Caylee Anthony 2 years old #10-General Discussion

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Sorry my questions and thoughts might be off point, I keep having to log back on?

Where did all of Caylee's personal items go? She had to have had toys and numerous articles of clothing with being gone so long. Any description from what she was wearing the day Casey left her with the alleged nanny? Has a drawing been constructed of the alleged nanny from Casey's prior description and her clothing? The case is a missing person case and at any time the case can take an added new twist, such as now a death investigation now looking like a potential homicide. There is plenty not yet privy to the public. GMA wants her belief in Cassy to be real. Attacking the Detective's for Cassy's sake is not helping to find Caylee. GMA knows this is more than a missing but keeps trying to spin it around only one way.... back to defending Cassy's reputation. In the meanwhile the missing of Caylee is being taken serious by law enforcement, they have to follow all leads and I'm sure their heads are also spinning. Cassy do that right thing by your daughter, talk the truth. Facts please!

Dr. Arnall, thank you for being with us. Very quickly, if a body was decomposing in the trunk of Casey Anthony`s car, is it possible to find human cells from the decomposition fluids?


GRACE: Explain. How would it work?

ARNALL: If the body was placed in the trunk immediately after death, it might take a couple of days to decompose in that type of heat. During that time period, the cells that begin to slip off the body could be deposited on the carpet.

If the body had been buried in the backyard and was in the process of decomposition before it was placed in the trunk, then when it was placed in the trunk, the -- there`s a process of skin slippage and.

GRACE: Right.

ARNALL: . and softening of the tissue, that`s going to deposit on the carpet in a relatively short period of time, perhaps minutes. So there`s going to be cells and fluid from that body on the carpet.

GRACE: Dr. Arnall, yes, no -- from those fluids, from DNA, can scientists determine whether the body is dead or alive?

ARNALL: No, I don`t think they can determine.


ARNALL: Well, in the sense, they can`t determine whether it was dead or alive when it`s placed there. But it`s obvious, if the body is decomposed, it`s dead.
Nancy Grace is back on now. I hope she shows the conglomerated video again of Cindy's many lies. You all have GOT to watch that if you can.
I think Casey could of been posting from her boyfriends house? Cindy spoke to Amy to find out where Casey was, and Cindy went and got Casey.
that is a good possiblity.. could also be why the first thing she asked on the phone from jail when she talked to her brother was the phone number of anthony (same bf)
Where did anyone get the idea she OD'd Caylee? I haven't seen any reference to this and I honestly don't believe it happened.

Constructively, if there is any hope in getting to the truth in this case...we should be concentrating on places she could have taken Caylee after she put her in the trunk. There are no searches that we know of taking place to find her. We would have to begin at Cindy's house until the car was found at Amscot on Goldenrod and Colonial on June 27th. I would like to see some organized searches out looking for this child!!
I have a couple of friends that do have seizures and they don't go to the hospital for them, unless they become extreme. Normally, their husbands know to just wait it out and keep them comfortable and safe as much as possible.

I quoted the wrong person, but in regards to seizures most commonly in kids that young its caused by a high fever. I'm pretty sure you are supposed to take the kid to the ER then...

And strangely, Xanax is classified as a benzodiazapene and other drugs in the same drug class are prescribed for seizures, like Klonopin.

Also, someone asked how much would be too dangerous for a Cylee...the answer is probably not that much. I was prescribed it for panic attacks, I only need to take it about once a month but I am always afraid to because I am on the smallest dose and it can really knock me off my feet.

Also, in my opinion the name Zenaida "Zanny" has nothing to do with Xanax...I've known women by that name...well not the whole one. I still don't see where it fits in the picture though.

This is so creepy. I see what you're saying. So IYO, it wasn't a lucky guess that a ZFG went there to see an apt. and you just happen to use that name as a babysitter and bring LE there? Well, that wasn't too difficult. Sorry, Blink. I'm so exhausted. I think there's some connection with this merry band as well.

With you my dearest RR- rest..
I think Casey could of been posting from her boyfriends house? Cindy spoke to Amy to find out where Casey was, and Cindy went and got Casey.
I thought they picked Casey up from Ricardo's apt, the same place that Amy is living.

