2011.07.11 Greta Van Sustern interview with Jury Foreperson

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Jun 24, 2011
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Well Juror #11 (foreman)is on Fox News being interviewed by Greta. He doesn't have the guts to show his face. Anyway it's obvious he was the one that directed EVERYONE to vote not guilty.
Would love to hear WSers thoughts on the Greta Van Suseren "On The Record" interview with the Jury Foreperson tonight. Has anyone else watched it yet?
Well Juror #11 (foreman)is on Fox News being interviewed by Greta. He doesn't have the guts to show his face. Anyway it's obvious he was the one that directed EVERYONE to vote not guilty.

Can anyone BLAME him. Geez...People are acting like the jurors are the spawn of Satan and want to physically harm them. I'm just thankful that he had the GUTS to even speak.
I did not watch the interview as it is common knowledge that people like this are compensated for their appearences, (ABC 'news' rewarded one juror with an all expense paid vacation to Disney). I DID email the show, Fox News & the fox parent company to voice my opinion & ask for disclosure regarding compensation.

However - I read an article concerning the interview. He whined that it was the prosecution's fault.

Seems these **** 12 learned a valuable lesson from the killer; accept NO responsibility for your actions and point the finger at somebody ELSE.

How ironic is it that this iresponsible 12, in their overwhelming haste to return to their homes, rather than make the effort to do their job, find that 'returning home' as fast as possible has made it impossible for their lives to return to normal.

I myself have zero sympathy for these **** 12.
Blaming everybody else, JUST LIKE THE KILLER, makes sympathy impossible.


The first part of this interview is also discussed in the 2011.07.11 HLN News Coverage thread.

Link to 1st part of interview:


Thanks for the links. He sounded intelligent but I noted that he mentioned GA being home on the 15th (also quoted in the link). GA was working the evening of the 15th. The 15th was the day of the visit to Mt. Dora and the video of Caylee.

The 16th was the day that GA was home in the morning to the early afternoon. I wonder how this info figured into their deliberations.
Can anyone BLAME him. Geez...People are acting like the jurors are the spawn of Satan and want to physically harm them. I'm just thankful that he had the GUTS to even speak.

I think most everyone could have accepted their verdict even if they didn't agree with it -if they had taken some time to discuss the evidence. If they did discuss it, it must have been before they were suppose to. Some of the technical evidence - bugs, plant growth, etc was boring but necessary. This jury wanted to discuss GA being the guilty person instead of the one on trial. They were given proof that CA lied. They knew that casey was such a big liar, partied like there was no end for all of that time knowing her daughter was dead (no matter how she died, she knew Cayless was dead).
If they had gone over everything and still made the same verdit, I would not have liked it but would have at least thought they did the job the best they could. After receiving instructions on what they were to consider or not consider, they were given printed copies they could refer to. They were not to consider opening statements although they were impressed with JB's (that he did not prove) and just thought Linda's was ok. From the time they left the courtroom to deliberate, they had to select a foreman, have some meals, get their straw vote, talk in general, go over evidence and then reach a decision, and sign all of those papers ... How much time do you think they took?
Enough time for a "round robin" without any review of evidence, or notes? Why rehash it all in deliberations? The foreman called it "snowballing" I believe.
I am a 59 year old high school drop out.

I listened to the jury instructions too and this is what I heard.

Blah,blah,blah, don't have to show HOW Caylee died or WHY she was killed.
I've been trying to not watch any tv coverage of the trial, the jurors, the talking heads..etc... Unfortunately last night I watched some of this interview...it was a BIG mistake...I'm STILL so angry!!!

You would thing George was on trial instead of the murderess ... they scrutinized everything george said.. but looked at NO evidence (of the piles and mountains ).. that pointed to the murderess Casey.

I didn't watch the whole interview.. i couldn't bear it. I believe someone posted that he thought Casey was a "nice person", "well spoken".. where did he get THAT from.. her jailhouse videos.. "just get me Tony's number".. you all are a huge waste... I can't "SHWALLOW"..

Its all so unbelieivable.. I feel like the world is upside down... and Greta just sits there and nods her head.. not even asking anything substantial.... seems like he pretty much ran the interview.. just like he probably railroaded the rest of the jury!!!

