GUILTY CA - Nina Reiser, 31, Oakland, 3 September 2006

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Some of Nina's actions seem very calculated to me. Has no one engaged a PI to try to find her in Russia? If he seriously thinks she's alive, that would seem like a no-brainer to me.
Can you please "expand" on your comment that Nina actions seemed calculated and give examples.
Some of Nina's actions seem very calculated to me. Has no one engaged a PI to try to find her in Russia? If he seriously thinks she's alive, that would seem like a no-brainer to me.

No decent mother in her right mind would leave children behind; therefore, she probably isn't in Russia.
Cyber - I'll have to go find the articles, but the timing of certain things such as applications for Russian passports for her children, the initiation of the divorce (apparently just after she became an American citizen) She has a medical degree and is translating? She was hiding money?

I'll be interested to follow the facts that come out in trial, but Nina was not stupid either. I allow for the possibility that she is somehow still alive and in Russia or elsewhere.
How can a person travel to Russia with their own passport and there is no record of the flight.

In this day and age no one can travel from the US to anywhere without a record. Heck my last name was mis spelled by one letter,(as in one c instead of two) and I had to have my ticket changed.

Also, on the Monday after she "went" missing, Hans went to the kids school and told them to contact him in case of an emergency with the kids.

At that point, no one knew that Nina was missing. Why would Hans go to the school and tell them to contact him and not his wife, especially when he did not have custody of the kids.

I would say that she waited for US citizenship to initiate a Divorce. After all the kids are US born. Also if she wanted to practice medicine in the USA I would assume she would need a US citizenship. She was biding her time. If she was not a citizen, she could have been deported from the US and the kids would have had to stay in the US with their Dad, while she had to go back to Russia. She would not have wanted the kids to stay "just with Dad" in the USA because of his past "alleged" abusive conduct.

As for the passports, she probably planned on taking the kids to Russia either to live or to visit after the Divorce.

Also, we only have the "other" sides account that she was hiding money. But considering the conduct of her husband, a lot of women, especially considering Divorce would want a "nest" egg just in case the "spousal" support and or child support was ordered by the court, but hubby "refused" to pay.

You seem to ignore the evidence that is going to be presented as in DNA evidence and biological evidence.

No mother who has "sole" custody of her kids, is just going to leave them behind to the person who lost custody. No way, no how.

I also find it interesting that Nina's mom was awarded custody of the kids and none of Hans relatives. They do seem manipulative.
If you have two passports and one is in your maiden name and one is in your married name. Remember she's Russian. If you have overstayed your visa in the US and you are leaving, they don't ask any questions. They want you out. And a false passport is not difficult if you have the money and the connections. No one is saying she travelled on either a US or a Russian passport OUT of the US.

On the Monday when she went missing, she didn't turn up to collect the kids, so what would you do? She didn't need passports to visit Russia and if she was planning to do a runner with the kids that would be illegal, wouldn't it?

All of the facts, the real facts will come out at trial. I reserve judgement until we have a lot more than just media and the tittle tattle of he said, she said, but I am open to the possibility that Nina is not missing but hiding. I do think that Reiser is being judged because of his oddness.
You would need an "official name change to get a new passport". She did not have a US passport. So she has one in her maiden name, which lets just say she was issued in Russia in 1990. She used that passport to travel with to the USA. Then she has "to officially" change her name to her married name of Reiser and get a new passport from lets just say the "Russian Embassy", well one would think that a)they would require the other passport and b)there would have been a record of her obtaining her "new" passport. I would think that the Defense would investigate this.

I never "officially" change my name after all of the years I have been married. Guess what, I could not get a new passport in my "married" name because I did not officially change it when I got married. My passport "is in my maiden name because of it".

Even if you fly out of the US, there is still a record, with all the "alleged" terrorist suspects, there would still be a record of your ticket and flight, in your married name or maiden name. There is no way around that, Especially given all of the concern about people fleeing the country who are criminals or fugitives or whatever.