But I don't remember Cindy actually saying on the witness stand where she went to get Casey, and I can't find an address for Tony the boyfriend to gauge distance.
Good night everyone. Hug your children, and trust no one - except those of us here at WebSleuths!!! I am tired and have another long day ahead. I am pissed that we don't have an answer yet. Keep up your good work. Wish I could help more, but believe me when I say that what you are doing matters - it does! Otherwise, cases like this would go into a box of evidence in the basement. We demand an answer.
she seems way manic to me or on diet pills! If she has underlying bpd wouldn't this crisis possible expolde her axis I dx/her bpd symptoms? I just hope this is over soon all around. I can imagine her poor friends are going thru some hard times as well..


wonder why media is staying away from the friends since they might hold clues to the last days of Caylee's life...or the last known days where she was....interesting eh???:confused:

The friends have probably been told by LE not to talk to the media. We saw Amy's reaction when reporters showed up........she kept saying she couldn't talk about the case and kept trying to close the door. It was video-taped and brief.
I think because Amy had come back midday she was still considered to be on "vacation". So for Amy real life would pick up on the 16th. Casey didn't realize that Amy would find out about the checks and all so quickly. Or what the next 12 hours held for her either.
I seem to always agree with absolut..... LOL you are one smart person! Anyhoo...

You hit on what I have only just begun to realize...that casey was not prepared for how fast this was going to go down. She did not think amy would find out so quickly about the theft, that her car had been sent back to daddy (I bet she never thought ahead to those small details that businesses will tow a car since she never had a job), that her mother would actually call the cops and not believe her nanny lie. She was caught completely off guard (eeehheeemm...clears throat...thanks to gma...ok I said it).

And it fits that her lies escalated just like our new poster has talked about with her own son that has the same issues with lying. She backed herself into a complete corner.

So what she said in that arrest afadavit...they are all lies. But they have to be based on something that she knows from somewhere. LE will untangle it all...

They need to work with a psychiatrist or forensic psychologist who can in turn work with the family to unravel the lies. (and with friends as well)
Yep, Mohabi, you hit it on the head. Cindy nurtured Casey. Cindy created a daughter that is capable of lying like Casey. I have no respect for that. None. Zippo. Nadda. None. I have an 18 year old daughter who is wonderful beyond belief. I kicked her out of the house a few weeks ago - because she LIED to me. Harsh??? Yes, it was...and I am still sorry for my actions. I let her come back home the next day. She had gone to the beach with some friends who she was graduating with, and I found out they stayed some place different than what she had told me. Totally stupid, but the principle is - SHE LIED TO ME!!! I went what I call "going psycho" on her. Not something to be proud of, but it is learned behavior. It is exactly what I would have received from my parents if I had lied to them. Lying is totally taboo in my family. Lying and bad attitudes are the ONLY thing that will make me chop your head off. What I am witnessing in this current situation with Caylee, is a situation where lying is the norm. THAT is so wrong on so many levels, and is a perfect recipe for disaster - which is what we are dealing with - a missing child and a family that is so comfortable with lies that they believe them theirselves. When pressed up against the wall, they revert to what is a stupid lie that is unbelievable to anyone but theirselves. This is a perfect example of a tragic not-so-comedy. Nothing is funny here. Everything is twisted and stupid. Again - give me five minutes alone with Mom or GM.

Don't be sorry for your actions. You made your point with your daughter and the point stands because it was RIGHT.

As for the people in question in this thread (Casie and Caylee), they seem to be living in such an alternate reality that I just can't follow them. Should you need help in those five minutes alone with Mom or GM, let me know. We might get their feet back on the ground so they know again what is REALLY going on. A child is missing. It's about the child, not them. Someone needs to slam their fist on the table and end this incredible charade.
The friends have probably been told by LE not to talk to the media. We saw Amy's reaction when reporters showed up........she kept saying she couldn't talk about the case and kept trying to close the door. It was video-taped and brief.
Actually, she probably does have information material to the case and seems to be keeping her mouth shut about it since her visit from LE.

Another discouraging day. Good night, all.
Good night. May our dreams give us inspiration to unravel this sad tale.
Sorry my questions and thoughts might be off point, I keep having to log back on? If you pm , he could probably explain how to prevent that from happening to you!

Where did all of Caylee's personal items go? She had to have had toys and numerous articles of clothing with being gone so long. Great question! All we heard they found in the vehicle was the carseat. Nothing about personal items. Great question!!