Ok.. lesson learned.. those jurors are NEVER going to say anything intelligent or make me think they did their jobs.. the more they talk.. the more ridiculous their thought process sounds...OMG... NO MORE CASEY ANTHONY TV COVERAGE FOR ME!!!!
I am one that would have tried my best to respect a verdict of not guilty if I knew that they actually followed the jury instructions, actually reviewed the evidence and applied the law. They clearly DID NOT.
First, in 11 hours, they assembled, elected a foreman, read the voluminous stack of papers in the instructions, had lunch twice, which was probably two hours, and then actively and with great care, deliberated? Nope. The math doesn't add up.
They focused on the sexual abuse comments which by law were NOT evidence and should have NEVER been allowed to be part of the deliberations. They focused on the sexual abuse. That was in opening arguments and NOT allowed as evidence. JP dropped the ball there. He assumed that they understood that and he trusted them to NOT include it in deliberations. They never asked for one clarification, not one read back. They never asked to see the video or listen to the audio. Now come on, how much did they deliberate or really review the evidence. Just to read the instructions and understand them would have taken several hours. I would have tried to respect the verdict had they come to it in a legal, honest way. That is not the case. Also, I kept waiting for JP to start telling them to disregard any questions to which he ruled "sustained" during the trial. I had a feeling that they didn't understand and JB dirty tricks were working by getting the question out there in the air JP only said it a very few times. This jury needed much more teaching and more babysitting than the Judge realized. They blew it by not following the law. Juror #11 made it clear in his interview when he focused on George and said that they couldn't convict because the State never proved how Caylee died. If that was a requisite of a guilty verdict then someone needs to hurry up and let Scott Peterson go! No one ever proved how Laci died either. This bunch coming together in a trial hijacked by the likes of JB formed the perfect sick and incompetent storm.
Thanks for the links. He sounded intelligent but I noted that he mentioned GA being home on the 15th (also quoted in the link). GA was working the evening of the 15th. The 15th was the day of the visit to Mt. Dora and the video of Caylee.

The 16th was the day that GA was home in the morning to the early afternoon. I wonder how this info figured into their deliberations.

This whole thing is killing me because ALL of us know the only reason GA was specific about seeing them leave on the 16th at 1250pm because when people lie they are specific! The fight the night before was always denies but that's when she Really took Caylee and killed her when she was that mad at her mom. The problem is her motive was not to party it was to get back at her mom, JA knew it but could not bring it in because the A's were covering it all up with a new story.

Just kill me, I am still reeling from this!
I've been trying to not watch any tv coverage of the trial, the jurors, the talking heads..etc... Unfortunately last night I watched some of this interview...it was a BIG mistake...I'm STILL so angry!!!

You would thing George was on trial instead of the murderess ... they scrutinized everything george said.. but looked at NO evidence (of the piles and mountains ).. that pointed to the murderess Casey.

I didn't watch the whole interview.. i couldn't bear it. I believe someone posted that he thought Casey was a "nice person", "well spoken".. where did he get THAT from.. her jailhouse videos.. "just get me Tony's number".. you all are a huge waste... I can't "SHWALLOW"..

Its all so unbelieivable.. I feel like the world is upside down... and Greta just sits there and nods her head.. not even asking anything substantial.... seems like he pretty much ran the interview.. just like he probably railroaded the rest of the jury!!!

Ok.. lesson learned.. those jurors are NEVER going to say anything intelligent or make me think they did their jobs.. the more they talk.. the more ridiculous their thought process sounds...OMG... NO MORE CASEY ANTHONY TV COVERAGE FOR ME!!!!

George should get a fair trial too. The hypocrite defense team has defamed many people in the media.

And the jurors were stupid if they did not realize that the jail house call was the real Casey Anthony, not the videotaped visits or police interviews, when she was acting.
I continue to ask one question. Who released the names of the jurors. We the general public do not have the names. Yet family members of juror number 3 were being called during sequestration.

So I continue to ask, who released the names? How are sequestered jurors lined up on the very next day with media? How can a trip to Disney for an extended family arranged so quickly?

Who got the names of these other jurors that are speaking? Something is wrong here. Why is the judge withholding the names from the general public when in fact these jurors are known to the media?
If this foreman was any kind of leader, he would have been the leader of the truth.
Thanks for the links. He sounded intelligent but I noted that he mentioned GA being home on the 15th (also quoted in the link). GA was working the evening of the 15th. The 15th was the day of the visit to Mt. Dora and the video of Caylee.

