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I have to wonder if this has captured the attention of LE. Perhaps evidence of involvement in the Kesse case could be bartered during sentencing? I don't advocate giving special treatment, but this case MUST be solved.
wow, they're both pieces of work

um, the second one in the slideshow seems the best candidate for a match but he also seems too tall

and the person in the video looks white to me - with lighter brown hair - not darker hair like these two (granted the 2nd guy in the slideshow does have lighter skin & hair than the first)

I don't think these two are connected

I haven't read about this case in a long time - was it ruled out that the guy in the video could just be some random person walking by?
Marin and Monzalvo lived on Citadel Drive with their wives and other family.
This shows how close they lived to Jennifer's condo.


Juan Hernandez-Monzalvo, 24 yrs old 5’8” 140 lbs
http://www.cfnews13.com/uploadedFiles/Stories/Local/Juan Hernandez-Monzalvo's arrest affidavit.pdf

Richard Morales-Marin, 23 yrs old 5’9” 175 lbs
http://www.cfnews13.com/uploadedFiles/Stories/Local/Richard Morales-Marin's arrest affidavit.pdf

Both men worked construction. Hernandez- Monzalvo bears a resemblance to Jennifer's POI in stature and build. I wish I could post a screen shot side by side but I am not sure if that would infringe copyrights.
wow, they're both pieces of work

um, the second one in the slideshow seems the best candidate for a match but he also seems too tall

and the person in the video looks white to me - with lighter brown hair - not darker hair like these two (granted the 2nd guy in the slideshow does have lighter skin & hair than the first)

I don't think these two are connected

I haven't read about this case in a long time - was it ruled out that the guy in the video could just be some random person walking by?

IIRC the videotape altered the appearance of the clothing color so skin color was thought to be tan olive. The POI was seen pulling in, parking Jennifer's car and leaving on foot so that vireo IS of someone involved.
Marin and Monzalvo lived on Citadel Drive with their wives and other family.
This shows how close they lived to Jennifer's condo.


Juan Hernandez-Monzalvo, 24 yrs old 5’8” 140 lbs
http://www.cfnews13.com/uploadedFiles/Stories/Local/Juan Hernandez-Monzalvo's arrest affidavit.pdf

Richard Morales-Marin, 23 yrs old 5’9” 175 lbs
http://www.cfnews13.com/uploadedFiles/Stories/Local/Richard Morales-Marin's arrest affidavit.pdf

Both men worked construction. Hernandez- Monzalvo bears a resemblance to Jennifer's POI in stature and build. I wish I could post a screen shot side by side but I am not sure if that would infringe copyrights.

I would try it and just give photo credit. I think it is important to see the side by side. It is rather unsettling. The construction aspect especially.
How do you solve this case?

There is no body.
There is no apparent crime scene.
There are no witnesses.
The only evidence is a piece of DNA that some future technology might be able to use.

Whilst there are security camera photos of a suspect the face is obscured and it is difficult to determine whether the gender is male or female.

It is now about 193 weeks since the abduction. The case is very cold with no sign of a breakthrough.

There are thousands of unsolved cases and this one, sadly, looks like being added to the list.
Marin and Monzalvo lived on Citadel Drive with their wives and other family.
This shows how close they lived to Jennifer's condo.


Juan Hernandez-Monzalvo, 24 yrs old 5’8” 140 lbs

Richard Morales-Marin, 23 yrs old 5’9” 175 lbs

Both men worked construction. Hernandez- Monzalvo bears a resemblance to Jennifer's POI in stature and build. I wish I could post a screen shot side by side but I am not sure if that would infringe copyrights.

Thanks for the info. Thank goodness they found these scumbags guilty for raping that 12 year old girl. I hope they never get out of prison. When I see Juan laughing after arrest and then crying in court, and Richard smirking, it makes me sick.

Agree about Juan resemblance. Attached is a side-by-side (you may have to zoom in).


  • Rapists.jpg
    72.6 KB · Views: 249
Thanks for the info. Thank goodness they found these scumbags guilty for raping that 12 year old girl. I hope they never get out of prison. When I see Juan laughing after arrest and then crying in court, and Richard smirking, it makes me sick.

Agree about Juan resemblance. Attached is a side-by-side (you may have to zoom in).

Thank you for the great summary and map. I hope LE looks at the employment record for Richard and Juan at the timeframe of Jennifer's disappearance. IIRC there was not enough DNA in Jenn's car to compare to anyone.
How do you solve this case?

There is no body.
There is no apparent crime scene.
There are no witnesses.
The only evidence is a piece of DNA that some future technology might be able to use.

Whilst there are security camera photos of a suspect the face is obscured and it is difficult to determine whether the gender is male or female.

It is now about 193 weeks since the abduction. The case is very cold with no sign of a breakthrough.

There are thousands of unsolved cases and this one, sadly, looks like being added to the list.

I hold out hope that something will solve this case.
Thanks for the info. Thank goodness they found these scumbags guilty for raping that 12 year old girl. I hope they never get out of prison. When I see Juan laughing after arrest and then crying in court, and Richard smirking, it makes me sick.

Agree about Juan resemblance. Attached is a side-by-side (you may have to zoom in).