Hans knew that she "was not going" to pick up the kids. No one else knew this. Also at this point he did not have full custody, but "limited" visitation. No one else knew that Nina was missing, except Hans.

He could not control the court process, he could not control Nina, he could not control how the court would rule. Nina was to start a new job, just days after she went missing. She was not the full time Mom that Hans wanted her to be, but she was doing what she wanted to do. She had the kids. According to newspaper articles, the Divorce proceeding was not going well. Remember men do not take "foreign" wives so that the wife would be treated equal. They want the wife to be traditional, to obey, to do as the husband says. They feel that the wife "owes" the husband for the "US" experience of "taking them out of Russia".

So you want me to believe, that a women buys food, puts the groceries in her vehicle, goes to her "soon to be "ex husbands house" to drop off the kids and then "disappears off the face of the earth". The last person to see her alive is "the disgruntled ex husband".

You have to understand how the mind of Hans works. Logically. To solve a problem he would want the easiest way out. Killing Nina would solve every one of his problems. To him it would seem logically to get rid of "the uppity" wife who is causing him problems in the Divorce proceedings.

I have no doubt that Hans killed Nina. None. Oh I forgot, Hans "may" testify he knows where Nina is. Well if that is the case, he would have told the Police if he "knew" where she is by now.

The Defense is using a tactic of smoke and mirrors. Trying to "muddy" the water with Russia, KGB, etc. But unless they have "proof" of that she is living in Russia, that is unfounded, not based in fact.

Men have killed their wives during Divorce proceedings, it often happens. Especially in a Divorce that is not going well for them, they don't have custody of the kids, they have to pay child support and the wife will get some of the martial assets. Remember "Nina" was just seen as the "wife and mother" she had not other value to Hans.

He did not want her to work, he was the breadwinner. He did not want her to have a career, he just wanted her to stay at home and have more kids. This is what he wanted, not what she wanted.

I again do not feel that a mother who had "sole" custody of her kids would take off, leave them to the "Dad" who was not awarded custody.
That's great if you are getting an American passport. What if you are getting a Russian passport or a Mexican passport or a Bolivian passport. If you were planning to run away and fake your own disappearance, you would get your resources together, get your kids appropriate passports, get yourself a new identity and disappear. I don't think everyone thinks the same way -- mother or not. She may have taken the long view and thought she could see how things went and then turn up if she had to. I'm also left wondering how her parents got permission to take the children out of the country. They couldn't visit them here??

She may be dead and it may be at his hand, but I do think there are some very calculated things on her part that are being alleged and I look forward to seeing this case come to trial and all these questions being answered.

Given the millions of people that travel in and out of American airports everyday, do you really think that a white woman is going to get the kind of scrutiny a middle eastern looking man gets? The morons held a British Muslim Minister from the UK last week at Dulles airport. This whole delusion of airport scrutiny and intelligence is a farce.
If she had passports for the kids, it would make sense if she was running away to take the kids with her. After all she did have sole custody so therefore she could show court papers at the airport that "she had the right" to take the kids out of the country.

Well if there is any evidence of a fake passport. Please provide it to me. You "may think" that it is easy to get a "fake Russian Passport" in the US, but I doubt it very much. What about her job. She was to start a new job, just days after she went missing.

Like I said before, why spend 156 dollars on groceries, drop your kids off at Dads. This does not add up. Then days later her vehicle is found with rotted groceries inside. That is not calculated. Grocery shopping is a "non event", but going to her ex husbands is. There was concern about "her safety" in court proceedings. Allegations of abuse with her son. Does a mother who "alleges" abuses in court proceedings, then "abandon" her child to the "alleged" abuser. Not a chance.

She had everything to live for, her kids, a new job, she had friends in the USA, a good education, a career with a chance to become a Doctor in the US and practice medicine. Two kids.

She had nothing in Russia. She had already taken the kids back to Russia for a visit(I would assume this is what the Passports for the kids were for) and she returned. If she wanted to stay in Russia with the kids, she could have.

