.
i wouldnt be to quick to rule out Roc gang, due why would DD now request LE to question them? all this came last weekend,someone at search gave one of the Investigated a tip,so its odd that Cue,dd asking LE to get roc group to talk,and since sled,fbi is involed they can probley has/will be in NY to question them,but from my understanding two guys not in NY anymore,one moved that refused to talk to LE that first nite,,,, MBLOVER its been hush hush on PO so something rattled the search last weekend,,,and ive been talking to DD and Cue they not acting as Tclan is important anymore,more or less they searching for cell,not BD herself,,,,,and i fear the worse,but DD and her family has hold to Hope,so i dont like say she or anyone is killed,nobody truly knows,,,,
Big hugs to Britt's Family, I had high hopes for this search &#9829; I really think she will be found soon. I am so mad at myself for missing the NG show.
New Area of Interest after tip last week

GEORGETOWN COUNTY, SC (WMBF) - Investigators with the Myrtle Beach Police Department searched with dogs Saturday morning in response to a tip concerning the disappearance of missing teen Brittanee Drexel.

Lieutenant Capp with the MBPD said the search was conducted in a concentrated area after a tip came in after the last search. K-9 units based in Columbia assisted in the search, but no clues were reported.

The MBPD does not plan to conduct another search soon unless new leads are brought forward.

Brittanee Drexel disappeared almost two years ago, when she was 17 years old, after leaving a resort along Ocean Boulevard in Myrtle Beach. Drexel came to the Grand Strand without her parents consent.
This article has more information and has 2 new areas;

Myrtle Beach K-9 units, investigators explore Drexel tip

Credit: SCNOW Archive

Missing New York teenager, Brittanee Drexel

By Mason Snyder
Published: February 06, 2011
Investigators searched two areas Saturday, following a tip that came in from a recent weekend search for missing New York teenager, Brittanee Drexel.

Myrtle Beach Police Lt. Chuck Capp said investigators received several tips during their last large scale search along Old Georgetown Road and Rutledge Road in Charleston County.

Capp said a person came to investigators on January 29th and said that "word on the street" was there were two places they should look into.One of those places was in Georgetown County.

Another location was in Charleston County.

Capp wouldn't release the specific location in order to protect the ongoing investigation.

K9 units from Starr Search Team, out of Richland County, assisted in the search.

"We take every tip seriously," Capp said. "We have to look into every tip that comes in, in case something leads us to more information about this girl's disappearance."

Capp said the search team worked for about four hours Saturday but found nothing.

He said the rain made it more difficult to search.

Investigators will most likely conduct another search in the two areas, Capp said, but no date or time had been set for an additional search.
It's sad to know there are many people who know what happened to her and where she is. Glad to know they are going back to the 2 areas cause 4 hours is most likely not long enough to find her or any clues
New Area of Interest after tip last week
The MBPD does not plan to conduct another search soon unless new leads are brought forward.


This article has more information and has 2 new areas;

Myrtle Beach K-9 units, investigators explore Drexel tip

Credit: SCNOW Archive

Missing New York teenager, Brittanee Drexel

By Mason Snyder
Published: February 06, 2011
"We take every tip seriously," Capp said. "We have to look into every tip that comes in, in case something leads us to more information about this girl's disappearance."

Capp said the search team worked for about four hours Saturday but found nothing.

He said the rain made it more difficult to search.

Investigators will most likely conduct another search in the two areas, Capp said, but no date or time had been set for an additional search.

Above respectfully snipped and BBM.

(I thought I posted a reply already but apparently it went to cyberspace so don't blame me if it comes up later!).

One article says no new searches planned without new tip and the other one says there will be new searches based on tip already received just not sure when. Which is it? :waitasec:

I agree, RochesterGirl- 4 hours is definitely not close to enough time for a thorough search unless they got something incredibly specific (i.e. in an abandoned car at such and such a location).
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