With sentencing for these 2 pieces of carp....fast approaching....IF they had ANYTHING at all to do with Jennifer Kesse, or IF someone knows of their involvement....I would think that it may come up in an effort to either get a lighter sentence OR impact their sentencing in some way.
Shortly after the disappearance of Jennifer K, my son was pulled over and questioned as a person of interest in her disappearance. Because of the grainy photo, a woman who saw my son leaving work decided that he looked like this person and pointed him out to the police. My son was pulled over and questioned by the police, and luckily for us he was let go. Please note that my son is over 6' tall, thin, white. He was wearing a black ball cap and a white t-shirt due to his job as a kitchen manager. In other words, anyone could be a POI.
When the Orlando police tested the surveillance camera, they knew that their dark uniforms showed up light in the image. It is unacceptable that they did not determine and publicize the color or range of colors of clothing that would render as was captured of the POI.

Instead they were quoted as saying don't worry about the clothes. Completely unacceptable.

That leads to people thinking that what they are looking at is what they would see, white shirt, etc., leading to accusations against kitchen workers. Whether white and dark clothes render to the same light color I have no way of knowing, but clearly they are not white because they look white. The dark blue police uniforms rendered the same way. (and obviously is a factor in my analysis).

Concerning the hat, this is what I most recently posted about it.

I finally got things rearranged/set up to where I could hook up my laptop to a large screen (for big screen tv). Whenever I look at my Blowup of Jennifer Kesse person of interest / suspect pictures on a much different setup I try to look at them with a fresh perspective, as in what might this show me that I haven't seen before.

With the very large screen I noticed an unmistakable pattern to the back of the biking helmet. The pattern is so precise that I have no doubt a particular model or style of helmet should be identifiable.

I have isolated the helmet from suspect stills 1 and 2:



The first, from still 2, shows the precise pattern of the back of the helmet, at least clearly discernable on a large monitor at 1024x768. The top of the helmet descends smoothly until there is a dip to a lower level, then extends on back and then slightly back in and out again, causing a double hump in back. From the double hump it descends downward and inward in a slight stairstep pattern, causing a zigzag effect in a profile view.

That particular blowup is darkened to the degree that the helmet and hair cannot be discerned from each other. The second picture above, from still 1, shows the profile of the helmet over the hair.

I took a quick look at hundreds of biking helmet pictures with Google Images and all the ones that came close were mountain bike helmets. I posted a few below, including one with the dip and one without but with a similar double hump:




I feel that the helmet and holster are extremely distinguishable by their shapes and can only guess at the reasons for the resistance [by investigators] in identifying the equipment and uniform of this suspect dressed as a law enforcement officer.


P.S. Re-reading, when I wrote that post on my site it was intended for law enforcement as to resistance in publically dealing with this information and investigating it. Reposting here I just now realized sounds like it is written to you, but is not. Whether anyone else is or isn't in agreement with me is not a matter of resistance but your opinion. :) Police don't have that luxury. I have presented evidence and it should be acknowledged and investigated or refuted. They would do so if I called in that I had a vision she was in a warehouse. This is just much harder to deal with.
Just a thought, if POI really is just 5'3 to 5'5 tall he is really small for a man. Maybe a teenager or a woman?
Person of Interest in Jennifer Kesse Case
Friday, May 18, 2007

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," May 17, 2007. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Breaking news in the Jennifer Kesse case.

We have covered her strange disappearance extensively. You remember the beautiful young financial analyst who vanished 16 months ago. She was 24 at the time. Jennifer had returned from a Caribbean cruise with her boyfriend and then never showed up at work the next day. Police found Jennifer's Chevy Malibu at a condo complex near her home, and surveillance video showed someone near her car.

Tonight police are releasing new evidence. Joining us, Sergeant Barbara Jones of the Orlando Police Department. Welcome, Sergeant Jones.


VAN SUSTEREN: Sergeant, when we first covered this disappearance about a year-and-a-half ago on this show, we showed video of a man walking past appear area near to where the car was parked. That was released by the police department, was it not?

More transcript at link...

JONES: Yes, the image that the public saw were still photos that were taken from video surveillance that was from a camera at the apartment complex or condominium complex where her vehicle was taken. We labeled that person as a person of interest. We had the entire video, which we released the rest of the video, which shows this — with the person that we were calling the person of interest parking her vehicle in the condominium complex, exiting the car and then, we believe, walking by that gated area, which is the still photo that people shot — that people saw. The difference now is, is we are publicly announcing that now we consider this person of interest an actual suspect in the disappearance of Jennifer Kesse.
Hi Lindsay, that's from three years ago. Had me shook up there for a moment thinking they had just identified a suspect. :)

Wish it were so.

Hi Lindsay, that's from three years ago. Had me shook up there for a moment thinking they had just identified a suspect. :)

Wish it were so.


Oh really? sorry for the confusion. I just saw the link posted on someone's FB and thought it was new.
I recently found this image of Monzalvo with a bowl type haircut... What do you think when comparing it with the POI in Jenn's case?


image from this link... http://www.clickorlando.com/news/21479183/detail.html#

I agree Harmony...here is the other photo...at first it looked like a hat...but now that you mention it...it looks more like hair...possibly a recent hair cut on the lower portion side burns (not on top) of head...JMHO

I agree Harmony...here is the other photo...at first it looked like a hat...but now that you mention it...it looks more like hair...possibly a recent hair cut on the lower portion side burns (not on top) of head...JMHO


Thank you for your reply!!! This is a pdf of the POI which can be enlarged or minimized in size to cut down the distortion and fuzzy edges...

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