Any description from what she was wearing the day Casey left her with the alleged nanny? The last time she was seen she was wearing a blue and pink outfit and white-rimmed sunglasses.

Has a drawing been constructed of the alleged nanny from Casey's prior description and her clothing? Law Enforcement (LE) has not released any information to say this has happened, but we have not seen any sketch or heard of one.

The case is a missing person case and at any time the case can take an added new twist, such as now a death investigation now looking like a potential homicide. There is plenty not yet privy to the public. I agree!

GMA wants her belief in Casey to be real. Attacking the Detective's for Casey's sake is not helping to find Caylee. Cutting off the Judge didn't help her either. Cindy may want to believe in her daughter, but she is truly alienating those who are willing to help find her grandchild in the process.

GMA knows this is more than a missing but keeps trying to spin it around only one way.... back to defending Casey's reputation. In the meanwhile the missing of Caylee is being taken serious by law enforcement, they have to follow all leads and I'm sure their heads are also spinning. Casey do that right thing by your daughter, talk the truth. Facts please!
Her daughter's reputation didn't have far to go to tank, if you ask me. Cindy wants to believe the "perfect family" she created in her mind is still intact and wants to project this to the world at all cost, imo. She needs to wake up to the fact that their reputation is the last thing that matters now. Finding that darling baby is!

Welcome to WS! :)
Where did anyone get the idea she OD'd Caylee? I haven't seen any reference to this and I honestly don't believe it happened.

Constructively, if there is any hope in getting to the truth in this case...we should be concentrating on places she could have taken Caylee after she put her in the trunk. There are no searches that we know of taking place to find her. We would have to begin at Cindy's house until the car was found at Amscot on Goldenrod and Colonial on June 27th. I would like to see some organized searches out looking for this child!! back from around thread 5 or 6 to was discussed quite a bit and quite in depth. One poster linked that xanax is called a ZANNY. There were a lot of posts on it and, in my opinion, it was not out of question. Zanny the Nanny. I know it is sick. but anything is possible here and there were so many hours this kid was with her mom at parties... anyhoo.. that is where it is coming from.
lol...all body fluids including blood, etc, contain the two enzymes putricine and cadaverine in a dead body...beit saliva, blood, etc... :blowkiss: they are not separate fluids

i just wanted to know if it was blood or the 'etc' that they found. i'm sure if they found blood they would have stated it was blood. if it's not blood then it must be fluid from the breakdown of flesh.

i found my answer though thanks.
Where did anyone get the idea she OD'd Caylee? I haven't seen any reference to this and I honestly don't believe it happened.

Constructively, if there is any hope in getting to the truth in this case...we should be concentrating on places she could have taken Caylee after she put her in the trunk. There are no searches that we know of taking place to find her. We would have to begin at Cindy's house until the car was found at Amscot on Goldenrod and Colonial on June 27th. I would like to see some organized searches out looking for this child!!

i did actually start a thread on this.
I think Casey could of been posting from her boyfriends house? Cindy spoke to Amy to find out where Casey was, and Cindy went and got Casey.

Why would Cass feel safe at Amy's boyfriends house, yet she claimed she was worried about where Caylee went and says nothing? Why would Amy's boyfriend allow her to hang there so long, boy her friends seem flaky. Did he not have a job? Was this not Amy's boyfriend and not Cass's boyfriend? Wonder if Amy called GMA and told her about the stolen funds on top of GMA receiving a tow car letter? I really think GMA was angry about the car and possibly Amy's loss and that is really why she showed up, she then realized Caylee was not with Cass. Shame Cass could look her mother in the eye and continue to lie about her own daughter Caylee. That is not worry or concern.

How can all of her friends fall for the nanny bit for so long? Unless nanny was cece (GMA) in their minds. How did Caylee reference GMA to Cass's slew of friends, was it really CeCe or Nanny? Wonder if Cass has a split personalitiy? She had to have been given a drug test in jail.
Not necessarily. Xanax will often remove some social inhibitions, causing a person to say out loud what they think of someone else, for instance. Also, it can make a person act impulsively -- making up information without thinking through the consequences of statements. I think it's possible that Xanax explains some of Cindy's behavior and statements, considering the situation she's in. (What exactly that situation is, I'm not at all sure.)

Thanks Steadfast! :)
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