The 16th was the day that GA was home in the morning to the early afternoon. I wonder how this info figured into their deliberations.

Yeah but I guess he didn't feel it necessary to refer back to his 400 pages of notes. Maybe he'll come across it when he begins his book. <-------Sarcasm intended.
It is as if GEORGE was the one on trial, not Casey, judging from the jury foreman. The jury THINKS that George was lying. But it was PROVEN that Casey DID lie - and HOW! And about WHAT!!!
I don´t think this jury connected the dots, and they certainly weren´t able to put two and two together. Casey´s proven lies about WHERE HER LITTLE GIRL WAS: with her nanny, at the beach, blah, blah, blah, when she full well knew that she was DEAD, rotting in the woods, while partying like crazy, Bella Vita and all. Nope, they didn´t connect the dots at all.
I was pleased when I heard the first not guilty from the jury, because it had NOT been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that it was premeditated murder IMO.
I was OK about the second not guilty, not really proven either.
But at the third, I was seriously APPALLED!!! In my view it was proven that there was at least aggravated child abuse.
She got away with it by sticking to her lies, by playing the victim and throwing her father under the bus, she got away with it because she is a very tiny, feminine and child-like woman.
Personally I think she is a very dangerous individual. This jury is going to regret their verdict at a later date, I predict, because this is not Casey´s last serious crime - and perhaps not even the first. There just might be a buried little baby skeleton somewhere out there, wasn´t there some talk about her having been "bloated" earlier? I think it was Lee who mentioned it. After all, the Anthonys didn´t notice that Casey was pregnant until the SEVENTH month! Her mother a NURSE!
I am one that would have tried my best to respect a verdict of not guilty if I knew that they actually followed the jury instructions, actually reviewed the evidence and applied the law. They clearly DID NOT.
First, in 11 hours, they assembled, elected a foreman, read the voluminous stack of papers in the instructions, had lunch twice, which was probably two hours, and then actively and with great care, deliberated? Nope. The math doesn't add up.
They focused on the sexual abuse comments which by law were NOT evidence and should have NEVER been allowed to be part of the deliberations. They focused on the sexual abuse. That was in opening arguments and NOT allowed as evidence. JP dropped the ball there. He assumed that they understood that and he trusted them to NOT include it in deliberations. They never asked for one clarification, not one read back. They never asked to see the video or listen to the audio. Now come on, how much did they deliberate or really review the evidence. Just to read the instructions and understand them would have taken several hours. I would have tried to respect the verdict had they come to it in a legal, honest way. That is not the case. Also, I kept waiting for JP to start telling them to disregard any questions to which he ruled "sustained" during the trial. I had a feeling that they didn't understand and JB dirty tricks were working by getting the question out there in the air JP only said it a very few times. This jury needed much more teaching and more babysitting than the Judge realized. They blew it by not following the law. Juror #11 made it clear in his interview when he focused on George and said that they couldn't convict because the State never proved how Caylee died. If that was a requisite of a guilty verdict then someone needs to hurry up and let Scott Peterson go! No one ever proved how Laci died either. This bunch coming together in a trial hijacked by the likes of JB formed the perfect sick and incompetent storm.

Well written and WELCOME to WS! I SO agree with what you've said!
I continue to ask one question. Who released the names of the jurors. We the general public do not have the names. Yet family members of juror number 3 were being called during sequestration.

So I continue to ask, who released the names? How are sequestered jurors lined up on the very next day with media? How can a trip to Disney for an extended family arranged so quickly?

Who got the names of these other jurors that are speaking? Something is wrong here. Why is the judge withholding the names from the general public when in fact these jurors are known to the media?
Very good question. I've been trying to figure this out to. Could it be that they just simply volunteered their names to the media and asked the judge to keep their names private from the public?
I continue to ask one question. Who released the names of the jurors. We the general public do not have the names. Yet family members of juror number 3 were being called during sequestration.

So I continue to ask, who released the names? How are sequestered jurors lined up on the very next day with media? How can a trip to Disney for an extended family arranged so quickly?

Who got the names of these other jurors that are speaking? Something is wrong here. Why is the judge withholding the names from the general public when in fact these jurors are known to the media?

Neighbors, co-workers and family members knew who they were. You don't just go missing for 8 weeks........they were apparently leaked to the press.
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