Hans "got rid" of his problem. He lost control of his wife. So to get "control" back and "have things" go his way, he killed her and all of his problems are solved. Too many "wives" go missing and hubby "claims" that they took off, when in reality in time it is well proven that they were killed by their husband. This is no different from the many, many other cases out there "where eventually" they find a body.
I don't think this case is as fantastic and complicated as people are making it-I believe Hans killed her and used his big brain to do a really good job of hiding her body. All the S&M stuff, serial killing, international intrigue is a great job on behalf of his attorneys to get something to stick on someone other than Hans.
Hans pleaded not guilty on Aug. 25 to a civil contempt charge of failure to pay 50 percent medical expenses and child care expenses as ordered by a judge and the case was scheduled for trial in October.

The weekend of Nina's 'disappearance' in early September was like a perfect storm. Hans' mother was away from the house attending the Burning Man festival and her absence offered Hans the opportunity to murder Nina and dispose of the body, do the cleanup, etc, without anyone around to witness. Oh, except for those pesky kids and the neighbor who saw him washing off the driveway area of the house. Having his mom's car available to him was handy too. He had to do it before that trial date in October, and he was still 'steaming' from the Aug. 25 decision. He had to do it that weekend.

There are so many pieces of circumstantial evidence as well as peculiar behaviors on the part of Hans that it would be difficult for me to conclude that he didn't do it.

All this passport stuff is meaningless. Besides, I don't think it was about passports, I think it was said by the defense that she had gotten the kids Russian citizenship without Hans' knowledge.
NEW: Reiser son to testify in court
By Chris Metinko, Staff writer
Article Last Updated: 11/07/2007 02:18:38 PM PST

OAKLAND — After months of speculation, the lead prosecutor in the Hans Reiser trial told the jury today that the couple's oldest child will testify in court.

"The couple's 8-year-old son, Rory, will take the stand, Alameda County Deputy District Attorney Paul Hora told the jury during day two of his lengthy opening statement. Rory and his sister Nio, 6, were placed in foster care after Nina Reiser mysteriously disappeared and currently are living with Nina Reiser's mother in Russia.

According to Hora, the young boy has given differing accounts of what occurred around the time his mother disappeared. However, now in Russia and undergoing therapy, Hora said Rory recently spoke about some strange behavior and sounds he heard in his father's home the day Nina Reiser went missing."


"Just this past June, Hora said, Rory told people that the night his mother disappeared he was at his father's house in Montclair. However, his father did not sleep in the basement of the home with him and his sister, as he usually did, he said. He also recounted seeing and hearing someone come down the steps to the basement, late at night, carrying something big."

much more in this article
Prosecutor: Linux Engineer Reiser Coaxed Son to Cover up Mom's Murder

By David Kravets November 07, 2007 | 4:07:42 PM


"OAKLAND, California -- Hans Reiser, the Linux engineer who is a black belt in judo, might have choked his estranged wife to death and possibly coaxed his 6-year-old son to help cover it up, a prosecutor told jurors here Wednesday during the second day of Reiser's murder trial.

"There are a lot of different chokes," prosecutor Paul Hora told jurors as he explained the art of judo. "It's fast. It's quiet. It's deadly.""


""We know Nina didn't leave the Exeter residence alive," Hora told the 12-member jury."


"Jurors appeared hypnotized by Hora's every word as he described several interviews the authorities had with the couple's 6-year-old son in the days and months following the woman's disappearance Sept. 3, 2006.

During one interview with the boy, according to Hora, the child said "I'm not telling the police anything about my dad." The prosecutor added that the boy said "The police might try to track him down."

The interviewer, Hora said, told the authorities he knew that because "My dad said so."

Still, Hora told the jury that the credibility of the boy was questionable. "He's just not reliable because he's so little," Hora said. He speculated that the boy's answers had "been influenced."

He said the boy, who is expected to testify later, was shaky on the details. Or, Hora said, "He's intentionally not revealing them.""


"Hora, the prosecutor, told the jury that in June, the young boy drew a picture of the staircase at the Exeter Drive house and told mental health professionals he had a vision of somebody carrying something big down the stairs the night his mother went missing. "I was scared. I started shaking. I closed my eyes as tight as I could," Hora said, recounting the boy's account.

Hora told jurors that perhaps the boy was telling the truth, or "maybe it was his imagination.""


"DuBois (defense attorney) and Reiser's relationship is anything but cordial. The two are often seen verbally fighting one another at the defense table, even as Hora is outlining his case to jurors.

"There's abrasion there," DuBois told reporters. "Hans has an abrasive personality."

DuBois said his client was in low spirits as his trial gets underway. "It's a little bit of a downer to be on trial for murder -- a murder you did not commit.""
Thanks for the update, i.b. The fact that Rory is coming at all is a boost for the prosecution. It also rankled me that Nina's family seemed to be happy to stay away from the trial.

I look forward to hearing Mr. DuBois.
I was under the impression that you need a VISA and other "specific" things to enter the USA from Russia. Please don't assume that "Nina's well educated and well off family" choose to stay away from the trial. They may choose to not put themselves through the trial. That again is their decision.

Not everyone wants to attend a trial and hear all of the details.
I was under the impression that you need a VISA and other "specific" things to enter the USA from Russia.

Indeed, a VISA is required, and that is what took awhile after the 'disappearance' for Nina's mother to arrive.
I was reading a story in `Wired` online.

A few facts that I was unaware of: Hans Reiser `had no problem in playing ultra violent video games with his son. He has no idea why anyone would have a problem with violent video games for pre-school kids.

Not only was Nina vehicle found 3 miles from Reiser`s mom house, but her purse was in the passenger seat with 94.07 in cash, her cell phone with the battery removed and another 24.60 on or in the console. Plus the 156 in rotting groceries in the van.

Reiser`s car went `missing that weekend and he used his Mom`s car, he refused to return his Mom`s car to her as he `has not found his`.

Dad tells son to `be careful` as he `thinks that Nina may have `ties`to the Russian Mob.

Son take `counter measure to elude the unmarked cars and plane following him. In Dad`s mind these `must be the Russian Mob following his son `because these measures are beyond the scope of local police. Dad says either the Russian Mob or the Russian Spy agency. Dad tells son how to evade them. It was the local police of course.

Hans `borrowed`84K from his friend and refused to pay it back. Of course his `Dad thinks this is all of Nina`s fault as he is sure she was taking money from the company hence the son had to borrow money.

Mom is a `new age guru`type of person with a device called the hope and fear meter.

According to a person Hans is known to be unstable and arrogant.

Everyone from the FBI to Interpol have looked for Nina all over the world and to no avail. She was going to take an exam to be a US Doctor on September 20 and was going to start a new job.
Taxi Mom: The article that you link to is from November 7, 2007. Right now they are showing a movie of "Nina at her son's birthday party when she was six. The children's doctor testified, the BF

The Jury was looking at the movie and smiling. Rory really enjoyed his party. The Children's Doctor testified at Nina holding and comforting the children at the Doctors. Hans Reiser threatened to take the Doctor to Court if she did not stop being the Children's Doctor. Hans claimed "Nina" "friend" was molesting the children. They read testimony from HR Mom, that Nina would leave the children. Then in court testimony in defense of her son, she says: Nina must have run off to Russia. Changed her story when son on trial for murder. BF left many messages for Nina, friends left messages. BF had date on September 3, with Nina. She was starting a job in two weeks and had scheduled the first of three exams to become a US Doctor.

The prosecution: Nina was a Mom who would never leave her kids, her friends.

Defense: Nina was of questionable character who "was enjoying" dating various men, was a terrible Mom, used Hans, money grubbing and left for Russia and could not care less about the kids.

I hope the jury does not buy that. Hans seemed to do whatever it takes to "make things" very difficult for Nina and resented the fact that she wanted a Divorce from him. He subscribes to the "everything is Nina's fault, not mine. I am not to blame.

Can't get the article from the Mercury News though. They don't accept my postal code, keeps asking for zip code.

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